Svetozar KatuscakSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava · Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
Svetozar Katuscak
prof.,, PhD, Emeritus Prof. STU
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Current research interests: EQ - Eco Quality & Evironmental Quality of Products, mainly man-made products. VOC, antiviral, abiotic VOC applications. pH micro- and nano-distribution in porous materials. Sampling and sample size for global disasters incl.COVID-19 R&D by Wald and Wilson methods.
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January 1993 - December 1995
January 2001 - December 2009
- Head of the Department of Chem Technolory of Wood, Cellulose and Paper
- Coordinating R&D in cellulose renewable materials and products, their modification. Iniciating the CST&CSTI (Conservation Science Technology and Industry) complexes, conferences&study, KnihaSK.EU projects @ ChemTech Faculty.
Publications (282)
This study focuses on the effectiveness of a new substance in stabilizing paper information carriers - hydrotalcite applied to the paper in a partially polar environment. The effect of modification on the stabilization of paper during accelerated aging was investigated by measuring chemical (surface pH, rate of glycosidic bond cleavage), mechanical...
Preservation of cellulose cultural objects, particularly books, is a field of research with about 100 years of history. The most dangerous in terms of their lifespan is the use of acidic wood-based paper which represents a problem in both quality and durability. Acid hydrolysis of polymeric cellulose chains is a key factor responsible for loss of v...
The aim of this work is to propose the first model hypothesis and function for predicting the efficacy of deacidification. We have used the dDEA as the first basic factor influencing the efficacy. The resulting relationship is based on the best achieved reliable η data and related dDEA data, from mass deacidification technologies used for the lifet...
Preservation of cellulosic cultural objects, particularly books, is a field of research with about 100 years of history. The most dangerous in terms of their lifespan is the use of acidic wood-based paper, which, due to the machine production of such paper, represents a problem in terms of both quality and durability. The acid hydrolysis of polymer...
Increasing lifespan, healthspan of old paper, archive documents, books in national and other conservation libraries and other paper documents in memory institutions.
As COVID-19 is spreading, national agencies need to monitor and track several metrics. Since we do not have perfect testing programs on the hand,
one needs to develop an advanced sampling strategies for prevalence study, control and management. Here we introduce REDACS: Regional emergency driven adaptive cluster sampling for effective COVID-19 {man...
The surface pH is a critical factor in the quality and longevity of materials and products. Traditional fast colorimetric pH detection-based tests such as water quality control or pregnancy tests, when results are determined by the naked eye, cannot provide quantitative values. Using standard pH papers, paper-printed comparison charts, or colorimet...
Determination of the pH value of the paper is a very specific phenomenon, especially the surface pH measurement. In the case of heritage objects, such as archival documents, books, artworks on paper carriers, is a determination of real pH value in the whole structure (in cross section) of paper very important, because of the mechanism of degradatio...
A method and apparatus for health protection in building is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method of preparing antiviral health protecting air walls, bubbles, currents, loops (aVAW), with forward control of Reynolds number Re,L ranging from 1000 to 2200, with advantage Re,L = 1300 - 1700, in relative volume ratio RV = 55 - 90%, and transitional ai...
Billions of green, renewable, bioresources based face mask/respirator production and use should be supported by the proposed continuing R&D, results and knowledge, in competition with the fossil non-renewable products. Cellulose materials and related bioresources have been the first-line tools of defense of human health against COVID-19. The alfa c...
Deacidification refers to chemical treatments meant to slow down the acid hydrolysis and embrittlement of books and paper documents that had been printed on acidic paper. From the early 1800s up to about 1990, papermakers used aluminum sulfate, an acidic compound, in most printing papers. Certain deacidification methods use non-aqueous media to dis...
Deacidification refers to chemical treatments meant to slow down the acid hydrolysis and embrittlement of books and paper documents that had been printed on acidic paper. From the early 1800s up to about 1990, papermakers used aluminum sulfate, an acidic compound, in most printing papers. Certain deacidification methods use non-aqueous media to dis...
Deacidification refers to chemical treatments meant to slow down the acid hydrolysis and embrittlement of books and paper documents. Such treatments are widely used by major libraries and museums worldwide to protect the cultural as well and monetary value of books printed on acidic paper. From the early 1800s up to about 1990 papermakers used alum...
Presentation summarizing historical development, current state of the multifunctional conservation technologies for conservation of books and documents in archives and libraries and challenges for their development in the near future.
Each so far commercially developed and implemented process has its advantages and drawbacks. Based on a meta-analysis of data, developed in the framework of the Slovak project KnihaSK (Comparative evaluation) a comparative assessment has been created and the order of effectiveness of existing processes based on multiple criteria/measurable paramete...
In this paper a development of an information system for an identification of fiber materials is discussed.Identification of fiber materials using ISO, STN or TAPPI standard is usually performed on the base of color hue. It strongly depends on the skills of a technician to distinguish samples of wood materials. It is a lack of objectivity what make...
This paper describes a simple rapid staining microcolorimetric method for analytical fibre material identification using colour vectors of stained fibre material photography. The number of morphological characteristics (nM), number of stains (nS), colour information dimensionality (nDC), and picture elementary points number (npx) can play a key rol...
Na základe porovnávacieho hodnotenia efektívnosti deacidifikačných procesov a podľa kritéria Library of Congres a konzorcia KNIHA SK a podľa faktora mechanickej trvanlivosti medzi najefektívnejšie procesy patria procesy založené na platforme vodných sústav. Avšak použitie vodných deacidifikačných technológií má určité obmedzenia a riziká. Nie je mo...
We present method and new multifunctional device for jet application conservation substances and water-based mixtures. Functional model device was developed by the STU within the project "Preservation and stabilization of traditional information carriers in Slovakia - Kniha SK". Currently is available in the Technology Centre at the Faculty of Chem...
The main cause of aging and embrittlement of acid paper is the cleavage of cellulose macromolecules by the action of acids. For the preservation of documents there are used aqueous and non-aqueous systems. Elegant solution for deacidification books without unacceptable deformation and damage are non-polar preservative systems. The disadvantage of n...
Simple, rapid staining analytical methods with visual color assessment are the most used in practice, but they involve problems including subjective error, low accuracy, qualitative results, and the necessity of using many kinds of stains and a great deal of morphology information for correct identification. A method of objective fiber identificati...
The project “Biomass - Source of chemicals and biofuels” has as objective basic
research of upgrading waste plant biomass to valuable compounds with high added value and to biofuels. As a waste plant biomass we understand mainly forest and land biomass, as well as biomass waste from industrial processing of vegetable raw materials (e.g. from food,...
The device consists of the modifying console (1), to which is attached at least one mobile modifying container (2) with an inlet (3) and an outlet (4) of the modifying substance, a feed (5) and exhaust pipe (6) of the gaseous medium for drying the cellulosic material to modification by the modifying substance and to remove overflow of solvent and m...
The device consists of the modifying console (1), to which is attached at least one mobile modifying container (2) with an inlet (3) and an outlet (4) of the modifying substance, a feed (5) and exhaust pipe (6) of the gaseous medium for drying the cellulosic material to modification by the modifying substance and to remove overflow of solvent and m...
In study of degradation products of paper, LC methods were tested for determination of some saccharides in water extracts of paper. Saccharides were analyzed by ion-exchange and partition chromatography with differential refractive index detection and on-line reconcentration, and by RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection based on pre-column derivatiza...
It is described the preparation, which consists of 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine in the amount of 0.5% by weight up to 3% by weight, deacidification agent in an amount to 30% by weight. and the others to 100% by weight. is a solvent. Preparation may be in form of solution and / or suspension, so in the form of a suspension is formed by a de...
The water retention value (WRV) as a measure of the capability of cellulose fibres to retain water (swelling of fibres) was evaluated during accelerated ageing of acidic wood pulp newspaper containing 20% chemical fibres. It has been found that the WRV considerably decreases with accelerated ageing. Relations between the WRV properties and the mech...
During natural ageing, paper undergoes colour changes and becomes brittle. It is mainly due to the degradation of cellulose, the main component of paper fibres. From the viewpoint of conservation/protection of paper-based information carriers, as well as of the utilisation of secondary fibres, knowledge of the impact of a decrease of the degree of...
Organic acids are spontaneously generated in significant concentrations during natural ageing of all cellulose-based papers, the alkaline ones included. The present study reviews the paper degradation research devoted to the identification and determination of the role of light products formed during paper ageing. Accelerated ageing was performed a...
1 – Ekológia lesa. 2 – Fotosyntéza. 3 – Mikroštruktúra. 4 – Chemické zloženie obnoviteľných rastlinných surovín. 5 – Drevo a rastliny ako chemická surovina. Produkty z dreva a rastlín.
6 – Prírodné nosiče informácií. Papier. 7 – Ochrana materiálov a nosičov informácií. Základy konzervovania LCM. Stabilizácia, konzervovanie, reštaurovanie a ochrana...
It describes the method in which the documents are subjected to repeat cyclic exposure the right or supersaturated solution modifying agent in enclosed chamber to achieve 30% moisture, preferably up to 12%. Subsequently, the leaves of document are pressed for more than 24 hours, preferably 20 to 60 s and dried until the moisture max. 7%. This cycle...
The scope of this paper is the comparative evaluation of the efficacy of deacidification processes mainly in terms of the stability and mechanical permanence of paper during heat induced ageing. The key problem of the mass deacidification comparative evaluation studies performed up till now is large variability of approaches, criteria, methods and...
The scope of this paper is the comparative evaluation of the efficacy of deacidification processes mainly in terms of the stability and mechanical permanence of paper during heat induced ageing. The key problem of the mass deacidification comparative evaluation studies performed up till now is large variability of criteria, approaches, methods and...
Die Kulturstiftung des Bundes hat in den letzten Jahren eine Reihe von Projekten zur Sicherung des kulturellen Erbes durchgeführt. Unter dem Titel "KUR-Programm zur Konservierung und Restaurierung von mobilem Kulturgut" startete im Frühjahr 2007 die jüngste Initiative im Bereich Restaurierung zur Förderung von beispielhaften Konservierungs- und Res...
Device consists of a drying chamber (1), of a modification chamber (2) conected with the evaporation chamber (3),hich is fitted (5.1) for heating the inert gas, equipment (6.1) for circulating the inert gas and equipment (9) for separating evaporation of the solvent. The modification chamber (2) with the evaporation chamber (3) or drying chamber (1...
Paper and other lignocellulosic materials undergo deterioration as a result of ageing, influenced by various factors and accelerated by the formation of acids from components used in paper production and ambient species. These acids increase degradation of paper and decrease its mechanical properties. There is a lack of detailed information on the...
Degradation of cellulose is an important factor influencing its physical, mechanical, optical and chemical
properties, as well as paper longevity in electrical industry and in stored paper and books. Accelerated
ageing of newsprint paper has been performed at 98 °C, for 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 days.
Degradation has been studied by v...
Degradation of cellulose is an important factor influencing its physical, mechanical, optical and chemical properties, as well as paper longevity in electrical industry and in stored paper and books. Accelerated ageing of newsprint paper has been performed at 98 °C, for 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 days. Degradation has been studied by v...
Paper and other lignocellulosic materials undergo deterioration as a result of ageing, influenced by various factors and accelerated by the formation of acids from components used in paper production and ambient species. These acids increase degradation of paper and decrease its mechanical properties. There is a lack of detailed information on the...
The nature of the invention consists in that the mixture comprises a deacidification solution formed by a solution of magnesium hydrogen carbonate having a concentration of 0,08 to 0,12 mol/dm3 and a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate having a concentration of 0,008 to 0,012 mol/dm3 in a ratio from 0,8:1 to 1,2:1. The mixture consists further o...
1. Scope and meaning. This study presents the metanalysis of the data from multiply objective evaluation studies on deacidification. Results of evaluation of the most important large scale and industrial deacidification processes used by the national and other conservation archives and libraries for acid paper stabilisation worldwidefrom all availa...
A preparation for a chemical modification of an old paper by a technical solution consists of 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine in quantities from 0.5 % by weight to 3 % by weight, a deacidification agent up to 30 % by weight and the remainder to 100 % by weight is a solvent. The preparation may be in form of solution and/or suspension, wherein...
A rapid non-destructive sampling technique for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by paper sheets is described. A capillary, which is connected to a microcolumn packed with Tenax TA, is inserted between two sheets at the centre of a paper stack encapsulated inside a PET/Al/PE composite foil. The other end of the microcolumn i...
n study of degradation products of paper, LC methods were tested for determination of some saccharides in water extracts of paper. Saccharides were analyzed by ion-exchange and partition chromatography with differential refractive index detection and on-line preconcentration, and by RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection based on pre-column derivatiza...
The degradation of cellulose is an important factor influencing its physical, mechanical, optical and chemical properties and the longevity of paper in the electrical industry and in stored paper and books. A study of the accelerated ageing of newsprint paper has been performed at 98 degrees C during 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 60 days. De...
A rapid non-destructive sampling technique for the analysis of volatile organic compounds emitted from paper sheets is presented.
A capillary, which is connected to an adsorbent-packed microcolumn, is inserted between two sheets at the centre of a paper
stack placed in a bag made of polyethylene terephthalate/aluminium/polyethylene. The other end o...
The damage to historical documents and books caused by the acidic character of paper is often manifested as a complete loss of their mechanical properties. Deacidification and restoration of archived paper objects require knowledge of the long-term behaviour of paper before and after repair actions. Our study was focused on the investigation of mec...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR. The best available technology (BAT) for books was selected – Papersave...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR. The best available technology (BAT) for books was selected – Papersave...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR. The best available technology (BAT) for books was selected – Papersave...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR. The best available technology (BAT) for books was selected – Papersave...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR. The best available technology (BAT) for books was selected – Papersave...
The task was aimed at elaborating optimum technological procedure to preserve historical carriers of information in acidic wood-containing paper, selecting and further improving the best available technologies, and establishing conditions for their sustainable development in SR.
A rapid non-destructive sampling technique for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by paper sheets is described. A capillary, which is connected to a microcolumn packed with Tenax TA, is inserted between two sheets at the centre of a paper stack encapsulated inside a PET/Al/PE composite foil. The other end of the microcolumn i...
Archival documents from the 20th century represent the major part of archival holdings nearly in all archives. However, very often it can be said-the bigger quantity the lower quality. The mentioned lower quality concerns their material and physical not content quality. The biggest problems in preservation of archives and libraries are caused-parad...
A method of applying of chitosane or derivatives thereof on the surface of paper, documents, books or other plasma activated lignocellulosic surfaces, which is generated under atmospheric pressure. Plasma action causes creation of active centres on the paper surface, at which the said active centres are in form of radicals or functional groups and...
A method for treating archival paper carriers after an elimination of acidic soluble products by washing with deionised water and post deacidification, wherein the paper carriers are submitted to the action of reagents by absorption to the solution thereof, letting deacidification by magnesium hydrogen carbonate or calcium hydrogen carbonate or by...
A method for treating paper in the presence of oxidizing gases according to the invention consists in that a block of paper with the thickness at least 3 cm and the width most 50 cm is subjected to circulating of a gas phase without UV radiation or oxidizing gases with the speed in the rate from 0.1 m s-1 to 1 m s-1 after conditioning in a enclosed...
A multikomponent mixture for stabilization and consolidation of paper sheets consists of chitosan with the concentration of 0.2 to 2 % by weight soluble in 0.1 M of vinegar acid, methyl-hydroxyethyl cellulose with the concentration of 0.2 to 2 % by weight and a starch with the concentration of 0.2 to 2 % by weight soluble in 0.04 M of magnesium hyd...
Kultúrne dedičstvo je široký pojem, pod ktorým mož-no rozumieť tak ochranu hmotného dedičstva, predo-všetkým hnuteľných a nehnuteľných kultúrnych pamia-tok, verejných zbierok v múzeách, galériách, knižniciach, archívoch a dokumentačných fondoch a iných, najmä výskumných, vedeckých a kultúrnych inštitúciách, ako aj ochranu a starostlivosť o také for...