Suzana Kutnjak-MravlinčićUniversity of Zagreb · Faculty of Textile Technology
Suzana Kutnjak-Mravlinčić
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Publications (12)
Industrija obuće kontinuirano se razvija, a održivost i integracija digitalnih tehnologija nameću se kao ključni trendovi. Aditivna proizvodnja, nazvana 3D ispis, prednjači kao napredna tehnologija koja donosi značajne promjene u procesima dizajna i izrade obuće. Rad prikazuje razvoj autorske kolekcije avangardnih ženskih cipela primjenom 3D ispisa...
The footwear industry is constantly evolving, with sustainability and the integration of digital technologies among the most important trends. Additive manufacturing, popularly known as 3D printing, is an advanced technology that is significantly changing the design and manufacturing process of footwear. The paper shows the development of the autho...
Postupci aditivne proizvodnje značajni su u razvoju suvremene proizvodnje stoga se provode mnoga istraživanja kako bi se utvrdila ili poboljšala svojstva 3D ispisanih tvorevina u skladu sa željenom primjenom. U radu je ispitana otpornost na habanje ispitnih tijela izrađenih iz akrilonitril/butadien/stirena (ABS) postupkom taložnog očvršćivanja (e....
Additive manufacturing processes are of great importance for the development of modern production, which is why much research is being carried out to determine or improve the properties of 3D printed products depending on the desired application. In this work, the abrasion resistance of acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) test specimens was inves...
The influence of 3D printing parameters on compressive properties is an important factor in the application of additive manufacturing processes for products subjected to compressive loads in use. In this study, the compressive strength and compressive modulus of acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) test specimens fabricated using the fused deposit...
This paper researches the possibility of applying 3D printing in the footwear sector. On the 3D desktop printer MakerBot Replicator 2X with the process of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), women's shoe heel prototypes were made from acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS). One of the limitations of FDM-ABS 3D printing on 3D desktop printers is the pri...
U radu je sažeto prikazan proces dizajniranja, od ideje do realizacije, autorske mini kolekcije obuće i modnih dodataka inspiriranih umjetničkim pokretom suprematizam. U samom procesu dizajniranja posebna pozornost bila je upućena ka osmišljavanju idejnih rješenja iz više sastavnih dijelova s ciljem manjeg utroška materijala i mogućnosti primjene „...
This paper summarizes the development and creation process of the author's Suprematism-inspired mini-collection of shoes and fashion accessories. During the design process, the focus was on creating conceptual solutions from several components in order to reduce the consumption of materials and the possibility of applying the "upcycling" method, i....
According to the great impact of additive technology on the development of modern industry, a lot of research is being done to obtain 3D printed parts with better properties. This research is extremely important because there are no scientific papers in the field of post dyeing of acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) 3D printed parts. The experime...
U industriji obuće, sve je veća pozornost na dizajnerski oblikovane potpetice. Ali taj dizajn uključuje mogućnost proizvodnje složene geometrije, personaliziranih potpetica male mase i ako je moguće jeftinu izradu. Tehnologija koja omogućuje i obuhvaća navedeno je aditivna proizvodnja (e. additive manufacturing - AM). Jedna od AM niskobudžetnih tehnol...
In the footwear industry, increasing attention is paid to design-shaped heels. But that design involves production of the complicated geometry, personalised heels (i.g. small series), light weight heels and if possible cheap production. Technology that enables and combines that is additive manufacturing (AM). One of AM low budget technology and mac...
Functionality and appearance are key aspects of good footwear. Developments in recent science and technology offer a wider scope of innovations, contributing to diversity and higher complexity of the production concept of footwear. Contemporary industrial footwear market offers a practically limitless number of new design and fashion solutions, oft...