Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec

Stéphanie Souche-Le Corvec
Université de Lyon · Institut des Sciences de l'Homme (ISH)



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September 2015 - present
Lumière University Lyon 2
  • Professor (Full)
September 2003 - August 2009
University of Clermont Auvergne
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2015 - present
Université de Lyon
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (51)
The adoption of self-driving cars will certainly revolutionize our lives, even though they may take more time to become fully autonomous than initially predicted. The first vehicles are already present in certain cities of the world, as part of experimental robot-taxi services. However, most existing studies focus on the navigation part of such veh...
The key issue is determining whether these new working spaces favor a shift in travel behavior toward practices less centered on the car. In this paper, we define CWSs in economic and spatial terms, and we provide some explanations on the transport mode used to travel to. Is the transport mode used to get to CWSs the same as that which is usually u...
The concept of the autonomous vehicle (AV) is becoming a credible alternative for the coming decades. Interest in AVs has been mirrored by a strong increase in the number of academic papers on the subject. However, few studies have considered a genuinely autonomous vehicle or similar in a realistic environment. They are limited to autonomous shuttl...
ABSTRAIT Pour améliorer la compréhension de l’augmentation de la non-réponse aux enquêtes sur les transports, nous avons développé un modèle théorique basé sur la fonction de demande de voyage et la volonté de payer en cas de changement du prix du voyage. Nous considérons la non-réponse comme une décision de ne pas révéler de préférences. En référe...
In a context where the demand and supply of mail and parcel delivery services are undergoing major changes due to the widespread use of the Internet and digital communications, this paper focuses on the accessibility of postal services through the physical retail network. The accessibility constraints applied to the outlets network of Le Groupe La...
It is now well-known that individuals travel not only because of the utility of their destination, but also because they are motivated by psychological factors. The innovative use of neuroscience within behavioral economics has led to the creation of a new discipline—neuroeconomics. Focusing on the relationship between transport and emotion, we...
In light of the French gilets jaunes movement, this paper tests hypotheses about why people oppose pricing reforms. Using Structural Equation Modeling on a new transport pricing measure, we show that there are motivations of self-interest in perceptions of pricing unfairness, relating to expected compensations, as well as moral motivations, relati...
The high-speed rail line (HSR) Ligne à Grande Vitesse Sud Europe Atlantique (LGV SEA) was inaugurated and put into operation on July 2, 2017. Since then, a decrease has been observed in air traffic and in air service frequency on the Paris–Bordeaux route. This paper examines the competition between HSR and air transportation services and the influe...
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Sustainable mobility has been one of the central paradigms of research in the field of transport and mobility for several decades. However, the implications of adopting the concept of "sustainable mobility" for the conduct of interdisciplinary research has been little discussed within the relevant research community. Research in the field of transp...
Service quality in relation to frequency, availability, and accessibility is an important issue for the various stakeholders involved in high-speed rail (HSR) projects. The concept of accessibility provides the means to build relevant indicators likely to evaluate the service quality in studies of transportation supply and demand. In this paper, in...
In this paper, we propose to evaluate urban road toll with respect to several urban indicators (environmental, accessibility, social inequality, public transport performance, public funding requirements). We used the MOSART modelling platform to test several pricing solutions for the Lyon Metropolitan Area based on several possible scenarios for th...
Making a city more sustainable without increasing inequalities induces the evaluation of new pricing policies on inequalities. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of setting up urban tolls on several inequalities indicators. We simulate a cordon pricing with different levels of prices and evaluate its impacts on inequalities using both income and...
With the aim of making a city sustainable, this paper evaluates the impact of setting up urban toll on inequalities. We use several indicators (Gini, Theil and Atkinson indices) to measure changes in the concentration of incomes and gravity-based accessibility. In the case of the Lyon Metropolitan Area (France), we simulate a cordon pricing and eva...
Conference Paper
We want to understand why individuals prefer a situation that maintains the status quo to a change. Following the literature, our hypothesis is that resistance to change is linked to the perception of unfairness of the change. We have used an original method coming from psychology and marketing, called Structural Equation Model, applied to a new tr...
Dans un contexte de développement urbain « soutenable », ce papier évalue l’impact de la mise en place d’un péage urbain sur l’évolution des inégalités à partir du terrain d’étude de l’agglomération lyonnaise. Il simule ainsi une nouvelle politique de tarification par le péage, envisagée à Lyon dans le cadre du Plan de Protection de l’Atmosphère, p...
This paper addresses methodological issues in cost–benefit analysis (CBA) regarding congestion charging schemes. Despite suspicion on the reality of travel time savings, it is argued that these savings are a conservative value of surplus gained from a congestion scheme. The methodology of measurement of travel time reliability is not yet stabilised...
Various methods of restricting automobile traffic, by price (tolls) or by quantity (odd/even license plates or limited days of traffic), are tested in a survey (N ∼ 400) about attitudes toward traffic restrictions in Lyon, France. Ordered probit models with random-effects panel allow us to estimate the survey respondents’ perceptions of these metho...
Urban Toll and (un)Fairness: an Obstacle to an Experimentation in France ? With an attitude survey in Lyon, we test different principles of rationing car traffic by prices (road toll) or by quantities (odd numbers or reduced day of travelling). Rationing by price or by quantity is strongly perceived as unfair by responders. Attitudes towards tolls...
To be best prepared for tomorrow's cities we need to forecast urban travel demand. To this end, this study calibrates an urban travel demand model, which uses the principal structural variables that have been identified in the literature. It uses a robust econometric method, which has been little applied in the sphere of transportation. The results...
An example in urban transport demand estimation In order to better understand tomorrow’s cities, we need to work on urban transport demand estimation. In this paper, we aim at defining an urban mobility demand model built on the main structural variables currently identified in the literature. By applying it to three Chinese cities, we obtain diffe...
The perceived fairness of different rules for allocating scarce resources is analysed in two cases: seats on a high speed train and parking spaces in a company car park. Attitudes toward allocation rules depend on context. They vary according to: the educational level of respondents; the type of “good”; and the exceptional or recurring nature of sc...
En 2050, la Chine sera un pays développé, le PIB par habitant se situera entre celui du Japon et celui de la France de 2000. Quelle sera alors la mobilité des personnes et des marchandises ? D'après les simulations et des projections réalisées par le LET, et sous réserve des limites méthodologiques et de disponibilité des données statistiques, les...
This paper assesses the efficiency of cross-financing new motorway or rail projects from established toll motorways as an alternative to direct public subsidies. For new motorway projects a combination of short-run marginal social cost pricing and cross-financing is the best of the alternative schemes tested for increasing overall welfare. Regardin...
Using data from the Household Survey, collected for the city of Lyon in 2006, we compare different income inequalities indicators to assess Lyon's current situation. We specifically use the Gini, Theil and Atkinson inequality indicators, calculated by unit of consumption and we compare their results. Compare to the Lyon situation 10 years before, o...
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Partners: ISIS (It), ADPC (Be), CERAS (Fr), DIW (De), ECOPLAN (Ch), INFRAS (Ch), ITS (UK), IWW (De), KULeuven (Be), LET (Fr), NEA (Nl), PW (Pl), STRAFICA (Fi), TIS (Pt), TOI (No), TTR (UK)
Ouvrage publié avec le soutien du PREDIT, programme de recherche et d'innovation dans les transports terrestres
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En 1960, le Japon était un pays en développement plus pauvre que l'Argentine. Ce rappel est issu du rapport« BRIC » publié par Goldman Sachs en 2003 et réalisé par Wilson et Purushothaman qui s'interroge sur le développement de quatre grandes économies émergentes : le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde et la Chine. Les auteurs de ce même rapport, utilisant...
Regulation by means of price in order to remove excess demand is generally perceived as being unfair. This paper empirically tests different principles of regulation including lotteries, rationing, a moral rule and compensation. We start from the postulate that the perception of the fairness of a urban road pricing policy is important for a success...
Payer pour pouvoir plus librement se déplacer dans le centre ville, tel est aujourd'hui le quotidien des Londoniens. L'objet de ce papier sera de répondre à la question suivante : la liberté de se déplacer est-elle indissociable de la gratuité d'usage de la voirie ? La réponse apportée à cette question nous permettra de soutenir que lorsque les con...
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In December 2003, the French government decided to implement an ambitious transport policy with a set of significant transport infrastructure projects. So as to finance a part of this policy a new public funding agency, called AFITF ("Agence pour le Financement des Infrastructures de Transport de France") was implemented the 1st January 2005. AFITF...
Ce papier part du postulat que la justice « perçue » d'une mesure comme le péage urbain est importante pour la politique publique. Pour analyser cette perception nous nous appuyons sur une enquête d'opinion réalisée dans l'agglomération lyonnaise en 2003. L'attitude générale est que les encombrements sont un problème important, il y a de la bonne v...
This paper describes a framework for analysing the acceptability of pricing changes in the transport sector. This framework is based on Rawls' theory of justice and makes reference to economic efficiency (efficiently managing demand), spatial equity (guaranteed access), horizontal equity (the user pays principle) and vertical equity (the welfare of...
This paper draws an analytical framework from a theoretical approach of acceptability and applies it to the assessment of acceptability of a series of ongoing road pricing schemes. In the first section authors will elaborate the theoretical framework of acceptability based on an application of the Rawlsian theory of justice in the area of mobility...
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Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, whic...
This paper draws an analytical framework from a theoretical approach of acceptability and applies it to the assessment of acceptability of a series of ongoing road pricing schemes. In the first section authors will elaborate the theoretical framework of acceptability based on an application of the Rawlsian theory of justice in the area of mobility...
Cette recherche a pour objet d'explorer les attitudes et opinions des citadins face à de nouvelles mesures tarifaires (notamment péages routiers urbains mais aussi et plus généralement les modulations tarifaires dans les transports privés et publics) ainsi que d'aider à l'élaboration de paquets de mesures acceptables par les citadins.
Cet article présente l’application d’un cadre d’analyse de l’acceptabilité des changements tarifaires dans le secteur des transports au cas d’une autoroute urbaine à péage. Le cadre analytique est bâti sur la confrontation des dimensions de l’efficacité économique (orientation efficace de la demande), de l’équité territoriale (garantie d’accessibil...
Acceptability of pricing changes in the transport sector: how to reconcile efficiency and equity ? One works out an analytical framework of the acceptability of pricing changes in the transport sector. This framework is built on the confrontation of the economic efficiency, territorial equity, horizontal equity, and vertical equity dimensions. This...
Face à la rareté de ressources (espace / congestion et argent public) et aux contraintes environnementales, l’enjeu est aujourd’hui de trouver de nouvelles régulations pour améliorer l’efficacité du système de transport. Ce papier cherche à élaborer un cadre d’analyse de l’acceptabilité des changements tarifaires dans le secteur des transports. En...
The authors have set out an analytical framework of the acceptability of pricing changes in the transport sector. This framework combines the dimensions of economic efficiency (to manage the demand efficiently), territorial equity (guarantee of accessibility), horizontal equity (user-pays principle), and vertical equity (welfare of most underprivil...


Question (1)
If someone have some academic papers which justify this distance of 400m (0.25 miles), Thanks in advance,


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