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Publications (36)
We are talking about corneal dystrophy if there is clouding of its media without them being inflamed
beforehand. Corneal dystrophies are diseases that affect the cornea, they are genetic diseases and most of them are
autosomal dominant, bilateral and affect only one layer of the cornea. The signs of the disease appear mostly in the
first decade of...
Abstract: Diabetes is the leading cause of reduced vision in the world's working-age population, equally represented
in men and women, which if not treated, can lead to blindness. Diabetes can cause damage to the eyes as a result of
long-term increased blood sugar levels. It damages the blood vessels of the retina, there is bleeding on the retina
Abstract: Macular degeneration is defined as the degeneration of the macula, that is, the center for clear vision.
Macular degeneration is age-related and is the most common cause of severe irreversible vision loss in people over
60 years old. This form of degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. The macula is the
center fo...
Ophthalmomyiasis is a zoonotic disease most often caused by the larvae of oestrus ovis (sheep fly). Thefemale O. ovis retains her eggs within her body until they hatch, and then typically deposits her larvae into thenostrils of sheep and goats. Larvae of Oestrus ovis are obligate parasites of the nasal and sinus cavities of sheep andgoats, so this...
The eye is the main organ of the visual system. It is a paired sensory organ, located on the front of the skull. The function of the human eye is to receive light stimuli, transmitting them to higher centers and processing them to create an image. The conjunctiva is a tissue membrane that coats the eyelids and sclera. It is a thin, transparent muco...
Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus or known as diabetes is a pathological, chronic, progressive and
irreversible condition that attacks many organs in many different forms, hence it is called diabetic syndrome. It
usually affects the vascular system leading to micro or macrovascular changes, the most common of which are:
kidney (nephropatia...
Abstract: Uveitis is an inflammatory disorder of the uveal tract of the eye that can affect both adults and children.
Uveal tract consists of iris, ciliary body and choroid. . It is a serious disease, associated with possible severe
complications leading to visual impairment and blindness. The sooner uveitis is treated, the more successful
Abstract: Introduction: Conjunctiva is a thin layer that covers the eye and the inside of the eyelids and is almost
ten times more sensitive to allergens than the skin, because it is constantly exposed to a wide variety of
microorganisms and allergens. But the eye as an organ is able to protect itself without changing its own structure
and funct...
Abstract: Refractive anomalies are the most common eye diseases during infancy. When it comes to children in
their pre-school age, amblyopia and amblyogenic risk factors, such as strabismus and significant refractive
errors are the most prevalent and the most important eye diseases. If discovered on time, an intervention is possible
in time for th...
Abstract: Purpose As the critically ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia suffered from high thrombotic risk and
the effect of COVID-19 on coagulation is still not well determined, the aim of our study was to evaluate the risk
factors associated with mortality in COVID-19 patients and assess the use of D-dimer as a biomarker for disease
severity and...
Abstract: Purpose It is well known that COVID-19 patients may have increased serum lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH) levels in the early stage, so LDH has been proved to be a prognostic factor for the severity and poor
outcomes of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The aim of the study was to evaluated the association of LDH and
CRP with in-hospital mortali...
Abstract: A new type of virus from the coronavirus family has recently been discovered, which has spread rapidly
around the world, causing an outbreak of COVID-19 virus caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, reaching pandemic
proportions in a very short time. This virus is highly contagious and can result in a mild or severe form of disease.
Abstract: Myopia or nearsightedness is a refractory anomaly where parallel light rays entering the eye after
breaking through the cornea and lens congregate with a focus that is in front of the retina in the vitreous body rather
than falling to the retina at a clear-sighted center where the light rays are diverging and making a sculpted image of
Abstract: This article provides an overview the impact of chemical burns on the eye and its adnexa. Chemical
exposure to any part of the eye or eyelid can result in chemical burns to the eye. Chemical burns account for 7-10%
of all eye injuries.
Injuries to the eye are chemically dividet into burns with alkali and burns with acids. They occur mai...
In the period from 1999 to 2019, the eye department at the Clinical Hospital in Shtip is taking a serious step towards applying the most modern working protocols on the one hand and introducing new, modern methods for treating patients.It can be rightly said that in this period of time a step is taken in the application of modern ophthalmology. Pri...
IOP is an important risk factor for glaucoma, and lowering IOP, even when IOP is within the normal range as defined epidemiologically, remains the only proven-effective treatment of the disease.However, our knowledge of the true nature of IOP in humans or how it affects ocular tissues is partially limited by the lack of continuous IOP monitoring te...
The eye is the most important human sensation and it can captures almost 90% of informations from the surrounding area. The mechanism of the photo-camera's operation, for example, is made on the basis of the function of the eye, in that mode the reflected light of subjects is reflecting on the cornea, passes through the pupil, adjusts and then fall...
Abstract: Pterygium verrum is a common ocular disease with a prevalence ranging between 0.7 and 33% globally. This disease is described as a winged shaped oriented fibrovascular lesion that crosses the nasal or temporal limb and can result in apparent cosmetic problems of significant astigmatism and damage to the vision or blindness due to interfer...
Glaucoma is a slowly progressive neuropathy with changes in the optic nerve, the retinal neurofibrillar layer, and the field of vision.The aim of the paper is to present the significance of detecting elevated intra ocular pressure in early glaucoma detection.Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. According to the latest WH...
Аbstract: Hypermetropy is a refractive anomaly in which parallel light beams reaching from the distance are
collected in the focus behind the retina without participating in accommodation, unlike the normal eye where the
focus is on the retina. The term hypermetropy arrives from the Latin language and in translation means distant. The
observed obje...
Abstract: Epidemic parotitis is an infectious disease that causes the mumps virus belonging to the genus
Paramyxovirus of the Paramyxoviridae family. This virus spreads rapidly after an aerial-drop mechanism to transmit
the infection. It is clinically manifested with swelling and dysfunction of parotid glands. After prolongation, solid
and lifelong...
Аbstract: Myopia or nearsightedness is a refractory anomaly where parallel light rays entering the eye after
breaking through the cornea and lens congregate with a focus that is in front of the retina in the vitreous body rather
than falling to the retina at a clear-sighted center where the light rays are diverging and making a sculpted image of
Резиме: Мајчинството е сон на секоја жена, а раѓањето последниот чекор до најсреќниот момент и првата
средба со кревкото новороденче. Бременост (латински: graviditas) — развивање на еден или повеќе плодови
во матката на жената, познати како фетус или ембрион .
Изборот на храна во бременоста што ќе се консумира е секојдневие. Се внимава што ќе се ја...
Abstract: Glaucoma is a slowly progressive neuropathy with changes in the optic nerve, the retinal neurofibrillar
layer, and the field of vision.
The aim of the paper is to present the significance of detecting elevated intra ocular pressure in early glaucoma
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. According to t...
Abstract: The lens in the eye has a biconvex form, it is avascular, elastic and represents a transparent structure
that is located in the frontal plane at 3 to 4 mm behind the cornea. Anatomically the lens is distinguished by two
main parts: a crust that has soft consistency and constitutes the peripheral elastic region and a nucleus that has a
Abstract: Cataract is the number one cause of blindness at the moment. It is the biggest challenge for modern
ophthalmology and according to the World Health Organization with the 20/20 program, efforts and efforts are
made to make this condition of a high percentage of blindness from this disease drastically reduced and to make
more patients opera...
Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the principal causes of blindness in the modern world. Timely
detection and adequate therapy of DR are very important for prevention of advanced diabetic eye disease.
To indicate the significance of timely diagnosis of eye changes from diabetes mellitus in order to prevent the
possible difficult eye com...
Abstract: There are progressive and stationary cataracts. The installed cataracts represent a blur of the lens that
does not progress, but remains the same. Of the stationary cataracts, the more important are:
1.A cataract in the form of stains.
This cataract consists of a large number of small, white spots (congenital epicapsular remnants) located...
Хипертензијата е основниот проблем во интерната медицина поради повеќе причини, како што се неразјаснетата етиологија и патогенеза на болеста, како и терапијата. И покрај напредокот во поставувањето на дијагнозата и третманот на хипертензијата, нејзиното влијание врз кардиоваскуларното здравје и понатаму е значајно. Големи клинички студии известува...
Поголем дел од случаите на сепса се јавуваат како резултат на инфекција на уринарниот тракт,белите дробови или перитонеумот. Други извори на инфекција вклучуваат сепса на кожата, меките ткива и централниот нервен систем. Околу 50% од случаите на сепса се предизвикани од грам- негативни бактерии,а помалку од 50% се предизвикани од грам- позитивни ба...
За здраво поколение потребно е здрав и правилен развој уште од најраното детство. Потребно е правилна исхрана, нега и правилно одржување на личната хигиена. Раното детство е најранливиот период во развојниот стадиум на човекот.Доењето е најздравиот почеток на исхрана кој можете да му ги дадете на своето бебе. Мајчиното млеко ја обезбедува целата ен...
Анемијата е состојба на намалување на бројот на еритроцитите и количината на хемоглобинот во крвта. Причините се различни. Може да се последица на обилно крвавење или оштетување на црниот дроб и слезинката при акумулација на тешки метали, дефицит на витамин Б12 и друго. Се забележува и кај мали деца кој се хранат само со млеко, во кое има дефицит н...
Introduction : Chronic hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by a virus
hepatotropen that its citopatogeno expresses action on hepatocytes , causing nekro -
inflammatory process in the liver of a chronic nature .Cause of the disease is hepatitis C virus ,
which is a RNA virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae.
Objective:To determine the cl...