Susanne MetznerUniversity of Augsburg | UNA · Leopold-Mozart-College of Music
Susanne Metzner
Prof. Dr. sc. mus. habil.
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Publications (142)
Music therapy is a commonly used intervention added to usual care for psychiatric disorders.
We review the evidence for music therapy and assess its efficacy as an adjunct therapy across psychiatric disorders.
A systematic literature search was conducted in four scientific databases to identify relevant meta-analyses. Artic...
Music-Guided Resonance Breathing (MGRB) is intended for clinical use to reduce anxiety and stress in patients undergoing strenuous medical treatment. The article sets out the basic principles and effects of resonance breathing and describes the development process of MGRB in the form of a qualitative expert focus group and its evaluation. This is f...
Zusammenfassung Prä-und perioperative Ängste können sich bei chirurgischen Patient:innen ungünstig auf den Operations-, Narkose-und Genesungsverlauf auswirken. Der Einsatz von Musik zur Angstreduktion wird mittlerweile in einem breiten Spektrum medizinischer Anwendungs-gebiete beforscht. Unser Erkenntnisinteresse richtet sich darauf, mit welchen In...
Voice Assistants (VAs) are becoming a popular way to perform everyday tasks. In medical contexts, VAs are being studied for their usage in areas such as medical care in rural areas, medical diagnosis, and intersession treatment during therapies. This systematic review aims to assess the usability of voice-based interaction in therapies in health ca...
The poster presents a music listening intervention with the vibroacoustic SoundPad® by the company resono for terminally ill patients and their families in palliative care. The focus of the intervention is on the relationship between the patient and family members.
In addition to the well-known research traditions of quantitative and qualitative research, mixed methods as a "third" research paradigm are increasingly gaining the interest of the music therapy research community. Mixed methods are understood as the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods within a research project. The methodological...
Die palliativmedizinische Betreuung unheilbar erkrankter Patienten umfasst auch die Mitbetreuung ihrer Angehörigen. Gut etabliert sind die psychoonkologische, sozialrechtliche und seelsorgerische Beratung (vgl. Oechsle et al., 2021). Zu den standardisierten Vorgehensweisen gehören jedoch keine Interventionen, die
sich auf die Beziehungs...
Music-imaginative Pain Treatment (MIPT) is part of the multi-professional treatment plan for hospitalised patients in departments for psychosomatic medicine. MIPT is an intervention that encourages the patient to create music representing pain and relief from pain and promotes active engagement and self-reflection. This single case study of a 46-ye...
Music-imaginative Pain Treatment (MIPT) is a form of music therapy addressing pain experience and affective attitudes toward pain. It includes two self-composed music pieces: one dedicated to the pain experience (pain music, PM) and the other to healing imagination (healing music, HM). Our non-experimental study addresses patients with chronic soma...
In order to relax in everyday life, people use music from a sound carrier. The choice of music is made intuitively and according to one’s musical preference. In a therapeutic context, these processes are professionally guided. In so-called receptive music therapy, the patient and therapist listen to music together.The psychological processes trigge...
All Authors: 5. Metzner, S., Fuchs, D., von der Nahmer, P.M., Ding, C., Morgott, P., Schaal, N., Hepp, P.
Background: Postoperative delirium (POD) is a highly prevalent morbid syndrome in intensive care units (ICUs). Approximately one third of all patients over 70 years of age are affected by POD. Its fluctuating symptoms and manifestations pose serious psycho-physiological risks to the patients, as well as strains to their relatives and medical profes...
Background: Postoperative delirium (POD) is a highly prevalent morbid syndrome in intensive care units (ICUs). Approximately one third of all patients over 70 years of age are affected by POD. Its fluctuating symptoms and manifestations pose serious psycho-physiological risks to the patients, as well as strains to their relatives and medical profes...
This article is an attempt to apply theories and findings from music therapy to pedagogy. It is based on the premise that in both disciplines, self-efficacy expectations, among other things, represent a significant influencing factor for the success of pedagogical or therapeutic efforts, but that it is in principle impossible to know or even contro...
Clinical experience and empirical evidence show, that music therapy can be beneficial to be included in the treatment of social trauma. The chapter that is based on a psychodynamic understanding demonstrates how suffered social trauma, be it obvious or nearly subliminal, can become sound in music. For the analysis of therapeutic scenes within two v...
Somatoforme Störungen/Schmerz. Musiktherapie und Medizin im Dialog
Musiktherapie kann das multiprofessionelle Behandlungsangebot in der Palliativversorgung sinnvoll ergänzen. Selbst kurzzeitige Interventionen verringern Schmerzintensität (Gutgsell et al. 2013), mindern psychophysischen Stress (Warth et al. 2016) oder verbessern die Lebensqualität (Warth et al. 2019). Eine bevorzugte Intervention is...
EXPLORATIVE INTEGRATION KLINISCHER, PHYSIOLOGISCHER UND (PSYCHO-)AKUSTISCHER DATEN S u s a n n e M e t z n e r , S i n a G l o m b , I r i n a B ö c k e l m a n n , J e s k o V e r h e y , J a n H o t s , J ö r g F r o m m e r
Nach einer kurzen Charakterisierung der psy-chodynamischen Musiktherapie und einem Überblick zum Stand der Forschung zur Mu-siktherapie mit psychotischen Patienten werden zwei Studien der Prozessforschung dargestellt. Dabei geht es um musikalische Abstimmungen innerhalb von freien Improvisationen, um den Zeitpunkt ihres Auftretens und ihre Qualität...
The aim of this non-experimental follow-up study was to specify and quantify rhythmic attunement processes within free improvisations in the early phase of psychodynamic music therapy in order to investigate its predictive value for therapeutic change. Twenty-one in-patients diagnosed with psychosis (ICD-10F20, 23, 25) were included in the study. P...
In improvisatory group music therapy of the Zentrum Überleben in Berlin patients with complex trauma disorders induced by war, torture and flight frequently report an unpleasant sound perception. The objective of this exploratory study was to gain insight into the auditory perception of these patients and into opportunities of musical improvisation...
With her qualitative study on compositional processes in music-imaginative pain treatment, the author investigates which competencies and practices patients develop in order to “musicalise” pain sensations and alleviation ideas. Methodologically, online-accessible audiographed therapy sessions were transcribed and evaluated. The dense case descript...
Mit ihrer qualitativen Studie zu Kompositionsprozessen in der Musik-imaginativen Schmerzbehandlung geht die Autorin der Frage nach, welche Kompetenzen und Handlungspraktiken Patienten entwickeln, um Schmerzempfindungen und Linderungsvorstellungen zu ›musikalisieren‹. Methodisch wurden audiografierte Therapiesitzungen transkribiert und ausgewertet,...
Music therapeutic interventions are used to positively change patients’ emotions and mood, which influence related physiological parameters. During therapeutic receptive lyre interventions in conjunction with
singing, alterations in respiration and mood perception have been observed in oncological patients [1]. We determined changes...
Der Begriff der Resonanz - ursprünglich eine akustische Metapher - wird derzeit vielfach verwendet, um sprachliche und leibliche, aber auch psychologische und physikalische Prozesse zu beschreiben. Es geht um die Bedingungen dafür, dass etwas oder jemand in Schwingung versetzt wird, und darum, welche Rückkopplungen durch solches Mitschwingen in Int...
Since music therapy has been established for anxiolysis and pain relief in the mean time, it has been increasingly considered also for clinical disciplines such as surgery in the perioperative setting. The manuscript describes the use of music or music therapy to reduce fear and pain in surgical patients. In addition to an overview on the current s...
In reference to E. Tronick’s statement on mother–infant relationships, the roundtable raises the question how to negotiate the necessity of using standardised (psychological and musical) assessment instruments on one side and implicit relational knowing on the other side. A psychodynamic concept of music therapy is based on the assumption that co-c...
Am Beispiel der musiktherapeutischen Schmerzbehandlung wird gezeigt, wie Patienten ihr affektiv-sensorisches Erleben mit Hilfe von musikalischen Klängen zum Ausdruck bringen und bewerten. Aus neurobiologischer Perspektive wird durch die gerichteten Aktivitäten – motorische Bewegungsabläufe, auditive Wahrnehmung und auf ein Ziel gerichtete soziale I...
Der Beitrag behandelt die therapeutischen Prozesse in der psychodynamischen Bewegungs- und Tanztherapie sowie Musiktherapie. Unter Bezugnahme zur Praxis des Halprin’schen Live/Art Process sowie die Studien der Boston Change Process Study Group schlagen die Autorinnen vor, sowohl therapeutische als auch künstlerische Dimensionen bei der Co-Kreation...
This essay examines, with reference to the defense function of collective traumas, two examples of pieces composed after the two world wars of the 20th century. The starting point is a genea-logical concept of collective violence in which individuals and societies are seen as products of simultaneous individuation and socialisation processes. Abduc...
In diesem Beitrag wird der Nutzen des Einsatzes von Musik in der Depressionsbehandlung aus interdisziplinärer Sicht herausgearbeitet. Bei leicht bis schwer depressiv erkrankten Patienten scheint eine Musiktherapie sinnvoll. Zum Zeitpunkt der Akutbehandlung schwer depressiv Erkrankter muss von Limitationen der Musikwirkung ausgegangen werden.
In the case study of a 45-year-old patient suffering from chronic schizoaffective psychosis, the authors examine the question if severe psychiatric illness presents a contraindication for music-imaginative pain treatment. These considerations are based on the alarming fact that psychotic patients have a much lower life expectancy than the general p...
Der Beitrag zur musiktherapeutischen Schmerzbehandlung fokussiert performative und semiotische Prozesse, die in Auseinandersetzung mit Musik angeregt werden. Es geht dabei um Klänge, die vom Patienten einem Schmerzerleben und den Vorstellungen einer Schmerzlinderung zugeordnet werden. Das Modell der Musik-imaginativen Schmerzbehandlung wird anhand...
Es handelt sich um ein Sonderheft zur psychodynamischen Musiktherapie mit 6 Beiträgen von insgesamt 10 Autor*innen
Music therapy is an innovative approach in the treatment of depression. It could be better established as part of a multimodal programme if the available clinical findings and research were gathered and widely communicated. Based on an understanding of depression as psy- chosomatic regulation of the emotions, and based on National Treatment Guideli...
Music in therapy allows a sensual awareness of overlapping inner and outer spaces. This in turn allows thoughts to wander and linger over objects of interest that both contain the past and make possible the present, that are associated with amiable beginnings as well as leaving open what the future will bring. Due to these processes we do not only...
Modern forms of music therapy are clinically established for various therapeutic or rehabilitative goals, especially in the treatment of chronic pain. However, little is known about the neuronal mechanisms that underlie pain modulation by music. Therefore, we attempted to characterize the effects of music therapy on pain perception by comparing the...
The phenomenon of social phobia is considered in the context of social conditions and reflected on with reference to an east-west German encounter in music therapy. It becomes apparent that the musical action, rather than serving expression, self-discovery and self-determination, initiates a process in which the self, threatened by shame and shame...
The article addresses the phenomenon of pain and the music therapeutic treatment of pain, with consideration of the involved functional and representational brain functions and its connected epistemological problems. A 2-fold description of the therapeutic process is presented whereby a transmodal process linking affective–sensory pain with audio m...
Der Beitrag fokussiert musiktherapeutische Behandlungen von Mädchen im Zeitraum von 1990 - 2009 und untersucht auf der Grundlage einer Datenbankrecherche im deutschsprachigen Raum die Berücksichtung von Gender-Aspekten. Wie die Ergebnisse zeigen, ist eine gezielte Auseinandersetzung mit geschlechterspezifischen kognitiven Einstellungen, emotionalen...
The article presents the assets and challenges of the interdisciplinary discourse of music therapy and musicology based on the example of the MA study course 'Methods of Music Therapy Research in Practice' at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. The focus is on music and its effectiveness. Both the concrete research approaches of t...
In psychotherapy with patients suffering from psychosis, the necessity of allowing acting and well-considered co-acting is acknowledged as a means of communication. The use of musical improvisations seems to be particularly appropriate for this, especially for the treatment of very extreme human experiences, such as, for example, feelings of vast e...
During improvisation polymorphic and diverse but simultaneously occurring mediatory processes are stimulated in a special way. The value of the concrete practice, of spontaneous impulses and ideas, cannot be underestimated, because experiencing, interpreting, and (re)constructing the external world lead to the transformation of the interpreting str...
This article is an appreciation of the Kassel Theses on Music Therapy elaborated ten years ago. It draws attention to the problems still to be solved in relation to a consensual explanatory approach to the use of music in therapy, and formulates the requirements for a theory in this field.
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