Svetlana PodnebennayaPriazovskiy state technical university, Mariupol, Ukraine · Electrical energy department
Svetlana Podnebennaya
Doctor of Engineering
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Publications (56)
This paper proposes a circuit solution and a power source control algorithm for semi-automatic AC welding with improved energy and weight-size characteristics. A distinctive feature of the designed source is the absence of an input rectifier: welding is carried out with a high-frequency alternating current. That has made it possible to significantl...
Purpose. Development of a method for calculating and selecting a mechanical device for coupling the speeds of the vehicle wheel and the shaft of an asynchronous generator under the condition of its guaranteed excitation. Methodology. The method of selection of transmission rollers of the mechanical device of conjugation of rotational frequencies is...
The article has investigated the operation of the electrical complex of a resistance welding machine with thyristor current regulation. The model of the resistance welding process is presented as a control object with known input parameters, output parameters and external disturbances. The input parameters are the following: the preset welding curr...
In this paper, the prerequisites of creating a device for diagnosing the breakdown of the rectifier diodes and discharge thyristor of the brushless exciter of the synchronous machine without the need for its disassembly are considered. The processes occurring in the exciter and its rotating rectifier are analyzed. Requirements for the system of dia...
У статті досліджено роботу комплексу однофазних машин контактного зварювання з боку їх впливу на симетрію і коливання напруги живлення, особливо за умов «слабкої» мережі. Запропоновано метод зниження негативного впливу комплексу машин контактного зварювання на симетрію і коливання напруги мережі за рахунок встановлення технічних засобів вибору пари...
Purpose. Study of the effectiveness of the hybrid VAR compensator, which consists of series-connected capacitor bank (CB) with discrete regulation and active filter of higher harmonics, with different control strategies, under asymmetrical and / or non-sinusoidal grid voltage and loads, in a graphical programming environment Matlab Simulink.
The purpose of the work is to upgrade the 2167P-50 tensile machine and to investigate the strength of welded joints made by contact (resistance) welding, obtained by welding on a machine equipped with a developed heat energy stabilization device. The microcontroller based control unit for the tensile machine has been developed and built. The microc...
Purpose. The improvement of control method for a three-to-one phase matrix converter of a power supply of a single-phase resistance welding machine. This allows ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of the power supply with the power network, increasing the converter efficiency by reducing the switching frequency of power switches, and reducing po...
New topologies of single-phase inverter welding supplies with increased power factor are proposed. The need to increase the power factor of welding equipment is dictated by the introduction of modern standards of electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. One of the proposed power supplies is built on the basis of a modified forward-curr...
A circuit design of an ac/dc three-phase converter with an isolated output is proposed. The converter consists of identical phase modules with forward pulse transformers, the primary windings of which are fed with phase voltage through power switches. The secondary windings of the transformers are connected to rectifiers, the outputs of which are c...
This article describes the existing methods of heat energy
stabilizing, which are realized in thyristor power supplies for resistance welding machines.
The advantages and features of thyristor power supplies have been described. A
control system of power supply for resistance welding machine with stabilization of heat
energy in a welding spot has b...
In the work the problems of providing electromagnetic compatibility of power sources of single-phase resistance welding machines with three-phase supply mains were studied. The two basic directions were considered: the application of active filter-compensating and balancing devices (AFCBD) and the development of power sources (PS) with the power fa...
Purpose. Development of a three-phase power supply for a single-phase resistance welding machine (RWM). The presented power supply utilizes active power factor correction and draws balanced grid currents. Usage of such power supplies allows ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of the RWM with the power grid. Methodology. A mathematical model of t...
/////// Citation - Сивокобыленко В.Ф. Повышение живучести комплекса электротехнического оборудования участков сети смарт-грид на основе применения активных фильтров / В. Ф. Сивокобыленко, А. П. Никифоров, В. В. Бурлака, С. К. Поднебенная. // Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: «Електротехніка і енергетика». – 2014...
ГІБРИДНИЙ КОМПЕНСАТОР РЕАКТИВНОЇ ПОТУЖНОСТІ (57) Реферат: Винахід належить до електротехніки і може бути використаним для вирішення задач компенсації та регулювання реактивної потужності та підвищення якості електроенергії розподільчих мереж. Гібридний компенсатор реактивної потужності містить трифазну батарею конденсаторів, трансформатори, інверто...
The paper proposes circuit design of high-frequency transformer-isolated converter and three-phase input without intermediate rectification of input voltage. A system was built using modular approach, i.e. each phase contains identical high-frequency AC/DC transformer-isolated converters, the outputs of these converters have series connection. Appl...
Purpose. Modern approaches of VAR compensation are: using
compensators with stepped regulation, STATCOMs, active power
filters. Recently, more attention is paid to VAR compensator’s
design based on the direct AC / AC converters, which are called
dynamic capacitors. Methodology. The dynamic capacitor (DCAP)
is the capacitor bank, which is connected...
This article describes the features of VAR compensation of variable loads. One of the most common non-symmetric non-linear power consumers are welding power sources. Time and duration of the work of these sources vary randomly. To compensate the consumption of reactive power on the basis of consumption data from the three-phase electricity meters i...
//////// Citation - Сивокобыленко В.Ф. Анализ методов предотвращения автономной работы участков сети Smart Grid 0.4 кВ / В. Ф. Сивокобыленко, А. П. Никифоров, В. В. Бурлака, С. К. Поднебенная. // Журнал «Энергетика. Известия высших учебных заведений и энергетических объединений СНГ», Белорусский Национальный Технич. Универ. – 2015. – №6, Том 2. – С...
One of the important issues which can be solved when choosing the type of active filter-compensating
devices (AFCD) is an economic justification. The cost of AFCD is determined
by its power rating, so the task of choosing the right AFCD power is quite acute. Full
compensation of mains current distortion is not always economically feasible, so, cons...
To solve the problem of nonsinusoidality, unbalance and reactive power compensation in electric grid, active filters and devices for balancing are widely distributed. These devices are static compensators, active power filters, unified power flow controllers. Method of symmetrical components is widely used to calculate passive active filters and de...
In modern electrical networks thyristor-switched capacitors (TSC) are most used devices
for VAR compensation. These devices don’t contain rotating parts and mechanical contacts,
provide a stepwise control of reactive power and no generation of harmonics to the
network. However, with the help of TSC it’s not possible to ensure smooth control of reac...
Reactive power compensation devices are widely used: thyristor-control reactors (TCR) and thyristor-switched capacitors (TSC). The TCR disadvantages are discussed. The TSC disadvantages are: influence of higher harmonics on nonsinusoidal voltage power system, the inability to ensure the smooth regulation. The proposed reactive power compensator con...
A new approach to expanding the suppression band and reducing the power losses in a parallel active filter by incorporating an additional corrective linear link into its structure, taking into account a delay in the interface filter, and minimizing the switching frequency of inverter power keys is developed. An algorithm of controlling the correcti...
p-q метод), метод следящей синхронизации (SDM), метод, основанный на математических преобразованиях Кларка и Парка (d-q метод), и частотные: с применением быстрого преобразования Фурье и рекурсивного дискретного преобразования Фурье. Ключевые слова: активный фильтр, теория мгновенной мощности, преобразования Кларка и Парка.