Steven Angelides

Steven Angelides
La Trobe University · Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society


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Publications (27)
In a qualitative study on masculinity, embodiment and sexuality, we interviewed men who were recreational gym-goers about their bodywork practices in Melbourne, Australia. We also asked whether the men had used performance and image-enhancing drugs (PIEDs) as an adjunct to their bodywork practices. While none had used PIEDs, all were considering, o...
This paper explores how women think about men’s bodies as objects of desire. It reports on one part of a larger qualitative study on men’s bodywork practices in contemporary Australia. Drawing on material from three focus groups with 24 Australian women of varying ages, sexual orientations and backgrounds, the paper considers how women experience,...
Continued public outcries over such issues as young models in sexually suggestive ads and intimate relationships between teachers and students speak to one of the most controversial fears of our time: the entanglement of children and sexuality. In this book, Steven Angelides confronts that fear, exploring how emotional vocabularies of anxiety, sham...
In the anglophone West sex panics erupted when gay rights movements and homosexual pedophile support groups emerged in the 1970s and 1980s to challenge age of consent laws and agitate for homosexual equality, acceptance of non-exploitive intergenerational relationships, and recognition of the sexual rights of children. This chapter traces the emerg...
In the 1970s and 1980s the child protection lobby and feminism spearheaded a sex panic about child sexual abuse. Patriarchal social structures, institutions, and ideas were overhauled, exploitative adult sexualities and power relations exposed, and the reexamination of child sexual abuse and its detrimental effects generated valuable advances regar...
Throughout the past decade and a half there has been an explosion of media reportage suggesting a rise of epidemic proportions in cases of female secondary schoolteachers in relationships with underage male pupils. At the center of this sex panic is the widespread disquiet over the abuse of power these relationships are presumed to involve. Precise...
This review article provides a thematic synthesis and overview of 30 years of research into the study of men and masculinity in men's magazines. Over 100 articles, book chapters, and books were reviewed to explore how scholars have approached the study of masculinity in such magazines and identify four major areas of inquiry: the commodification of...
Conference Paper
The media in Australia and in Western societies generally have evinced a marked and rapidly growing interest in issues facing men and body image in recent years. Numerous reports have suggested there is a ‘crisis’ in masculinity with many men engaging in ‘extreme’ and ‘risky’ body modification practices in the pursuit of building attractive and des...
The last several years in Anglophone societies have seen an explosion of anxiety about teenage ‘sexting’. Legislators are racing to have laws designed that can keep pace with new technologies and the exchange of sexually explicit material. However, in the absence of laws crafted with sexting in mind, police, parents, and prosecutors in many jurisdi...
Across much of the Anglophone West, the 1960s played host to a moral panic over the sexual behaviour of young people. Claims of rapidly rising rates of premarital sexual experimentation, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases filled media reports and prompted government, community, and medical action. This article examines an Australi...
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This essay deconstructs the order/disorder binary. Drawing on the work of Henri Bergson, it replaces the idea of disorder with the concept of two positive orders. The essay concludes with a philosophical example of how we might reconceive the biomedical opposition of normality/pathology without relying on the idea of disorder. Résumé Cet essai déco...
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This article takes popular media scandals surrounding cases of female secondary school teachers charged with sexual offences against male students as its point of inquiry. Using the infamous story of former American schoolteacher Debra Lafave as a case study, it examines the over-determined dynamics of fascination, eroticisation and anxiety structu...
This essay considers sexual offence legislation that automatically criminalizes sexual relationships between teachers and students where the latter are over the general age of consent. Examining an Australian criminal case, it critiques the model of sovereign power informing such legislation, suggesting that it forecloses critical questions of subj...
This article offers a reading of a recent Australian teacher-student sex scandal in order to interrogate the relationship between gendered subjectivity and cul-tural codes of gender. The questions of whether gender ought to make a dif-ference to how we understand instances of so-called "intergenerational sex" and whether cultural codes accurately r...
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One of the principal aims of queer theory has been to challenge heteronormative constructions of sexuality and to work the hetero/homosexual structure to the point of critical collapse. Despite an epistemic location within this very structure, however, the category of bisexuality has been largely marginalized and even erased from the deconstructive...
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One of the principal aims of queer theory has been to challenge heteronormative constructions of sexuality and to work the hetero/homosexual structure to the point of critical collapse. Despite an epistemic location within this very structure, however, the category of bisexuality has been largely marginalized and even erased from the deconstructive...
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This article explores the cultural and historical conditions structuring the emergence of the category of the ‘paedophile’ in Western discourse in the latter part of the twentieth century. It argues not only that the ‘paedophile’ was an outgrowth of social and political power struggles around questions of normative masculinity and male sexuality, b...
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GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 10.2 (2004) 141-177 In the 1970s the child protection lobby and feminism together spearheaded a painstaking interrogation and politicization of the social problem of child sexual abuse. By the 1980s a powerful discourse of child sexual abuse was working hard to expose the widespread problem of incest in the...
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Within the last two decades in Australia, Britain, and the United States, we have seen a veritable explosion of cultural panic regarding the problem of pedophilia. Scarcely a day passes without some mention in the media of predatory pedophiles or organized pedophile networks. Many social constructionist historians and sociologists have described th...
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Within the last two decades in Australia, Britain, and the United States, we have seen a veritable explosion of cultural panic regarding the problem of pedophilia. Scarcely a day passes without some mention in the media of predatory pedophiles or organized pedophile networks. Many social constructionist historians and sociologists have described th...
A History of Bisexuality combines history and queer deconstructive theory in order to rethink our understanding of sexuality in the West. Complicating recent historical and theoretical accounts, the book begins with the assumption that any understanding of sexuality’s historical and epistemological construction is impoverished without an analysis o...
Critique of gay gene research


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