Tamara Heck

Tamara Heck
DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education · IZB

Doctor of Philosophy


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Additional affiliations
October 2009 - January 2017
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  • Lecturer
  • Deep Web Retrieval, Knowledge Organisation Systems, Communities of Practice, Usability and Perception of Virtual Assistants
October 2009 - January 2017
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
  • Scientific Assistant


Publications (55)
Dieser Band setzt sich mit den Forschungsprozessen zu 20 Forschungssynthesen im Themenfeld der Bildung im digitalen Wandel auseinander, die im Metavorhaben Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich entstanden sind. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen aus einer übergeordneten Perspektive heraus eine Einordnung der Methodik vor und reflektieren die Vorgehensw...
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Dieser Band setzt sich mit den Forschungsprozessen zu 20 Forschungssynthesen im Themenfeld der Bildung im digitalen Wandel auseinander, die im Metavorhaben Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich entstanden sind. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen aus einer übergeordneten Perspektive heraus eine Einordnung der Methodik vor und reflektieren die Vorgehensw...
Searching as a learning process implies that learning occurs during a search process and might happens incidentally, influenced by the context the search takes place and the system that is used. Searching and learning are not isolated but co‐occurring events. Research investigates how search systems can be improved to foster learning processes, int...
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This mapping review addresses scientometric indicators that quantify open scholarship. The goal is to determine what open scholarship metrics are currently being applied and which are discussed, e.g. in policy papers. The paper contributes to a better understanding on how open scholarship is quantitatively recorded in research assessment and where...
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Systematic literature reviews in educational research have become a popular research method. A key point hereby is the choice of bibliographic databases to reach a maximum probability of finding all potentially relevant literature that deals with the research question analyzed in a systematic literature review. Guidelines and handbooks on review re...
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Ten years after the journal’s first publication, we are taking a closer look at the knowledge flows of the output of the journal Publications. We analyzed the papers, topics, their authors and countries to assess the development of scholarly communication within Publications. Our bibliometric analyses show the research journal’s community, where th...
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Open practices in education focus on the actions of learners and teachers regarding openness. The sharing and collaborative creation of open educational resources is at the core of such practices. Digital infrastructures do not only provide environments for these kinds of practices but reflect ideas and implications of open practices through the fu...
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The Open Science Fellow Program built a community where researchers learned how to work openly. Within this environment, questions emerged on what it means to teach openly, i.e. which practices represent open learning and teaching and which examples can be shared amongst colleagues and peers? Different concepts of open educational practices (OEP) a...
Zusammenfassung Pädagogische Informationen über offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) ermöglichen das spezifische Suchen und Teilen dieser Materialien. Der LOM-Standard schlägt u. a. Felder wie Workload, Zielgruppe und Interaktivität vor. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass die Indexierung von Bildungsressourcen mit zusätzlichen Metadaten zeit- und ressourcenaufwe...
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Editormetrics analyses the role of editors of academic journals and their impact on the scientific publication system. Such analyses would best rely on open, structured, and machine-readable data about editors and editorial boards, which still remains rare. To address this shortcoming, the project Open Editors collects data about academic journal e...
Open practices in education focus on the actions of learners and teachers regarding openness. The sharing and collaborative creation of open educational resources is at the core of such practices. Digital infrastructures do not only provide environments for these kinds of practices but reflect ideas and implications of open practices through the fu...
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The Open Science Fellow Program offered a community where researchers learned to work openly. Within this environment, questions came up on how to teach openly, i.e. which practices stand for open learning and teaching and which proven examples can be shared amongst colleagues and peers? Different concepts of open educational practices aim at givin...
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Research that investigates respective researchers’ engagement in Open Science varies widely in the topics addressed, methods employed, and disciplines investigated, which makes it difficult to integrate and compare its results. To investigate current outcomes of Open Science research, and to get a better understanding on well-researched topics and...
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Zusammenfassung. Anlässlich des zehnten Jubiläums der Zeitschrift skizziert der Beitrag die Wirkung der Zeitschrift anhand bibliometrischer Analysen. Die deskriptiven Analysen geben einen Überblick über die Autor_innen und Beitragsarten der Zeitschrift. Referenzanalysen zeigen das wissenschaftliche Netzwerk der Autor_innen der Frühen Bildung auf. Z...
Conference Paper
Introduction. Systematic reviews are a method to synthesise research results for evidence-based decision-making on a specific question. Processes of information seeking and behaviour play a crucial role and might intensively influence the outcomes of a review. This paper proposes an approach to understand the relevance assessment and decision-makin...
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Open informational ecosystems play a crucial role in fostering open educational resources (OER) and allow new opportunities to share and collaborate in the learning and teaching environment. Such ecosystems containing interoperable infrastructures and open interfaces aim at fulfilling user needs and fostering practices related to the concept of OER...
A review of the events surrounding the Heinsberg Study in Germany and the lessons learned for open science practices and communications.
In Zeiten von Corona wird der Ruf nach Zugang zu akademischem Wissen, öffentlich zugänglichen Daten und Studien und einer transparenten Kommunikation immer lauter – kurzum, ‘Open Science’ ist Teil der öffentlichen Debatte geworden. Gleichzeitig werden genau diese Open Science-Praktiken in der Öffentlichkeit vielfach kritisiert bzw. aus dem Kontext...
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How can we make the shift from closed to open practice in research and education? What are incentives for researchers to apply open science and open educational practices, and what hinders them to do so? The OPER study (Open Practices of Educational Researchers), funded by the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science, investigates those questions. St...
Open education includes the access and use of freely licensed material, which is known as open educational resources. Since the idea evolved about 20 years ago, the movement faces the challenge to motivate educators to actively use, create and distribute open learning resources. The reasons are that educators do not know where to find such resource...
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Aspects of open science and scholarly practices are often discussed with a focus on research and research dissemination processes. There is currently less discussion on open science and its influence on learning and teaching in higher education, and reversely. This paper discusses open science in relation to educational practices and resources and...
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Handelte es sich bei dem Beitrag des Präsidenten der Freien Universität Berlin Günther M. Ziegler “Die Bedeutung der Verlage wandelt sich” wieder nur um ein “Loblied auf “Open Access" als Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens”? Diesen Vorwurf jedenfalls machte Wolfgang Sander dem Präsidenten in seinem kurzen Kommentar vom 12. Juni 2019. Doch...
Keynote. Data und Information Literacy und ihre Relevanz in Hochschulbildung, Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt
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Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit zwei Lehr-/Lernansätzen, die aktuell stark diskutiert werden. Beiden ist gemeinsam, dass sie die Selbstständigkeit und die hohe Aktivität der Lernenden in den Mittelpunkt stellen (selbstreguliertes Lernen) und einen Fokus auf das kollaborative Arbeiten (soziales Lernen) legen. Forschendes Lernen zeichnet sich dadurch...
Conference Paper
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In this workshop, we set up a discussion on opposing approaches to evaluation methods in order to elicit best practice scenarios. We ask what are the best practice methods being used in the OzCHI community to address the complexities inherent in applying triangulation processes? If you already work with or are considering, researching, or working w...
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Collaboration and communication are the basis of a researcher’s scientific craft. New developments and techniques seem to make them easier. The Web 2.0 offers new opportunities to share and exchange resources. But these do not come as a matter of course. A big challenge is the problem of information overload. Recommendation systems can help researc...
Conference Paper
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Information literacy is seen as a key competency in working and everyday life. For library and information science (LIS) students information literacy is a core competency and taught in many LIS university programs. One challenge herewith is to mediate these skills in the best way. This paper tries to answer the question, how students cope with dif...
The combination of informetric analysis and information retrieval allows a twofold application. (1) While in-formetrics analysis is primarily used to gain insights into a scientific domain, it can be used to build recommen-dation or alternative ranking services. They are usually based on methods like co-occurrence or citation analyses. (2) Informat...
Conference Paper
Researchers in almost all scientific disciplines rely heavily on the collaboration of their colleagues. Throughout his or her career, any researcher will build up a social academic network consisting of people with similar scientific interests. A recommendation system could facilitate the process of identifying and finding the right colleagues, as...
Purpose – As researchers need partners to collaborate with, this study aims to provide author recommendation for academic researchers for potential collaboration, conference planning, and compilation of scientific working groups with the help of social information. Hereby the chapter analyzes and compares different similarity metrics in information...
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Recommendation systems are not only important in e-commerce, but in academia as well: They support scientists in finding relevant literature and also potential collaboration partners. It is essential that such a recommendation system proposes the most relevant people. Scientometric similarity measurements like co-citation and bibliographic coupling...
Conference Paper
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Recommendation systems have become an important tool to overcome information overload and help people to make the right choice of needed items, which can be e.g. documents, products, tags or even other people. Last attribute has aroused our interest: Scientists are in need of different collaboration partners, i.e. experts for a special topic simila...
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The purpose of this panel is to look back on seven years of research on folksonomies and tagging systems and to summarize its main contributions as well as to try forecasting the evolution folksonomies will make in the future. Research findings which show the advantages and drawbacks of folksonomies and tagging systems in various scenarios and whic...
Zusammenfassung Empfehlungssysteme haben sich insbesondere im e-Commerce etabliert, aber die Empfehlung von Experten oder Mitarbeitern in einem fi rmeninternen Netzwerk oder in wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wird derzeit noch theoretisch diskutiert. Wir präsentieren einen Ansatz zur Entwicklung von Expertenempfehlungssystemen, der auf Beziehungen i...
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Recommender systems have established mostly in e-commerce, whereas in companies or scientific institutions the recommendation of experts und possible colleagues has yet been discussed mostly theoretically. We propose a recommender system on the basis of Social Bookmarking Systems and Folksonomies, which may help to find communities of practice, whe...


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