Tadeusz StryjakiewiczAdam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | UAM · Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management
Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz
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Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz works at the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. His research interests are: economic geography, regional and local development. He was/is involved in the following projects: (1) RURACTION - Social entrepreneurship in rural regions (Horizon 2020); (2) RE-CITY - Reviving shrinking cities (Horizon 2020); (3) Spatial dimension of (r)evolution on the car market in Poland (National Science Center).
Skills and Expertise
Publications (165)
AbstrAct: The journal Quaestiones Geographicae, founded by Professor Stefan Kozarski in 1974, has played a key role in the development of geography and related sciences for five decades, promoting both Polish and international scientific research. Initially focused on physical geography, it evolved towards interdisciplinarity, encompassing a broad...
Celem artykułu jest analiza zapomnianego i pozbawionego znaczących artefaktów dziedzictwa kulturowego gminy Wągrowiec, a także przedstawienie pomysłów na jego rewitalizację i uatrakcyjnienie. W publikacji skupiono się przede wszystkim na dziedzictwie związanym z zakonem cystersów oraz rodem Pałuków, ograniczając analizę do obszaru Łekna, Tarnowa Pa...
Polska na przełomie XX i XXI wieku stała się miejscem lokalizacji wielu bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w przemyśle, ze znaczącym udziałem firm produkujących części motoryzacyjne. Duże zmiany nastąpiły również na krajowym rynku samochodowym – auta upowszechniły się jako środek komunikacji indywidualnej. Istotną rolę w tych przemianach odegra...
Celem artykułu jest określenie płaszczyzn problemowo-przedmiotowych dotyczących ujmowania perspektywy prawnej w dyscyplinie geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna. Dla potrzeb realizacji tego celu najpierw wskazano ogólne relacje występujące między naukami geograficznymi i prawnymi. Następnie wyodrębniono i przedstawiono kluczowe...
The purpose of this chapter is to present, in a spatial approach, changes that have occurred within the passenger car market in Poland since 1990 (i.e. since the start of the systemic transformation) under the influence of global, national, regional, and local factors. Defining the most important features of the Polish car market transformation, th...
The article aims to identify the shortcomings of the statistics describing the size and structure of passenger car parc in Poland, and to formulate the consequences of these limitations for geographical research. Analysed in detail, the shortcomings are divided into three groups: (1) ‘dead souls’, i.e. an overestimation of the number of vehicles wh...
This book provides a comparative analysis of shrinking cities in a broad range of postsocialist countries within the so-called Global East, a liminal space between North and South. While shrinking cities have received increased scholarly attention in the past decades, theoretical, and empirical research has remained predominantly centered on the Gl...
The article has two main tasks. On the one hand, it attempts to perform a comparative analysis of the shrinkage process of post-socialist cities in an international perspective and to formulate generalisations and recommendations. On the other hand, it presents the specificity of this process in various national, regional and local contexts. The an...
Aim of the study
A centre-periphery structure reflects spatial inequalities in the level of economic development of countries and regions. Most often, it provides a simplified picture of spatial distribution of income or spatial accessibility. In this study the authors try to identify the relationship between the level of centrality/peripherality o...
Celem pracy jest z jednej strony próba analizy porównawczej procesu kurczenia się miast postsocjalistycznych w perspektywie międzynarodowej oraz sformułowania uogólnień i rekomendacji, a z drugiej strony ukazanie specyfiki tego procesu w odmiennych kontekstach krajowych, regionalnych i lokalnych. Analiza obejmuje trzy megaregiony: postsocjalistyczn...
The aim of the article is to present the chronology of activities that led to the emergence of the discipline 'socio-economic geography and spatial management' in the new classification of science in Poland which has been in for since 2018. The path of emergence of the discussed discipline is analysed from the standpoint of one of the participants...
Rynek samochodów osobowych – ze względu na skalę, dynamikę i konsekwencje jego rozwoju – staje się w coraz większym zakresie przedmiotem badań wielu dyscyplin naukowych, w tym geografii. Przemiany tego rynku są uzależnione w szczególności od dochodów i preferencji mieszkańców, polityki państw i organizacji międzynarodowych oraz poziomu rozwoju gosp...
The aim of the article is to present the chronology of activities that led to the emergence of the discipline "socio-economic geography and spatial management" in the new classification of science in Poland which is in force since 2018. It also presents positive and negative consequences of implementing this classification.
The answer to the question of why cities are shrinking and what the drivers behind this process are is not clear. However, there are common features of urban shrinkage, and each case has its origins and manifestations. In addition, different policies are counteracting the negative consequences of the shrinkage. Regeneration strategies vary a lot, d...
Umiędzynarodowienie badań jest jednym z priorytetów działalności naukowej Zakładu Geografii Ekonomicznej (wcześniej Zakładu Polityki Regionalnej i Integracji Europejskiej) UAM od początku jego istnienia, tj. od 2002 r. Artykuł przedstawia udział Zakładu w kilku międzynarodowych projektach badawczych o akronimach ACRE, CIRES, RurAction, Re-City, Fil...
Reports from the European Commission (e.g. European Commission, 2018) show a relatively high level of motorisation in Poland (leaving the country ranked 6th among EU Member States). The number of cars per 1000 inhabitants is higher here than in any other of the formerly-communist countries acceding to the EU in or after 2004. Unfortunately, however...
Social innovation entered the academic discourse several decades ago and has since been seen as a way of tackling existing problems in various contexts. Although an extensive body of research has been conducted into the role of social innovation in urban context, there is still a gap when it comes to studying the role of social innovation in the de...
This paper aims to analyse to what extent the level and dynamics of development of rural regions located in two firmly different countries, Austria and Portugal, differ. In order to do this, an index to measure the 'structural strength' of rural regions was created. This index is a more holistic measure of socioeconomic development than the traditi...
Презентованы итоги польско-российского научного симпозиума, состоявшегося в
г. Калининград (Россия) на базе Балтийского федерального университета им. И. Канта. The results of the Polish-Russian scientific Symposium held in Kaliningrad (Russia)on the basis of the Kant Baltic Federal University were presented.
Ключевые слова: общественная география,...
Klastry – przestrzenne koncentracje powiązanych ze sobą przedsiębiorstw i instytucji w wybranych branżach gospodarczych – znane są w literaturze jako miejsca umożliwiające tworzenie i rozpowszechnianie specjalistycznej wiedzy. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania porównawczego dotyczącego źródeł wiedzy dla firm na obszarze dwóch klastrów meblarskich...
Clusters are places that facilitate knowledge sharing and dissemination among firms and institutions working in functionally-related fields. Structural changes that take place within clusters over time influence knowledge-related processes and require new approaches towards external knowledge sourcing. In this paper, we use a mixed-method approach...
The research on a creative economy has been gaining momentum globally in the recent years, but the associated concepts such as the cultural economy, the creative class, creative cities and so on, have typically been urban or national in orientation. There is evidence showing that many important developments in creative industries take place now in...
The aim of this article is to analyse one of the important components of contemporary Polish-German relationships, i.e. migration of Polish population to Germany. The scale and dynamics of this process have intensified since Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004 and full opening of the German labour market to Polish citizens in 2011. The...
Nowadays, an important problem in combining vector data and imagery is that they rarely align. This problem can become particularly acute in the case of cadastral systems. In this study, and as part of the partnership between the Universities of Jaén and Adam Mickiewicz (Poznań), we provide a methodological proposal to assess the conflation procedu...
Celem artykułu jest próba czasowej i przestrzennej analizy rynku nowych samochodów osobowych w Polsce (zakupionych przez indywidualnych użytkowników), wykorzystującej różnorodny aparat metodologiczny. Analiza ta obejmuje trzy główne grupy problemów:
-ogólną charakterystykę rynku samochodów osobowych w Polsce w wymiarze czasowym i przestrzennym,
After many years of efforts aimed at reaching a cohesive and inclusive socio-economic development, Poland keeps witnessing some significant disparities in the distribution of wealth. Moreover, these disparities intensified in the course of the post-socialist transition and they have not been diminished by the regional policy of the EU. In this ligh...
The article seeks to identify socio-economic conditions that affect the demand of individual consumers for cars and to analyze spatial differences in these conditions. To achieve this objective, econometric modelling is conducted. The analysis was conducted in all poviats in Poland and covered the years 2010-2015. The findings show that the demand...
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For many years internationalization has not been a strong point of geographical education in post-socialist countries, including Poland. Therefore, all attempts at intensifying it are a real challenge and good practices deserve dissemination. This paper seeks to pre...
This chapter sets up the context and objectives of the book. First, a review of the various definitions used for the cultural and creative industries at the European level is provided highlighting some of the challenges and definitional issues encountered over the last 20 years. Second, some data on the importance of the cultural and creative indus...
The chapter summarises in a very concise way the most important conclusions following from the individual chapters, simultaneously including cross-referencing between them. The results of the research presented in the first part of the book confirm that the interplay between sectoral and spatial dynamics of creative industries is not merely a nice...
The aim of this chapter is to explore how cultural and creative industries (CCIs) can contribute to an economic development of cities and city regions with a focus on the role of different types of specialisation in this process. The role of specialisation is confronted here with that of diversification, which – in turn – contributes to a long-last...
The article seeks to identify socio-economic conditions that affect the demand of individual consumers for cars and to analyse the spatial differences of those conditions. To achieve this objective use was made of methods and models of spatial econometrics. The analysis conducted embraced all poviats in Poland (the secondlevel
unit of the Polish ad...
The goal of this article is to present the scientific output of the Institute of SocioEconomic Geography and Spatial Management of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the field of spatial management. It was put into four problem groups: 1. Institutional-organisational determinants of the research. 2. Research problems, major research projects a...
For many decades most researchers, planners and local authorities have been focusing almost exclusively on urban growth and its socio-economic and spatial consequences. However, in the current debate concerning the future of cities and regions in Europe the process of their shrinkage starts to attract more attention. In the conditions of a declinin...
Over the last years, Poland has invested enormous effort in order to modernise the land registration system, so as to guarantee security of ownership and real property transactions. In this context, and as part of the partnership between the Universities of Jaén and Adam Mikiewicz (Poznan), it has been proposed the possibility of applying several g...
Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja roli klasy kreatywnej w mieście, mobilności tej kategorii osob oraz rozpoznanie czynnikow przyciągania i odpychania reprezentantow roznych kategorii klasy kreatywnej wobec miasta. Analiza opiera sie na dwoch projektach badawczych: ACRE (Accommodating Creative Knowledge. Competitiveness of European Metropolitan R...
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie zalozen programowych i organizacyjnych nowego kierunku studiow podyplomowych pn. Przemysly kultury w polityce rozwoju miast i regionow, ktory zostal przygotowany przez zespol pracownikow Instytutu Geografii Spoleczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu jako innowacja...
This paper seeks to present organisational and programme assumptions of a new field of postgraduate studies called Cultural industries in the development policies of cities and regions, prepared by a team of workers of the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań as a didactic innovation b...
Over the past two decades the cities in Central and Eastern Europe have witnessed a wide-ranging transformation in many aspects. The introduction of a market-oriented economy after half a century of socialism has brought about deep social, economic, cultural and political changes. The first stage of the changes, the 1990s, involved the patching up...
The 2014 Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union is a good occasion for reflections on changes that took place in Polish industrial geography at the turn of the 21st century.This article discusses several issues which – in the author’s opinion – best reflect those changes:
(a) problems with defining the substantive scope of the...
Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie inicjatyw klastrowych jako szansy na rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw przemysłu meblarskiego w Polsce (w szczególności w warunkach kryzysu). Jest to ważna gałąź krajowej gospodarki, generująca ok. 2% PKB i ok. 6% polskiego eksportu. Na początku scharakteryzowano stan polskiego przemysłu meblarskieg...
This chapter addresses the specificity of the development of the creative and knowledge-intensive industries in the post-socialist cities of East Central Europe (ECE) and consequences for policy development. Because of the distinctive pathways of these city-regions, it would be unwise and in fact impossible to copy Western European policies. This c...
The role of so-called creative sector in contemporary urban and regional transformations has been steadily growing. Debate on the creative sector has largely focused on metropolitan regions. Our paper raises questions: (i) Is the creative sector a real newly emerging chance for local development? (ii) What are the conditions for starting or stimula...
The aim of this article is to discuss urban shrinkage in Poland in the context of the post-socialist transformation. The analysis is conducted at two levels: national and local. At the national level an attempt is made to answer the following questions: (1) What are the main features of the post-socialist urban transformation? (2) What is the scale...
Borders, Transborder Relations and Governance. Introduction
The emergence of a creative sector is one of the features of both a structural change of the world economy and society as well as the process of advancing metropolitanisation. Metropolitan areas are among those where this sector develops especially dynamically, and is turning into one of the most important markers of their competitiveness. The iden...
The emergence and rapid development of creative and knowledge-based industries is one of the features of both a structural change of the world economy and society as well as the process of advancing metropolitanization. Metropolitan regions are among those where this sector is developing especially dynamically, turning into one of the most importan...
Ekspansja działalności gospodarczej człowieka powoduje, że coraz większe obszary na kuli ziemskiej reprezentują typ krajobrazu antropogenicznego. Rodzi się pytanie, w jakim stopniu krajobrazy te stanowić mogą walor turystyczny lub środowisko rozwoju turystyki. W niniejszym artykule przedmiotem zainteresowania jest jeden ze składników krajobrazu ant...
The article has a ‘celebratory’ character connected with two jubilees:– the 25th anniversary of the Conference on Industrial Geography, organised by the Institute of Geography, Cracow Pedagogical University, in collaboration with the Industrial Geography Committee of the Polish Geographical Society; and – the 80th birthday of Professor Stanisław Mi...
In the contemporary world, areas characterised by the development of the information economy and society are of particular importance. This article has two goals: a theoretical and an empirical one. From a theoretical perspective, an attempt is made to answer the question of how the growth of the IT sector changes the traditional concepts of indust...