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Dr.Sumangala Koulagi currently works at Dept.of Plant Pathology. University of Horticulture Sciences, Bagalakote (Karnatak) India.
Publications (65)
Genetic variability was studied for nineteen quantitative characters in forty genotypes of tropical early cauliflower. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters except for days to curd initiation, days to curd maturity and curd depth. The genotypes viz., Sanjeev Selection, DC-903, DC-105 and DC...
Cabbage is one of the important cole crop grown around the world. Cabbage is susceptible to numerous diseases. However, the most destructive among them is black rot. Pathogen was isolated from leaves showing typical V-shaped lesions and identified as Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris through morphological and biochemical characteristics. The bi...
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is well known seed spice used in India. It is affected by powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni DC which is most destructive pathogen. PGPR is gaining importance in present era due to organic crop production and its concern on mankind and ecosystem. A total 25 fluorescent Pseudomonads (PGPRs) isolates were col...
Studies on the effect of growth regulators and bio stimulants on growth, yield, and quality of Celosia cristata var. Chief Fire were carried out at the experimental field of the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka du...
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), holds significant importance as a both vegetable and pulse crop in India. Root rot disease has become threat for successful french bean cultivation. Fusarium spp., Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia sp., Macrophomina, Pythium spp. and Thielaviopsis sp. may incite root rot disease in french bean. The root rot caused...
In coffee breeding, selection of mother plants based on the yield potential, resistance to diseases and pest and bean quality are considered as the important criteria. Hence, utilisation and evaluation of coffee germplasm is the crucial step in the improvement process. With this background, an experiment was conducted to study the genetic diversity...
Chilli is one of the most important vegetable crops grown all around the world as an essential ingredient in cuisine as vegetables, condiments, spices, pickles and sauces. In recent years chilli was attacked by gall formers causing more economic loss. These gall formers are internal feeders, and management of gall formers through chemical methods i...
A roving survey was conducted to record the extent of damage by chilli gall formers and their natural enemies in major chilli growing areas in Karnataka during the September months of 2019, 2020 and 2021 viz., Raichur, Belagavi, Vijayanagara, Haveri, Shivamogga, Chikmagalur and Hassan. The findings indicated that, out of the seven districts, Haveri...
The present research was conducted for evaluating different Arabica coffee genotypes for yield and quality parameters during the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 at Central Coffee Research Institute, Balehonnur, Karnataka, India which in turn help in identifying high yielding varieties in Coffea arabica L. About 41 arabica coffee genotypes were used compri...
The shelf life of fresh sweet potato tubers only a few days and they are semi-perishable in nature. This necessitates the development of user-friendly processing techniques for the tubers. If sweet potato is converted in to flour, it can be used to make a variety of foods, products, including baked products. In this study, the effect of different s...
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of Ghana jeevamrutha and liquid jeevamrutha at different levels at Hanagal Taluk of Haveri district Karnataka. The experiment contains tens treatments with three replications laid in a randomized complete block design and the cv. Ney poovan is the commercial variety used for the study. T10 - POP...
In India, commercial cultivation of coffee relies upon two important species like Coffea arabica (Arabica coffee) and Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee). In the consumer market, arabica coffee is preferred for its fine beverage quality, aromatic characteristics and low caffeine content compared to robusta coffee. In India coffee is grown under natur...
An investigation was carried out to study the vase life, colour intensity, moisture content of tinted chrysanthemum, tuberose and Lilium flowers. The experiment comprised of two factors i.e., first one was flowers treated with six food dyes with 5 per cent concentration along with control and with three different time of immersion for 5.00, 7.50 an...
An experiment was conducted with 30 genotypes of lilium to study the genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation, heritability and expected genetic advance. The data indicated that estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) is greater than those of genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the traits studied indicating app...
An investigation was carried out to study the vase life, colour intensity, moisture content of tinted chrysanthemum, tuberose and Lilium flowers. The experiment comprised of two factors i.e., first one was flowers treated with six food dyes with 5 per cent concentration along with control and with three different time of immersion for 5.00, 7.50 an...
An experiment was conducted with 30 cultivars of lilium (Lilium spp.) to study correlation and path analysis among the yield attributing traits and their effect. Correlation among component characters showed that florets per stalk showed a highly significant positive association with flowering duration (0.771), stalks per square meter (0.738), leav...
Rapid urbanization has brought changes in occupation pattern, people's life style and family structure. Today, consumer demand is for much more than just safe and shelf stable food, they demand higher quality food with greater convenience. The aim of this study was to standardize the flour combination for the development of jackfruit seed powder ex...
A study on the management of leaf eating caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fab.) through bio-intensive components in cabbage was carried out at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India, during rabi 2019-20. Among the various bio-intensive components evaluated, novaluron...
An investigation was carried out to know the effectiveness of different post-harvest treatments on storage behaviour, physiological, physico-chemical changes and organoleptic parameters of jamun fruits at ambient storage. The treatments involved post-harvest application of calcium chloride (1.0 and 2.0%), GA3 (50 and 100ppm) and sachets containing...
This investigation was carried out to study the impact of fortification with tomato and methi leaves powder (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10%) on organoleptic qualities of Jackfruit seed powder based extruded product. The fortified extruded product were subjected to sensory evaluation by semi-trained panel to analyse the quality attributes like colour and appear...
The investigation on "Surveying on incidence of chilli gall midge in major chilli growing areas of North Karnataka". Survey was conducted in three major chilli growing district of Northern Karnataka viz., Haveri, Gadag and Dharwad, Karnataka, India during kharif season of the academic year 2018-19. The data revealed that Byadagi taluk of Haveri dis...
A study was conducted during 2018-2019 in the Department of Post Harvest Technology, Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi (UHS, Bagalkot), Karnataka. The experiment was consisted with nine different treatments viz., fruit juice concentration (25, 27.5 and 30%), TSS (40, 45 and 50º B) and acidity level (1.0%) are kept constant, ea...
A study was undertaken to evaluate the compatibility of commonly used fungicides at recommended dosages with T. virideand T.harzianumbeing used as a biocontrol agents against soil borne diseases of tomato and cabbage under in vitroand in vivoconditions. Results indicated that among systemic fungicides, Azoxystrobinwas found highly compatiblewith T....
Total of twenty five indigenous isolates of Trichoderma species were isolated from rhizosphere soils of turmeric
and ginger grown in different locations of Belagavi and Bagalkot districts, Karnataka (India) using serial dilution
pour plate method. These isolates were ascribed to two species namely Trichoderma harzianum (Th) and
Trichoderma viride (...
Line x Tester analysis was carried out for ten diversified parents at the Department of
Vegetable Science Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi, to study the
combining ability for various characters in ridge gourd. Lines DWD local, ERG-2, ERG-1
and DMRG-1 were identified as good general combiners for yield appear to be worthy o...
The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the effect of fungicide,botanicals and bioagent on the colony growth of which Alternaria alternata causes leaf spot disease of chryshantemum.Among the fungicide tested mancozeb and carbendazim together 2% resulted maximum inhibition (98.49%) which was on par with propiconazole (tilt) (97.75%) at...
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is one of the important spice crops grown in India since times immemorial. The major constraint for cultivation of turmeric is the rhizome rot disease complex. Roving survey was conducted during 2015 – 2016 in Belagavi and Bagalkote districts. The survey results showed that the highest mean per cent disease incidence was...
A study was undertaken to evaluate the compatibility of commonly used fungicides, insecticides and herbicides at recommended dosages with T. viride and T. harzianum being used as a biocontrol agents against soil borne diseases of tomato and cabbage under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Results indicated that among systemic fungicides, azoxystrobin...
The present experiment was carried outto assess the degree of association of yield with its components, because yieldis not an independent character and it is resultant of interaction of a number of component characters.Correlation provides information on the nature and extent of association between characters in a population.Most of the traits hav...
The sample collected during the survey showed maximum frequency (35%) of Curvularia followed by Alternaria (20%) and others viz., Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Heliminthosporium, Pyricularia arid Rhizopus spp. The fungi isolated from discoloured rice grains were Curvularia lunata, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium maniliformae, Heliminthosporium...
Narrow differences between genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were observed for all characters except for stem girth and number of leaves. High heritability coupled with genetic advance were observed for other traits, plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, 50 percent flowering, f...
The present investigation was carried out with the objective to assess the magnitude and direction of heterosis and to identify good combiners for growth, earliness and yield characters. The maximum heterosis over better parent, the best parent and the commercial
check was observed in the cross Bot.G-6-2 X Arka Bahar for all the growth parameters s...
Panchagavya - an organic formulation, which is prepared out of unique combination of five products of cow viz., cow milk, curd, ghee, urine and fresh dung at appropriate quantities collected from a lactating desi cow. This was evaluated in vitro for its antifungal potential through inhibition of spore germination and mycelialgrowth of Curvularia lu...
An in-vitro studies was conducted on 2007 to evaluate different organic preparations which were indigenously prepared, on germination percentage and seedling vigour of paddy. From the results it is evident that Brahmastra was superior over other treatments, where all the seeds germinated and recorded highest vigour index (1540) followed by Beejamru...
Twenty three isolates of Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. lycopercici were collected from majortomato growing areas of Karnataka. They produced three kinds of spores, viz., microconidia,macroconidia and chlamydospors. Mycelia of the pathogen were white cottony to pink oftenwith purple tinge or reddish colouration of the medium. Total isolates were assigned...
n the present studies, the antagonistic microorganisms were tested for their efficacy in inhibition ofgrowth of C. lunata. Many fungi have been isolated from discoloured grain, Curvularia lunata (Wakker)Boedign,was found dominant pathogen (35.30%) of grain discoloration of rice in rice growing tractsTungabhadra Project Area and Upper Krishna Projec...
homepage:http://www.ijcmas.comTwenty five isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and Trichoderma viridewere obtained from rhizosphere soil of turmeric and ginger collected from Belagavi and Bagalkot districts of Karnataka and eight potential isolates based on antagonistic activity were studied using RAPD PCR. The genetic relatedness among two isolates o...
The present study makes an attempt to identify the plant parasitic nematode associated with chrysanthemum in Karnataka. The primary data was collected using random sampling technique Bagalkote, Gadag, Dharwad and Belgum comprising total nine villages were selected for study during the year 2012-2014. The findings reveals that, the plant parasite ne...
e purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different treatments on seed germination in jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels). This species is known to have short time of viable seeds. An investigation was carried out in department of Fruit Science, Kittur Rani Channamma College of horticulture, Arabhavi during year 2015-16. Six treatments...
To determine the disease prevalence of plant parasitic nematodes, seven species of PPN from the 30 different tuberose field sites in four districts of Belgaum, Gadag, Dharwad and Bagalkote. The presence of Meloidogyne was identified easily based on galls in tuberose crops. In addition, soil extraction of infected crop has done by using the Cobb sie...
A field experiment was undertaken during the year 2016-2017 in rabi season at Kittur Rani Channamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi to study the extent of genetic diversity existing in fenugreek genotypes. The experiment was laid out in randomized block designs with two replications. A total of 34 fenugreek genotypes were used in the present stud...
An experiment conducted to find out the effect of wrapping materials and storage conditions for scion storage and success softwood grafts of jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels) cv. AJG-85 revealed that significantly minimum number of days for new sprout initiation, higher graft success, graft height and graft survival rate were recorded when the scion...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different treatments on seed germination in jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels). This species is known to have short time of viable seeds. An investigation was carried out in department of Fruit Science, Kittur Rani Channamma College of horticulture, Arabhavi during year 2015-16. Six treatment...
The field experiment was carried out to know the response of soil and foliar application of micronutrients (i.e. Zinc, iron and boron) on growth, yield and economic of sapota CV. kalipatti under HDP system at Kittur Rani Chennamma College of Horticulture, Arabhavi during 2015-2016. Zinc and iron sulphates are used for soil and foliar application, b...
Evaluated eighteen genotypes of ridge gourd for physiological, yield, quality and fruit characters under the field condition revealed that PCV was higher than the GCV for most of traits. High heritability with moderate to high GCV and genetic gain was recorded for leaf area, leaf area index, specific leaf weight at 45 days after sowing (DAS), absol...
Evaluated eighteen genotypes of ridge gourd for physiological, yield, quality and fruit characters under the field condition revealed that PCV was higher than the GCV for most of traits. High heritability with moderate to high GCV and genetic gain was recorded for leaf area, leaf area index, specific leaf weight at 45 days after sowing (DAS), absol...
Evaluated eighteen genotypes of ridge gourd for physiological, yield, quality and fruit characters under the field condition revealed that PCV was higher than the GCV for most of traits. High heritability with moderate to high GCV and genetic gain was recorded for leaf area, leaf area index, specific leaf weight at 45 days after sowing (DAS), absol...
Many fungi have been isolated from discolored grain, Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boed. was found asa dominant pathogen. Cultural studies revealed that C. lunata gave maximum dry mycelial weight(225.00 mg) at 13 th day after incubation. Among the solid media, Potato dextrose agar, Sabouraud’s agarand Host extract agar were best for the growth and spo...
In vitro evluation of four systemic fungicides revealed that the maximum inhibition of mycelium growth of Curvularia lunata was obtained from difenconazole (98.80%) and propiconazole (98.10%) at 0.1 per cent conc. Among the three non-systemic fungicide tested,mancozeb (98.80%) was found most effective followed by chlorothalonil(63.67%) at 0.2% conc...
Question (1)
please share which biotic agent /bioagent enhance defence machanism against plant virus?