Sven Engesser

Sven Engesser
TU Dresden | TUD · Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft



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Sven Engesser currently works at the Institute of Media and Communication, Technische Universität Dresden.
Additional affiliations
March 2010 - September 2017
University of Zurich
  • Research Associate
June 2006 - February 2010
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
  • Research Assistant


Publications (88)
Populism continues to gain traction in politics but there has been relatively little research on how it plays out on the Internet. The special issue at hand aims at narrowing this gap of research by focusing on the close relation between populism and online communication. This introduction presents an integrative definition of populism, as well as...
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Parties are adapting to the new digital environment in many ways; however, the precise relations between populist communication and social media are still hardly considered. This study compares populist communication strategies on Twitter and Facebook employed by a broad spectrum of left-wing, center, and right-wing political actors in six Western...
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Populism is a relevant but contested concept in political communication research. It has been well-researched in political manifestos and the mass media. The present study focuses on another part of the hybrid media system and explores how politicians in four countries (AT, CH, IT, UK) use Facebook and Twitter for populist purposes. Five key elemen...
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This study explores two pre-eminent features of transnational media coverage of climate change: The framing of climate change as a harmful, human-induced risk and the way that reporting handles contrarian voices in the climate debate. The analysis shows how journalists, and their interpretations and professional norms, shape media debates about cli...
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The analysis of media systems has become a cornerstone in the field of comparative communication research. Ten years after its publication, we revisit the landmark study in the field, Hallin and Mancini's “Comparing Media Systems”, and operationalize its framework for standardized measurement. The study at hand is, to the best of our knowledge, the...
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Demonstrators are out-of-the-lab artefacts that embody current technological research. Due to their interactive, exhibit-like nature, demonstrators have great potential to engage the public with future technologies. While demonstrators are already used for this purpose in practice, there is a gap regarding how to measure demonstrator experience and...
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Populism, as a style of politics, is not necessarily negative per se – for example, such politicians tend to be quicker to recognise and highlight grievances which is a democratic tendency. However, populist political parties and leaders are often associated with negative effects – other kinds of politics can also be involved in producing these eff...
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This research investigates the tension between trust and confidentiality in Mobile Supply Chains (MSCs), where a production asset that is owned by one of the partners is outsourced to another partner of the supply chain for the production of goods, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals. The novelty of the MSC concept is to be found in its innovative and su...
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Media systems have changed significantly as a result of the development of information technologies. However, typologies of media systems that incorporate aspects of digitalization are rare. This study fills this gap by identifying, operationalizing, and measuring indicators of media systems in the digital age. We build on previous work, extend it...
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Purpose The main purpose of this paper is the identification of the conceptualization of trust as well as its factors and outcomes in interorganizational relations in mobile supply chains (MSCs) in which multiple stakeholders collaborate. Design/methodology/approach The authors first used a comprehensive literature review to extract related factor...
Real-time technology assessment is based on continuous mutual exchange between the scientific disciplines and allows anticipating challenges of technology research. Within this framework, we conducted a nation-wide telephone survey (N=784) to map the public opinion on the Tactile Internet. We found that public awareness and perceived knowledge were...
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Research has shown that social media is a particularly well-suited channel for distributing populist messages. However, it has hardly been explored what type of audience reactions populist communication triggers on social media and whether populist political leaders garner more support online than political leaders who do not represent populist vie...
Supply chain designs and processes are the outcome of a bunch of different hierarchically organized planning problems. The hierarchy induces different decision update cycles for the individual decisions. This classification is mainly based on the assumption that the re-location of facilities causes disruptive efforts and should be avoided as long a...
The study explores how news messages carrying parts of the populist ideology contribute to a polarization of public opinion about populism. It combines a content analysis of news coverage on two policy areas (N = 7,119 stories) with a two-wave panel survey (N = 2,338) in four European metropolitan regions (Berlin, Paris, London, Zurich). In three r...
Research has shown that social media is a particularly well-suited channel for distributing populist messages. However, it has hardly been explored what type of audience reactions populist communication triggers on social media and whether populist political leaders garner more support online than political leaders who do not represent populist vie...
This volume assembles a wide range of perspectives on populism and the media, bringing together various disciplinary and theoretical approaches, authors and examples from different continents and a wide range of topical issues. The chapters discuss the contexts of populist communication, communication by populist actors, different types of populist...
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Research on the social implications of technological developments is highly relevant. However, a broader comprehension of current innovations and their underlying theoretical frameworks is limited by their rapid evolution, as well as a plethora of different terms and definitions. The terminology used to describe current innovations varies significa...
Although research on effects of populist communication has increased, it is still unclear how populism in news articles affects the readers’ manifest behavior, such as whether and how they comment on online news. To address these issues, we conducted a content analysis of online news articles (N = 332) and corresponding reader comments (N = 2786) d...
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This article investigates the extent to which populist key messages are distributed via online news articles and reader comments, as well as how media actors, political actors, and readers employ populist online communication during election periods. Populism is defined as a thin ideology, and four dimensions of populist communication are distingui...
European media systems have been affected by major changes in the last few decades that have facilitated the dissemination of populist messages, including increased media ownership concentration, increased commercialization, and a stronger orientation towards news values (Esser, Stępińska, & Hopmann, 2017). At the same time, Europe has faced severa...
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Against the background of the variation in populism between countries exposed in the previous chapter by Blassnig et al., this chapter will focus on article, newspaper, and country-level explanatory factors for this variation. Evidence for between-newspaper variation with respect to populist communication has already been presented elsewhere (Manuc...
This chapter focuses on trends in reporting over time. It examines the presence of populist key messages in “news coverage of immigration” and “commentaries on current political events” in European newspapers at two points in time, namely spring 2016 and spring 2017. The chapter has a twofold aim. First, it will explore similarities and differences...
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Populism is on the rise, especially in Western Europe. While it is often assumed that populist actors have a tendency for fallacious reasoning, this has not been systematically investigated. We analyze the use of informal fallacies by right-wing populist politicians and their representation in the media during election campaigns. We conduct a quant...
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For studying populism in a hybrid and high-choice media environment, the comparison of various media channels is especially instructive. We argue that populism-related communication is a combination of key messages (content) and certain stylistic devices (form), and we compare their utilization by a broad range of political actors on Facebook, Twit...
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The aim of this study is to explore favorable opportunity structures for populist communication of politicians in Western democracies. We analyze the content and style of 2,517 statements from 103 politicians from six countries (France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States) who differ in their party affiliation (populist v...
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The success of populist political actors in Western democracies and the dramatization and emotionality of political communication in news media have been the object of several theoretical and empirical studies in the past decade. It has been argued that the mediatization of politics and the convergence of populist and tabloid communication styles f...
Technical Report
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The Internet provides fast and ubiquitous communication that enables all kinds of communities and provides citizens with easy access to vast amounts of information, although the information is not necessarily verified and may present a distorted view of real events or facts. The Internet’s power as an instant source of mass information can be used...
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The Internet provides fast and ubiquitous communication that enables all kinds of communities and provides citizens with easy access to vast amounts of information, although the information is not necessarily verified and may present a distorted view of real events or facts. The Internet’s power as an instant source of mass information can be used...
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To understand populism, it is crucial to understand populist political communication. We investigate how politicians across the political spectrum employ populist communication in different non-institutionalized communication arenas. Populism is defined as a thin ideology and three dimensions of populist communication are distinguished: people-cent...
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Although there is a broad consensus among scientists and journalists about the existence of anthropogenic climate change as a global problem, some segments of the population remain doubtful about the human impact on it. The internet provides citizens with opportunities to publicly voice their doubts and user comment sections of online media are a p...
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Although there is a broad consensus among scientists and journalists regarding the existence of anthropogenic climate change as a global problem, some segments of the population remain doubtful about the human impact on climate change. The internet provides citizens with opportunities to publicly voice their concerns, and user comment sections of o...
The study explores how news messages carrying parts of the populist ideology contribute to a polarization of public opinion about populism. It combines a content analysis of news coverage on two policy areas (N = 7,119 stories) with a two-wave panel survey (N = 2,338) in four European metropolitan regions (Berlin, Paris, London, Zurich). In three r...
Among the factors that influence news decisions relative to climate change, journalistic background, professional norms, and culture are particularly important. There is empirical evidence that conservative journalists and media outlets are less likely to support the scientific consensus on climate change and more likely to promote climate change c...
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This study aimed to validate and extend Hallin and Mancini’s framework of comparison to discriminate empirical types of media systems in Central and Eastern Europe. We tested and complemented their original dimensions by using aggregated data from 11 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,...
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The use of strategic game framing is predominant in mainstream news reporting of politics. Nevertheless, systematic research on the specific antecedents of strategic game framing – especially in non-electoral periods – is scarce. Against this background, this quantitative content analysis of print, TV and online news investigates the antecedents of...
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This working paper approaches the study of populism from an explicit political communication perspective and thereby adds a new and original dimension to the existing literature. It first reviews the existing approaches to populism and then combines them within an integrative framework for populism research. This framework understands populism as i...
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Typologies are omnipresent both in everyday life as well as in the sciences. Epistemologically, there are several systematic ways to build typologies, such as qualitative, theory-based descriptions on one end and quantitative, exploratory statistical means on the other end of the spectrum. Both have their specific advantages and disadvantages, whic...
This study assesses the degree and direction of media bias towards political parties in Central-Eastern and Western European democracies. Previous research has argued that despite policy efforts to detach the media from the political domain, journalism in former Eastern Bloc countries is still characterized by a more partisan style than in Western...
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This article is based on the premise that journalists play an important role as mediators of scientific information and their interpretations of climate change influence media debates and public opinion. The study maps the minds of climate journalists from five different countries (Germany, India, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United...
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Negativität ist ein zentrales Konzept in der Forschung zur politischen Kommunikation, doch hinsichtlich Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung besteht weitgehend Uneinigkeit. Auch beruhen viele Befunde auf der Analyse von Spezialzeiten wie dem Wahlkampf. Der vorliegende Beitrag zerlegt Negativität in die vier zentralen Dimensionen Tonalität, Ko...
Open peer commentary on the article “Do the Media Fail to Represent Reality? A Constructivist and Second-order Critique of the Research on Environmental Media Coverage and Its Normative Implications” by Julia Völker & Armin Scholl Upshot: Criticizing climate communication research for its sometimes objectivist approach appears highly justified. Ho...
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This paper investigates how professional news media use Twitter. It conceptually distinguishes quantitative and skillful Twitter use and takes influencing factors on macro and meso levels into account. A structure and content analysis of Twitter accounts from 39 news outlets in five Western countries (France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and the...
Die Wissenschaftslandschaft ist einem starken Wandel unterworfen, doch das Nachwuchsproblem der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft bleibt bestehen. Um ihm auf den Grund zu gehen, beleuchtet die vorliegende Untersuchung die Arbeitsbedingungen der Promovierenden und Postdocs im Fach. Sie knüpft damit an die Vorgängerstudien von Wirth et al. (2005...
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This study focuses on climate journalists as key mediators between science and the public sphere. It surveys journalists from five countries and five types of leading news outlets. Despite their different contexts, journalists form an interpretive community sharing the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change and agreeing on how to hand...
Participatory news websites are a large, heterogeneous, and dynamic object of research which has been difficult to systematize scientifically. This paper presents an integrative instrument for classification and an evidence-based typology of participatory news websites. On the one hand, it extracts seven heuristic types from academic literature. On...
Journalismusforschung als Integrationsdisziplin zu beschreiben, entbehrt in mancherlei Hinsicht nicht einer gewissen Ironie. Historisch betrachtet bildete die Journalismusforschung die Keimzelle einer Zeitungswissenschaft, aus der sich später die Publizistik- und eine moderne Kommunikationswissenschaft entwickelt hat. Die Auseinandersetzung mit den...
Participatory news websites are a large, heterogeneous, and dynamic object of research which has been difficult to systematize scientifically. This paper presents an integrative instrument for classification and an evidence-based typology of participatory news websites. On the one hand, it extracts seven heuristic types from academic literature. On...
Der Partizipative Journalismus ist auch rund 15 Jahre nach Entstehung der ersten Weblogs weiterhin auf dem Vormarsch. Angesichts der zunehmenden Prominenz seiner Plattformen (z. B. Bildblog, GuttenPlag Wiki, Twitter und Wikileaks) stellt sich die Frage nach der Qualität des Partizipativen Journalismus im Web mit besonderer Brisanz. Bevor sich Sven...
Not much is known about participatory journalists in Germany or further afield. We conducted a standardized quantitative online survey of participatory journalists at the German-language website myheimat, a German-based hyperlocal participatory journalism portal with about 37,000 contributors (as at September 2010). The purpose of the survey was to...
In social sciences, the interdependence between media systems and political systems is generally not in doubt. However, empirical knowledge about the relation between the two types of systems is rare. A deeper understanding can be gained by an international comparison of media and political systems from a macro perspective using aggregated data. Th...
In der empirischen Journalismusforschung spielen zwei Größen eine besondere Rolle: Grundgesamtheit (auch Zielgesamtheit genannt) und Stichprobe. Diese stehen in einem wechselseitigen Zusammenhang (vgl. Abbildung 1). Einerseits sind Kenntnisse über Größe und Struktur der Grundgesamtheit die Voraussetzung für die Anwendung verteilungsangepasster Verf...
Although participatory press photography has existed for decades, its institutionalization by tabloid journalism is a relatively new phenomenon. The most popular example in Germany is constituted by the “reader reporters” of the tabloid newspaper Bild. Supporters of participatory press photography hope for an enrichment of news coverage while its c...
In einer Vollerhebung der Leserreporterfotografie in der Bild-Zeitung in den Jahren 2006 bis 2008 werden Inhalt, Bedeutung und Funktion der partizipativen Pressefotografie im Boulevardjournalismus untersucht. Die Vorgehensweise folgt dabei dem ikonografisch-ikonologischen Ansatz und der Methode der Bildtypenanalyse: Zunächst werden die Bilder nach...
Vielfach wird in der aktuellen Diskussion postuliert, dass der partizipative Journalismus im Internet eine Plattform für gesellschaftskritische Gegenöffentlichkeit darstelle. Der vorliegende Beitrag leistet einen ersten Beitrag zur Überprüfung dieser These, indem er das Zusammenspiel zwischen Foren der Gegenöffentlichkeit und partizipativem Journal...
Conclusion • Capture-recapture analysis allows to estimate the size of journalistic populations; • Based on the results of the analysis the completeness of a register or the moment to stop snowball sampling can be determined more accurately; • Refining the analysis should also allow to estimate the structure of populations in order to improve propo...
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Nachrichtensites gelten als Äquivalente der Zeitungen und Nachrichtensender im Internet (Meyer-Lucht, 2005: 26). Bisher werden sie in der Forschungsliteratur anhand der Form der Vermittlung von Öffentlichkeit in professionell-redaktionelle und partizipative Formate unterschieden (Neuberger, 2006: 118). Zur ersten Gruppe gehören Vertreter traditione...
Das Recht auf Pressefreiheit zählt zu den Menschenrechten. Allerdings bestehen bei der Umsetzung weltweit erhebliche Unterschiede. Internationalen Menschenrechtsorganisationen zufolge gehört Japan unter den führenden Industrienationen zu den Ländern mit den deutlichsten Defiziten. Ein möglicher Grund ist das Kisha-Club-System (Reporter-Club-System)...


Questions (2)
I am looking for empirical studies on the factual consequences.
Are there any empirical studies on the factual consequences of migration in Germany?
