Sujeeva Wijesiri

Sujeeva Wijesiri
University of Kelaniya · Department of Mathematics

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (11)
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In Topological graph theory, the maximum genus of graphs has been a fascinating subject. For a simple connected graph G, the maximum genus γM(G) is the largest genus of an orientable surface on which G has a 2-cell embedding. γM(G) has the upper bound, γM(G)≤[β/2], where β(G) denotes the Betti number and G is said to be upper embeddable if the equa...
Conference Paper
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Laccase is an enzyme produced by fungi with great market demand in biotechnological, and industrial applications. However, laccase production by fungi under natural conditions is insufficient. Wet lab experiments have found that factors like carbon, nitrogen, and metal ion sources affect laccase secretion. This study focuses on the mathematical opt...
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The present-day society depends heavily on digital technology where it is used in many applications such as banking and e-commerce transactions, computer passwords, etc. Therefore, it is important to protect information when storing and sharing them. Cryptography is the study of secret writing which applies complex math rules to convert the origina...
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DNA is a complex molecule that consists of biological information that is passed down from generation to generation. With the evolution over time, there are different kinds of species that evolved from a common ancestor because of the occurrence of DNA sequence rearrangements. DNA sequence similarity analysis is a major challenge since the number o...
Let $\ell>0$ be a square-free integer congruent to 3 mod 4 and $\mathcal{O}_K$ the ring of integers of the imaginary quadratic field $K=Q(\sqrt{-\ekk})$> Codes $C$ over rings $\mathcal{O}_K/p\mathcal{O}_K$ determine lattices $\Lambda_\ell(C)$ over $K$. If $p\not\mid\ell$ then the ring $\mathcal{R}:=\mathcal{O}_K/p\mathcal{O}_K$ is isomorphic to $\m...
Let $\X$ be an irreducible, smooth, projective curve of genus $g \geq 2$ defined over the complex field $\C.$ Then there is a covering $\pi: \X \longrightarrow \P^1,$ where $\P^1$ denotes the projective line. The problem of expressing branch points of the covering $\pi$ in terms of the transcendentals (period matrix, thetanulls, e.g.) is classical....
Let $K=Q(\sqrt{-\ell})$ be an imaginary quadratic field with ring of integers $\O_K$, where $\ell$ is a square free integer such that $\ell\equiv 3 \mod 4$ and $C=[n, k]$ be a linear code defined over $\O_K/2\O_K$. The level $\ell$ theta function $\Th_{\L_{\ell} (C)} $ of $C$ is defined on the lattice $\L_{\ell} (C):= \set {x \in \O_K^n : \rho_\ell...
Genus two curves covering elliptic curves have been the object of study of many articles. For a fixed degree $n$ the subloci of the moduli space $\mathcal M_2$ of curves having a degree $n$ elliptic subcover has been computed for $n=3, 5$ and discussed in detail for $n$ odd; see \cite{Sh1, SV2, Fr, FK}. When the degree of the cover is even the case...
Let K = Q(root-l) be an imaginary quadratic field with ring of integers O-K, where l is a square free integer such that l = 3 mod 4, and let C = [n, k] is a linear code defined over O-K/2O(K). The level l theta function Theta(Lambda l)(C) of C is defined on the lattice Lambda(l)(C) := {x is an element of O-K(n) : rho(l)(x) is an element of C}, wher...
We study relations among the classical thetanulls of cyclic curves, namely curves $\mathcal X$ (of genus $g(\mathcal X)>1$) with an automorphism $\sigma$ such that $\sigma$ generates a normal subgroup of the group $G$ of automorphisms, and $g (\mathcal X/ < \sigma>) =0$. Relations between thetanulls and branch points of the projection are the objec...
We study relations among the classical thetanulls of cyclic curves, namely curves X (of genus g(X) > 1 ) with an automorphism σ such that σ generates a normal subgroup of the group G of automorphisms, and g (X/ (σi) =0. Relations between thetanulls and branch points of the projection are the object of much classical work, especially for hyperellipt...


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