Stephen JarvisEquus Aerospace Pty Ltd · Mathematical Physics
Stephen Jarvis
Temporal Mechanics
Zero-dimensional theory development and research
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Temporal Mechanics presents a new mathematical theory for time and space based on a proposed mathematics of zero-dimensional space and zero-dimensional time mandating a dimensional number theory. The work currently consists of 62 papers as presented here.
Publications (64)
Temporal Mechanics is a new proposed way of examining physical phenomena in using a zero-dimensional number theory. Specifically, Temporal Mechanics uses the mathematical object description of zero-dimensionality for time and space, namely time as a moment and space as a point, to then emerge dimensionality using a temporospatial sentience code. Th...
In presenting the case for an information touchstone of logic as the code of a zero-dimensional time and space theory, in confirming what is observed of physical phenomena, the presumption of consciousness in this process of logic, information, confirmation, and thence the supposition of awareness is addressed. The manner of this address is through...
The discipline of physics tests theories with known observed phenomena. There, the credibility of any theory is how physical phenomena can be scaled, measured, and thence confirmed using numbers with dimensions in the form of theories. The idea there is to find an exact as possible match of number theory with physical phenomena. Indeed, numbers do...
In moving forward with the scaling and surveying keys of paper 60 of Temporal Mechanics, an ellipsoid structure joining the proposed time-equation with the proposed space-equation as the ellipsoid timespace field mechanism is revealed. There, in direct reference to the Collatz conjecture, a solution to the three-body problem is proposed for both th...
Here Temporal Mechanics and its associated zero-dimensional number theory ask if there is a root cause to all the issues in contemporary physics, whether mathematical, philosophical, a combination, or something else, issues regarded here as chimeras. Some of these chimeras are proposed to include dark energy, dark matter, quantum gravity, wormholes...
Proposed here is a touchstone logic for physical phenomena, notable as a proposed logic for the zero-dimensions of time and space, specifically for time as a moment and space as a point. The proposed logic utilizes the conjecture that a moment in time is not a point in space, and by their difference, according to a specific mathematically labelled...
Temporal Mechanics represents 57 consecutive pre-print papers, the Index provided in this PDF to simplify paper navigation, detailing the newly proposed idea of a zero-dimensional number theory forming a new theoretic basis for known physical phenomena and associated data.
This Index PDF represents the reference/companion index to all the freely d...
Proposed here is a new approach to the known disparity between the 4d spacetime designs of quantum field theory (QFT) and general relativity (GR). The reason for calculus in physics, and how and why QFT developed as flat 4d spacetime and GR as curved 4d spacetime shall be outlined. The key difference between QFT and GR in the context of the GR base...
Proposed here is a zero-dimensional number theory for physical phenomena charting the concept of infinity in using the Riemann zeta function and Ramanujan summation. The key common dimensional basis here is zero-dimensional time as a moment, and zero-dimensional space as an infinitesimal point. Key to the number theory are derived dimensional numbe...
Explored here are the Clay Mathematics Institute Millennium Prize problems, namely the Poincaré conjecture, the Hodge conjecture, the Riemann hypothesis, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem, the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness problem, and the P versus NP problem. Here is identified how the...
Proposed here is the case for a number theory derived from a mathematical description of zero-dimensional time (as a moment) and zero-dimensional space (as a point) as the underlying mathematical information base of physical phenomena. In support of this, the proposed zero-dimensional number theory is scaled with the charge of the electron and spee...
Here the next step is taken for the zero-dimensional physical theory in proposing key experiments for the interaction of the three derived timespace fields, namely EM, mass, and gravity, specifically in demonstrating the zero-point gravity field as derived from the absolute (flatline) destructive interference resonance of the EM field, describing h...
Here represents a description for how time relates with space graphically as a process of plotting points without assuming any dimensional scales of space or time, and without assuming spatial and temporal scales for mass or a photon of light, and thus for particles or waves. As a result of such, the fine structure constant can be derived as a zero...
Here the zero-dimensional physical theory addresses the ideas of causality, locality, and indeterminacy. Although such are terms synonymous with current problems and paradoxes in physics theory, especially regarding the known discrepancies between Einstein's physical theories and the known features of the same quantum mechanically described phenome...
In advancing upon the Temporal Mechanics zero-dimensional number theory, here is presented the description of the zero-dimensional number theory as scaled with the charge of the electron and the speed of light. The two key equations for timespace as the Fibonacci equation for time and Euler's equation for space are then given physical relevance by...
Examined here is a proposed zero-dimensional number theory as the process of labelling zero-dimensional space as a point and zero-dimensional time as a moment as the different mathematical values of 0 and 1 respectively. By such it can be shown how zero-dimensional time in being mathematically labelled as a unit can form relationships between zero-...
Presented here is how the physical theory approach of theoretical physics can be demonstrated to be incomplete in explaining physical phenomena if indeed physical phenomena have key dimensional components that extend beyond the dimensional time-domain of time-now; although the past and the future cannot be proven to exist, for one has happened and...
Physics employs a variety of models constrained by how mathematical objects are used to label physical phenomena, primarily momentum being the mathematical object of choice. These models range from Newtonian mechanics to special and general relativity, to quantum mechanics, and then to the standard model of particles. A clear issue that has arisen...
The current scientific mechanism of theoretic design, development, data capture, and associated technological development shall be examined for its thoroughness and technological results. Specifically, the initial conditions of theoretic design and associated use of mathematics is examined for its definitions of scale and scope, examining for any m...
The measurement standards of physical phenomena shall be accounted for and examined regarding clarity and consistency in their purely mathematical description and physical phenomenal applicability. Specifically, here shall be examined the measurement scales of time and space, examining for any inconsistency of theoretic design and application to th...
Examined here is zero-dimensional space, or more simply the mathematics and physics of a hypothetical point. The infinitesimal-infinite (scaling) paradox that exists with a point as zero-dimensional space is acknowledged and rectified. The solution presented is central to proposing hypothetical time-points for zero-dimensional space from an infinit...
Examined here is zero-dimensional space, or more simply the mathematics and physics of a "point". Here, it is considered that there has been a great oversight in physics modelling regarding the mathematics and physics of a point, so much so an anomaly has developed in the current ΛCDM model owing to the oversight. This oversight and associated anom...
Here shall be presented the Temporal Mechanics derived XEMDIR (flatline EM destructive interference resonance) field theory for negative energy and its association to zero-point energy (ZPE), and how such is structured from a time-equation for space, together with a description of its proposed phenomenal features. Fundamentally, the ideas of symmet...
A key feature of physics theory formulation is the "thought experiment", an instrumental key with specific conditions to unlocking the mechanics of physical phenomena, conditions as this paper highlights that have been overlooked by Einstein's own thought experiments with his works of Special and General Relativity. To demonstrate such, two process...
Presented here is an empirical time-domain basis for classical mechanics and the associated derivation of c (where at c time=0) as a constant for the unique and independent references of non-zero mass bodies in relative motion. Here, general relativity shall be analysed and those energy requirements which lead to the cosmological constant problem a...
Presented here is an axiom for time that underwrites a time-equation leading to the development of a temporal wave function for space, deriving the atomic locale and associated fundamental atomic descriptors of the fine structure constant (α), Planck's constant (h), and gravitational constant (G), as per the derivation of an "electron degeneracy ne...
Presented here is the Temporal Mechanics EM-DIR theory for “particle pair production” in detailing the derived EM temporal wave function and its associated transverse and longitudinal polarized quasiparticle features (and associated “phonon” phenomenon) in then explaining the process of “destructive interference resonance” (EM-DIR) of the temporal...
Presented here is an axiom for time underwriting a time-equation hatching a temporal wave function for space and associated atomic locale temporal descriptors, together with forming the basis of entropy as time’s arrow, as per a formalism of logic called Temporal Mechanics, delivering a more precise account of time as a new mathematical temporal wa...
Here Temporal Mechanics shall derive the mass of the electron using the same system of logic that derived the mass of the neutrino in paper 35 (Temporal mechanics (E): Time-Space Logistics) to then derive new equations for gravity via a process of equating time to space, and thus in theory, providing a theory for quantum gravity. There, an equation...
This paper, the fifth in a series of 5 papers summarising Temporal Mechanics, presents the over-arching and underlying idea of a “logistic” of time-space, as a process of having proposed new definitions for time and space to then deliver via theoretic modelling more ideal results than achieved by Einstein’s special and general relativity, quantum m...
Here is presented the first of two additional instalments to what was initially envisaged to be a series of three papers, namely “Temporal Mechanics (A): Time-Space Constants”, “Temporal Mechanics (B): Time-space Circuits”, and “Temporal Mechanics (C): Time-Space Manifolds”, here as Time-Space Metrics and in a subsequent paper as Time-Space Logisti...
Here in this third paper in a series of three papers (time-space circuits, time-space constants, and time-space manifolds), Temporal Mechanics presents the case for time-space manifolds on the macroscopic scale, correctly deriving the distance of the Heliopause, Bow Shock, and Oort Cloud from Sol as three key manifolds, while explaining the time-sp...
In this paper Temporal Mechanics moves beyond the description of time-space circuits to explain the constants of energy and mass integral to those time-space circuits, and what the overall resultant manifolds are for energy and mass, from the microscopic scale to the macroscopic scale. Here the Oort Cloud derivation is accompanied by the derivation...
Explained here is the idea of the time-space circuit, a basic feature of how a proposed scheme of time-points interact in space with each other, taking note of their time-before, time-now, and time-after attributes in the context of an arrow of time. The explanation here also presents two associated concepts as a way to measure the overall Temporal...
In this paper Temporal Mechanics moves beyond known issues of Bell's Theorem, as per presenting the case of non-local time-points being responsible for the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and associated disparity between the location of a particle and its actual quantum mechanical status. To properly introduce and qualify the time-points, here i...
This paper presents a new basis for the analysis of Einstein's spacetime by presenting the idea of "time-points" in space consistent with "c" being a paradigm where time does not pass, and thus a potential sea of time-points in space, accounting for the idea of hidden "non-local" particles as time-points in space that interact to form mass, thus re...
The dependence of modern Physics on the works of Einstein as per his Special and General Relativity is without question, as such works pioneered the explanation of light as a massless particle, the photon, using the Equivalence Principle of inertial and gravitational mass, in the context of describing the then known phenomena of the redshift of lig...
Here Temporal Calculus explains the formation of the elementary particles as mass-structures, defining their confinement and relationship to their over-arching quantum environment, detailing the concepts of symmetry breaking, asymptotic freedom, particle confinement, and baryon asymmetry, as a follow-on from the proposed solution to the "Yang Mills...
Presented here is the case for what has been termed Temporal Calculus, a new calculus central to a time-algorithm that is able to calculate a direct reference of time to 3-d space and thereby present the case for a mathematics that exists between time and space. The creative drive for this proposed Temporal Calculus is to present a solution to the...
The application of the Calculus of Infinitesimals (differentials/integrals) to physical analysis, given the paradoxical lack of precise particle definition it grants the study of the elementary particles, despite the precision of such mathematics itself, and therefore its application to particle physics, is questioned. To offer more mathematical pr...
The application of the Calculus of Infinitesimals (differentials/integrals) to physical analysis, given the paradoxical lack of precise spatial and temporal relevance it grants the study of the elementary particles in both quantum and relativistic aspects of determination, despite the precision of such mathematics, is questioned. To offer more prec...
This paper, a continuation of the previous 22 papers, takes the description of time and space and those associated dimensional mechanics to a new theoretical level, primarily examining in detail the nature of what is termed the time-space field (TSF) and how that field is able to explain the wave-nature of light beyond that of the contemporary expl...
The idea of energy carried through space, space as a vacuum, energy presumably in its most basic form through space as a quantum package, is one of the greatest issues in modern physics, namely how can energy as a quantum package be relayed through the vacuum of space without "being" somehow associated to space, without seeming to lose energy in it...
This paper presents the case for a mechanics between the paradigms of time and space and what those mechanics prescribe as general symmetries and asymmetries for physical reality, most notably the field forces of electromagnetism and gravity. This paper presents the key principle "that the basis of gravity-mass and electromagnetism is from understa...
This paper presents the equation for time and energy that executes four key attributes of time’s flow regarding energy, namely, why time presents itself as unidirectional, why reality presents itself as a time-now phenomenon in between time-before and time-after in unidirectional time, why the laws of thermodynamics appear as they are in time-now,...
In following on from “Scientific Principles of Space, Time, and Perception” [18], the idea of a pan-theory of time and space shall be further explored, namely that a “real” pan-theory can only be reached by the human perceptive ability successfully navigating the idea of space through time, understanding how all of space, time, mass, and energy wor...
In this paper, the scientific method is brought to task in explaining what is real and can be proven to exist in the real world, time and time again, not what is unreal, not what is stochastic, not what cannot be given any guarantee of measurable reliability in time. Here is defined a common scientific principle for space, time, and perception, to...
This paper, the first of two by this subject title, details the current status of cosmology, it’s methodology of logic, it’s axioms, and how successful it is in providing proof for those models relevant to our local reality, while then proposing a solution for what current cosmology fails to deliver. In highlighting a number of key issues regarding...
This paper follows on from the preceding papers [1-15] in detailing how time is a function of gravity using what is termed the “hybrid time clock” as a standardized construct of measurement for time for the purpose of understanding the concept of space and associated phenomena of energy and mass and light. This paper will take the concept of the hy...
Here a proposed time-equation conforms to a spherical wavefront of propagation in space in deriving the value of π. This will be achieved by first addressing how a time-equation should be most precisely and efficiently used to explain the notion of space and time in detailing a just as efficient and precise use of numbers describing the process of...
In following on from the preceding papers [1-13], this paper presents the case for the disparity between vacuum energy [14] and the associated metric expansion of space energy requirements. A solution is provided to this problem while correctly deriving the value for the Lamb shift radiation as evidence for vacuum energy marrying up correctly with...
Following on from the previous series of papers regarding the golden ratio algorithm for time [1-12], more specifically papers 11 [11] and 12 [12] in continuing with the explanation of the redshift effect, the idea of cosmology is measured with a new understanding of the redshift effect according to the golden ratio time-algorithm, namely the gener...
In taking up from the preliminary papers [1-11], the idea of gravity as a process of the nature of space shall be presented; the idea of space will be defined in a way that is able to support how Newton derived the equation for gravity using astronomical observations consistent with gravity being an "immediate" field force and not one travelling at...
In this paper, theoretical uncertainties fuelled by ad-hoc fixes of theory to explain observed astrophysical anomalies using models upholding the idea of space being a field of potential inertia for bodies in relative motion are discussed. A few of the basic discussion points include determining the difference between scientific space and mathemati...
In this paper, a follow-on from papers 1-9 [1-9], the idea of consciousness as a feature of the process itself of scientific inquiry shall come to attention; here, as per the previous papers and in alliance with contemporary notions of the idea of consciousness and time, the idea of "consciousness" shall be presented as the ideal "fixed" frame of r...
In this paper the Standard Model of physics shall be examined for harbouring what can be demonstrated to be a faulty definition for space, a chimera, which has prevented physics from joining electromagnetism with gravity as theoretical and physical field driven entities. This chimera will be exposed to be “inertia”, which has led to absurd conclusi...
This paper, a follow-on from seven previous papers [1]-[7], will discuss historical notions of time in science, time as a concept applied to scientific theory, and then discuss those problems that have been presented to science in using certain axiom definitions of time. The newly proposed axiom for time is re-presented as an algorithm that can kni...
This paper presents the "testing" of the golden ratio algorithm for time as per the previously explained new theory for time in those featured papers, focussing on the idea of gravity "emerging" from EM on the atomic level. The thus-far "testing" is explained as per the experiments detailed in this paper, and analysed.
In this development upon five leading papers [1-5], the idea of the “relativity of time” shall be fully addressed, providing the rationale to how the overall manifold of time-space would perform regarding entropy and enthalpy, including in this description how consciousness would emerge (as proposed in paper 3 [3]) from time-space. First, the idea...
In this development upon four previous papers [1][2][3][4], here shall be explained the proposed link between the idea of “time” and “energy”. First, the idea of time as energy shall be integrated into all the references made regarding energy in the four preceding papers, to demonstrate the consistency and greater detail available to the theory via...
This sequel to “Gravity’s Emergence from Electrodynamics” will more closely examine the golden ratio time-equation when applied to space. Here, we shall develop a wave-function equation for π, the fine structure constant, a determination for the speed of light, while also confirming through these independent equations the idea of the Uncertainty Pr...
A new approach to understanding the fundamental particles and associated forces via a new a priori definition for space and time is forwarded, and is then linked to contemporary equations for Gravity and Electromagnetism; space as an infinitesimal universal “0”-scalar manifold, and “time” as the “feature” that divides and “qualifies” each 0-scalar...
In this development upon three previous papers [1][2][3], we shall explain how Phi-Quantum Wave-Function “crystal constructs” as “elementary particle analogues” could emerge from the proposed time-equation and associated wave-function, and how they then are proposed to associate and develop through a fractal (golden ratio) progression to a macro-wo...
The idea of consciousness emerging from chaos is not a new idea. In fact, it is one of the oldest ideas of philosophy. What makes it an important idea to herald here in the context of a newly proposed time-equation for space incorporating the Golden Ratio is how the idea of consciousness as a time-equation is associated to “chaos theory”. This thir...
Questions (8)