Steven J MillerWilliams College · Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Steven J Miller
PhD in Mathematics (Princeton University, 2002)
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Steven J Miller currently works at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Williams College. Steven does research in Applied Mathematics, Number Theory and Probability Theory, and consults on a variety of projects, from finance to sabermetrics to school committee finance to medical modeling.
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March 2004 - May 2004
June 2003 - June 2004
July 2008 - present
June 1996 - June 2002
September 1992 - June 1996
Publications (396)
Inspired by the quantization of classical quantities and Rankin Selberg convolution, we study the anticommutator operation $\{\cdot, \cdot\}$, where $\{A,B\} = AB + BA$, applied to real symmetric random matrix ensembles including Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE), the palindromic Toeplitz ensemble (PTE), the $k$-checkerboard ensemble, and the bloc...
We introduce a new predator-prey model by replacing the growth and predation constant by a square matrix, and the population density as a population vector. The classical Lotka-Volterra model describes a population that either modulates or converges. Stability analysis of such models have been extensively studied by the works of Merdan (https://doi...
The purpose of this short note is to show the interplay between math outreach and conducting original research, in particular how each can build off the other.
We study variants of a stochastic game inspired by backgammon where players may propose to double the stake, with the game state dictated by a one-dimensional random walk. Our variants allow for different numbers of proposals and different multipliers to the stake. We determine the optimal game state for proposing and accepting, giving analytic sol...
One challenge (or opportunity!) that many instructors face is how varied the backgrounds, abilities, and interests of students are. In order to simultaneously instill confidence in those with weaker preparations and still challenge those able to go faster, an instructor must be prepared to give problems of different difficulty levels. Using Dirichl...
This paper presents geometric proofs for the irrationality of square roots of select integers, extending classical approaches. Building on known geometric methods for proving the irrationality of sqrt(2), the authors explore whether similar techniques can be applied to other non-square integers. They begin by reviewing well-known results, such as E...
Bill James’ Pythagorean formula has for decades done an excellent job estimating a baseball team’s winning percentage from very little data: if the average runs scored and allowed are denoted by \(\mathrm {RS}\) and \(\mathrm {RA}\), respectively, there is some \(\gamma \) such that the winning percentage is approximately \(\mathrm {RS}^\gamma / (\...
For a fixed elliptic curve $E$ without complex multiplication, $a_p := p+1 - \#E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is $O(\sqrt{p})$ and $a_p/2\sqrt{p}$ converges to a semicircular distribution. Michel proved that for a one-parameter family of elliptic curves $y^2 = x^3 + A(T)x + B(T)$ with $A(T), B(T) \in \mathbb{Z}[T]$ and non-constant $j$-invariant, the second mome...
Zeckendorf proved a remarkable fact that every positive integer can be written as a decomposition of non-adjacent Fibonacci numbers. Baird-Smith, Epstein, Flint, and Miller converted the process of decomposing a positive integer into its Zeckendorf decomposition into a game, using the moves of $F_i + F_{i-1} = F_{i+1}$ and $2F_i = F_{i+1} + F_{i-2}...
Building on the work of Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak, we use the n-level density to bound the probability of vanishing to order at least r at the central point for families of cuspidal newforms of prime level \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage...
The Zeckendorf decomposition of a positive integer $n$ is the unique set of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers that sum to $n$. Baird-Smith et al. defined a game on Fibonacci decompositions of $n$, called the Zeckendorf Game. This paper introduces a variant of the Zeckendorf Game, called the Accelerated Zeckendorf Game, where a player may play as ma...
The $n$ queens problem considers the maximum number of safe squares on an $n \times n$ chess board when placing $n$ queens; the answer is only known for small $n$. Miller, Sheng and Turek considered instead $n$ randomly placed rooks, proving the proportion of safe squares converges to $1/e^2$. We generalize and solve when randomly placing $n$ hyper...
Motivated by the rich properties and various applications of recurrence relations, we consider the extension of traditional recurrence relations to matrices, where we use matrix multiplication and the Kronecker product to construct matrix sequences. We provide a sharp condition, which when satisfied, guarantees that any fixed-depth matrix recurrenc...
Let $a, b\in \mathbb{N}$ be relatively prime. Previous work showed that exactly one of the two equations $ax + by = (a-1)(b-1)/2$ and $ax + by + 1 = (a-1)(b-1)/2$ has a nonnegative, integral solution; furthermore, the solution is unique. Let $F_n$ be the $n$th Fibonacci number. When $(a,b) = (F_n, F_{n+1})$, it is known that there is an explicit fo...
Conway Checkers is a game played with a checker placed in each square of the lower half of an infinite checkerboard. Pieces move by jumping over an adjacent checker, removing the checker jumped over. Conway showed that it is not possible to reach row 5 in finitely many moves by weighting each cell in the board by powers of the golden ratio such tha...
Under the generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH), Baluyot, Chandee, and Li nearly doubled the range in which the density of low lying zeros predicted by Katz and Sarnak is known to hold for a large family of automorphic $L$-functions with orthogonal symmetry. We generalize their main techniques to the study of higher centered moments of the one-level...
The Katz-Sarnak philosophy states that statistics of zeros of $L$-function families near the central point as the conductors tend to infinity agree with those of eigenvalues of random matrix ensembles as the matrix size tends to infinity. While numerous results support this conjecture, S. J. Miller observed that for finite conductors, very differen...
Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, the non-trivial zeros of $L$-functions lie on the critical line with the real part $1/2$. We find an upper bound of the lowest first zero in families of even cuspidal newforms of prime level tending to infinity. We obtain explicit bounds using the $n$-level densities and results towards the Katz-Sarnak d...
The moments of the coefficients of elliptic curve [Formula: see text]-functions are related to numerous important arithmetic problems. Rosen and Silverman proved a conjecture of Nagao relating the first moment of one-parameter families satisfying Tate’s conjecture to the rank of the corresponding elliptic surface over [Formula: see text]; one can a...
Gerard and Washington proved that, for k > -1, the number of primes less than xk+1 can be well approximated by summing the kth powers of all primes up to x. We extend this result to primes in arithmetic progressions: we prove that the number of primes p congruent to n modulo m less than xk+1 is asymptotic to the sum of kth powers of all primes p co...
It is interesting to see what patterns exist in the final digits of powers of integers; the goal of this work is to introduce some new problems and results, which are ideally suited for interested readers to pursue further. We start our investigation with squares and say a square is a k-square good number if its last k digits base 10 are the same n...
We revisit the study of the sum and difference sets of a subset of $\mathbb N$ drawn from a binomial model, proceeding under the following more general setting. Given $A \subseteq \{0, 1, \dots, N\}$, an integer $h \geq 2$, and a linear form $L: \mathbb{Z}^h \to \mathbb{Z}$ given by $L(x_1, \dots, x_h) = u_1x_1 + \cdots + u_hx_h$ with nonzero $u_i$...
Inspired by the basic stick fragmentation model proposed by Becker et al. in arXiv:1309.5603v4, we consider three new versions of such fragmentation models, namely, continuous with random number of parts, continuous with probabilistic stopping, and discrete with congruence stopping conditions. In all of these situations, we state and prove precise...
For relatively prime natural numbers $a$ and $b$, we study the two equations $ax+by = (a-1)(b-1)/2$ and $ax+by+1= (a-1)(b-1)/2$, which arise from the study of cyclotomic polynomials. Previous work showed that exactly one equation has a nonnegative solution, and the solution is unique. Our first result gives criteria to determine which equation is u...
In the literature, Benford's Law is considered for base-b expansions where b>1 is an integer. In this paper, we investigate the distribution of leading "digits" of a sequence of positive integers under other expansions such as Zeckendorf expansion, and declare what Benford's Law should be under generalized Zeckendorf expansion.
Nature and our world have a bias! Roughly $30\%$ of the time the number $1$ occurs as the leading digit in many datasets base $10$. This phenomenon is known as Benford's law and it arrises in diverse fields such as the stock market, optimizing computers, street addresses, Fibonacci numbers, and is often used to detect possible fraud. Based on previ...
Let $\mathbb{F}_q^d$ be the $d$-dimensional vector space over the finite field with $q$ elements. For a subset $E\subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^d$ and a fixed nonzero $t\in \mathbb{F}_q$, let $\mathcal{H}_t(E)=\{h_y: y\in E\}$, where $h_y$ is the indicator function of the set $\{x\in E: x\cdot y=t\}$. Two of the authors, with Maxwell Sun, showed in the cas...
An integer $n\geq 1$ is a $v$-palindrome if it is not a multiple of $10$, nor a decimal palindrome, and such that the sum of the prime factors and corresponding exponents larger than $1$ in the prime factorization of $n$ is equal to that of the integer formed by reversing the decimal digits of $n$. For example, if we take 198 and its reversal 891,...
The Katz-Sarnak philosophy predicts that the behavior of zeros near the central point in families of $L$-functions agrees with that of eigenvalues near 1 of random matrix ensembles. Under GRH, Iwaniec, Luo and Sarnak showed agreement in the one-level densities for cuspidal newforms with the support of the Fourier transform of the test function in $...
Katz and Sarnak conjectured a correspondence between the n-level density statistics of zeros from families of L-functions with eigenvalues from random matrix ensembles. In many cases the sums of smooth test functions, whose Fourier transforms are finitely supported, over scaled zeros in a family converge to an integral of the test function against...
We make progress on a conjecture made by [DM], which states that the $d$-dimensional frames of $m$-dimensional boxes resulting from a fragmentation process satisfy Benford's law for all $1 \leq d \leq m$. We provide a sufficient condition for Benford's law to be satisfied, namely that the maximum product of $d$ sides is itself a Benford random vari...
Inspired by the surprising relationship (due to A. Bird) between Schreier sets and the Fibonacci sequence, we introduce Schreier multisets and connect these multisets with the $s$-step Fibonacci sequences, defined, for each $s\geqslant 2$, as: $F^{(s)}_{2-s} = \cdots = F^{(s)}_0 = 0$, $F^{(s)}_1 = 1$, and $F^{(s)}_{n} = F^{(s)}_{n-1} + \cdots + F^{...
The Erdős distinct distance problem is a ubiquitous problem in discrete geometry. Somewhat less well known is the Erdős distinct angle problem, the problem of finding the minimum number of distinct angles between n non-collinear points in the plane. Recent work has introduced bounds on a wide array of variants of this problem, inspired by analogous...
In 1946, Erd\H{o}s posed the distinct distance problem, which seeks to find
the minimum number of distinct distances between pairs of points selected from
any configuration of $n$ points in the plane. The problem has since been
explored along with many variants, including ones that extend it into higher
dimensions. Less studied but no less intrigui...
For a positive integer $d$, let $p_d(n) := 0^d + 1^d + 2^d + \cdots + n^d$; i.e., $p_d(n)$ is the sum of the first $d^{\mathrm{th}}$-powers up to $n$. It's well known that $p_d(n)$ is a polynomial of degree $d+1$ in $n$. While this is usually proved by induction, once $d$ is not small it's a challenge as one needs to know the polynomial for the ind...
The German Tank Problem dates back to World War II when the Allies used a statistical approach to estimate the number of enemy tanks produced or on the field from observed serial numbers after battles. Assuming that the tanks are labeled consecutively starting from 1, if we observe k tanks from a total of N tanks with the maximum observed tank bein...
The Erdős distinct distance problem is a ubiquitous problem in discrete geometry. Less well known is Erdős’s distinct angle problem, the problem of finding the minimum number of distinct angles between n non-collinear points in the plane. The standard problem is already well understood. However, it admits many of the same variants as the distinct d...
Zeckendorf proved that every positive integer n can be written uniquely as the sum of non-adjacent Fibonacci numbers. We use this to create a two-player game. Given a fixed integer n and an initial decomposition of n=nF1, the two players alternate by using moves related to the recurrence relation Fn+1=Fn+Fn-1, and whoever moves last wins. The game...
We study new identities related to the sums of adjacent terms in the Pell sequence,
defined by $P_{n} := 2P_{n-1}+P_{n-2}$ for $ n\geq 2$ and $P_{0}=0, P_{1}=1$, and generalize these identities for many similar sequences.
We prove that the sum of $N>1$ consecutive Pell numbers is a fixed integer
multiple of another Pell number if and only if $4\mid...
Becker, Greaves-Tunnell, Kontorovich, Miller, Ravikumar, and Shen determined the long term evolution of virus propagation behavior on a hub-and-spoke graph of one central node and $n$ neighbors, with edges only from the neighbors to the hub (a $2$-level starlike graph), under a variant of the discrete-time SIS (Suspectible Infected Suspectible) mod...
There is a growing literature on sums of reciprocals of polynomial functions of recurrence relations with constant coefficients and fixed depth, such as Fibonacci and Tribonacci numbers, products of such numbers, and balancing numbers (numbers $n$ such that the sum of the integers less than $n$ equals the sum of the $r$ integers immediately after,...
Zeckendorf proved that every positive integer $n$ can be written uniquely as the sum of non-adjacent Fibonacci numbers; a similar result holds for other positive linear recurrence sequences. These legal decompositions can be used to construct a game that starts with a fixed integer $n$, and players take turns using moves relating to a given recurre...
The Riemann zeta function is one of the most widely studied functions in mathematics, as it gives a window into the distribution of primes. Similarly, $L$-functions, such as the Cuspidal Newforms, can find information about other number theoretic objects of interest. Elliptic curve $L$-functions are an important special case; one of the most diffic...
The German Tank Problem dates back to World War II when the Allies used a statistical approach to estimate the number of enemy tanks produced or on the field from observed serial numbers after battles. Assuming that the tanks are labeled consecutively starting from 1, if we observe $k$ tanks from a total of $N$ tanks with the maximum observed tank...
Zeckendorf proved that any positive integer has a unique decomposition as a sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers, indexed by $F_1 = 1, F_2 = 2, F_{n+1} = F_n + F_{n-1}$. Motivated by this result, Baird, Epstein, Flint, and Miller defined the two-player Zeckendorf game, where two players take turns acting on a multiset of Fibonacci numbers that...
Zeckendorf's Theorem implies that the Fibonacci number $F_n$ is the smallest positive integer that cannot be written as a sum of non-consecutive previous Fibonacci numbers. Catral et al. studied a variation of the Fibonacci sequence, the Fibonacci Quilt sequence: the plane is tiled using the Fibonacci spiral, and integers are assigned to the square...
Consider a set $X$ and a collection $\mathcal{H}$ of functions from $X$ to $\{0,1\}$. We say that $\mathcal{H}$ shatters a finite set $A \subset X$ if the restriction of $\mathcal{H}$ to $A$ yields all $2^{|A|}$ possible functions from $A$ to $\{0,1\}$. The Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of $\mathcal{H}$ is the size of the largest set it shatte...
Given a group $G$, we say that a set $A \subseteq G$ has more sums than differences (MSTD) if $|A+A| > |A-A|$, has more differences than sums (MDTS) if $|A+A| < |A-A|$, or is sum-difference balanced if $|A+A| = |A-A|$. A problem of recent interest has been to understand the frequencies of these type of subsets. The seventh author and Vissuet studie...
For each positive integer $N$, define $$S'_N \ =\ \{1 < d < \sqrt{N}: d|N\}\mbox{ and }L'_N \ =\ \{\sqrt{N} < d < N : d|N\}.$$ Recently, Chentouf characterized all positive integers $N$ such that the set of small divisors $\{d\le \sqrt{N}: d|N\}$ satisfies a linear recurrence of order at most two. We nontrivially extend the result by excluding the...
The Katz-Sarnak Density Conjecture states that zeros of families of L-functions are well-modeled by eigenvalues of random matrix ensembles. For suitably restricted test functions, this correspondence yields upper bounds for the families' order of vanishing at the central point. We generalize results on the nth centered moment of the distributi...
We investigate Benford’s law in relation to fractal geometry. Basic fractals, such as the Cantor set and Sierpinski triangle are obtained as the limit of iterative sets, and the unique measures of their components follow a geometric distribution, which is Benford in most bases. Building on this intuition, we aim to study this distribution in more c...
In this paper, we define a [Formula: see text]-Diophantine [Formula: see text]-tuple to be a set of [Formula: see text] positive integers such that the product of any [Formula: see text] distinct positive integers is one less than a perfect square. We study these sets in finite fields [Formula: see text] for odd prime [Formula: see text] and guaran...
A frequent problem with classic first digit applications of Benford’s law is the law’s inapplicability to clustered data, which becomes especially problematic for analyzing election data. This study offers a novel adaptation of Benford’s law by performing a first digit analysis after converting vote counts from election data to base 3 (referred to...
In 1946, Erd\H{o}s posed the distinct distance problem, which seeks to find the minimum number of distinct distances between pairs of points selected from any configuration of $n$ points in the plane. The problem has since been explored along with many variants, including ones that extend it into higher dimensions. Less studied but no less intrigui...
We study low-lying zeroes of $L$-functions and their $n$-level density, which relies on a smooth test function $\phi$ whose Fourier transform $\widehat\phi$ has compact support. Assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis, we compute the $n^\text{th}$ centered moments of the $1$-level density of low-lying zeroes of $L$-functions associated with wei...