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Publications (43)
Information technology-based knowledge management can improve employee performance innovation. This research aims to find many studies that deal with knowledge management based on information technology and innovation of employees to solve the problems they face. This research is a review of articles published in various newspapers. Articles used i...
The level of success of the company can be measured through the work productivity of individuals who work in the company. To be able to predict the level of employee work productivity, employee competence has an important role in it. Employee loyalty has a role in mediating the effect of competence on the level of employee work productivity. PT A.W...
The purpose of this research is to explore the empirical evidence about the effect of knowledge management and innovation on the performance of the batik industry in Indonesia. We collected data by using questionnaires to the business owner of batik in Indonesia. The total of 350 questionnaires in this study was distributed and 227 were
returned. S...
Communication acts as an instrument for everyone to interact both in formal and informal matters in daily life. The purpose of this study was to analyse organizational communication strategies in shaping the leadership character of the leaders of the Indramayu Oil and Gas Academy (AKAMIGAS). This study uses a qualitative approach, by determining th...
Human resources is able to determine the advance or retreat of an organization and plays an important role in the success of any organization. One of the main problems in human resource management is how to find the best way to achieve employee satisfaction. One way to measure the level of employee satisfaction is to know the feelings of employees...
Tujuan- Seberapa besar pengaruh kemampuan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja, motivasi kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja dan kemampuan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawanDesain/metodologi/Pendekatan- Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, verifikatif, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 57 karyawan. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adal...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kinerja karyawan. Hal tersebut diindikasikan dengan menurunnya kinerja karyawan, dan menurunnya jumlah penjualan. Fenomena tersebut harus segera ditangani karena karyawan memiliki peranan penting dalam mencapai sebuah tujuan perusahaan. Lingkungan kerja dan kemampuan kerja dijadikan sebagai cara untuk...
Tujuan penelitian - Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak lingkungan kerja sosial dan insentif pada semangat kerja karyawan industri pariwisata.Model/metode penelitian/pendekatan – Model penelitian ini memakai model cross- sectional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode survei. Sebanyak 84...
This research aims to know the impact of personality on innovative work behavior of employee in convection firms perspective in Indonesia. The population were employees of the convection of clothing firms in Bandung Indonesia, the case of small and medium enterprises. About 260 questionnaires have been distributed, a total of 249 employees complete...
This study intends to explore a conceptual framework about the factors influencing innovative work behavior in the context of individual factor perspective. This research is a literature review to find and analyze individual factors that influence innovative work behavior. Based on the results of the literature review or previous research, we found...
Knwoledge management is one of innovation driven in a firms. The aim of this research want to find out knowledge management implementation in a firm and the relation of knowledge management on innovation in a firm. This research is an article review that published in various academic journals. The articles in this research, we identified through a...
Employees who are committed to the organization have a tendency to continue working in the organization. The loss of employee commitment means organizations lose support and loyalty from employees in achieving organizational goals. One of the companies that experienced a decline in employee organizational commitment was X Bank. The purpose of this...
The pupose of this paper is to find out influence social work environment and incentives against employee morale. The design of the research is a cross-sectional design. This research use descriptive and verificative approach with survey method. A total of 84 respondents were chosen as a simple random sampling. A survey questionnaire was used as re...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of physical work environment and work ability on employee performance. This study was conducted in a span of less than one year, the research design used was a cross-sectional method. This study uses a descriptive and verification approach with the explanatory survey method. 92 respondents were...
The success of achieving organizational goals is largely determined by the roles and responsibilities of employees in it. Employees are required to be able to support and be involved in every activity to achieve goals in the organization. The inability of employees to do work optimally will cause problems in employee performance. Employee performan...
The aim of the research is to find out the influence of work environment on job satisfaction, compensation on job satisfaction, and work environment and compensation on job satisfaction. The object which used as analysis unit in this research were employees of citizenry’s bank X. This research used verifivicative and explanatory survey as method. D...
Employee engagement is one of the main issues in human resources management and organizations, because it is considered as a major factor in measuring the strength of a company. Issues regarding employee engagement occur in various industries, including manufacturing. It's like what happened to PT. Pola Manunggal Sejati Cimahi, low indicator of emp...
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of ability, social work environment, and performance.The design / methodology / approach - The design of this study was cross sectional. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. The employee analysis unit is 103 people. Data collection using questionnaire....
Purpose - The purpose of this research is to know the decription of job characteristics, job satisfaction and job performance.Design/methodology/approach - The Research design is cross sectional. This research is using descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. The analysis unit is 75 employees. Collecting the data is using questionnaire....
Purpose - The purpose of this research is to know the decription of dicipline, work culture and organizational behavior citizenship.Design/methodology/approach - The Research design is cross sectional. This research is using descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. The analysis unit is 90 employees. Collecting the data is using question...
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of transformational leadership, work engagement and innovative work behaviorDesign/methodology/approachh - The design of this study was cross sectional method. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. The analysis research unit is employees of PT. Jasa Marg...
Purpose - The purpose of this research is to know the decription the influence of knowledge management implementation toward employee performance in Bandung city revenue Management agency.Design/methodology/approach - The Research design is cross sectional. This research is using descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. The analysis uni...
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of promotion program, reward and job satsfaction. Design/methodology/approachh - The design of this study was cross sectional method. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. A total of 90 respondents were selected using probability sampling. A questionnair...
This research is aimed at finding out the relationship between social media usage, self-esteem, and conspicuous consumption. Appearance of social media has changed the landscape of traditional conspicuous consumption theory, because all consumption has the possibility to be conspicuous consumption based on how individuals use social media. The Usag...
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of work environment, job satsfaction, and employee loyalty. Design/methodology/approachh - The design of this study was cross sectional method. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. A total of 110 respondents were selected using probability sampling. A q...
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to see the description of social work environment, financial reward and employee retentionDesign/methodology/approachh - The design of this study was cross sectional. This research uses descriptive approach with explanatory survey method. A total of 86 respondents were selected using probability sampling. A qu...
Employees are one of the most important components owned by the organization in achieving the purpose. Success or failure an organization in exercised their activities related to the capacity of employees (competence) works in the organization. Therefore need to may system does performance evaluation of can give picture of the performance of employ...
Indonesia strengthening school management through the implementation of School Management System Based InformationTechnology and Communications (SMS-ICT) is intended to improve the performance of schools to accommodate the complexities of management in a computerized system that is simple but comprehensive so that it aligns with the era of the 21st...
Tujuan – Penelitian ini rendahnya kinerja perawat kontrak, hal tersebut ditandai dengan turunnya hasil penilaian kinerja perawat kontrak, serta seringnya ketidak hadiran menyebabkan kinerja perawat menurun.Desain/metodologi/pendektan - Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kurung waktu kurang dari satu tahun maka metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cro...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kinerja karyawan. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan turunnya hasil penilaian kinerja karyawan, serta menurunnya produktivitas sphygmomanometers (tensi darah). Keadaan tersebut harus segera ditangani karena karyawan memiliki peranan sebagai pengelola sistem serta merupakan salah satu faktor penentu keberhasi...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kinerja karyawan. Hal tersebut diindikasikan dengan menurunnya kinerja karyawan, dan menurunnya jumlah penjualan. Fenomena tersebut harus segera ditangani karena karyawan memiliki peranan penting dalam mencapai sebuah tujuan perusahaan. Lingkungan kerja dan kemampuan kerja dijadikan sebagai cara untuk...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengaruh orientasi kewirausahaan, pembelajaran organisasional, inovasi organisasional terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dan explanatory survey. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan model persamaan struktural berbasis varian yang diproses dengan p...
Target penerimaan pajak tahun 2012-2016 belum tercapai. Pencapaian penerimaan pajak Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Kota Solok pada tahun 2016 menduduki peringkat ke 6 dari 9 kantor yang berada di Kanwil SumbarJa. Fenomena tersebut mengindikasikan masih rendahnya kinerja pegawai. Tinggi rendahnya kinerja pegawai tersebut diprediksi oleh tinggi renda...
Perkembangan industri manufaktur di Jawa Barat belakangan ini mengalami penurunan.Hal tersebut disebabakan akibat rendahnya kepuasan kerja para karyawannya, akibatnyaperusahaan sulit untuk mencapai tujuannya. Salah satunya yang mengalami kepuasankerja karyawan adalah PT. Karya Yusup di Bandung. Hal tersebut membuat PT. KaryaYusup menciptakan strate...