Suciu RaduSuciu I. E. Radu PFA · Sturgeon Conservation
Suciu Radu
Dr. Eng. in Fishery and Aquaculture
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Retired in April 2018 from DDNI Tulcea, where I founded (1994) and headed the Sturgeon Research Group for 23 years. Currently I work as self employed sturgeon conservation consultant having several assignments on the conservation of sturgeons in the Rioni River and other Western Georgian rivers.
Publications (56)
1. Stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) is a species of great conservation concern throughout its range. Over the past century, it has experienced a dramatic decline in abundance and distribution in the Black Sea basin. Information regarding the genetic structure of the species is very limited in the region, despite its crucial importance for de...
In the Black Sea basin, still survives the last wild population of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus, Pallas 1771) able to undertake upstream spawning migration into the Danube River. During the 20th century, unsustainable exploitation, habitat contraction, and degradation reduced the population size to critical levels. In the past decades, sp...
Several hypotheses explain the prevalence of undifferentiated sex chromo- somes in poikilothermic vertebrates. Turnovers change the master sex determination gene, the sex chromosome or the sex determination system (e.g. XY to WZ). Jumping master genes stay main triggers but translocate to other chromosomes. Occasional recombination (e.g. in sex-rev...
One of the last wild populations of the critically endangered stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) survives in the Danube River. Limited knowledge about the genetic structure, ecology, and evolution of this species led to poor and inconsistent management decisions with an increased risk for species extinction in the wild. Here we show the result...
The giant European catfish, Silurus glanis (TL = 200 cm; TW ≈ 80 kg) was caught downstream of Iron Gate II hydropower dam (Danube River, 863 rkm) and tagged with an ultrasonic transmitter (Vemco Ltd, V16TP) equipped with depth and temperature sensors. Changes in catfish diving behavior and temperature exposure were monitored over a period of roughl...
The restoration of the extinct Adriatic population of Beluga sturgeon, an iconic species with economic and traditional relevance, is a priority in upcoming conservation strategies but it must not occur without deep prior knowledge on the current diversity distribution. We defined informed criteria for the reintroduction of Beluga in Italian riv...
Several hypotheses explain the prevalence of undifferentiated sex chromosomes in poikilothermic vertebrates. Turnovers change the master sex determination gene, the sex chromosome or the sex determination system (e.g. XY to WZ). Jumping master genes stay main triggers but translocate to other chromosomes. Occasional recombination (e.g. in sex-rever...
Extant members of Acipenseridae are generally classified in four genera: Scaphirhynchus, Pseudoscaphirhynchus, Huso and “Acipenser,” which is widely recognized to be paraphyletic. Advances have been made in understanding the systematic relationships among sturgeons based on both morphological and molecular data. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA data s...
Due to the worldwide decline of the sturgeon population, stocking programmes were developed for many of these species. The critically endangered anadromous sturgeon populations inhabiting the NW Black Sea and spawning in the Lower Danube River are not an exception. Despite no knowledge of the genetic diversity of the remnant populations, the Romani...
Abstract: In the present study, 4 specimens of sturgeons from stocking-programmes was recorded, out of a total 34 Danube River upstream-migrants towards their spawning grounds. The catches were recorded over a period of 42 days of scientific fishing on an area of 50.23% of the Danube River width. Three out of four native species were recorded durin...
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in the world when the return of stocked sturgeons to their home river is reported. This is a game changing moment for sturgeon restocking or supportive stocking programmes and for the fate of their populations. Consequently, identifying the main factors which have enabled this is crucial and repr...
The Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, is a critically endangered fish species. Hatcheries are operated in several countries within its natural range to produce stocking material for release into the wild and also for aquaculture purposes (caviar and meat production). An appropriate genetic broodstock management (plan or strategy) is requ...
The sturgeons represent an extremely valuable natural heritage of the Danube River Basin from the biodiversity, scientific and socio-economical points of view. Despite the tremendous efforts made to protect and conserve these species and the fact that they were and are an often-approached research topic, current knowledge about their behavior is in...
The sturgeons represent an extremely valuable natural heritage of the Danube River Basin from the biodiversity, scientific and socio-economic points of view. Caviar-producing species are particularly vulnerable due to overexploitation and habitat fragmentation, which have brought them to the brink of extinction. The International Union for Conserva...
Before the Danube River to be dammed, the sturgeons were able to migrate upstream during their spawning migration as far as Komarno (Danube River, km 1810). The beluga sturgeon and stellate sturgeon use to spawn further upstream in all rivers, therefore constructions of hydroelectricity or regulatory dams had a significant impact over natural repro...
The stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus, is a critically endangered fish species. Knowledge on its genetic diversity and population structure is urgently needed to enable the identification of management units in order to prevent extinction. Therefore, 18 species-specific, polymorphic microsatellite loci have been isolated using GS-FLX Titanium...
The extensive wetland complex of the Danube Delta provides internationally important stopover sites and breeding sites for millions of migratory birds. Worldwide, natural wetlands are facing an accelerated decline due to the increased urbanization and conversion of open spaces to agriculture. The Danube Delta is no exception, being subject to anthr...
Wild populations of the sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus, are declining throughout their
native ranges. In depth knowledge on their genetic diversity and structure is urgently needed
to enable the identification of management units for conservation purposes. Moreover, genetic
markers are required to establish appropriate breeding schemes for su...
Sturgeons are well known for the delicacy of their eggs, the caviar, one of the most valuable products on the food market. The high price of caviar led in the past to a severe overharvest of wild sturgeon species and to an increase in trade of counterfeit products sold with impunity in spite of the strict trade limitations. A priority in the effort...
Monitoring so called fishery independent character-istics of sturgeon populations in the Lower Danube River (LDR), including genetic population structure and migration of adults and young of the year (YOY), was considered crucial for making progress in understanding the life cycle of these critically endangered flagship species of the Danube. Track...
Considered a flagship species for the Danube River Basin and valuable indicators of water quality and ecosystem health, sturgeons are today on the brink of extinction due to the over exploitation, disruption of spawning migration and loss of essential habitats. The anadromous sturgeons live mostly in the Black Sea, migrating over impressive distanc...
The Lower Danube River (LDR) still supports three naturally self-sustaining species of anadromous sturgeons. Beluga sturgeons (Huso huso) and stellate sturgeons (A. stellatus) are still common while Russian sturgeons (Acipenser gueldenstaedti) became very rare. Studying their swimming behavior is essential for understanding (i) the impact of constr...
The NW Black Sea basin supports sympatric population of beluga (Huso huso), stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) and
Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstadetii). These ecologically similar fish exhibit varying life strategies during their extended juvenile period andappear to overlap at some stages within the marine coastal waters. The aim of the stud...
This study investigates bio-accumulation of heavy metals in tissues of sturgeons of the North-Western Black Sea and
Lower Danube River (LDR). Samples (10 – 30 gr) of liver, muscle, fat, gonads and skin tissues collected in October 2003 from 21 adult specimens of three sturgeon species: Acipenser stellatus (10), A. gueldenstaedtii (2), and Huso huso...
During the last decades, the over-exploitation of sturgeon stocks for caviar production simultaneously with severe habitat
deteriorations has led to drastic declines in the natural populations of the Danube River. As a result of (i) decrease of sturgeon catches from 37.5 tons in year 2002 to 11.8 tons in year 2005, (ii) disrupted age class structur...
Six species of sturgeon once migrated in the Danube River for spawning: the anadromous species beluga, Huso huso; Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii; stellate sturgeon, A. stellatus, and the European Atlantic sturgeon, A. sturio, and the river resident ship sturgeon, A nudiventris and sterlet, A. ruthenus . Although considered as criticall...
INTRODUCTION Beluga sturgeons are considered the most valuable fishery resource of the Black Sea. Habitat deterioration combined with overfishing as result of increasing market demand has brought most of Black Sea beluga sturgeon populations spawning in different large rivers (Kuban, Don, Dniester, and Danube) to the brink of extinction. The presen...
The use of combination electro-narcosis apparatus - operating tube was successfully used by Sturgeon Research Group (SRG) to reduce the handling stress in adult sturgeons (sterlet, stellate sturgeon and Russian sturgeon). The portability and effectiveness of electronarcosis allow us to implant acoustic transmitters in sturgeon’s body cavity and tra...
INTRODUCTION Beluga sturgeons are considered the most valuable fishery resource of the Black Sea. Habitat deterioration combined with overfishing as result of increasing market demand has brought most of Black Sea beluga sturgeon populations spawning in different large rivers (Kuban, Don, Dniester, and Danube) to the brink of extinction. The presen...
Genetic diversity of adult stellate sturgeons captured in the Lower Danube River during 1998 – 2011
Sturgeon Research Group, Danube Delta National Institute, No. 165, Babadag Street, RO-Tulcea 820112, Romania
Topic: 3
Oral presentation
The presen...
We present the results of the first year (2011) of monitoring the impact on sturgeons by ongoing constructions made for the improvement of conditions for navigation on the Lower Danube River (LDR) between Braila and Călăraşi (rkm 175 - 375). To improve navigation on this sector of the LDR, the branches Caleia and Bala will be partially closed by bo...
Sturgeon populations in the Danube River have experienced severe decline during the last several decades, mostly due to the poorly regulated fishery, river fragmentation and water pollution. This study focuses on gaining better understanding of sturgeon life history primarily by addressing the assessment of microelement accumulation in sturgeon pec...
Sturgeons of the Danube River are in decline. Long term changes in both population size and structure of sturgeon species have been observed. Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) as the flagship species of the Danube are used in this manuscript as a case study species. In 2006 the Romanian government used documentation of these critical changes to enforce a...
Pikeperch is a predatory fish widely introduced in Europe, distributed from North-Europe to South,
from the brackish waters to fresh waters of rivers and lakes. Wild pikeperch specimens from Balaton Lake and Razim-Sinoie lake complex were analysed using original primers designed to amplify an extended D-loop region (910 bp) of
pikeperch mtDNA. RFLP...
Acipenseriformes are composed of 25 sturgeon species and two paddlefish species distributed exclusively in the northern hemisphere. The Danube River and the Black Sea were originally inhabited by six sturgeon species but two are extinct and only four are still reproducing currently in the Lower Danube: Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus, A. gueldenstae...
Ultrasonic telemetry was used during June – July 2011 to track movements of sturgeons as part of monitoring the environmental impact of construction works to improve conditions for navigation on the Danube River between Călăraşi and Brăila, river Km 375 – 175. Using Thelma Biotel / Norway depth and temperature acoustic transmitters (type ADT- MP16)...
Sturgeon populations in the Danube River have experienced severe decline during the last several decades, mostly due to the
poorly regulated fishery, river fragmentation and water pollution. This study focuses on gaining better understanding of sturgeon
life history primarily by addressing the assessment of microelement accumulation in sturgeon pec...
România este una dintre ţările europene cu un important potenţial salmonicol natural şi cu bune perspective în dezvoltarea creşterii intensive a salmonidelor.
Speciile din mediul natural descrise pe teritoriul României sunt: Salmo trutta fario (păstrăvul indigen), Salmo trutta labrax (somonul de Marea Neagră), Salvelinus fontinalis fontinalis (fân...
The analysis of the karyotype was performed through the investigation of the number and structure of the cyprinid fish species chromosomes. The fish used in this study were caught in the Danube River. For the subsequent analysis of karyotypes, the fish were injected intra-peritoneal with doses of 0.02 ml/g body weight of 0.1% colchicine solution an...
Marine migratory sturgeons represent one of the most important fishery resources, both from a scientific and commercial point of view. While the effectives of Huso huso have significantly decreased in the last decades, the economical interest has constantly increased. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to develop conservation programs for R...
Upstream migrant adults of stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus ( 10 in 1998, 43 in 1999) and Russian sturgeon, A. gueldenstaedtii ( three in 1999) were captured at river km (rkm) 58-137, mostly in the spring, and tagged with acoustic tags offering a reward for return. The overharvest was revealed by tag returns (38% in 1998, 28% in 1999) and by...
A karyotype analysis by several staining techniques was carried out on the stellate sturgeon, Acipenser stellatus. The karyotype (2n = 146 +/- 6) comprised 37 pairs of meta submetacentric chromosomes; the others were acrocentrics and microchromosomes. The constitutive heterochromatin, revealed by C-banding technique, was localized in the pericentro...
We analysed micronuclei in brown trout Salmo trutta specimens sampled in the Trubia River, upstream and downstream of the emissions from a Spanish military factory to assess genotoxicity risks derived from military wastes. A significant exponential increase in micronuclei counts was found in fish living downstream of the military wastes with respec...
The chromosome complement of Misgurnus fossilis from the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve was investigated using conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding and silver staining technique. The diploid chromosome number was 2n = 100. The karyotype consisted of 12 pairs of metacentric, 4 pairs of submetacentric, 12 pairs of subtelocentric and 22 pairs of te...
The genetic structure and relationships of the two European catfish species, Silurus glanis (widely distributed in Europe) and Silurus aristotelis (endemic to Greece) were examined using 17 allozyme systems corresponding to 28 putative loci. The two species are well differentiated with fixed differences at five loci. Genetic distance values support...