Susanne J. de Kort

Susanne J. de Kort
Leiden University Medical Centre | LUMC · Department of Public Health and Primary care



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Publications (15)
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In health care for older adults, patients with multimorbidity usually receive the same interventions as those patients without multimorbidity. However, standard curative or life-sustaining treatment options have to be considered carefully in view of the maximally attainable result in older and frail patients. To guide such complex medical decisions...
Standaard (curatieve) behandelingen voor aandoeningen als een heupfractuur, hartklepgebrek, nierfalen, kanker en CVA zijn niet altijd passend meer voor de kwetsbare oudere patiënt met multimorbiditeit. Deze behandelingen kunnen belastend zijn, bijwerkingen veroorzaken en de laatste fase van het leven nadelig beïnvloeden. Een behandeling is evenmin...
A recent survey showed that less than half of Dutch physicians would find it conceivable to grant a request for euthanasia from a patient suffering from psychiatric disease or dementia, or who is tired of life. Because of a broader interpretation by the Regional Review Committees of the official criteria for due care, all recent cases of euthanasia...
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Background: In mental health care, more and more research is being done, particularly in the field of educational programmes. Unfortunately, junior researchers are often not fully informed about the rules and regulations relating to research and about medical ethics. Therefore, they are not in a position to make considered judgements that conform...
Het gebruik van palliatieve systemische antikankerbehandeling (PST) kan verbeterd worden door het beantwoorden van drie reflectieve vragen naar respectievelijk het behandeldoel, de behandeling als traject en de invloed van de behandeling op het sterfbed. Deze vragen kwamen voort uit de resultaten van de hier kort beschreven studie naar de ethische...
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Most models of patient-physician communication take decision-making as a central concept. However, we found that often the treatment course of metastatic cancer patients is not easy to describe in straightforward terms used in decision-making models but is instead frequently more erratic. Our aim was to analyse these processes as trajectories. We u...
Clinical practice guidelines are often evidence-based. However, it is inevitable that there are value judgements in the practical recommendations contained in the guidelines. In order to see if patients are ultimately being supplied with sufficient information to help them make treatment decision, we determined 1) which value judgements influence t...
To give an overview of relevant literature regarding health care needs in end-stage COPD and to identify specific areas where knowledge about needs is still lacking. We conducted a structured literature review. We used Bradshaw's classification system. Seventy-seven publications were found. Ten publications were included in the review. The results...
The high costs of new disease-modifying, but non-curative, treatments in advanced cancer are increasingly regarded as problematic. Little is known about oncologists' beliefs regarding their ethical obligations for cost considerations about these types of treatments. This study used in-depth interviews to explore how physicians in The Netherlands vi...
Samenvatting Een bijzonder aspect van de Amerikaanse zorgcultuur is de angst voor juridische claims bij vermeende fouten of nalatigheden. Dit kan leiden tot vormen van zinloos medisch handelen die nadelig kunnen zijn voor de patiënt. Op 4 april jongstleden vond over dit thema een minisymposium plaats dat was georganiseerd door het Centrum voor Ethi...
Oncologists disagree if chemotherapy in advanced cancer can improve quality of life (QoL), to prolong duration of life, or both. The objective of this study was to clarify the main treatment intention of palliative chemotherapy (PCT): the prolongation of life (PoL); or QoL. Randomized controlled clinical trials of PCT in advanced colorectal cancer...


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