Syifaul Fuada

Syifaul Fuada
Syifaul verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Syifaul verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Indonesia University of Education | UPI · Telecommunications Laboratory

Master of Science
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Syifaul Fuada currently works at the Electronics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Syifaul does research in Engineering Education and Electronic Engineering. Their current project is 'High-Speed Indoor Visible Light Communications.'
Additional affiliations
August 2016 - January 2019
Pusat Mikroelektronika ITB
  • Researcher
January 2013 - December 2013
State University of Malang
  • Asisten Praktikum
  • Asisten praktikum mata kuliah mesin listrik
January 2015 - October 2017
Bandung Institute of Technology
Field of study
  • Microelectronics Engineering


Publications (295)
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The potential of using light as an alternative energy source and a medium for communicating with medical implants is attractive. Light can propagate through biological tissues, and it is well known that maximum penetration takes place with near-infrared (NIR) light. Light has several advantages, making it quite attractive for communication compared...
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This paper proposes what we believe to be a novel approach using near-infrared (NIR) light to jointly provide wireless communication and energy transfer to electronic implantable medical devices (IMDs). The proof-of-concept was implemented on a test bed constructed with commercially available components, including a single-beam 810 nm NIR LED, a mo...
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This research aims to design and develop an Internet of Things (IoT)-based smart door lock system by utilizing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and the Blynk application. The system is designed to improve the level of home security by providing a variety of flexible access methods, including the use of RFID cards, smartphone apps, a...
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Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) encompass the capacity to apply knowledge, skills, and values in comprehending, reflecting, solving problems, making decisions, innovating, and creating new ideas. These skills vary among individuals, especially in learning contexts, problem-solving, and product design. The goal of this study is to evaluate techn...
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The rise of smart home technology has significantly impacted people’s behavior and lifestyle, especially when controlling household electronics remotely. Smart homes have become increasingly commoditized in the last decades, resulting in several vendors offering various commercial products and their variants. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)...
The utilization of actual biological tissue (e.g., pork meat samples) and tissue-mimicking phantoms for optical-based in-body data and energy transfer studies is crucial. Near-infrared (NIR) light, a part of the light spectrum that falls between visible light and infrared, is highly advantageous as a carrier for data transmission due to its superio...
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In this work, we experimentally demonstrate the impact of the in-body device misalignment on the OWC-based in-body communication system. Three cases were investigated: aligned systems and lateral and angular misalignments. We considered an 810 nm Near-infrared (NIR) LED as a transmitter because the optical signal of the mentioned wavelength propaga...
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A simulator is a tool designed to replicate the operations of real-world equipment to aid users in understanding and utilizing them. However, the results of simulator computation often differ slightly from those generated by theoretical calculations. To tackle this issue, various techniques, including theoretical calculations, circuit simulation, a...
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This paper investigates fat tissue as a medium for communication in implantable/ingestible medical device (IMD) systems based on optical wireless communication (OWC). The findings emphasize the importance of tissue characteristics (temperature in particular) for optimizing OWC performance. This study considered Near-infrared (NIR) light with 810 nm...
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This paper explores novel strategies to strengthen the security of Hybrid Wireless Body Area Networks (HyWBANs), which are essential in smart healthcare and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Recognizing the vulnerability of HyWBAN to sophisticated cyber-attacks, we propose an innovative combination of semantic communications and jamming receiv...
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Ensuring the provision of sustainable and secure electrical power for ingestible/implantable medical devices (IMDs) is crucial for facilitating the multifaceted capabilities of these IMDs and preventing the need for recurrent battery replacements. Using photovoltaic (PV) energy harvesting in conjunction with an external light source can be advantag...
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Optical wireless communication (OWC) has emerged as a promising technology for implantable medical devices because it provides private and secure wireless links for patients, low-power consumption, and high-speed data transmission. The OWC system’s receiving end typically relies on a photodetector with a limited field-of-view, necessitating direct...
This study was conducted to identify the level of Sternberg's thinking skills based on the perceptions of vocational college students along with students' demographic factors. The research design employed in this study is quantitative, utilizing a survey method. A total of 193 vocational college students from Likas and Miri Vocational Colleges were...
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The existence of current technological developments can affect education in tertiary institutions because there is a simulator that can make it easier for students to understand electrical circuits, and researchers get a simulator, namely the Proto Circuit Android App. This study aims to reveal the differences in the measurement values in the 3-loo...
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In the present era of advanced medical technology, there has been a significant increase in the utilization of wireless-based implantable medical devices (IMDs) in various biomedical applications, including health diagnosis, monitoring, recording, treatment, and other clinical concerns. It is essential to closely examine the research trends in wire...
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Implantable medical devices (IMDs) play a crucial role in improving individuals’ well-being and ensuring their safety by providing real-time health data monitoring for recovery. The use of energy harvesting (EH) technology has become increasingly popular among researchers because it offers the potential to extend the battery life of IMDs and reduce...
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The aim of this activity is to disseminate real-time, 24-hour aquaculture water monitoring devices remotely at the Salman Assalam Science Islamic Boarding School in Cirebon, West Java. The Salman Assalam Science Islamic Boarding School manages various types of tilapia, catfish, and pomfret cultivation ponds used to support the economy and fulfill t...
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A bibliometric analysis was conducted to examine research on in-body communication. This study aimed to assess the research growth in different countries, identify influential authors for potential international collaboration, investigate research challenges, and explore future prospects for in-body communication. A total of 148 articles written in...
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The LEPPIM Intensive Class (LIC) 2023 is an annual work program organized by the Department of Student Resource Development (DPSDM), serving as the first cadre level for new LEPPIM UPI Purwakarta 2023 students. The goal of the LEPPIM Intensive Class 2023 is to provide a comprehensive understanding of writing ethics and the scientific essay structur...
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Kualitas air yang baik menjadi faktor utama untuk menunjukkan tingkat pertumbuhan dan kehidupan ikan didalam perairan. Kondisi kualitas air dapat berpengaruhi terhadap ikan yang berekmbang. Amonia merupakan zat pengkontaminasi paling umum dalam sistem akuakultur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Internet of Things mampu melakukan monitoring k...
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Simulators play a crucial role in enhancing learning in higher education, particularly in the technology field, as they create a secure environment for problem-solving without the risk of damaging physical equipment. EasyEDA, an electrical circuit simulator, is widely utilized, easily accessible online, and free of charge. One notable advantage of...
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Nowadays, Smart Home technology has been widely reached by society and utilized by most people, from the upper to the middle class, with various brands and products including its features. Smart Home Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (SH-UPI) is a commercial smart home platform, a new player in this technology business. UPI Academics developed the S...
Thinking style is one thing that can help students in solving problems by knowing the students' own style. The style of thinking is not an ability but more towards how to use the existing abilities of each individual. Similarly, thinking skills can help students to solve problems and can make students smart in thinking about things. Thinking skills...
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The Directorate General of Customs and Excise provides a public service portal, namely the Customs-Excise Information System and Automation (CEISA) with the domain address CEISA 4.0 is a development of the website-based CEISA system to carry out supervisory processes in customs and excise. Findings based on observati...
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Inovasi ini berupa buku yang bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan ilmu dan khazanah kepustakaan dalam bidang elektronika melalui praktik secara virtual dan pembuktian praktik secara aktual. Simulator TINA-TI Spice, yang merupakan software elektronika yang menawarkan tidak hanya sekedar analisis rangkaian DC dan frekuensi saja, melainkan fitur-fitur simu...
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Inovasi ini didasarkan pada ide/gagasan dari tim penulis dari UPI Purwakarta (Prodi PGSD dan Sistem Telekomunikasi), dimana kerangka konseptualnya telah diterbitkan pada artikel yang berjudul "Preliminary design of simple IoT-based Smart Home trainer for kids" (Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1987, Seminar on Advances in Mathematics,...
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Pendidikan tidak terlepas dari proses belajar mengajar yang membutuhkan suatu media sebagai sarana penyampaian materi. Media pembelajaran bertujuan untuk membuat proses pembelajaran berlangsung secara komunikatif dan interaktif yang memungkinkan terjadinya hubungan timbal balik antara media dengan penggunanya. Pengembangan media pembelajaran yang t...
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Prototipe sederhana pendeteksi awal banjir ini dapat melakukan fungsi monitoring ketiggian air yang diletakkan pada suatu bak menggunakan framework IoT, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan platform Blynk sebagai penyedia aplikasi server. Aplikasi smartphone dibuat sederhana yang menyajikan level ketinggian air berdasarkan nilai ADC (yaitu 0 - 255) disertai d...
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SimulIDE merupakan sirkuit simulator yang digunakan untuk mensimulasikan suatu rangkaian elektronika secara sederhana, mudah, dan cepat. Banyak fitur serta komponen pada simulator ini, yang juga dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk keperluan belajar logika dan syntax pemrogaman mikrokontroler. Simulator ini belum banyak dikaji oleh peneliti maupun penuli...
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Media Geoboard dibuat dengan ukuran p × l = 40 × 60 cm, dengan ukuran kotak satuan 4 × 4 cm. Media ini digunakan untuk mencari keliling (K) dan luas (L) bangun datar dengan cukup mudah dan efisien. Dengan menggunakan media ini, siswa dapat menunjukkan bermacam-macam bangun datar seperti segitiga, persegi, persegi Panjang, belah ketupa, trapezium, l...
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Smart home manufacturers widely produce Wireless Lamp Socket and Power Plug devices, which offer various features ranging from basic on/off control to more complex functionalities such as monitoring energy consumption, power losses, and harmonics. However, these devices tend to be expensive, as indicated by market surveys. To address this issue, th...
SimulIDE is an open-source simulator that can be used offline to support electronic learning because it is designed to help users simulate electronic circuits virtually. This research is intended to test the performance of the SimulIDE simulator by conducting a comparative study of a mesh 2-loop circuit with a comparison of real practicum, simulato...
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Children who lack motivation and interest in learning and reading often demonstrate apathy and are easily discouraged, leading to a lack of concentration on their educational pursuits. As a result, these students face challenges in their academic journey. Therefore, it is crucial to make concerted efforts to enhance children's literacy by implement...
During the pandemic, the lack of information dissemination on Ranca Upas Camping Grounds resulted in a lack of visitors because they were not aware of the health protocols that had been implemented. The community service aims to help disseminate information by making a promotional video containing the application of 3M and equipment for implementin...
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This paper presents a webserver for Indonesian fishermen, to support fishing activities. This is one of the sub-systems of e-Nelayan (in English: eFisherman) architecture, which was connected to e-Nelayan Apps; it helps to provide interaction between two users, including the administrators and fishermen. Using hypertext preprocessor (PHP) language,...
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An electronic circuit that functions to block or hold signals with intermediate frequencies (median) and will forward signals between low frequencies and high frequencies is the definition of a Notch Filter. The Band Stop Filter, also often referred to as the Notch Filter, is a combination of a Low Pass Filter and a High Pass Filter connected in pa...
Conference Paper
The use of simulation can help the learner to understand complex topics, such as signals and systems. This paper presents how to teach the IC Timer (NE 555 model) for future STEM teachers. This IC is a popular active component used in various fields; it can generate square wave signals and vary the Duty cycle. This paper proposes a course consistin...
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The Covid-19 pandemic caused Wanajaya Village to experience quarantine and caused a scarcity of food supplies, especially vegetables. This counseling activity aims to help the community of Villa Mutiara Housing RT 002/013, Cibitung, Bekasi, West Java in understanding the potential that exists to meet food needs through hydroponic vegetable cultivat...
Damage to the bridge resulted in disruption of the activities of residents who want to cross the bridge. Damage to the bridge is not only due to problems with the infrastructure but can also be caused by humans, one of which is due to excess capacity on the bridge so that the construction of the bridge cannot hold or accommodate many people resulti...
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Menyediakan media pembelajaran untuk anak di rumah merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Hal tersebut karena intensitas pertemuan orang tua dengan anak jauh lebih lama dibandingkan ketika anak berada di Sekolah. Namun, penyediaan media pembelajaran di rumah masih sangat minim. Salah satu faktornya karena ketidaktahuan orang tua dalam menyediakan media...
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In respect of the accuracy, one of the well-known techniques for human detection is the histogram-oriented gradients (HOG) method. Unfortunately, the HOG feature calculation is highly complex and computationally intensive. Thus, in this research, we aim to achieve a resource-efficient and low-power HOG hardware architecture while maintaining its hi...
This study aims to design and develop Wi-Fi tracker system that utilizes RSSI-based distance parameters for crowd-monitoring applications in indoor settings. The system consists of three main components, namely 1) an embedded node that runs on Raspberry-pi Zero W, 2) a real-time localization algorithm, and 3) a server system with an online dashboar...
Passive High Pass Filter will be discussed in this paper; the filter itself is a circuit that determines the amount of a certain frequency to be streamed and will reject frequencies that are not suitable. Meanwhile, a passive filter is an electrical circuit that can block intervals at certain signal frequencies to filter incoming signals. The benef...
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The national electronic identity (e-ID) for citizen data verification has seen widespread use in the last several years, including in Indonesia, which has a specific card, namely “Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik” (e-KTP). The e-KTP utilizes a contactless smart card type for the citizen’s proof of identity. However, due to the limited availability o...
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Research on 6G has been started with many applications, including the support of Metaverse, where humans can interact in cyberspace with real experiences. To introduce and provide an understanding of this technology, Program Studi Sistem Telekomunikasi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Purwakarta held a Studium Generalle with the theme of "Kn...
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PhET is one of the most powerful and impressive simulator innovations, widely used in the STEM-based learning process. Based on literature reviews, students are allowed to independently practice their skills and understanding of the material concept using this tool. PheT involves students in process competencies comprehensively and also provides a...
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Scientific poster training with Canva aims to increase students' knowledge and skills in making scientific posters and be a competition for participants to implement their new skills. The method used is to form a training concept and a scientific poster competition involving the role of LEPPIM management and committee members. This training and com...
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To date, many hydroponic plants have been managed by the people of Indonesia. The steps for sequentially making hydroponic plants are seeding seeds, transplanting, making hydroponic media, providing hydroponic nutrition, conditioning water pH, and harvesting. One of the important stages of producing good plants is the nursery stage. It requires a s...
This study aims to design, implement, and demonstrate a one-way real-time VLC system through DCO-OFDM using QAM–16 as the Mapper (Modulator). The system was divided into two units, namely VLC Server (transmitter) and Client (receiver), based on a low-bit rate transmission applications with running text, which is often found in digital signage. The...
COVID-19 pandemic gives a very significant impact on many aspects of life in a global scale. In Indonesia, as in many countries in the world, public activities involving many people are restricted and regulated to prevent the virus’ broader spread. Technology which still enables activities to be conducted individually and remotely is needed, becaus...
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Analog Line Follower Robot is one of the use cases from various simple electronic circuit applications. Robotics technology continues to be upgraded over time. On the other hand, it is necessary to prepare human resources from an early age to have the competence (skills in hardware and software) in this field for those who live in urban and rural a...
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This community service program aims to transfer knowledge to village children who study in elementary/junior high schools on robotics technology. It was specifically targeted for Dsn. Galingan, Ds. Boreng, Kec./Kab. Lumajang, East Java. This program provided fundamental knowledge about a simple analog Line Follower robot and demonstrated how it wor...
This paper reports a System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture design for the DC-biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM) Visible Light Communication (VLC) transceiver. The proposed SoC comprises several Digital Signal Processing (DSP) blocks, i.e., Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Convolutional Encoder (CE), Viterbi Decoder, Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) Modula...
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In recent times, electronic money (e-money) has gained significant popularity in the form of smartphone applications, barcodes, and smart card systems. In previous research, we have developed a smartcard-based device equipped with a dual interface to facilitate electronic transactions using contact or contactless technology. These methods involve i...
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The Industrial Revolution 4.0 marked by using information and communication technology as a tool that can improve the quality of human activities. This phenomenon is also applied to efficiency of various sectors of human activities are education sector, e-commerce, health, industry, transportation and other sectors. The implementation of technology...
An ESP-Mesh-based smart home system was developed in the previous research using the ESP8266 feature with 3 different nodes, such as mechanical (door lock), electrical (fan, generic power switch, or power plug), and temperature & humidity sensors. This research focused more on the addition of nodes into the IoT-based smart home infrastructure. The...
This research discusses the implementation of a buck-boost converter which is also known as a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter (BDC) in electric vehicles with a specific focus on electric All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV). The BDC circuit was used to integrate the main battery of the ATV (Li-Po) with the secondary battery (a 25V max./8 Farad Supercapacitor b...
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The Covid-19 pandemic made the limitation of direct shopping activities because it can create crowds. Therefore, online shopping using the marketplace, e.g., the Shopee application, is an option. However, there are still many rural mothers who do not understand how to do online shopping using the application. So, training on the use of the shopping...
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Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a method used as business management strategy. This second stage of community service is developing BMC model on channeling elements techniques for communicating, interacting, and meeting between sellers and buyers. The purpose of this community service is the application of technology in digital product marketing cal...
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Desa Cisampih merupakan desa yang terletak di Kec. Dawuan Kab. Subang, Jawa Barat dan berjarak 13,7 km dari pusat Kota Subang. Per 3 Desember 2020, hanya terdapat satu orang yang positif terinfeksi virus Covid-19 di Desa Cisampih, namun kegiatan pencegahan tetap perlu dilakukan sebagai bentuk kewaspadaan terhadap virus Covid-19 karena penularannya...
All household appliances in the Industrial 4.0 era such as lights, curtains, fans, and others are being connected to the internet to allow users to control them through a smartphone. This has led to several intense and continuous studies on IoTbased smart homes to determine the ideal platform and system to provide excellent performance in terms of...
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This research develops a phase-shift RC Oscillator trainer kit that can be used to give undergraduate students an understanding of one of the materials related to analog circuit practicum. The Oscillator is one of the essential subtopics to be examined thoroughly by electrical engineering students. Furthermore, the Resistor and Capacitor modules we...
In this paper, a System-on-Chip (SoC) design for Orthogonally Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)-based Visible Light Communication (VLC) transceiver is presented. The VLC transceiver system comprises the physical (PHY) layer and analog front-end (AFE). The OFDM modulation was implemented in the PHY layer. We design the SoC-based PHY layer using...
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The purpose of this activity is to support and assist teachers at SDN Bojong 01 Majalaya in Bandung Regency, West Java, in implementing distance learning. With a focus on Mathematics subject in Geometry, this service activity was carried out online with two teachers and ten fourth grade students at SDN Bojong 01, Majalaya Kab. Bandung, West Java. T...
This paper reveals the voltage divider circuit to better understand the fundamental working principles in detail. The approach was simulated using popular offline simulators (i.e., Pr, CW circuit, and virtual mode, EWB, Mu, P, Ye, TS, QUCS, LTS, SI, and PhET). Two scenarios were carried out: measuring the output voltage (Vout) with known R1, R2, an...
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Buku ini merupakan tulisan yang unik, karena proses pembuatannya memakan waktu yang cukup panjang. Kami harus sabar dalam menulis dan meneliti apa saja yang harus di lakukan dalam mengatasi permasalahan kegiatan masyarakat di masa pandemi ini. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa tentunya kami harus bisa membantu dalam hal mencari solusi untuk mengatasi perma...
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Buku bunga rampai ini memuat tentang esai mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sistem Telekomunikasi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Purwakarta yang membahas tentang isu-isu hangat pada saat awal-awal Pandemi Covid-19, tepatnya tahun 2020. Sebanyak 18 orang sebagai kontributor untuk buku ini. Topik yang diangkat dalam buku bunga rampai ini adalah: 1....
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The implementation of distance learning during the study from home is not optimal especially in the use of learning media to support activities, causing student interest in learning to decline. This condition is experienced by one of the Kindergartens in Bekasi Regency, i.e., Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Terpadu (TKIT) Az-Zachra. In response to this, in...
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Program pengabdian ini bertujuan agar guru di TK IT Bina Insan Qur’ani Kab. Garut, Jawa Barat, terbantu dalam menyediakan materi pembelajaran tematik yang lebih atraktif di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Guru sekolah mitra dituntut agar lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi belajar sehingga pembelajaran tidak terkesan monoton dan tidak membosankan bagi s...
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Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk mendampingi masyarakat di kampung Dayeuhkolot, Subang-Jawa Barat yang berminat dalam menjalani bisnis online dengan model dropshipping untuk membantu pemulihan ekonomi karena pandemi Covid-19. Target pelatihan ini adalah masyarakat lokal mereka yang terkena pengurangan gaji perusahaan dan mengalami pemutusan hub...
With the rapid growth and widespread implementation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has become a vital supporting technology to enable it. Various researchers have studied the design of digital or analog blocks for RFID readers. However, most of these works did not provide a comprehensive design methodo...
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Desa Kalimukti merupakan sebuah kampung kecil yang terletak di Kecamatan Pabedilan, Kabupaten Cirebon, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa meskipun banyak masyarakat yang terdampak Pandemi Covid-19 kesadaran masyarakat tentang bahaya penularan Virus Covid-19 masih rendah, banyak masyarakat yang melakukan kontak langs...
The visible light communication (VLC) exploits the LED as an antenna in which only works on “forward bias” conditions. Therefore, when the VLC has an input signal with minus voltage it will be clipped, and only the positive side is transmitted by LED. If the VLC has an analog signal input with a completely positive amplitude, the LED may exhibit a...
Salah satu fungsi Resistor adalah sebagai pembagi tegangan, yaitu menghasilkan tegangan keluaran (Vout) sesuai keinginan dengan tegangan input yang ada (Vin), dimana pada prinsipnya Vout < Vin. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik rangkaian pembagi tegangan. Rangkaian eskperimen terdiri atas satu buah baterai sebagai Vin dan dua buah...
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Pada jenjang mahasiswa, peran bendahara merupakan hal yang vital karena berurusan langsung dengan keseluruhan kegiatan organisasi, mencakup peran pelaporan, pertanggungjawaban, dan pengawasan keuangan. Berdasarkan observasi tim, hingga saat ini organisasi-organisasi kemahasiswaan mulai dari BEM, HIMA Jurusan, HIMA Prodi sampai Unit Kegiatan Mahasis...
Sejak dimasukan ke kurikulum pendidikan di sekolah dasar, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menghadapi banyak tantangan. Diantaranya adalah tantangan sumber daya pengajar yang kompeten dan ketersediaan media pembelajaran. Di masa New Normal ini, tantangan pembelajaran daring pun muncul. Oleh karena itu, program pelatihan pembelajaran daring Phonics dan V...
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Kutagandok Village is located in Kutaluya District, Karawang Regency, West Java which has found positive COVID-19 people. In this village, several mothers who have toddlers are very worried about the news of the Covid-19 virus. With its very fast spread, they are worried that their toddlers will be suspected of the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, we pro...
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Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring sepenuhnya, mulai dari KBM hingga evaluasi belajar. Hasil observasi pada sekolah SDN Wiwitan, Kampung Ciekek Desa Talun Kecamatan Ibun Kabupaten Bandung, menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) dan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) pada metode daring m...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has a substantial impact on the community, one of which is in the economic sector. Many workers have been laid off, leading to a rise in the unemployment rate in Indonesia. This community service activity aims to help people affected by layoffs as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic through the activities of providing and stre...
One of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic is the reduction of the workforce in the business sector. However, the affected workers can survive the downturn in the economy by freelancing. With freelancers, the government can still cope with the economic impact of Covid-19. These webinars reveal freelancing opportunities for students, fresh graduate...
A workshop on making Google Form-based learning evaluation questions for teachers at the Elementary School of Nusa Indah, Dangdeur Village, Subang District, West Java Province, was held successfully on December 5, 2020. This workshop aims to assist elementary school teachers in providing interesting online learning evaluations (not monotonous learn...
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Buku Digital tidak hanya menyajikan informasi dalam bentuk teks, lebih dari itu buku digital mampu menyajikan informasi lebih kaya dalam bentuk video dan audio yang lebih atraktif dari pada buku konvensional. Format buku digital dapat dibuka diberbagai macam perangkat yang di era saat ini orang-orang gunakan sehari-hari seperti komputer, laptop dan...