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September 2014 - August 2022
November 1996 - February 2002
February 2002 - September 2014
Publications (73)
The full report is available on request. This work results from an intensive collaborative work led by the Species360 Conservation Science Alliance, following the discussion during the Species360 Experts Workshop about the progressive changes in care and husbandry practices of Panthera species in zoological institutions across the last 150 years, w...
La faune sauvage peut directement menacer la sécurité, les moyens de subsistance et le bien-être des gens. Des représailles contre l'espèce incriminée s'ensuivent souvent, entraînant un conflit entre les groupes de personnes concernées quant à ce qu'il convient de faire pour résoudre la situation. Les conflits entre les humains et la faune sauvage...
Of all the ways human beings have modified the planet over the last 10,000 years, habitat loss is the most important for other species. To address this most critical threat to biodiversity, governments, non-governmental actors, and the public need to know, in near real-time, where and when habitat loss is occurring. Here we present an integrated ha...
Qual é a mudança que você está tentando fazer e como chegar lá? Quando se trata de questões complexas, como conflitos entre humanos e animais selvagens, as respostas a essas perguntas nem sempre são tão simples quanto parecem. A compreensão das dimensões ecológicas e sociais dos conflitos entre humanos e animais selvagens, por si só, não se traduz...
Essas Diretrizes estão centradas em Princípios fundamentais de compreensão e gerenciamento de conflitos entre humanos e animais selvagens: (1) Não causar danos, (2) Entender os problemas e o contexto, (3) Trabalhar em conjunto, (4) Integrar ciência e política e (5) Possibilitar caminhos sustentáveis. Esses se espelham em uma Lista de Verificação de...
Wildlife conservation in the Anthropocene requires bold conservation solutions including restoration of ecosystems and species. The recovery of large carnivore populations is a conservation goal which can generate significant benefits in terms of ecosystem services, ecological functionality, and human well-being. Tigers Panthera tigris , Asia’s mos...
What is the change you are trying to make and how do you get there? When it comes down to
complex issues such as human-wildlife conflicts, the answers to these questions are not always as
simple as they may seem. An understanding of the ecological and social dimensions of human-wildlife
conflict itself does not translate naturally into effective...
As human-wildlife conflicts become more frequent, serious and widespread worldwide, they are notoriously challenging to resolve, and many efforts to address these conflicts struggle to make progress. These Guidelines provide an essential guide to understanding and resolving human-wildlife conflict. The Guidelines aim to provide foundations and prin...
Tigers play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Unfortunately, tigers are threatened by poaching, human–wildlife conflict, habitat loss, and more. In response to these threats, the conservation community pledged to double the worldwide wild tiger population by 2022 (known as TX2) at the “Tiger Summit” in St. Petersburg in 2010, and to...
Although some sectors have made significant progress in learning from failure, there is currently limited consensus on how a similar transition could best be achieved in conservation and what is required to facilitate this. One of the key enabling conditions for other sectors is a widely accepted and standardized classification system for identifyi...
This datasheet on Neovison vison covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
This datasheet on Mustela furo covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Biology & Ecology, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
This datasheet on Herpestes auropunctatus covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
A global pledge to double wild Tiger populations by 2022 has focused attention on the need for effective conservation management. Conservation Assured | Tiger Standards (CA|TS) was established to identify good management standards for Tigers and promote these within Tiger conservation areas (TCAs). The study reported here assessed TCA management ag...
Prioritising the management of invasive alien species (IAS) is of global importance and within Europe integral to the EU IAS regulation. To prioritise management effectively the risks posed by IAS need to be assessed, but so too does the feasibility of their management. While the risk of IAS to the EU has been assessed, the feasibility of managemen...
Access to the scientific literature is perceived to be a challenge to the biodiversity conservation community, but actual level of literature access relative to needs has never been assessed globally. We examined this question by surveying the constituency of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a proxy for the conservation...
Access to the scientific literature is perceived to be a challenge to the biodiversity conservation community, but actual level of literature access relative to needs has never been assessed globally. We examined this question by surveying the constituency of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as a proxy for the conservation...
Abstract: Tiger numbers have collapsed so dramatically that conservationists are adopting a strategy
of securing populations in priority conservation landscapes. This includes improving management
effectiveness in these sites. The Conservation Assured|Tiger Standards (CA|TS) are designed to
help ensure effectiveness and provide a benchmark against...
The invasive American mink (Neovison vison) preys on native fauna. The pilot phase of the Hebridean Mink Project (HMP) ran from 2001–2006 at a cost of £1.6 million and successfully removed the species from 1100 km² of the southern islands of the Hebridean Archipelago, the Uists. Mink were also controlled in South Harris to prevent reinvasion. 532 m...
Invasive alien vertebrates (IAVs) pose a significant threat to island biodiversity worldwide, and their removal is an important nature conservation management goal. As methods advance, eradications from larger islands and of multiple species simultaneously are increasingly undertaken. Effective targeting to maximise conservation gain is important g...
The development of conservation plans, including those dealing with invasive species, is underpinned by the need to obtain reliable and accurate data. However, in many cases responding rapidly is equally critical.
The data were obtained from the Hebridean Mink Project, which was set up with the objective of removing mink from North Ui...
Increasing populations of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) in the Mediterranean have created conflicts with seabird conservation, migrating raptors, and humans. As a mitigation measure, gulls are routinely culled in the region. Previous studies of extended culls show that catch per unit effort declines over time through a combination of popu...
Numerous examples exist of successful mammalian invasive alien species (IAS) eradications from small islands (<10km2), but few from more extensive areas. We review 15 large-scale removals (mean area = 2,627km2) from Northern Europe since the 1900; including edible dormouse, muskrat, coypu, Himalayan porcupine, Pallas’ and grey squirrels and America...
Since escaping from fur farms in the 1950s, American mink had colonised the 2800 km2 archipelago of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Between November 2001 and June 2006 the species was removed from a total of 850 km2 of the southernmost islands, collectively named the Uists, as part of a pilot study exploring the feasibility of large scale eradicati...
Invasive alien species ( IAS ) are considered one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, particularly through their interactions with other drivers of change. Horizon scanning, the systematic examination of future potential threats and opportunities, leading to prioritization of IAS threats is seen as an essential component of IAS management. Our...
Table S1. The highest-risk future alien invasive species in Great Britain (based on their likelihood of arrival, establishment and impact on native biodiversity over the next 10 years) derived from consensus-building among experts. Dreissena bugensis was unanimously considered to be the highest ranking species. The others are ranked equally within...
Table S2. Species ranked as posing a medium risk (ranked equally within 31–93) with respect to likelihood of arriving, establishing and having an impact on native biodiversity in Britain over the next 10 years.
SUMMARY Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic pathogen defined by three main clonal lineages (types I, II, III), of which type II is most common in Europe. Very few data exist on the prevalence and genotypes of T. gondii in the UK. Wildlife can act as sentinel species for T. gondii genotypes present in the environment, which may subsequently be transmitt...
Although there is general agreement that the pine marten was recently introduced to the Isle of Mull, there is uncertainty about when. According to a persistent local rumor, the species was clandestinely introduced in 1986. A novel statistical approach to inference about introduction time based on a sighting record is described and applied to asses...
Samples of brain and other tissues were collected from 99 ferrets (Mustela furo), 83 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), 70 European polecats (Mustela putorius), 65 American mink (Neovison vison), 64 Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) and 9 stoats (Mustela erminea), from around Great Britain. DNA was extracted from approximately 1g of tissue and tested by speci...
Feral hogs (Sus scrofa) are among the most widely-distributed mammals in the world and have the highest reproductive output compared with other ungulates. Worldwide, feral hogs are increasing in range and numbers. Human–feral hog confl icts include impact on abundance and richness of plant and animal species, crop damage, predation on livestock, ve...
Globally, GM mammals and birds are being developed for a range of purposes, including use
as food, pets or for production of pharmaceuticals. There is a requirement, therefore, for an
analysis of the type of expertise and data required to conduct an environmental risk
assessment (ERA) of GM mammals and birds to be commercially released into the EU...
The small Indian mongoose was introduced to the island of Okinawa in 1910 to control rats and snakes, however, it poses a threat to many endemic species in the Yambaru forest region in Okinawa Island. An important concern in eradication is that, as much as possible, capture should be carried out without affecting native species. To protect endemic...
1. The detrimental impacts of invasive, non-native species on islands are widely acknowledged and it is often best to act rapidly against such species, even where uncertainty exists over the best way to proceed. If management actions are evaluated and refined, using information learnt from the biology of culled animals, this uncertainty can be grad...
Dynamic ecological-economic modelling was used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the economic impacts of the American mink (Mustela vison) on a marketable, exploitable, native species Salmon (Salmo salar) reared in fish farms in the Western Isles. A cost-benefit analysis of the different mink control options, including a 'doing nothing' option...
Invasive alien species (IAS) threaten global biodiversity; they are the major cause of species extinction on offshore islands. Management of IAS requires data on the ecology of species in their new environment, how these species respond to management, and how these processes interact. Often, however, there is a paucity of information on key biologi...
This report describes an indicator of the abundance, extent and impact of invasive non-native species in Great Britain. The main ideas and options for the abundance indicator and for the impact indicator are considered. A third type of indicator, the annual rate of establishment of new non-native species, is outlined, with provisional data presente...
Targeting the host has been the most common approach to managing disease in wildlife. This has essentially involved some form of host population reduction, achieved through dispersing, culling, or controlling reproduction.
Dispersion of animals from the site of a disease outbreak has mainly been employed for birds (Wobeser 2007) but has also been a...
Targeting the host has been the most common approach to managing disease in wildlife. This has essentially involved some form of host population reduction, achieved through dispersing, culling, or controlling reproduction.
American Mink Mustela vison is a semi-aquatic predator that has invaded the west coast of Scotland and many of its associated islands. We developed a GIS model of their potential range based on their dispersal abilities and habitat use, which revealed that most islands in west Scotland are accessible to Mink, and that these host a large proportion...
The rate of biological invasions has increased dramatically over recent centuries. Alien invasive vertebrates have significant adverse effects on biodiversity, and island fauna are especially susceptible. Human-induced environmental change is likely to exacerbate these negative impacts of alien invasive species. However, invasion biology has advanc...
Introduced invasive American mink are currently posing a threat to endangered bird species on the Western Isles, an archipelago off the west coast of Scotland. As part of a 5‐year eradication campaign established in 2001, we conducted a small‐scale experiment in 2002 and 2003 on six offshore islands, ranging from 9 to 31 ha. Over 810 trap‐nights, 8...
The Asian musk shrew Suncus murinus is an invasive predator that has had a considerable impact on biodiversity. An eradication was attempted from Ile aux Aigrettes, a 25-ha island reserve off the coast of Mauritius as part of a wider restoration program. A total of 759 shrews were removed using up to 1112 live-traps, in six trapping sweeps of the i...
Feral American mink are perceived as a growing threat to native biodiversity in Europe. We describe the planning and early stages of a campaign to eradicate American mink from part of a 2800 km2 archipelago off the west coast of Scotland. The present programme will last 5 years and cost GB£1.65 million, funded by EU LIFE. It aims to protect ground‐...
Thesis no: DX234748. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Bristol, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (l. 139-157). Photocopy.
The mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) was introduced to Mauritius in 1902 to control rats and now threatens the native fauna. In the 1980s a Non-Governmental Organisation, the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, began controlling mongooses in ecologically sensitive areas using labour-intensive grids of box-traps. As this is difficult to sustain in the long...
The Indian musk shrew (Suncus murinus), an efficient and rapid coloniser, has spread from its original home in India to become an ecological threat of global importance. A project to eradicate musk shrews from a 25 ha Mauritian offshore island began in July 1999. Due to the shrew's low susceptibility to anticoagulant poisons, we relied on live trap...