Susanti NimanUniversitas Santo Borromeus · mental health nursing
Susanti Niman
Doctor of mental health nursing
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Lecturers and nurse practitioners in the Mental Health department, Santo Borromeus Health Sciences. Researchers in public health, mental health and nursing science.
Skills and Expertise
September 2019 - June 2023
Universiity of Indonesia
Field of study
- nursing
September 2011 - August 2014
Publications (64)
Urban life is full of challenges. The challenges faced can affect psychological conditions. The research aims to determine the mental health of urban communities. The method used is the cross-sectional research method. The research sample used convenience and probability sampling and collected 431 respondents. The instrument used was the self-repor...
Pasien yang menjalani perawatan di ruang rawat inap seringkali mengalami kekuatiran terkait dengan rasa sakit, kegelisahan, potensi untuk meninggal, dan resiko terhadap keselamatan fisik. Ansietas yang dialami pasien harus diintervensi agar tidak mempengaruhi kesejahteraan psikologis. Intervensi ansietas dapat dilakukan mandiri oleh perawat dalam b...
The aim is to develop and verify the feasibility of an adolescent coping model in seasonal flood-prone areas. This coping model supports mental health nurses’ practical application to adolescents in flood-prone areas.
We developed the adolescent coping model based on the processes established in three integrated theories: self-ca...
Background: The number of mental disorders: schizophrenia is increasing every year, social dysfunction is one of the negative behaviours of schizophrenia patients, namely: not wanting to socialize. Group activity therapy: socialization is an effort to facilitate the ability to socialize with isolated patients with social relationship problems. Purp...
Buku berisi tentang promosi kesehatan yang diberikan oleh perawat pada berbagai tahap tumbuh kembang dengan menggunakan berbagai media dan metode termasuk menggunakan media digital
Introduction: Student anxiety can affect personal well-being and academic performance. Nursing care intervention should be given to cope with anxiety. The purpose of the study was to report the effect of five-finger hypnotic therapy in reducing anxiety in college students. Methods: A case study was conducted in West Java, Indonesia. The implementat...
Floods are a seasonal disaster for those who live in flood-prone areas. Children are a vulnerable group. Disasters can reduce the ability to adapt. This study aims to explore the experience of repeated flooding in children who live in flood-prone areas. Method: A qualitative study with a phenomenological design in Baleendah village, West Java. Qual...
The early stage of adulthood is a critical period of interpersonal, educational, and career development, leading to an increased risk of depression. While studies examining psychosocial stressors among depressed young adults have been conducted in developed countries, more efforts are needed to identify the risk factors in developing countries. Thi...
Online love fraud is a cybercrime. Victims typically lose around 500 billion rupiahs every year in Indonesia. The research related to the experiences of victims of love scammers is limited, and the authorities often ignore victims who report. This study aimed to explore the experiences of Indonesian women as a victim. The study is qualitative with...
ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada bencana gempa bumi Cianjur bertujuan untuk deteksi dini masalah kesehatan jiwa dan mempertahankan kesehatan jiwa anak. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk intervensi keperawatan jiwa kelompok dan individu. Metode yang digunakan adalah deteksi masalah kesehatan jiwa dengan menggunakan Strength and Difficulties...
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support is a mental health effort for disaster survivors. Psychiatric nurses have competence in conducting it in every disaster situation. A refuge is a place for community service activities for mental nurses. Earthquake survivors who live in evacuation shelters are among the vulnerable groups experiencing mental hea...
INTRODUCTION: This study aims to explore the emotional reactions of children after a landslide disaster.
METHODS: This is a qualitative, hermeneutic phenomenological study. A total of 11 junior high school students who were victims of landslide disasters were selected by purposive sampling techniques. The data collection tool was created in form of...
INTRODUCTION: educating children with verbal shouting is still standard. Social norms accept it as a strategy for disciplining children. Verbal violence will affect psychological conditions and impact the psychological development of children at a later stage. This study aims to analyze the relationship between sociodemographic factors and parental...
Young adults with depression are the largest group who commit suicide. Suicide begins with the idea of ending a life. The correlation between suicidal ideation and depression in young adults must be known to suppress suicide. This study aimed to determine the correlation between depression and suicidal ideation in young adults. Quantitative researc...
Background : A female student experiences low self-esteem due to experiences of family violence and bullying. This case study illustrates how family violence and bullying trigger low self-esteem and influence positive affirmative nursing actions.
Case report: A female student conducts counselling with a psychiatric nursing practitioner. Clients sin...
Objective: Covid-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster. Everyone, including children, becomes stressed, to prevent transmission of the virus, an adaptation of new habits is needed, so it is necessary to provide knowledge in the form of repeated education related to new normal adaptation to improve physical health. This is necessary so that the chil...
Domestic violence is a risk of suicide associated with low self-esteem and self-harm. This case illustrates how domestic violence affects mental health. The client was often pinched, beaten and compared to other siblings by her mother. She never got recognition from her mother. This experience made her insecure, hurting herself when she could not c...
Nurses play a role in improving the community's quality of life through mental health efforts. Mental health efforts in the healthy group are provided through mental health promotion. Schools have become places for mental health promotion activities from nurses. Middle school and high school students belong to the youth group. Adolescents are at th...
Perawat berperan meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat yang baik melalui upaya kesehatan jiwa. Upaya kesehatan jiwa pada kelompok sehat diberikan melalui promosi kesehatan jiwa. Sekolah menjadi tempat kegiatan promosi kesehatan jiwa dari perawat. Siswa sekolah menengah pertama dan sekolah menengah atas termasuk dalam kelompok remaja. Remaja berada...
Buku keperawatan keluarga ini disusun dengan pendekatan kesehatan jiwa keluarga. Tujuan dari buku ini untuk memberikan pemahaman dan kemampuan para tenaga kesehatan dan para mahasiswa untuk melakukan asuhan keperawatan keluarga dengan masalah penyakit kronik, perawatan paliatif, trauma dan masalah kesehatan jiwa
The child is the asset and successor of the ideals of the nation's struggle for the future. Children are entitled to service to develop the ability, and social life, by following per under the culture, and personality of the nation, to become good, and useful citizens. Children are entitled to maintenance and protection, while in the womb or after...
Anxiety is a psychological problem often found in children after the flood. Anxiety experienced can interfere with psychological well-being and academic achievement. The study aimed to determine the prevalence of anxiety levels in junior high school students in flood-prone areas. This study uses quantitative methods and descriptive design with a cr...
Indonesia is ranked 107 as a child-friendly country. One child-friendly indicator is that every child can develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially optimally. Promotive mental health efforts in schools absolutely must be made because of the increasing number of mental health problems in elementary school children
Introduction : During the Covid-19 pandemic people do all activities at home such as school, play, work online. Smartphones are a tool that students cannot avoid during the Covid-19 pandemic. Purpose : This study aims to describe the level of smartphone addiction in college students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Smartphone addiction is a behavioral...
Latar belakang : Selama pandemi Covid-19 orang melakukan semua kegiatan di dalam rumah seperti sekolah, bermain, bekerja secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan gambaran tingkat kecanduan smarphone pada mahasiswa selama pandemi Covid-19. Kecanduan smartphone merupakan keterikatan perilaku terhadap smartphone yang menyebabkan masa...
Background: Anxiety constitutes one of the most prevalent childhood mental health problems. It affects social functions, academic functions and increases the risk of mental health problems at the next stage of development among elementary school children. Besides, psychopathologic disorders in teenagers appear in form of emotional symptoms. Early a...
Promosi kesehatan jiwa merupakan upaya untuk mempertahankan kesehatan jiwa. Remaja menjadi sasaran promosi kesehatan jiwa mengingat tingginya prevalensi masalah kesehatan jiwa di usia ini. Bentuk promosi kesehatan jiwa yang dapat dilakukan pada remaja adalah manajemen emosi. Manajemen emosi penting bagi remaja sebab masa ini adalah masa pencarian i...
ABSTRAK Harga diri merupakan komponen yang penting bagi kesehatan dan hubungan interpersonal. Harga diri rendah situasional dapat memicu munculnya masalah kesehatan jiwa pada mahasiswa. Intervensi keperawatan jiwa spesialis dibutuhkan untuk membantu mahasiswa yang mengalami harga diri rendah situasional. Logoterapi sebagai intervensi keperawatan ji...
Toxic relationships have an impact on the mental health conditions of adolescents. Teenagers can avoid unhealthy relationships through increased knowledge. Mental health education online is a form of mental health promotion given to adolescents. Teenagers are the target of online mental health promotion, considering the ease of using webinar platfo...
The data found that female sex workers with a lifespan of 20 to 30 years say do not use condoms during sexual intercourse and do not believe that condoms can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Behaviors of using condoms among female sex workers can be seen with a health belief approach. This study aims to determine the relationship of sociodemo...
This study aims to describe the prevalence of emotional problems in the elderly in West Bandung. This research is quantitative research with descriptive design with research respondents totaling 106 people who seek treatment with physical complaints to Puskesmas DTP Gunung Halu West Bandung. The instrument for measuring the prevalence of emotional...
Introduction: Congestive Heart Failure is dangerous clinical syndrome which issues of the functional and structural heart problems, disrupting ventricular refilling and systemic circulation of the body. WHO conducted data collection in 2016 found that 17,9 million people died globally due to heart disease. The purpose of this literature review is t...
Self-harm in young adults can affect cognitive abilities, performance, and interpersonal relationships. Self-harm is becoming one of the trends and issues of psychiatric nursing. The aims determine the correlation between self-harm and depression in young adults. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of self-harm with depressio...
Mental health condition of many people has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The psychological distress felt by many has been brought by changes in their physiology, such as reduced immune system responses, increased risk of infection, and mental health problems. Therefore, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPS) training in the communi...
Setengah dari masalah kesehatan jiwa terjadi mulai usia 14 tahun namun banyak kasus tidak terdeteksi dan menjalani pengobatan. Secara global depresi merupakan kasus terbanyak penyebab disabilitas pada remaja dan bunuh diri masuk ke dalam empat besar penyebab kematian usia 15-19 tahun. Berdasarkan data WHO, terdapat sepertiga dari mahasiswa tahun pe...
Background: Risk Violent behavior is an individual condition that will endanger oneself, others, family, and society. Individuals at risk of violent behavior need psychiatric nursing care to overcome the nursing problems they experience. This study aims to discuss nursing care comprehensively from assessment to evaluation of clients at risk of viol...
The government's plan for a COVID-19 vaccine for the entire population of Indonesia has generated various responses in the community. The amount of information received from various sources can affect public perceptions of vaccines. The negative perception of vaccines experienced by the community can trigger anxiety. The goal of the research is to...
The second peak in the incidence of depression occurs in the middle adulthood age groups. Depression has a more chronic course and poorer prognosis in older adults than in younger and the effect caused impaired well-being. Research on depression in the middle adult group has not been widely carried out and is mostly done in early adulthood and elde...
Data Dinas Kesehatan Bandung Barat tahun 2016 angka kematian ibu mengalami peningkatan yaitu 25 ibu. Peran kader penting dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal. Studi pendahuluan dilakukan dengan wawancara didapatkan 8 ibu hamil yang tidak mengetahui kehamilan risiko tinggi serta belum mendapatkan pen...
Background: Disasters threaten the lives of millions of children. Children are the largest age group that has experienced disasters throughout the world. It is estimated that there are more than 100 million children exposed to disasters every year. Children are included in the most vulnerable risk groups. The impact of disasters on the ag...
This study is motivated by the existence of family environment conditions that influence juvenile to do delinquency. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a relationship between the condition of the family environment with the type of juvenile delinquency. The sample uses a total sampling of 130 respondents in children's peniten...
The prevalence of depression in the elderly in the world with an average age of 60 years is estimated there are 500 million people. The prevalence of depression in Indonesia based on the Information Center for Non-Communicable Diseases, elderly who experience depression by 11.6%. The effects of depression are decreased concentration and suicidal id...
ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by changes in a person's perceptions, thoughts, affect, and behaviour. Schizophrenia symptoms last for a minimum period of one month and deterioration of function lasts for a minimum of six months with a recurrence rate of 70-82%. Schizophrenia sufferers are often found to lack social...
The prevalence of CHF is increasing every year. The impact of a psychosocial condition requiring comprehensive treatment for CHF in all aspects. One contributing factor to success is the involvement of the family. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the differences of social support towards clients with CHF who were receiving family psychoeducat...
Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan dengan melakukan wawancara pada 10 ibu ABK di SLB, didapatkan ibu mengatakan sering mangalami kelelahan, sakit kepala dalam merawat, mengawasi anak berkebutuhan khusus, kurangnya pembagian tugas dalam membantu mendampingi, mengasuh, dan memberikan informasi tentang cara menghadapi ABK dari suami. Tujuan penelitia...
ABSTRAK Tindakan bullying menimbulkan kecemasan dan harga diri rendah pada korban. Remaja SMA korban bullying yang menjadi takut, dan malas pergi sekolah. Tujuan penelitian untuk diketahuinya pengaruh terapi menulis ekspresif terhadap tingkat kecemasan. Kecemasan merupakan respons emosional ditandai dengan rasa takut, tegang dan gelisah. Menulis ek...
Studi pendahuluan yang di lakukan peneliti di Puskesmas Padalarang pada bulan Desember 2015 terdapat 15 ibu hamil yang memeriksakan kehamilannya 7 orang diantaranya mengaku mengalami mual muntah yang berlebihan (hyperemesis gravidarum). hiperemesis gravidarum merupakan mual dan muntah berlebihan lebih dari 10 kali dalam 24 jam atau setiap saat sehi...
The material discussed in this book includes:
Health Education, Health Promotion, Concepts of Learning and Learning
Nursing E-Learning, NANDA Nursing Diagnosis International Domain 1 Health Promotion and
Preplanning Example
The material discussed in this book includes:
▪ Organs and Functions of the Digestive System
▪ Digestion Process
▪ Nutrition
▪ Digestion of Various Foods
▪ Nutrient Metabolism Process
▪ Energy Use
▪ Diet Balance
▪ Nutrition for Various Age Groups
▪ Nutrition Related Diseases
▪ Nursing Care with Nutrition Needs
▪ Nursing Skills Procedures Regarding...
The material discussed in this book includes:
Health Assessment (Anamnesis), Vital Signs and Physical Examination
The material discussed in this book includes:
Organs and Functions of the Digestive System, Digestion Process, Nutrition
Digestion of Various Foods, Nutrient Metabolism Process, Energy Use, Diet Balance
Nutrition for Various Age Groups, Nutrition Related Diseases,
Nursing Care with Nutrition Needs,
Nursing Skills Procedures Regarding Nutrition Ne...
ABSTRAK Klien dengan skizofrenia residual banyak menunjukkan tanda dan gejala isolasi sosial, harga diri rendah dan defisit perawatan diri. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan informasi keluarga dengan kemampuan klien mengatasi tanda dan gejala skizofrenia residual. Metode dan desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelatif d...
Low self-esteem can result in depression, suicide, anorexia nervosa, juvenile delinquency and, self-adjustment problems Bibliotherapy is one type of therapy that uses the activity of reading literature for therapeutic purpose. Previous literature mentions that this therapy has been helpful to deal with psychological problems. The purpose of this st...
ABSTRAK Tingkat pengangguran di Indonesia terutama wanita pada usia produktif masih tinggi yakni 21 % dari 49,66 % populasi wanita di Indonesia. Wanita sulit untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan sehingga melakukan apapun demi kelangsungan hidup dirinya dan keluarganya. Mereka mudah terpengaruh dan seringkali menjadi korban perdagangan manusia dan ditempatka...
ABSTRAK Hasil studi pendahuluan didapatkan hasil terdapat siswa yang mengatakan masih merasa egois, sulit mengontrol emosi, mudah marah, berbohong pada orang tua, dan merokok. Remaja merupakan periode mencari jati diri, dimana terjadi banyak perubahan, dalam aspek anatomi fisiologis, kognitif, dan sosio-emosional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk men...
ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Menopause menimbulkan terjadinya penurunan fungsi seksual. Penggunaan Lubrikan adalah terapi nonfarmakologi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan lubrikan terhadap peningkatan fungsi seksual pada wanita menopause. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif,...
Latar belakang pada penelitian ini adalah hasil wawancara 2 dari 10 mahasiswa mengatakan tidak memiliki teman dekat.Hasil observasi 4 mahasiswa tingkat I mengundurkan diri pada tahun akademik 2016/2017. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan konsep diri dengan kecerdasan adversitas mahasiswa program studi S1 Keperawatan. Konsep diri...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatar-belakangi oleh tingginya tingkat stres mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan tingkat akhir saat mengerjakan tugas akhir. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat stres sebelum dan setelah pemberian terapi musik pada mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan tingkat akhir. Stres merupakan suatu reaksi fisik dan psikis terhadap...
Tindakan bullying menimbulkan kecemasan dan harga diri rendah pada korban. Remaja SMA korban bullying yang menjadi takut, dan malas pergi sekolah. Tujuan penelitian untuk diketahuinya pengaruh terapi menulis ekspresif terhadap tingkat kecemasan. Kecemasan merupakan respons emosional ditandai dengan rasa takut, tegang dan gelisah. Menulis ekspresif...
Gangguan jiwa merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menyebabkan individu kurang produktif.Family caregiver adalah individu yang memberikan bantuan kepada keluarganya yang mengalami penyakit.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena pengalaman family caregiver dalam merawat keluarga yang mengalami gangguan jiwa.Hasil penelitian diharapkan bergu...
Powerlessness in chronic diseases caused by physiological factors, medication management, process loss, lack of knowledge, health care systems, social issues, lack of resources beyond the individual, and cultural uncertainty (Lukbin & Larsen, 2013). The purpose of this final scientific work was to determine the effects of logotherapy and family psy...