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Subodh Kumar Datta Datta

Subodh Kumar Datta Datta



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Publications (181)
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Extensive research already done worldwide has generated all basic knowledge on all important foricultural crops covering multidisciplinary aspects. The majority of present experiments on ornamentals are being repeated as routine activities despite noteworthy technological advances. It is now very important to evaluate the entire past and present...
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Determination of radio-sensitivity is prerequisite for large scale irradiation in mutation induction for breeding experiments and a wide range of parameters (growth inhibition, chromosomal aberrations, mutation etc.) have already been standardized. Appreciable amounts of literature have been accumulated on pollen grains after mutagen treatment. Pol...
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Horto-taxonomical characterization of Bougainvillea is most important for the correct identification of cultivars and Plant Variety Rights (PVR). Different parameters have already been standardized for characterization. In Bougainvillea , there is always the development of new and novel varieties through classical breeding, sports, selection, and i...
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Horto-taxonomical characterization of Bougainvillea is most important for the correct identification of cultivars and Plant Variety Rights (PVR). Different parameters have already been standardized for characterization. In Bougainvillea, there is always the development of new and novel varieties through classical breeding, sports, selection, and in...
The chapter covers mutation work (mutagens, working dose, mutants) carried out throughout the world on approximately 120 ornamental crops.
Gladiolus is one of the largest genera in the family Iridaceae. It is highly heterozygous blended with polyploidy. Extensive induced mutagenesis work has been done on gladiolus and a wide range of physical and chemical mutagens have been used. Mutagens that have been applied are X-rays, fast neutrons, thermal neutrons, electric shock, aluminum chlo...
Chrysanthemum with its large number of cultivars in respect of growth habit, size, color, and shape of bloom has attracted its admirers and enthusiasts all over the world for its use both as a commercial flower crop and as a popular exhibition flower. The chapter will provide a transparent picturesque application of mutation techniques for the crea...
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It is almost 45 years since the mission Jatropha started for the development of high-yielding strain for commercial exploitation as a source of biofuel plant. A massive amount of literature has been accumulated on almost all aspects of Jatropha. It is now very important to evaluate the results related to the selection/development of novel strains....
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It is almost 45 years since the mission Dry Flower started at CSIR-NBRI. Technology packages and an appreciable amount of literature have been developed on almost all aspects of dry flowers. Dehydration technology has been standardized and simplified in such a way that cultivated seasonal vegetations (flowers and leaves), unsold and used fresh flow...
Vast literature/knowledge generated on induced mutation, worldwide, is spread in the form of books, bulletins, catalogues, scientific journals, newsletters, newspapers, popular magazines etc. It is difficult for all researchers, students and breeders to get an overview of earlier and recent developments covering the whole spectrum of activities on...
Mutagen induced genetic variability can be used for developing desired varieties through hybridization. Breeders in different parts of the world have successfully developed improved desired cultivars utilizing induced variability and mutants in different crops.
Induced mutagenesis is now an established method for crop improvement. Mutation techniques by using ionizing radiations and other mutagens have successfully produced quite a large number of new promising varieties in different plant species. Since beginning there are step by step improvement in technical procedure for application of induced mutatio...
Preparation for experiment and design are very important for success of induction of mutation. Experience on characteristics and cultural practices of the experimental crops are also very important. It is advisable to design the experiment on the basis of objectives, availability of uniform and reliable planting material, availability of fund, manp...
Important contributions of induced mutations on some notable crops in different countries have been highlighted. Officially released mutation-derived varieties include many important crops such as rice, wheat, cotton, rapeseed, sunflower, sesame, grapefruit, banana and ornamentals. A detailed review on the global impact of mutation-derived varietie...
Mutagen induce genetic and physiological damages and mutations can be influenced and modified by pre-and post treatment of seeds with mutagen (chemicals/radiation) and considerable amount of works have been done on this aspect. Origin of rare mutation and mutation types have been reported by pre-irradiation treatment of seeds with colchicines.
Detection and isolation of mutants are most important steps in mutation experiments. In seed propagated plants in M1 generation there should be individual plant selection and bulk selection. Somatic mutation in vegetatively propagated plants is mostly detected in M1V1. Somatic mutations were also detected in M1V2 and later generations from normal l...
Determination of radiosensitivity is very important in radiobiological studies and in plant breeding by radiation. After the discovery of mutagenic effect of radiations, the effect of radiation on chromosomes and genes was the main aspect of the study. In course of time, the subject radiosensitivity has developed. It deals with the sensitivity of p...
Colchicine has been used for a long time as a polyploidizing agent. Reports are available on colchicine induced development of chimera sectors and somatic reduction besides gene mutation. Colchicine induced mutations have been reported in many crop plants. Author used colchicine and developed mutants in Trichosanthus anguina, Chrysanthemum and Rose...
Chimera may develop through spontaneous mutation or through treatment with physical and/or chemical mutagens. Management of chimera is very important operation in induced mutagenesis. Different propagules having buds with multicellular apices when treated with mutagens, automatically leads to the formation of chimeras. Mutated cell is exposed to th...
The chapter narrates different groups of mutagenic agents and their mode of actions. The mode of origin of different physical and chemical mutagens and their treatment procedure for experimental materials have been eluded.
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Mutation technique is being applied on different crop plants to develop improved varieties over the last more than 80 years. It is very important to assess the present status of impact of mutation in terms of crop improvement and also the improvement of the technology. There are disagreements and limitations of induced mutagenesis by several scient...
Appreciable amounts of literature have been accumulated on pollen grains after mutagen treatment. Pollen grains and their morphological features are genetically stable characters and the effects of mutagens on these features have been studied critically on different ornamental plants and other crops. Variability in pollen grain sterility and size h...
Nanoparticle is an ultrafine particle which can occur naturally and are also created purposefully to carry out a specialized function. They have wide range of formulations depending on the use or the product. There is increasing application of nanoparticles in agriculture. It has also been suggested as a mutagen useful in breeding programme.
Study of chromosomal behavior after mutagen treatment is one important parameter for assessing the level of mutagenic action. There are considerable early work reports on the effects of mutagens on cells/chromosomes (Sax 1941, 1942; Abdeltawab et al. 2017; Al-Safadi and Simon 1990; Catcheside 1945, 1948; Chandler 1957; D’Amato 1952; Darlington and...
Mutation is a permanent change in the sequence of DNA that makes up a gene is known as mutation. Changes not caused by genetic segregation or genetic recombination. Mutations may take place in both somatic cells as well as in germinal cells. Mutations may vary in size from single DNA base to a large fragment of a chromosome. Classification and diff...
Determination of optimum dose, radiosensitivity and treatment conditions are most essential for mutagenesis expeiments. For determination of LD50 or optimum working dose a number of parameters may be selected considering the nature of experimental materials. We must first determine the LD50, a dose that causes 50% mortality to the seeds or a safe d...
Abnormal plant growth is an immediate effect after treatment of plant parts with either physical or chemical mutagens. Mutagen effect can result in modification of the growth and development of roots, stems, leaves and flowers. The manifestation of abnormal plant growth is not genus, species and dose specific but the frequency of abnormalities vary...
Somaclonal variations are derived from any form of cell or tissue culture. Several instances of somaclonal variations have been reported in different horticultural crops. Genetic diversity do occur in undifferentiated cells, isolated protoplasts, calli, tissues and morphological traits of in vitro raised plants. Such natural variability offers oppo...
Recurrent irradiation means irradiating plant materials that had already been irradiated in one or more subsequent generations. Different authors have reported that such method is very good for accumulating and expanding genetic variability. Author did recurrent irradiation experiments on chrysanthemum and rose and observed that the percentage of m...
To avoid chimera formation there was search to find out plants which may originate from one or a few vegetative daughter cells or to standardize technique for management of chimera. Adventitious bud technique has been established to be an important method for developing solid mutants as the plants originate from one cell. This technique effects for...
Spontaneous mutations are described as natural mutation or bud sport. New plant part develops as a sport shows morphological differences from the rest of the plant. The new character may be in foliage shape or color, flower characters or branch character. New sports with desirable characters are propagated vegetatively to develop a new cultivar. Sp...
Radiation effect was found on leaf stomata. Different types of stomatal abnormalities like fused stomata, stomata with single guard cell and unequal size of guard cells etc. were observed in the treated population and the frequency of abnormal stomata varied with different treatments. Histological changes of morphological abnormalities with referen...
Floriculture is now a high-ranking industry in many countries and enriched with scientific knowledge and availability of novel plant materials. New varieties are always in demand in floriculture. Maximum work has been done worldwide on chrysanthemum, a most interesting plant in floriculture trade. The scope of creation of new and novel forms is nev...
Due understanding of the phylogenetic affinities, identification of hybrids, mutants, genera, species, and characterization/registration of variety and cultivar for IPR protection, are quite important to resolve taxonomic problems and utilization of genetic resources. Many classical and advanced methods have been standardized for characterization a...
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It is more than 80 years since mutagens were identified as a source of inducing genetic variability in a living system. Since then scientific community is deeply engaged to apply mutation techniques in the crop improvement program. Worldwide activities have generated a massive amount of literature and have led to the release of over 3,000 mutant pl...
The book covers vast literature/knowledge generated on induced mutation on ornamental plants, worldwide. The book will provide an authoritative review account of many aspects related to induced mutagenesis in the improvement of ornamental crops and floriculture industry. Mutation work on important ornamentals like Bougainvillea, Chrysanthemum, Glad...
The autumn flowering garden Chrysanthemum (C. morifolium Ramat.) is an important flower crop throughout the world. It has earned tremendous popularity as a flower for the garden, as cut flower for interior decoration or for green house or conservatory display. The genus constitutes a large polyploid complex ranging from 2x to 22x, besides a number...
Floriculture is a fast emerging and highly competitive industry. It is one of the important high value agricultural industries in many countries of the world. Commercial floriculture has become very popular and important sector which provides the livelihood security to small and marginal farmers besides providing ample opportunities for domestic an...
Carnation is an important cut flower in the floriculture industry. A micropropagation method for carnation cv. ‘Irene’ has been standardized. Nodal plant explants were grown in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing plant growth regulators (PGRs). Determination of clonal fidelity of regenerated plantlets was performed with the help of SSR marke...
The autumn-flowering garden Chrysanthemum (C. morifolium Ramat.) is an important flower crop throughout the world. It has earned tremendous popularity as a flower for the garden and as a cut flower for interior decoration or for greenhouse or conservatory display. The genus constitutes a large polyploid complex ranging from 2x to 22x, besides a num...
The genus Hippeastrum, also referred to as Amaryllis, belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae is an ornamental bulbous flowering plant. It originated in the subtropical Americas, from Eastern Brazil to the Southern central Andes of Peru, Argentina, and Bolivia. Many species in this genus and their hybrids have large and showy colorful flowers. They...
Bougainvillea (Fam. Nyctaginaceae) is one of the most important perennial ornamental shrubs, sometimes a climber, in tropical and subtropical gardens. It is a very important floriculture crop for multipurpose use. The genus has approximately 18 species of which three (B. spectabilis Willdenow, B. glabra Choisy, and B. peruviana Humboldt and Bonplan...
More than three fourth of the export basket of Indian floricultural products comprises of dry flowers and different handmade items made from botanical specimens, presented in a dried and colored form. With the increasing awareness for natural ecofriendly products, dried flowers have attained prime importance in the floriculture industry. It constit...
Polianthes tuberosa Linn., commonly known as tuberose, is a monocot genus and a perennial, bulbous plant that belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. It is native of Sonora desert of Mexico and successfully grown under commercial cultivation in tropical and subtropical areas for cut flower production, for floriculture trade, and as a source of oil. T...
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Bougainvillea is one of the most prominent and popular perennial ornamental crops in floriculture for multitudinous use and a very appropriate plant for multidisciplinary research work due to its wide range of bract colors, leaf characters, and plant stature. All the present-day colorful varieties and their novelties are the result of bud sports, o...
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Breeding for new ornamental varieties is quite often a profitable occupation in the world. Worldwide breeding activities have generated a massive amount of literature. All present day ornamental varieties have evolved through bud sports, open pollinated interspecific crosses, open pollinated intraspecific crosses, planned crosses, natural chromosom...
The autumn-flowering garden Chrysanthemum (C. morifolium Ramat.) is an important flower crop throughout the world. It has earned tremendous popularity as a flower for the garden and as a cut flower for interior decoration or for greenhouse or conservatory display. The genus constitutes a large polyploid complex ranging from 2x to 22x, besides a num...
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Bougainvillea is a very important floriculture crop for multipurpose use. A good number of varieties have been developed in different parts of world/India through detection and isolation of bud sports, hybridization and induced mutation. All basic scientific information are available on different aspects of Bougainvillea. Considering its importance...
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FISG, FNAS is an internationally acclaimed expert in floriculture and mutation breeding. A scientist of high caliber and capability, a noble and quite person has attained the age of glorious 73 years. Dr. S.K. Datta was engaged in both basic and applied research for the improvement of floriculture for over more than 30 years at CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow....
In India, the demand of flowers and ornamental plants is increasing day by day and a large number of people earn their livelihood by either producing or marketing flowers and ornamental plants. Floriculture business covers all aspects related to germplasm collection, cut flowers and foliage, dry flowers and plant parts, potted flowering and foliage...
It is more than 30 years, when Jatropha curcas was identified as source of biofuel plant. Since then scientific community is deeply engaged to develop high yielding strain for industrial exploitation using all scientific strategies. Worldwide activities have generated a massive amount of literature. Hardly there is any aspect left which has not bee...
The book is aimed at providing an understanding of basic principles and practices of Biostatistics. Attempt has been made to give a comprehensive inside into the basic concepts of biostatistics i.e. sound easy to read, relevant and useful to students and practitioners of biostatistics. The book includes the design of clinical trials and epidemiolog...
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Treatment of different concentrations of whisky and country wine for different time periods showed positive cytotoxic effects on Allium cepa root meristem. Effects included inhibition of mitotic index and induction of chromosomal aberrations like clumping, stickiness, early separation, laggard, bridge, fragment, deform chromosome, exclusion, distur...
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ABSTRACT Gladiolus is grown all over the world for cut flower production for floriculture trade. Extensive research has already been done on gladiolus to generate basic knowledge on multidisciplinary aspects. Efforts in germplasm collections, characterisation, cytology, tissue culture, disease management, classical improvement and induced mutation...
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Hortorium taxonomy covers taxonomy of the cultivated plants. As in the case of botanical classification, classification of cultivated plants also undergoes perfection with the changing needs, fads and fancies of man. These plants need to be studied taxonomically in order to arrange all variations in systematic fashion. Characterisation and document...
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The production of new Nigella sativa cultivars by plant breeding programs is difficult due to its narrow genetic base. A number of induced morphological traits, yield components and percent content of fatty acid methyl esters in the parent line and nine selected mutants (Mt1-Mt9) have been reported in two generations (M3 and M4) of N. sativa to det...
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Induced mutagenesis is now one of the most important technologies for the development of new varieties through genetic manipulations. In commercial floriculture there is always demand for new varieties. Mutation has been most successfully utilized in ornamental crops and this author has developed 80 new mutant varieties. Voluminous literature has b...
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Floriculture has become very important industry as a result of science based techniques. But there are many constraints which restrict smooth progress of floriculture business. Tissue culture techniques have been standardized for different cultural practices on need basis for commercial benefit. In vitro protocols have been standardized not only fo...
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Floriculture has become very important industry as a result of science based techniques. But there are many constraints which restrict smooth progress of floriculture business. Tissue culture techniques have been standardized for different cultural practices on need basis for commercial benefit. In vitro protocols have been standardized not only fo...
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Radiosensitivity deals with the sensitivity of plant or animal tissues to radiations. Radiosensitivity studies may lead to an understanding of the mechanism of action of ionizing radiations. Determination of radiosensitivity is prerequisite for large scale irradiation for induction of mutation. Radiosensitivity can be assayed by chromosome breakage...
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Extensive research has already been done in India to generate basic knowledge on multidisciplinary aspects of floricultural crops. Our floriculture got an early lead and substantial gains in some areas. Our contribution in germplasm collections, characterisation, cytology, crop improvement and induced mutation are worth mentioning. But our contribu...
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The demand of flowers and ornamental plants is increasing day by day and a large number of people in India earn their livelihood by either producing or marketing flowers and ornamental plants. Floriculture business is expanding rapidly worldwide. Recognizing the importance of ornamental plants in general and floriculture in particular, Council of S...
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The various toxic chemicals used in painting of steel furniture are benzene, toluene, xylene and thinner. Of these, the cytotoxic effects of benzene and thinner were evaluated using root tip cells of Allium cepa. Chromosomal aberration assay was done and relative division rate (RDR) and mitotic index were calculated. An investigation of the root le...
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Floriculture has become an important industry in many countries as a result of advanced scientific techniques and stable supply of improved varieties. Development of new varieties and their fast marketing are major challenges in floriculture trade. Rose is grown mainly for cut flowers for floriculture industry. All the present-day colourful varieti...
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In the floriculture industry there is always demand and necessity for new and novel varieties. The colour, form and scent of the flower are the primary novelty markers in the global flower industry. Genetic diversity plays an important role in breeding. P. tuberosa is grown all over the world for cut flower production, for floriculture trade and as...
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Plant tissue culture is a very important technology which is used for production of large scale quality planting materials of selected novel high yielding varieties to boost production. The technique has certain demerits like high production cost which have limited the use and exploitation at industrial level. The technology is capital, labor and e...
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Mutation breeding is an established method for crop improvement and has played a major role in the development of many new flower color/shape mutant varieties in ornamentals. The main bottleneck with vegetatively propagated plants is that the mutation appears as a chimera after treatment with physical and/or chemical mutagens. A small sector of a m...
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Genetic diversity of any crop plays a very important role in developing new and novel desired forms through breeding and selection. Knowledge of diversity and its response to natural/human selection through hybridization is necessary for future breeding plan. All the present day colourful varieties of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat have been develo...
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The book covers different eco-friendly technology for drying flowers and foliage in its original colore and preparation of floral craft.
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Induced mutagenesis techniques have successfully produced and commercialized quite a large number of new promising varieties in different crops worldwide, including the ornamental plants. Induced mutagenesis has been most successful in ornamental crops. Both physical and chemical mutagens were used for improving the desired characters of ornamental...
Jatropha curcas has been reported as an efficient substitute fuel for diesel engines. The seed oil is non-edible and the crop is capable of growing on waste lands and its cultivation thus, does not exert any pressure on agricultural land. The seed oil productivity is very low at present since most of the material studied is that available wild loca...
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Makhana (Euryale ferox Salisbury) grows as an exclusive aquatic cash crop in shallow water bodies in north Bihar and lower Assam regions of India. It has nutritional and medicinal properties and supports cottage industry. It is a monotypic genus and the available genetic variability is limited. An attempt was made to understand the cultural practic...
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Abstarct: Road sides of rural and hilly areas are covered with different types of colourful flowers and foliage (domesticated, semi-domesticated or wild) at different seasons round the year. In spite of aesthetic beauty all these natural resources are totally unutilized/wasted due to unawareness of their use. All these can be converted into value a...
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Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. is one of the most interesting ornamental group of plant in the world. All the present day colourful varieties have been developed through complex interspecific crosses among elemental species, open pollination, indiscriminate intervarietal hybridization, spontaneous and induced mutation, selection and management of...
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ABSTRACT : Stem node explants of two bougainvillea cvs. Los Banos Variegata and Mary Palmer Special cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 6- benzyladenine (BA), 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and gibberelic acid (GA3) containing medium. Best response was obtained on 2 mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l NAA + 0.5 mg/ l GA3 supplemented medium whe...
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Chrysanthemum is a short day leading commercial flower. It develops flower buds when days are less than 12 hours long and the blooming period is short under traditional cultural method. For commercial floriculture programmed blooming is necessary for year round availability of flowers. Extensive work has been done to categorize the leading varietie...
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Bulbs of A. cepa were treated with different doses of gamma rays. Chromosomal behaviour and antioxidant enzymes status were studied on 3rd and 30th day respectively after irradiation to understand the level of radiosensitivity. A positive correlation between chromosomal abnormalities and antioxidant enzymes related defence mechanism of cell has bee...
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Mini roses have become very popular for its diversity in colour and form and for easy growing in pots. Considering its commercial demand, micropropagation technique has been standardized for development of large scale quality planting materials of three promising mini rose cultivars. The cvs. Cotton Tail and Lucknow City were better responding than...
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Wild/unutilized/underutilized plant species and ornamental cut flowers can be converted into value added products using simple dehydration technique. Dehydration techniques have been standardized under room temperature, sun drying, press drying, hot air oven drying, microwave oven and solar cooker. Dried flowers and foliage have multipurpose use. A...
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Popularity of miniature roses is increasing day-by-day due to its growth habits and diverse and interesting flower forms and colour. Its origin, breeding system and multipurpose use is very interesting. Miniature roses are now the fastest growing segment of the rose market. There are tremendous scope for multidisciplinary research for improvement o...
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Popularity of miniature roses is increasing day-by-day due to its growth habits and diverse and interesting flower forms and colour. Its origin, breeding system and multipurpose use is very interesting. Miniature roses are now the fastest growing segment of the rose market. There are tremendous scope for multidisciplinary research for improvement o...
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Six parent and their 12 gamma ray-induced somatic flower colour mutants of garden rose were characterized to discriminate the mutants from their respective parents and understanding the genetic diversity using Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Out of 20 primers screened, 14 primers yielded completely identical fragments patter...
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Abstract Mutation breeding is an established method for crop improvement and has played a major role in the development of many new flower color/shape mutant varieties in ornamentals. The main bottleneck with vegetatively propagated plants is that the mutation appears as a chimera after treatment with physical and/or chemical mutagens. A small sect...
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Present paper clearly reports that multi-disciplinary research have already been conducted on marigold including tissue culture, growth and flowering, growth substances, cultivation, propagation, manuring and fertilization, diseases etc. Basic knowledge on crop-genetics, pre-requisite for breeding, is available. All combination of agronomical tri...
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Rooted cuttings of Dendranthema grandiflorum cv. ‘Puja’ were treated with different doses of gamma rays. Sectorial somatic mutations both in flower colour and shape were detected in all the doses. The original floret colour of ‘Puja’ is red-purple and florets are flat spoon shaped. One of the mutant floret colour was yellow-orange with original fla...
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Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus ex Hook (Family: Asteraceae) has been successfully acclimatized from temperate to subtropical North Indian plains of Lucknow through in vitro propagation. Flower heads were collected from greenhouse, segmented into 4–16 pieces and cultured in Murashige and Skoog’s medium (MS) (Physiol Plant 15:472–497, 1962) supplemented...


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