Takyiwaa Manuh

Takyiwaa Manuh
UN Economic Commission for Africa · SDPD


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Publications (13)
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The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing was a pivotal moment for legitimating women's rights work in Ghana and served as a powerful framing for women's empowerment. This article explores the Beijing conference and examines its influence on popular notions of and efforts to promote women's empowerment. We argue that the discursive conte...
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Migration is an enduring theme of human history and is considered one of the defining global issues of the twenty-first century. In Ghana, as in other parts of Africa, migration is largely informal and undocumented, making accurate data on the phenomenon extremely scant. Despite this lack of data, the literature points to a long history of populati...
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Following the round of UN Conferences on Women from the 1970s to 1990s, many states in the developing world established national machineries to first ‘integrate women into development,’ and later to spearhead the task of gender mainstreaming adopted in the Beijing Platform of Action. Analyses of these national machineries in different African count...
Technical Report
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The Pathways of Women’s Empowerment research consortium provided an opportunity for hub researchers to plan and conduct research on some common themes (policy processes and discourses on empowerment; work and changes and continuities in women’s everyday lives; popular culture; women in local governance structures), and to be in continuous dialogue...
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Successive post-independence governments have embraced women's empowerment in one form or another, either because of their own ideological positioning, or because of demands by their ‘donor friends/partners’ and/or organized domestic groups and NGOs. What has emerged is a varied landscape on women's rights and empowerment work comprising the state...
LEBO MOLETSANE speaks to TAKYIWAA MANUH about gender and schooling in Ghana and the reasons for the low attendance of girls at school
University Microfilms order no. 9966032. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Indiana University, 1998. Includes bibliographical references.


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