Sven Lindberg

Sven Lindberg
Sven verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Sven verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Paderborn University | UPBย ยทย Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Professor of Psychology and Ambassador of the Excellence Start-up Center at the University of Paderborn.


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Professor of Psychology at the ๐—จ๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ถ๐˜๐˜† ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—ฃ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ป with research focus on cognitive, emotional and social development, digitization and computer-based learning. One of the founders of the engagement platform ๐—™๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜๐˜†, Ambassador of the excellence start-up center ๐—ด๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฒ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฏ and Board Member at ๐—œ๐—ป ๐—ฆ๐—ฎ๐—ณ๐—ฒ ๐—›๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐˜€ ๐—ฒ.๐˜ƒ.
Additional affiliations
September 2019 - August 2022
  • Consultant
January 2020 - present
Paderborn University
  • Professor
  • Mit dem ESC.OWL besteht ein Grรผndungszentrum mit Exzellenzniveau, welches die Spitzenposition der transferorientierten Forschung im Feld Industrie 4.0 an der Schnittstelle zwischen Informatik, Ingenieurwesen, Natur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften gezielt als Wettbewerbsvorteil und Differenzierungsmerkmal im Start-up ร–kosystem nutzt.
October 2015 - present
DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
  • Associated researcher
October 2011 - October 2015
Goethe University Frankfurt
Field of study
  • Psychology
June 2008 - October 2015
DIPF - Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
Field of study
  • Education and Human Development
August 2005 - June 2008
University of Gรถttingen
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (64)
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The neural correlates of developmental dyslexia have been investigated intensively over the last two decades and reliable evidence for a dysfunction of left-hemispheric reading systems in dyslexic readers has been found in functional neuroimaging studies. In addition, structural imaging studies using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) demonstrated grey...
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Background Although breaks are essential to restoring cognitive and psychological conditions for learning, short breaks within school lessons are not established and the specificity of effects has not often been investigated. Therefore, the effects of a physical activity (Study 1) and a mindfulness intervention (Study 2) were investigated. Procedu...
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The smartphone has become an indispensable part of everyday life. It enables endless possibilities and offers persistent access to a multiplicity of entertainment, information, and social contacts. The development towards a greater use and a persistent presence of the smartphone does not only lead to advantages, but also raises potential for negati...
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Diese Studie untersucht, ob die Nutzung von Tablets im Vergleich zu Papier unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf die Konzentration haben kรถnnte. Durch die Durchfรผhrung an einer Schule in Uganda kรถnnen die potenziellen Auswirkungen des Tablet-Einsatzes speziell in einem nahezu technologiefreiem Raum รผberprรผft werden.
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The smartphone is persistently present, especially among adolescents. The smartphone presence, even of a turned-off smartphone, might use limited cognitive resources which might reduce attention. We tested whether the mere presence of a turned-off smartphone reduces attention.
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Early intervention for children with reading impairments is crucial in order to achieve reading improvements and avoid school failure. One line of reading intervention research focuses on the experimental manipulation of reading rate through a text-fading training approach. Considering relevant reading-related predictors (i.e., orthographic knowled...
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Humans process quantity information without the aid of language or symbols to guide a variety of everyday life decisions. The cognitive system that supports this intuitive skill is often referred to as the approximate number system (ANS). It has been argued that the ANS serves as the foundation of the formal symbolic number systemโ€”mathematics. Abun...
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Human beings are supposed to possess an approximate number system (ANS) dedicated to extracting and representing approximate numerical magnitude information as well as an object tracking system (OTS) for the rapid and accurate enumeration of small sets. It is assumed that the OTS and the ANS independently contribute to the acquisition of more elabo...
Eine umfangreiche Diagnostik ist zur Feststellung einer Lernstรถrung unumgรคnglich. Um eine Abweichung in schulischen Leistungen erfassen zu kรถnnen, sind standardisierte und normierte Testverfahren notwendig, durch die eine individuelle Leistung mit einer altersbezogenen Normgruppe verglichen werden kann. Testverfahren im Bereich der Stรถrungsdiagnost...
Was sind die Vor-, was sind die Nachteile der Web- oder App-basierten Diagnostik und Fรถrderung? Welche techni- schen und personellen Voraussetzungen sind notwendig, solche Diagnose- und Fรถrdermethoden in den verschiede- nen Settings, in der Schule, der Lernpraxis, den Beratungs- stellen und den klinischen Bereichen anzuwenden? Kรถn- nen bzw. sollen...
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Das Kapitel bietet einen รœberblick zu zentralen Aspekten der kognitiven Entwicklung im Jugendalter. Als wichtige Bestandteile der allgemeinen Informationsverarbeitung werden zunรคchst die Konstrukte Intelligenz und Arbeitsgedรคchtnis vorgestellt und diesbezรผgliche Besonderheiten im Jugendalter geschildert. Zur Beschreibung komplexerer kognitiver Proz...
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Zusammenfassung. Der Leseerwerb ist ein hoch komplexer Prozess, der durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren beeinflusst werden kann. Bestimmte kognitive (internale) Fertigkeiten und Funktionen konnten bereits als individuelle Voraussetzungen zur effektiven (schrift)sprachlichen Informationsverarbeitung identifiziert werden. In dieser narrativen รœberblicks...
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Reading development in children - Cognitive preconditions and risk factors. This narrative review addresses the complex operation of reading acquisition. Focusing on empirical research and meta-analytic insights, early reading development is de- picted. Furthermore, the reading process is illustrated re- ferring to the dual-route model and di culti...
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Living at the beginning of the 21st century requires being numerate, because numerical abilities are not only essential for life prospects of individuals but also for economic interests of post-industrial knowledge societies. Thus, numerical development is at the core of both individual as well as societal interests. There is the notion that we are...
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Human beings are assumed to possess an approximate number system (ANS) dedicated to extracting and representing approximate numerical magnitude information. The ANS is assumed to be fundamental to arithmetic learning and has been shown to be associated with arithmetic performance. It is, however, still a matter of debate whether better arithmetic s...
Results of mediation models with reasoning or processing speed as control variable. (DOCX)
Lesen und Rechnen sind zentrale Kulturtechniken und wichtige Grundlagen akademischen Lernens. Ohne sie ist eine aktive Teilnahme am gesellschaftlichen Leben kaum vorstellbar. Das Erlernen dieser Fertigkeiten verlรคuft nicht unabhรคngig voneinander, sondern weist Parallelen auf. Im IDeA-Projekt ReAL (Neurobehavioral Development of Reading and Arithmet...
Die Kulturtechnik des Lesens gilt als Voraussetzung fรผr den Zugang zum selbststรคndigen Lernen und als wichtiger Bestandteil des Bildungserfolgs. Die Leseentwicklung ist ein hochkomplexer Prozess, dessen Aneignung den meisten Kindern relativ gut gelingt. Ein problematischer Verlauf der Leseentwicklung kann jedoch zu massiven Leseschwierigkeiten fรผhr...
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Symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills are assumed to be fundamental to arithmetic learning. It is, however, still an open question whether better arithmetic skills are reflected in symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills. To address this issue, Chinese and German third graders were compared regarding their performance in arithmetic...
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Das Kapitel widmet sich genetischen, kognitiven und neuronalen Grundlagen der Lese-Rechtschreibstรถrung. Basierend auf einer Darstellung der wichtigsten kognitiven und neurobiologischen Theorien der Entstehung von Lese-Rechtschreibstรถrung werden Ergebnisse zu spezifischen Stรถrungen des neuronalen Lesenetzwerks bei Menschen mit einer Lese-Rechtschrei...
Breznitz (J Educ Psychol 89:289โ€“297, 1987a; Fluency in reading: synchronization of processes. Erlbaum, Mahwah, 2006) demonstrated that a fading manipulation, which continuously erases text based on the individual reading rate, results in improved reading performance. Several studies using this fading procedure showed that children as well as adults...
Im Bereich der computergestรผtzten Lesefรถrderung wurde in den letzten Jahren erfolgreich Interventionsprogramme eingesetzt, in denen individuelle Lesezeiten direkt manipuliert wurden. Grundlage dieser Programme ist das sogenannte Beschleunigungsphรคnomen, dass einen messbaren Anstieg des Leseverstรคndnisses umschreibt, der durch eine kรผnstliche Steige...
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The Acceleration Phenomenon (AP) has been demonstrated by studies showing that reading rate and comprehension improvements can be induced by a fading procedure, erasing text based on the previously measured individualโ€™s fast- est reading rate. However, whether or not reading enhancements can also be ob- served through slow fading rates has not been...
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Previous studies used a text-fading procedure as a training tool with the goal to increase silent reading fluency (i.e., proficient reading rate and comprehension). In recently published studies, this procedure resulted in lasting reading enhancements for adult and adolescent research samples. However, studies working with children reported mixed r...
Conference Paper
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To assess possible structural changes in cortical anatomy that occur in the course of literacy acquisition, children were investigated twice in their first two years of elementary school. Tensor-based morphometry revealed a negative association between longitudinal cortical volume development and reading proficiency in areas previously associated w...
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Neural systems involved in the processing of written language have been identified by a number of functional imaging studies. Structural changes in cortical anatomy that occur in the course of literacy acquisition, however, remain largely unknown. Here, we follow elementary school children over their first 2 years of formal reading instruction and...
The internal/external frame of reference model (I/E-model) postulates that students' self-concepts are formed by social as well as dimensional comparison processes. In the present study the I/E-model was tested and extended by data from a sample of 1631 third grade el- ementary school children. Core academic skills of reading and math as well as sp...
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The approximate number system (ANS) is assumingly related to mathematical learning but evidence supporting this assumption is mixed. The inconsistent findings might be attributed to the fact that different measures have been used to assess the ANS and mathematical skills. Moreover, associations between the performance on a measure of the ANS and ma...
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Gender differences in mathematical achievement have been examined in a wide range of age groups but only a few studies addressed this issue in preschool children. We compared preschool girls (n = 570) and boys (n = 524) from Germany with regard to numerical competencies. Differences in overall group means and the frequency of representation at low,...
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Different lines of evidence suggest that children's mental representations of numbers are spatially organized in form of a mental number line. It is, however, still unclear whether a spatial organization is specific for the numerical domain or also applies to other ordinal sequences in children. In the present study, children (n = 129) aged 8-9 yea...
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In the course of elementary school children start to develop an academic self-concept reflecting their motivation, thoughts, and feelings about a specific domain. For the domain of mathematics, gender differences can emerge which are characterized by a less pronounced math self-concept for girls. However, studies are rather sparse regarding the ear...
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The internal/external (I/E) frame of reference model (Marsh, Am Educ Res J 23:129โ€“149, 1986) conceptualizes students' self-concepts as being formed by dimensional as well as social comparison processes. In the present study, the I/E model was tested and extended in a sample of elementary school children. Core academic skills of reading, writing, an...
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This study examines studentsโ€™ use of self-regulated motor learning strategies related to a congruent or incongruent teacher-student fit-constellation of perceived and preferred teaching behavior. In a cross-sectional study in German grammar schools, 1452 students and 18 physical education teachers participated. The results of the study indicate tha...
The acceleration phenomenon (AP) is defined by improvements in reading speed and reading comprehension, induced by an artificial text fading procedure corresponding to the previously determined fastest individual reading rate. Recent results, however, indicated that fading that is slower than the self-paced reading rate can produce comparable readi...
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The purpose of this study was to adapt the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS; Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980) to physical education (PE) classes, for measuring teacher behavior by taking consideration of the perspectives of students and teachers. We moreover examined the influence of teacher behavior and the perceived teacher-student congruence on the sa...
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As demonstrated by the Overlapping Waves Model (Siegler, 1996), childrenโ€™s strategy use in arithmetic tasks is variable, adaptive, and changes gradually with age and experience. In this study, first grade elementary school children (n = 73), who scored high, middle, or low in a standardized scholastic mathematic achievement test, were confronted wi...
Aktuelle Theorien zur kognitiven Entwicklung postulieren, dass der Wissenserwerb auf domรค- nenspezifischen Kernkompetenzen beruht . So wird ein Verstรคndnis fรผr Mengen und Mengenre- lationen als Grundlage des Erwerbs arithmetischer Fertigkeiten angenommen . Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Befunde zur Entwicklung dieses approximativen Mengenverstรคndni...
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Results of the ALE meta-analyses of functional imaging studies. (PDF)
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Overview of the studies included in the age-specific meta-analyses of functional underactivation. (PDF)
Results of the age-specific ALE meta-analyses of functional underactivation and the age-specific conjunction analyses. (PDF)
Results of the age specific conjunction analyses. Upper row โ€“โ€“ cut-outs of axial slices display the temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal overlaps (yellow) of the VBM meta-analysis (red) with the meta-analysis of functional underactivations (green) as depicted in Figure 1, bottom row. Lower row โ€“โ€“ cut outs of axial slices display the results of th...
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Overview of the studies included in the meta-analyses of functional imaging studies. (PDF)
a b s t r a c t Reading performance has been shown to be linked with balancing skills, possibly indicating an involvement of the cerebellum in reading-related tasks. In our study, we examined whether a similar connection can be detected for arithmetic performance. We assessed basic arithmetic skills of 8โ€“10-year-old children (n ยผ 53) and asked them...
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Various potential determinants of dyscalculia on the cognitive as well as on the neural level are presented. Findings concerning approximate quantity representations, basic visual mechanisms for capturing quantities (subitizing), symbolic quantity representations, and arithmetic processes are outlined and discussed. The reported findings suggest th...
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The central questions of this work were concerned with the applicability of three versions of the Leadership Scale for Sports in Physical Education (LSS-PE) as a suitable instrument for assessing teaching behavior and investigating the impact of the measured teaching behavior on studentsโ€™ satisfaction, interest and self- regulated motor learning in...


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