Suren ZolyanImmanuel Kant Baltic Federal University | IKSUR · Institute for the Humanities
Suren Zolyan
Doctor of Philosophy
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (86)
We intend to expand upon Michel Foucault’s idea of the historical a priori
by introducing the concept of pragma-semantic a priori. In Foucault’s The Order
of Things the concept of historical a priori is used to determine the patterns of observa�tion and description that were prevalent at a peculiar epoch. In The Archaeology
of Knowledge, it was use...
2 Аннотация. Принятые в настоящее время определения прагматики привязаны к от-ношениям между знаковой системой и интерпретирующим субъектом. Предполагается, что таким субъектом должно быть обладающее сознанием и разумом существо. Между тем возможна и другая версия прагматики, в которой механизмы интерпретации не связаны с каким-либо внешним существ...
. It is generally accepted that the pronoun “I” can only refer to the
speaker, and cannot be used in any other way. However, as demonstrated in the
article, the “figurative” use of the pronoun “I” is also possible, when a discrepancy
between the use of this pronoun and the designation of the speaker may occur. The
prgma semantic basis for the p...
We address the semiotics of conceptual shifts in the dominant discursive political and sociocultural practices of the Post-Soviet Armenia. The political history of independent Armenia is expressed through dominant political symbols and concepts, with a heterogeneous mixture of mythologized ancient history, Soviet and anti-Soviet ideologies. Attempt...
The article aims to illustrate the inadequacy of viewing semiotics as a mere extension of linguistic methods applied to non-linguistic objects. It highlights the dual and recursive nature of semiotic terms. Semiotics' objects are not independent signs but rather the processes involved in establishing sign relations, specifically semiosis and semiop...
The creation of national histories is considered to be a characteristic feature of modernity, associated with the processes of creating national states. These narratives
intend to trace the origins of the nation to mythologized antiquity and legitimize the
existence of the nation-state. Meanwhile, “History of Armenia” by Movses Khorenatsi shows tha...
In our paper, we reconsider the accepted viewpoint that the definite postpositive article in Eastern Armenian should be classified as belonging to the grammatical category of nouns. We demonstrate that an interplay between various grammatical (morphological and syntactical) and pragmatic (demonstrative, referential, and anaphoric) factors could be...
The discussion aims to identify the interpretive mechanisms that provide an interface be�tween text and context (between language and the world, language and culture, language and
society). It is a multi-level system of interfaces connected by inversion and recursion relations
and operations. We identify this system as a pragmasemantics. It also...
What is discourse?
Returning to the “hidden” Saussure
Suren T. Zolyan
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia:
Abstract. We address the conception of discourse in its connection with Ferdinand de Saussure‘s classical triad langage —
langue — parole. This concept appeared in 1943 in Eric Buissance‘s polemi...
Pragmasemantics – an interface and mechanism of meaning production2
Abstract. We expand the understanding of pragma-semantics as the semantics of context�dependent linguistic entities and consider it as a platform-interface for the correlation /
transformation of intrasystem semantic units and extralinguistic objects and concepts. This makes
it p...
Abstract. We address some mechanisms of meaning production. The relationship between a signified and its signifier is
a dynamic process that can lead to the simultaneous actualization of multiple “signifieds” (meanings). We suggest considering this
phenomenon as a development of the principle of asymmetric dualism of the linguistic sign (Karcevski)...
This article demonstrates that the concept proposed by Alexander Spirov reflects the ongoing paradigm shift and inspires new approaches in biosemiotics and semiotic pragmatics. The shift involves a move from describing coding languages to describing languages that regulate them. This requires considering the agentivity (or quasi-subjectivity) of si...
The publication of Austin's Lectures was a significant event for both philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics in the second half of the twentieth century. After the systematic approach developed by John Searle, the theory of speech acts and performatives acquired a more rigorous form in terms of linguistic structure, but it ignored a num...
Anyone wishing to explore the universe of contemporary semiotics will necessarily have to reckon with the founding father of the Tartu and Moscow school of semiotics, Juri M. Lotman (1922-1993). A specialist in modern Russian literature, comparatist and philologist, impeccable archival researcher, brilliant speaker and prolific writer, Lotman laid...
В статье рассматриваются механизмы создания новых смыслов. Предполагается, что связь между означаемым и означающим есть динамический процесс, который может привести к одновременной актуализации нескольких означаемых. Данное явление предлагается рассматривать как развитие принципа асимметричного дуализма языкового знака С. И. Карцевского, для него п...
Pragmatics as a Self-Generation of a Subject-on-Its Own
The article suggests reconsidering the accepted understanding of pragmatics as
a relationship between a sign (system) and an autonomous subject. The possibility
of this approach may be substantiated through Peirce’s ideas. In his concept,
despite the presence of an interpretant and an interpre...
We address semiotic features of genetic coding, primarily the mechanisms for distinguishing between triplets. It implies that the minimal elements that allow codon recognition and amino acid coding should be identified. Half a century ago, linguist Roman Jakobson and microbiologist François Jacob revealed functional similarities between nucleotides...
In Narratives in East Asia and Beyond: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Using Narratives as a Research Method, contributors from diverse fields jointly argue for the interdisciplinary appeal of using narratives as a research method. Scholars from the fields of philosophy of narrative, ethnographic research, linguistics, political sciences, inter...
Approaches to Biosemiotics is the first issue in the Biosocial World collection, and contains a series of articles on what biosemiotics does, how it does it and what its long-term objectives may be. As a more specialized discipline in the boundaries of linguistics, the biosociology, the philosophy of biology and the sciences, we hope to offer a poi...
We address the interaction of various interpretations of lexical items, which leads to a change in the correlation between signifieds and signifiers and the formation of new signs. Addressing the polysemic slogan ‘ОМОН-И-МЫ — АНТОНИМЫ’, we explicate the mechanism of semiotic Perpetuum mobile, that is, the cyclic recursions that allow simultaneous...
We address a possible development of a semiotic theory based on the principle of asymmetric dualism proposed by S. Kartsevsky. We identify its differences from the Saussurean view of sign and demonstrate that, while Kartsevsky adopts the principle of differentiation, he supplements it with a dynamic understanding of intrasystem relations. This make...
The article aims to illustrate the inadequacy of viewing semiotics as a mere extension of linguistic methods applied to non-linguistic objects. It highlights the dual and recursive nature of semiotic terms. Semiotics' objects are not independent signs but rather the processes involved in establishing sign relations, specifically semiosis and semio...
моноэтнической Армении в силу сложившихся исторических и гео-
политических условий русский язык играл и играет важную роль. Русская
культура является неотъемлемой частью духовной жизни образованного
армянина, сегодня русский язык в стране — второй по распространенности
язык общения и выступает в различных ипостасях — родной язык, второй
язык, основ...
Настоящий сборник возник в результате попытки автора обобщить написанное в разные годы (1980 -1996) о проблемах теории и практики поэтического перевода. Перевод - прекрасный объект для анализа и выявления различных проблем
лингвистики и поэтики, поэтому ранее проблемы перевода освещались нами скорее в связи и для решения (или экспликации) проблем л...
Содержание понятия идентичности, применявшегося в математике для обозна�чения тождественности, за последнее столетие расширилось, превратившись в
сложный междисциплинарный комплекс. Это делает актуальной задачу выявления
инвариантных существенных характеристик идентичности, без выявления которых
остается необъясненной как суть этого междисциплинарн...
Монография посвящена семантике и коммуникации — неделимым аспектам
когнитивных процессов взаимоотображения мира и языка. Традиционно эти два аспекта информационных процессов в теоретическом аспекте оказываются разделены: семиотика и семантика занимаются изучением знаков и значений, рассматривая их в отрыве от процессов коммуникации, в то время как...
The article discusses a possible development of Yuri Lotman’s concept of semiosphere by supplementing it with the idea of semio-poiesis. Analysis of the processes of origination, evolution and functioning of the genetic code makes it possible to describe the main mechanisms of these processes. The associations of material phenomena (in this case n...
We address issues of description of the origin and evolution of the genetic code from a semiotics standpoint. Developing the concept of codepoiesis introduced by Barbieri, a new idea of semio-poiesis is proposed. Semio-poiesis, a recursive auto-referential processing of semiotic system, becomes a form of organization of the bio-world when and while...
sub specie semioticae 1 Аннотация. В настоящей статье мы продолжаем рассмотрение возможностей лин-гвоинформационного, или лингвосемиотического, описания генетического кода. Это пред-полагает, что наряду с описанием биохимической субстанции генетического кода возмож-ны также представление процессов молекулярного взаимодействия как информационных фен...
We attempt to systemize Yu. M. Lotman’s views on language and linguistics. “Language” is one of his most used terms. Lotman’s vision is based on the postulates of Saussurean linguistics, mainly in the version of Prague structuralism. At the same time, Lotman off ers a new look at solving the language speech dichotomy. He outlines the possibilities...
Maier’s article recalls the idea of finding common ground between different points of view on the truth in fiction and the problem of reliability that it generates. However, the criteria by which it is possible to determine the characteristics of the reliability or unreliability in the artistic narrative are unclear. A naive-realistic approach lead...
Historical memory represents the past by some semiotic tools: narratives, symbols, monuments, rituals, etc. The semantic criteria of truevalue assessment are not compatible with such representations. However, collective memory narratives pretend to be based on historical facts and represent the historical reality as it was. We suggest considering h...
We address the possibilities of the semiotic description of the genetic information as a dual and self-replicative system of correspondence between its biochemical substance and semiotic form of organization. Combining the principles of contextual dependence and arbitrariness of sign leads to the conclusion that the genetic code's primary elements...
This book investigates phenomena at the grammar–discourse interface with a strong focus on discourse markers, whose development and concrete uses in a given language tend to be based on a close interplay of grammatical and discourse-related forces. The topics range from the transition of linguistic signs “out of” sentence grammar and “into” the dom...
In this article, we continue to address the mechanisms of presenting oneself as another and another as oneself. In this regard, non-trivial features of the semantics of a proper name are described. Based on the analysis of contexts of inappropriate use of a name in a situation of imposture, described in Pushkin's tragedy Boris Godunov, the author c...
Понятие системы в языкознании является основополагающим, детально и многогранно разработанным в различных направлениях. Вместе с тем в лингвистике все еще в недостаточной мере учитывается его развитие в смежных отраслях знания, в частности, в общей теории систем и в теории социальных систем Никласа Лумана, где регулярно рассматриваются проблемы язы...
Аннотация: Понятие системы в языкознании является основополагающим, детально и многогранно разработанным в различных направлениях. Вместе с тем в лингвистике все еще в недостаточной мере учитывается его развитие в смежных отраслях знания, в частности, в общей теории систем и в теории социальных систем Никласа Лумана, где регулярно рассматриваются п...
2 Аннотация. В статье предлагается новый подход к дискурсу, согласно которому-это исследовательский конструкт, возникающий при описании языка в процессе его функ-ционирования. В этом случае единицы языковой системы соотносятся с текстом / высказыва-нием. При этом выделяются условия, благодаря которым возможно подобное соотнесение. Как отношения, ил...
The article develops the idea of Yu. S. Stepanov (1971) that meaning is not an exclusive property of sign systems used by man, and it is present in biosystems. We consider it as one of the specific forms of manifestation of autopoiesis, namely, establishing interconnections between two systems, one of which is used for the other, either a plane of...
Juri Lotman (1922–1993), the Jewish-Russian-Estonian historian, literary scholar and semiotician, was one of the most original and important cultural theorists of the 20th century, as well as a co-founder of the well-known Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics. This is the first authoritative volume in any language to explore the main facets of Lotman’s...
We consider the possibility to formalize the semantics of text through the apparatus of modal semantics, esp. using S. Kripke's notions of a model and model structure. As a demonstration of the abovementioned stands, we consider Pushkin's draft note "If I were the Tsar". The draft note reflects this biographically motivated intention, but it can be...
Отправными точками для материалов 10-го выпуска МЕТОДа являются личность Рене Декарта и его работы. Ежегодник стремится выйти за рамки признанной картезианской повестки, исследуя как достижения Декарта, так и то, что не смогли развить его преемники. Некоторые авторы критически переосмысливают картезианский дуализм души и тела, психофизиологическую...
The code is meaningless unless translated. (Monod 1971, 143)
We address issues of a description of the origin and evolution of the genetic code from the semiotics standpoint. Developing the concept of codepoiesis introduced by M. Barbieri, a new idea of semio-poiesis is proposed. Semio-poiesis, a recursive auto-referential processing of a semiotic...
. Понятие «соотечественник»-один из ключевых инструментов самоописания общества, именно благодаря ему происходит ключевое разграничение «мы»-«они». Прослежена история этого слова начиная с его появления в XVIII веке. Две линии скре-стились при его возникновении-с одной стороны, старославянское и древнерусское отечество, понимаемое как место происхо...
flÌ 72 1 УДК 81'367.7; 316/3; 316.7 «ëééíÖóÖëíÇÖççàäà» Ç ïIï ÇÖäÖ-ëÖåÄçíàóÖëäàâ èéêíêÖí èé ÑÄççõå çÄñàéçÄãúçéÉé äéêèìëÄ êìëëäéÉé üáõäÄ ë. í. áÓÎflÌ 1 1 Институт философии, социологии и права НАН Армении Армения, 0010, Ереван, ул. Арами, 44 ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4422-5792 Поступила в редакцию 05.01.2020 г. Понятие «соотечественник»-один...
In our paper, we address some issues related to the methods of linguistic manifestation of social meanings and possible ways of its formalization and conjugation with meaning of lexical items. We shall try to create a methodological ground to reconcile the notion of meaning in social science with linguistic meaning. Explicit or implicit indexical e...
За последние полвека теория перевода последовательно движется по пути разграничения типов перевода и дифференциации лежащих в их основе семиотических операций и областей их применения. Встает вопрос: переводимы ли сами различные теории перевода? Основываясь на уже высказанных концепциях — в первую очередь Р. Якобсона, а также В. Беньямина, Б. Малин...
We discuss the role of linguistic metaphors as a cognitive frame for the understanding of genetic information processing. The essential similarity between language and genetic information processing has been recognized since the very beginning, and many prominent scholars have noted the possibility of considering genes and genomes as texts or langu...
We discuss the role of linguistic metaphors as a cognitive frame for the understanding of genetic information processing. The essential similarity between language and genetic information processing has been recognized since the very beginning, and many prominent scholars have noted the possibility of considering genes and genomes as texts or langu...
We discuss the role of linguistic metaphors as a cognitive frame for the understanding of genetic information processing. The essential similarity between language and genetic information processing has been recognized since the very beginning, and many prominent scholars have noted the possibility of considering genes and genomes as texts or langu...
The birth of social semiotics is usually associated with the publication of Michael Halliday’s book Language as Social Semiotic (1978). We try to draw attention to possible new developments in social semiotics, which still remain a potential transdisciplinary project for social sciences. In order to do this, we address the interrelation between soc...
The roundtable discussed the key problems of meaning formation in narrative and performative practices. In free discussion, experts analysed various factors and parameters determining the meaningfulness of action and examined mechanisms for their interpretation. These mechanisms can be considered as manifestations of various modally different typ...
The dissolution of the USSR creates new realities, new identities, and new attitudes. However, as usually happens, in the naming of the new phenomena, the old names have been transformed and now are used with quite other meanings. The ways in which lexical items are semiotically transformed can be used as a clue to the elucidation of radical social...
В сборнике рассматриваются практика трансфера знаний между отдельными социально-гуманитарными и естественно-научными дисциплинами, а также возникающие в связи с этим методологические вызовы. Первостепенное внимание в связи с этим уделяется взаимодействиям между социальными науками, лингвистикой и биологией. Обсуждаются когнитивные аспекты переноса...
The overarching premise of the paper is the idea that Barack Obama's discursive strategies used in connection with the Armenian genocide in the annual commemoratory Statements could be considered "evasionist" because of the omission of the term 'genocide' and its substitution with the semi-official neologism of 'Meds Yeghern', transliteration of th...
The translation is a multidimensional phenomenon. All the theories stress the diversity of its types and strategies. Aspects described as an unexplainable deviation within one theory can form the foundation for another. This may lead to the idea of replacing a theory of translation with its empiric version. However, a different approach is also pos...
Focusing on the functioning of Russian in Armenia, this chapter beigns with a brief historical overview. The first Russians settling in Armenia at the end of the 18th century were members of the Molokan religious community. Migration waves from Russia continued in the 19th century and throughout the Soviet period. Nowadays, Russians form the second...
A human activity is based on the constant creation, transmission and transformation of meanings and texts. All the forms of representation of this activity (culture, history, literature, art, politics, law, etc.) can be considered as semantic ensembles consisted from meaningful actions. The concept of “meaning” is fundamental not only in linguistic...
The similarity between language and genetic information transmission processing has been recognized since molecular genetics was founded. Numerous attempts have been made to use linguistics techniques to decipher protein genes. The modest informational impact of various approaches to decoding the “protein language” was predictable: this type of tec...
В сборнике рассматриваются способы изучения возникающих и развивающихся явлений. Первостепенное внимание уделяется использованию морфологических и семиотических методов. Обсуждаются проблемы формирования Вселенной и биосферы, человечества, когнитивных и научно-исследовательских способностей людей, а также создания новых методов и методик научных ис...
Беседа, состоявшаяся 14 ноября 2017 г. в рамках семинара Центра перспективных методологий социально-гуманитарных исследований ИНИОН РАН.
The issues of various types of polisemy and contextual dependencies are crucial for all of the theories and practices of NLP. We intend to concentrate on, maybe, the most interesting and ambitious aspect of the problem: how new meanings can be generated as a result of composing of the so-called ordinary meanings. For us, the theories of s...
В сборнике рассматривается мировой и отечественный опыт исследований в области методологической трансдисциплинарности. Обсуждаются и анализируются проблемы «когнитивных оснований» трансдисциплинарных методов в науке как они представлены в современной когнитивистике, философии и методологии науки. В качестве наиболее перспективных трансдисциплинарны...
The deep similarity between language and genetic information transmission processing was recognized from the very foundation of genetics. As early as in 1970, R. Jakobson formulated the issue of correlations between language and the genetic code as pivotal for linguistics. A lot of attempts have been made to use linguistic methods for deciphering p...
This article is devoted to the question of the Russian language‘s functioning in Armenia. Special attention is given to the role of Russian language in the system of education in Armenia. Russian language is functioning as a language-integrator of the cultural and civilizational space. Further development of the Russian language in Armenia is deter...
The domain of reference of political discourse is not autonomous from language; this domain is a construct generated by the discourse itself. Such an approach to the relation between language and political reality was expressed in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Concepts of modern semantics and pragmatics allow to explicate how language...
Frege's semantic theory became the basis of a set-theoretic semantics, including semantics of possible worlds. However, modern semiotics and its principal component (theory of sign) are out of this mainstream. The relationship between signifier and signified is considered as a non-modal and context-free. Meanwhile, the problems that were outlined b...
The plot can be considered as the content, as well as the pattern of semantic organization of the text. In this regard we suggest making a distinction between deep and surface levels of the plot. In respect to the Armenian epic The Daredevils of Sassoun this distinction provides real opportunity to reveal the integrity and coherence of the epic vie...
We consider Frege's, Peirce's and Saussure's conceptions of sign. The principal differences between them lead to divergent theories of linguistic sign. We suggest to expand Frege's approach by modal extension. Frege's basic idea is that a sense is a relation (function) that correlates linguistic expressions with non-linguistic objects. This functio...