Susi Yuliawati

Susi Yuliawati
Padjadjaran University | UNPAD · Department of Linguistics

Doctor of Linguistics


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Publications (46)
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The present research investigated comments on political reports that elicited negative criticism, predominantly influenced by the readers' heated political perspectives. The study utilised lexical and pragmatic analyses to explore a corpus of 1000 reader comments on Indonesian news items concerning a new capital city construction, Ibu Kota Nusantar...
Menurut data WHO, anemia defisiensi besi diperkirakan menjadi salah satu penyebab tingginya angka kematian pada perempuan usia subur, terutama saat mereka hamil dan melahirkan. Selain itu, perempuan usia subur yang menderita anemia menjadi kurang produktif dan memiliki kemampuan akademik yang kurang. Di Indonesia 30% perempuan berusia antara 15-24...
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The 2020 US presidential debate was a democratic practice held every four years. In the debate, each debater used turn taking strategies. This research focuses on the uses of turn taking strategies and their types dominantly produced by the debaters in the debate. The strategies encompass taking, holding, and yielding the turn. Elaborating the stra...
This paper presents a semiotic analysis focusing on the discursive level. This study investigates the figurative components, syntactical/grammatical features, and enunciative components of the signs embedded in Sundanese cultural spells, specifically Asihan Leugeut teuerup. A qualitative descriptive method was implemented to unveil the meanings and...
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The present research aims to analyze the use of reporting verbs in short essays written by undergraduate students of English major at a university in Indonesia. The study focuses on the frequency analysis of reporting verbs across four semantic categories, namely Argue verbs (e.g., argue, suggest, write, etc.), Find verbs (e.g., find, observe, disc...
Social media has provided many opportunities for people to express, obtain, and reproduce their views, thoughts, ideologies, and even their daily routines. Perhaps the most famous person to successfully take advantage of these opportunities and become a constant trending topic around the world is former American President Donald J. Trump. The style...
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This research examines how collocations related to women in Sundanese language are displayed and represented in Manglè magazine media. To scrutinize how local media represent and position women in their articles, we conducted this research using a corpus linguistics approach and critical discourse analysis. The dynamics of word occurrences, colloca...
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The study examined comments posted on political news articles that generated negative criticism driven primarily by the politically polarized views of the readers. The investigation employed lexical and pragmatic analyses to probe a corpus of 882 reader comments posted on the Detiknews website news articles regarding the policies adopted by the Jak...
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Academic writing is no longer perceived as a knowledge exchange but an arena where writers communicate their stances and promote their work. Recent studies have revealed that academic discourse is not entirely impersonal. Writers obtain credibility by presenting convincing arguments and confidence in their evaluation to construct a competent schola...
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This study is motivated by the increasing use of social media among people who do not fully understand the rules of interacting and communicating. This study aims to (1) reveal the strategy of impoliteness of sarcasm displayed and (2) reveal the markers of impoliteness that show sarcasm of netizens in the comments column on Ganjar Pranowo's Instagr...
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The use of social media gave rise to internet variety language. This language variety includes low variety language because it is used in informal situations. Preposition ‘pada’ and ‘kepada’ show an interesting linguistic phenomenon in the form of syntactic similarities so that these two prepositions can replace each other in certain situations. Th...
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The media plays a crucial role in shaping gender representation and influencing societal perceptions of gender roles. While several studies have examined the diachronic view of language use in relation to gender representation, there is a dearth of research specifically focusing on the Sundanese language in this line of inquiry. Filling this resear...
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Multiword sequences are a language pattern that occurs when a bunch of words emerge in a similar register. In research papers conducted by lecturers and students, different topic areas and indexes has created various characteristics of lexical bundles. The method of this research is qualitative, combining corpus design to identify the sequence of w...
Artikel ini membahas motif-motif Batik Ciwaringin yang mempunyai kekhasan dan keunikan tersendiri. Batik Ciwaringin dibuat tidak menggunakan pola dalam proses membatiknya, dikerjakan para ibu yang sudah berumur lanjut, untuk mewarnai batik digunakan bahan pewarna alam, motif batik kental dengan nilai-nilai Islam, karena awal mulanya terdapat batik...
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Corpus linguistics allows researchers to discover the nature of language use through lexical bundles throughout genres, registers, and language varieties. With the fast-changing development of the internet, the language of websites has become one fascinating variety to investigate. In the contexts of German language studies, Goethe-Institut is a wo...
This study focuses on the language characteristics of multilingual female teenagers in Bandung, a city with a diverse ethnic population. The research is based on a small sample of 16-18 year old students from a private high school and uses a descriptive-analytic method to analyze recorded conversations as primary data and interviews as secondary da...
There has been much discussion of Indonesia’s changing policies toward ethnic Chinese and the phenomenon of anti-Chinese sentiment. However, cases where Chinese Indonesians and native Indonesians live peacefully side by side are worth investigating. This paper explores the notable tolerance and maintenance of a relatively peaceful coexistence betwe...
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Menulis karya ilmiah adalah kewajiban bagi pengembangan diri profesi mengajar. Keterampilan literasi akademik sebagai bagian penting dari penulisan adalah keterampilan yang belum dikenali sepenuhnya oleh seluruh tenaga pendidik, khususnya tenaga pendidik jenjang pendidikan dasar. Pengetahuan tentang konvensi tulisan akademik, pencarian basis data p...
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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian linguistik terapan yang mengombinasikan linguistik dan ilmu komputasi dan berfokus di bidang natural language processing (NLP). Fenomena yang dikaji adalah klasifikasi sentimen pada judul berita pemberitaan COVID-19 di media DetikHealth selama tahun 2021 sehingga orientasi penelitian ini adalah mengklasifikasikan...
Peran media massa berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap penyebaran Covid-19. Berdasarkan laporan Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022, media daring cenderung dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia sebagai sumber berita dengan persentase 88%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan media daring merupakan tempat penyebaran informasi yang...
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This research aims to decode brand meanings from the logos of two multinational companies and to encode their social categories. The companies chosen for this study are in the technology field. To analyze this issue, a qualitative-descriptive method was used to define the message contained in the logo and express the logo's social categories in a c...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pola penggunaan verba yang bersinonimi, yaitu disclose dan reveal, berdasarkan teori norms and exploitation (TNE) dari Hanks (2013) dalam Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) dengan menggunakan kajian linguistik korpus. Kesamaan makna antara verba disclose dan reveal dalam ragam lisan dan tulisan pada kor...
Objek Pemajuan Kebudayaan (OPK) menjadi kata kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur pemajuan kebudayaan. Hal tersebut secara tegas dijelaskan dalam UU No. 5 tahun 2017 tentang Pemajuan Kebudayaan. Dengan demikian, pemajuan kebudayaan suatu daerah pada kabupaten, kota, provinsi, atau pada wilayah administratif lainnya yang berada di bawah kabupat...
The development of social media in Indonesia has increased sharply and is marked by the use of social media by almost half of Indonesia's population. One of the social media that Indonesians are interested in is Instagram. On Instagram, users can carry out social, economic, cultural, and language interactions. Thus, it is significant to study langu...
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Pandemi Covid-19 menimbulkan pembatasan pada aktivitas di publik, termasuk bersekolah. Sistem Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang diterapkan sebagai solusi untuk menyelenggarakan pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kebijakan tersebut tentu tidak terlepas dari berbagai kendala. Akan tetapi, kehadiran vaksin dan semak...
The aims of this study is to describe the meaning of Batik Paseban from Kuningan Regency using Roland Barthes' semiotic approach. The results show that the meanings found in the Paseban batik motifs include: (1) Sekar Galuh which describes nature conservation; (2) Oyog Mingmang which depicts unity and oneness; (3) Mayang Segara which implies the br...
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The current research aimed at investigating the authorial identity through explicit self-mention markers (I, me, my, we, us, and our) in English research articles written by Indonesian authors. For this purpose, we employed a mix-methods research design consisting of two analysis phases. First, the quantitative analysis was represented by analyzing...
Litearsi kesehatan adalah kemampuan untuk mencari, memahami, dan mengevaluasi informasi tentang kesehatan sehingga dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat untuk menerapkan pola hidup sehat dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Derasnya arus informasi selama masa pandemi COVID-19 perlu diantisipasi dengan tingkat literasi kesehatan yang tinggi. Tingkat litera...
Subjek penelitian ini adalah upacara adat Bapelas. Objek pembahasannya tentang pembacaansimbol-simbol kekuasaan di upacara adat Bapelas. Pembacaan simbol dilakukan dalam bentukreduplikasi dan pengamatan langsung struktur pelaksanaan upacara adat Bapelas. Pengkajianini dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data-data secara empiris, bersifat induktif, menggu...
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The low publication rate of Indonesian researchers in reputable international journals, particularly in arts and humanities,is caused, among others, by difficulties they faced in producing precise expository texts in English, which are differentfrom texts in Indonesian. The present study examines lexical bundles in the corpora of English and Indone...
Cirebon has a very heterogeneous population. The heterogeneity of the Cirebon Population goes through a very long process, going on since the early days of the Cirebon Sultanate in the XV century. Along with the heterogeneity of its population, Cirebon culture has developed into a culture that is full of diversity, as well as representing cultural...
Bagi masyarakat pengguna internet, memiliki pengetahuan dan kecakapan menggunakan teknologi digital untuk mengakses dan mengelola informasi; membangun pengetahuan baru; serta berkomunikasi dengan orang lain agar terhubung dan berpartisipasi secara efektif di masyarakat adalah suatu keharusan. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan PPM ini berupa penyuluhan meng...
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This study aims to describe how the Middle East Media represent the Indonesian government and the executed Indonesian migrant workers in the case of Indonesian migrant workers’ executions in Saudi Arabia. The data are analyzed through Critical Discourse Analysis focuses on the representation of social actors by Van Leeuwen (2008). This theory exami...
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A voiceless alveolar plosive /t/ is pronounced with many variations. In English, it is perceived to have an aspiration when it is in the initial segment of a word in a stressed syllable while Sundanese and Indonesian do not aspirate it. The study focuses on finding out Voice Onset Time (VOT) or duration of /t/ in Sundanese, Indonesian, and English...
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This study discusses how the representation of executed Indonesian migrant workers in the case of their executions in Saudi Arabia from 2015 to 2018 in The Jakarta Post news articles. This study is analyzed by using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which specifically uses the Social Actor Representation (SAR) theory from van Leeuwen (2008). In ana...
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A voiceless alveolar plosive /t/ is pronounced with many variations. In English, it is perceived to have an aspiration when it is in the initial segment of a word in a stressed syllable while Sundanese and Indonesian do not aspirate it. The study focuses on finding out Voice Onset Time (VOT) or duration of /t/ in Sundanese, Indonesian, and English...
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The present paper carries out a corpus linguistic analysis of the first debate of 2019 Indonesia presidential election. The study compared the speech of presidential candidate pair number 1, JW and MA, and number 2, PS and SSU, in the debate in terms of lexical diversity and linguistic features. The research employs a mixed-method research design b...
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p class="TeksAbstrak">Among the debates on the choice of Indonesian term for woman, the present research examines the use of the gendered lexicon perempuan and wanita with the aim to reveal which term is more preferable and how the terms are used to talk about woman. Using corpus-based approach, the study compares frequency and pattern of word usag...
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This paper was concerned with terminology of the social sciences and humanities in Indonesian scientific papers. Using electronic corpora built from the collection of texts on legal science and administrative science in Universitas Indonesia, the aims of the study was to illustrate how to integrate corpus linguistic method with the communicative th...
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p>Gender identity, one of the most important social categories in people’s lives, is socially constructed and language is claimed to have a significant role in constructing the gender identity. This paper studies the construction of Sundanese women through five Sundanese nouns referring to women found in the corpus of Manglè magazine, published bet...


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