Sunghan Kim

Sunghan Kim
Korea Polar Research Institute | KOPRI · Division of Polar Paleoenvironment


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Paleoceanographic changes in the West Antarctic regions from the Ross Sea to the Antarctic Peninsula based on multi proxies (geochemical, grain size, physical property, isotopes and so on...).


Publications (79)
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Core LC42, retrieved from the Central Basin of the northwestern Ross Sea, contains three distinct sediment facies (IRD (ice-rafted debris)-poor bioturbated sandy mud, IRD-rich massive sandy mud, and laminated mud) that are interleaved with each other and deposited over the last 1 Ma. The biogenic components (biogenic opal, total organic carbon, and...
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Drill cores from the Antarctic continental shelf are essential for directly constraining changes in past Antarctic Ice Sheet extent. Here, we provide a sedimentary facies analysis of drill cores from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1521 in the Ross Sea, which reveals a unique, detailed snapshot of Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution be...
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Variations in Earth’s orbit pace global ice-volume/sea-level changes, but the variability in the response for different sectors of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) to orbitally-forced climate change remains unclear. We present geological records of iceberg-rafted debris (IBRD) and other proxies from locations adjacent to the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (...
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The glacial‐interglacial cycle of elements and the linkage with biological production is very important. Nonetheless, records on incorporation of elements into diatom frustules are very poor in the Southern Ocean where diatom productivity is very high. As a result, there is a big gap in our understanding of elemental cycles in association with biol...
Knowledge of the behaviour of marine‐based ice sheets during times of climatic warming, such as the last deglaciation, provides important information to understand how ice sheets respond to external forcing. We analysed swath bathymetric and acoustic sub‐bottom profiler data from Wrigley Gulf on the western Amundsen Sea shelf, West Antarctica, to i...
Glaciomarine laminated muds around the Antarctic continental margin are important in the marine geological record related to ice sheet dynamics. Microscopic observation and backscattered electron imagery of Pleistocene laminated muds in the Central Basin (Ross Sea) reveal that the light laminae comprise terrigenous angular to subangular silt‐sized...
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The analysis of sedimentary deposits influenced by bottom currents in glaciated continental margins provides crucial insights into paleo-depositional and oceanographic conditions. These reconstructions enable the assessment of interactions between advance and retreat of grounded ice sheets and past ocean circulation patterns. However, questions reg...
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Antarctica's continental margins pose an unknown submarine landslide-generated tsunami risk to Southern Hemisphere populations and infrastructure. Understanding the factors driving slope failure is essential to assessing future geohazards. Here, we present a multidisciplinary study of a major submarine landslide complex along the eastern Ross Sea c...
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Antarctic continental margin sediments are eroded from the shelf and transported to the slope/rise in association with changing ice sheet configuration. Understanding the dynamics of this transport pathway is important for utilizing distal deep-sea sedimentary archives to determine past changes in the Antarctic ice sheet. However, these connections...
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The orbital-scale variability of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) has been influenced by multiple factors, such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, global ice volume, and insolation. Proxies for weathering activity and paleo-productivity provide potential insights into the driving forces of its variability. We documented multi-proxy data at IODP Site...
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) ¹⁴C dating is a widely applied method for establishing high-precision chronologies used to underpin late Quaternary paleoclimatic studies. Feedbacks associated with Antarctic Ice Sheets (AIS) and Southern Ocean variance are thought to have played a critical role in regulating past global climate changes since the...
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Understanding how ocean circulation has varied around Antarctica in the past is vital because significant volumes of ice are grounded below sea level, and therefore ice sheet variations are strongly coupled with oceanographic variability at the continental shelf margin. This study investigates the 11.75 m sediment core RS15-LC42, retrieved from the...
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Quantification of ice rafted debris (IRD) abundances in deep‐sea records is often used as a key proxy for identifying links between ice sheet instability and the oceanic overturning circulation. There currently exist multiple methods to determine IRD content in deep‐sea sediment cores. The preference for a given method is often determined by the ac...
Magnetic susceptibility (MS) is routinely used as a proxy for terrigenous material input to Antarctic continental margin sediments. Variations in terrigenous input on glacial-interglacial timescales in this setting are related to a range of environmental changes; including to the cryosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. However, the exact environme...
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Early to Middle Miocene sea-level oscillations of approximately 40–60 m estimated from far-field records1,2,3 are interpreted to reflect the loss of virtually all East Antarctic ice during peak warmth². This contrasts with ice-sheet model experiments suggesting most terrestrial ice in East Antarctica was retained even during the warmest intervals o...
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In this paper we analyze how oceanic circulation affects sediment deposition along a sector of the Ross Sea continental margin, between the Iselin Bank and the Hillary Canyon, and how these processes evolved since the Late Miocene. The Hillary Canyon is one of the few places around the Antarctic continental margin where the dense waters produced on...
Various sediment properties, such as mean grain size, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio, CaCO 3 , and biogenic opal content, were analyzed for a box core (BC02; 45 cm long) and a gravity core (GC02; 628 cm long), which were collected from the western margin of the Hupo Trough located off the eastern coast of Korea. The study area has...
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The second Antarctic station of South Korea was constructed at Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica, but local seafloor morphology and clay mineralogical characteristics are still not fully understood. Its small bay is connected to a modern Campbell Glacier, cliffs, and raised beaches along the coastline. Fourteen sampling sites to collect surface sedim...
Increased ocean heat supply to the Antarctic continental shelves is projected to cause accelerated ice sheet loss and contribute significantly to global sea-level rise over coming decades. Changes in temperature or salinity of dense shelf waters around Antarctica, resulting from increased glacial meltwater input, have the potential to significantly...
To understand past changes in ocean–cryosphere interactions in the Southern Ocean off the Antarctic Peninsula, multi-proxy analyses of three sediment cores located off Elephant Island were used to reconstruct changes in paleoproductivity, nutrient utilization, bottom current intensity, and iceberg calving since the last glacial period. The glacial...
The long-term variability of the Indian monsoon in the Bay of Bengal remains inconclusive due to the lack of proximal sedimentary records. To further elucidate the long-term variability of the Indian monsoon, we analyzed the paleoproductivity regime over the last 2.3 Myr at the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 353 Site U1445...
The strong glacial–interglacial similarity between the magnetic susceptibility (MS) of Southern Ocean sediments and Antarctic ice core dust records has often been used to reconstruct Southern Hemisphere atmospheric variability. Although evaluation of various magnetic properties is essential for identifying the magnetic carriers linked to sedimentol...
The outer Ross Sea continental shelf has experienced large variations in ice sheet extent over the Pleistocene that are theorized to be largely driven by changes in the westward-flowing Antarctic Slope Current (ASC) at the continental shelf break. This current regulates southward incursions of warm modified Circumpolar Water, and it is thought to h...
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Recently, it has been reported that some chemical reactions are enhanced in below-freezing conditions. Despite the high denudation typical of polar regions, chemical weathering that occurs under ice has not been investigated. In this study, we investigated the dissolution of granite in ice. The mixture of granite and deionized water (DW) or solutio...
Nd-Sr isotopes (εNd, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr) of detrital particles, clay mineral compositions, and δ¹³C of sediment organic matter (δ¹³CSOM) at the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 353 Site U1447 in the western Andaman Sea were measured to reveal the sediment provenance changes and/or weathering intensity variations in association with th...
The Ross Sea is one of the major sites of formation for Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), a key component of the global ocean overturning circulation. However, there is currently a lack of high quality stratigraphic records documenting how this water mass flows from the continental shelf into the abyssal ocean, and specifically how this pathway is aff...
Paleoceanographic changes in response to Holocene climate variability in Bigo Bay, west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) were reconstructed through geochemical, isotopic, sedimentological, and microfossil analysis. Core WAP13-GC47 is composed of 4 lithologic units. Unit 4 was deposited under ice shelf settings. Unit 3 represents the mid-Holocene open mari...
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The marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is currently retreating due to shifting wind-driven oceanic currents that transport warm waters toward the ice margin, resulting in ice shelf thinning and accelerated mass loss of the WAIS. Previous results from geologic drilling on Antarctica's continental margins show significant variability in mar...
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Widespread diagenesis of clay minerals occurs in deeply buried marine sediments under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions. For example, the smectite-to-illite (S-I) transformation has been often observed in sediments at in situ temperatures above ~60°C. However, it remains largely unknown whether such diagenetic processes naturally occur...
Enhanced ocean stratification during glacial periods is the main factor depressing the biogenic opal productivity in the subarctic North Pacific and its marginal seas. However, there are no quantitative estimations of glacial nutrient reduction despite the importance of the glacial-interglacial nutrient cycle. In this study, δ³⁰Si of diatom frustul...
Biogenic opal production in the surface water of the Bering Sea shows clear orbital-scale variations such as interglacial highs and glacial lows. In this study, we examined the variation patterns in δ¹⁵N of bulk sediment (δ¹⁵Nbulk) reflecting nitrate utilization, and total organic carbon (TOC) concentration in terms of organic carbon (OC) productio...
Changes in water column conditions in the northwestern Pacific during the last 23 ka were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies and redox elemental compositions along with published data (alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) and benthic foraminiferal fauna) at core GH02-1030. Surface water primary productivity in terms of biogenic o...
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Because the high latitude region in the North Pacific is characterized by high primary production in the surface water enriched with nutrients, it is important to understand the variation of surface water productivity and associated nutrient variability in terms of global carbon cycle. Surface water productivity change or its related nutrient utili...
The Cretaceous deep-sea record of the Santonian–Campanian transition is commonly interrupted by an extensive unconformity (representing
The orbital-scale variations in biogenic CaCO3 and opal abundance in two piston cores collected in the central equatorial Pacific (core PC5101 from a southern site at 2°N, and core PC5103 from a northern site at 6°N) were compared to assess latitudinal differences. The correlation between the oxygen isotope stratigraphy of planktonic foraminifera (...
Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene paleoproductivity changes in the Bering Sea were reconstructed using geochemical concentrations and mass accumulation rates (MARs) of CaCO3, biogenic opal, and total organic carbon (TOC), and sedimentary nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) at IODP Expedition 323 Hole U1343E, drilled in the northern slope area (1956 m d...
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International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 353 (29 November 2014–29 January 2015) drilled six sites in the Bay of Bengal, recovering 4280 m of sediments during 32.9 days of on-site drilling. Recovery averaged 97%, including coring with the advanced piston corer, half-length advanced piston corer, and extended core barrel systems. The p...
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International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 353 (29 November 2014-29 January 2015) drilled six sites in the Bay of Bengal, recovering 4280 m of sediments during 32.9 days of on-site drilling. Recovery averaged 97%, including coring with the advanced piston corer, half-length advanced piston corer, and extended core barrel systems. The p...
The clay mineral composition at IODP Exp. 323 Site U1343 in the Bering Sea was analyzed so as to unravel their provenance over glacial-interglacial cycles for the last 2.4 Ma. Smectite was negatively correlated with the sum of illite and chlorite; therefore, their ratio [S/(I + C)] was used as an indicator of clay mineral composition changes. In ge...
stratigraphy of clay mineral compositions at the IODP Expedition 323 Site U1343 during the last 2.4 Ma•Quaternary provenances of the clay minerals and their transport processes in terms of glacial-interglacial cycles•less variation of smectite/(illite + chlorite) [S/(I + C)] ratios between interglacial and glacial periods•unchanged main provenance...
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We measured salinity and concentration to explore submarine spring along the coastal areas (Mundongri, Icheon-ri, Jukseong-ri, Daebyeon-ri, Yeonhwa-ri, and Dadae-po) including Ilkwang Bay of Busan Metropolitan City in 2009 and 2010. Before field observation, we selected the potential and possible locations of submarine spring based on the lineament...
Sediments from three Sites (U1341, U1343 and U1345) of IODP Expedition 323, located in the Bering Sea, were analyzed for variation of biogenic opal representing surface water paleoproductivity. Initial age models of three Sites (bottom age, U1341: 4.3 Ma, U1343: 2.4 Ma, U1345: 0.5 Ma) were established onboard by biostratigraphic and paleomagnetic i...
The Cretaceous deep-sea record of the Santonian–Campanian transition is commonly interrupted by an extensive unconformity (representing <10 Myr of hiatus). The resultant palaeoceanographic gap can now be partly bridged by a recent short core of pelagic ooze from Shatsky Rise (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1348), with precise multid...
Biogenic opal content and mass accumulation rate (MAR) at IODP Expedition 323 Site U1343 were found to fluctuate consistently, generally being high under warm conditions and low under cold conditions during the last 2.4 Ma. Continuous wavelet transform analysis of the normalized biogenic opal content indicates that export production in the Bering S...
Surface water productivity in the northwestern Pacific decreased abruptly at 2.73 Ma marking the intensification of the northern hemisphere glaciation (NHG). However, it no longer changed after 2.5 Ma in response to further climate cooling recorded in other proxies such as alkenone SST, siliciclast mass accumulation rate (MAR), eolian dust content...
A high-resolution record of the radiolarian assemblage from 60 to 10ka was investigated using a piston core (PC-23A) obtained from the northern slope of the Bering Sea. Faunal changes based on the 29 major radiolarian taxa demonstrated that the surface and deep water conditions in the Bering Sea were related to the orbital and millennial-scale clim...
Millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea during the last 71kyrs were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies (biogenic opal, CaCO3, and total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matters) and microfossil (radiolaria and foraminifera) data from two cores (PC23A and PC24A) which wer...
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Clay mineral assemblages of core PC25A collected from the northern part of the Aleutian Basin in the Bering Sea were examined in order to investigate changes in sediment provenances and transport pathways. Ages of core PC25A were determined by both Last Appearance Datum of radiolaria (L. nipponica sakaii; ) and age control points obtained by the co...
Millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea during the last 71 kyrs were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies (biogenic opal, CaCO3, and total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matters) and microfossil (radiolaria and foraminifera) data from two cores (PC23A and PC24A) which we...
Conference Paper
IODP Exp 323 drilled 7 sites to study Bering Sea paleoceanography, and recovered 5741 m of high quality sediments with high sedimentation rates covering the last 5 myrs. The sites included hemipelagic Bowers Ridge and a N-S transect of slope sites proximal to the Bering shelf, covering water depths from 818 to 3174 m. The bulk of the cores were obt...
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High-resolution geochemical, isotope and elemental data from core PC23A in the northern margin of the Aleutian Basin (Bering Sea) were used to reconstruct distinct paleoceanographic features of the last deglaciation (pre-Boreal(PB), Bølling- Allerød(BA), Younger Dryas(YD)). The PB and BA intervals are characterized by increased siliceous (diatom) a...
A high-resolution abundance curve of the radiolarian species, Cycladophora davisiana, was obtained from a Late Pleistocene sediment core, PC-23A, which was obtained from the northern slope of the Bering Sea. The abundance pattern of this species was high during the glacial period and low during the Holocene. This general stratigraphic pattern was c...
An 18-m long piston core (PC23A) was collected from the northern slope area (60°09.52'N, 179°27.82'W, 1002 m deep) in the Bering Sea during MR06-04 cruise by R/V Mirai. The age of the upper part of core was determined by planktonic foraminifera AMS 14C dates. The presence of L. nipponica sakaii and absence of A. setosa constrained the age of lowerm...
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Paleoproductivity changes in the central part of the Bering Sea since the last glacial period were reconstructed by analyzing opal and total organic carbon (TOC) content and their mass accumulation rate (MAR) in sediment core PC23A. Ages of the sediment were determined by both AMS dates using planktonic foraminifera and Last Appearance Datum of rad...
Various kinds of geochemical and micropaleontological data were obtained from an 18-m long piston core (PC23A) collected from the northern slope area (60°09.52'N, 179°27.82'W, 1002 m deep) in the Bering Sea. The age of the upper part of core was determined by planktonic foraminifera AMS 14C dates and the presence of L. nipponica sakaii and absence...
A piston core (MR06-04 PC23A) collected from the northern continental slope in the central Bering Sea has recorded the high-resolution millennial-scale variation of calcium carbonate () content during the last 65 kyr. An estimation of the age of the core sediments was carried out by using the lithologic correlation of the deglacial laminated layers...


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