Stephanie Grand

Stephanie Grand
University of Lausanne | UNIL · Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics



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May 2011 - December 2012
University of British Columbia
  • Course developer and instructor
September 2002 - April 2011
University of British Columbia
  • PhD Student


Publications (44)
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Experimental research indicates that the efficiency of enhanced rock weathering (ERW) as a form of carbon dioxide removal (CDR), is subject to large variations in effectivity, and that the current state of knowledge is not sufficient to develop robust predictive capabilities. It appears that the heterogeneous mineralogy and reactivity of basalt, as...
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Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a promising carbon dioxide removal technology that consists in applying ground silicate rock such as basalt on agricultural soils. On top of carbon sequestration, ERW has the potential to raise the soil pH and release nutrients, thereby improving soil fertility. Despite these possible co-benefits, conce...
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As the consequences of climate change are looming large, agricultural soil carbon credits have emerged as an increasingly advocated lever to incentivize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promote carbon storing farming practices. These credits are exchanged on self-regulated voluntary carbon markets, each of them using distinct protocols...
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Permafrost-agroecosystems include all cultivation and pastoral activities in areas underlain by permafrost. These systems support local livelihoods and food production and are rarely considered in global agricultural studies but may become more relevant as climate change is increasing opportunities for food production in high latitude and mountaino...
Permafrost-agroecosystems are highly heterogenous socio-ecological systems that include animal husbandry practices (such as reindeer and yak herding) and crop cultivation in areas that contain permafrost. These systems affect food security, culture and livelihoods and are particularly sensitive to permafrost degradation processes, surface stability...
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Terrestrial enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a carbon dioxide removal technology that aims at accelerating one of the most powerful negative feedbacks on Earth's climate, the chemical weathering of silicates. To achieve this, ERW proposes to spread ground silicate rock on agricultural soils. According to many models, global application rates of 40...
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Both soil quality degradation and climate change mitigation issues emphasize the need to increase, or at least stabilize, the topsoil organic carbon content (wt%) in arable land. This on-farm study aimed at measuring the impact of agricultural practices on changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) content over 10 years. A total of 120 fields belonging t...
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Agriculture in the boreal and Arctic regions is perceived as marginal, low intensity and inadequate to satisfy the needs of local communities, but another perspective is that northern agriculture has untapped potential to increase the local supply of food and even contribute to the global food system. Policies across northern jurisdictions target t...
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Geochemical indicators are emerging as important predictors of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics, but evidence concerning the role of calcium (Ca) is scarce. This study investigates the role of Ca prevalence in SOC accumulation by comparing otherwise similar sites with (CaCO3-bearing) or without carbonates (CaCO3-free). We measured the SOC content...
Geochemical indicators are emerging as important predictors of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics, but evidence concerning the role of calcium (Ca) is scarce. This study investigates the role of Ca prevalence in SOC accumulation by comparing otherwise similar sites with (CaCO3-bearing) or without carbonates (CaCO3-free). We measured the SOC content...
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Aim To investigate the potential of a large range of soil variables to improve topo‐climatic models of plant species distributions in a temperate mountain region encompassing complex relief. Location The western Swiss Alps. Methods Fitting topo‐climatic models for >60 plant species across >250 sites with and without added soil predictor variables...
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Soil research in temperate to cool and humid regions has typically focused on acidic soils; there has been relatively little investigation of the effects of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) on unamended soil properties or function in these environments. The object of this study was to characterise the effects of small amounts of CaCO3 on pedogenic traject...
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Aims The aims of this study were: 1) to test a new methodology to overcome the issue of the predictive capacity of soil water availability in geographic space due to measurement scarcity, 2) to model and generalize soil water availability spatially to a whole region, and 3) to test its predictive capacity in plant SDMs. Methods First, we modelled...
Conference Paper
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Research into soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics has typically focused on Fe and Al dominated soils, while the influence of Ca on SOC accumulation and stabilisation mechanisms still requires further investigation (Rowley et al., 2018). The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of Ca on SOC dynamics at the Nant valley alpage, Switzerland, by co...
Combined size and density fractionation (CSDF) is a method used to physically separate soil into fractions differing in particle size and mineralogy. CSDF relies on sequential density separation and sedimentation steps to isolate (1) the free light fraction (uncomplexed organic matter), (2) the occluded light fraction (uncomplexed organic matter tr...
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Our understanding of mechanisms governing soil organic matter (OM) stability is evolving. It is gradually becoming accepted that soil OM stability is not primarily regulated by the molecular structure of plant inputs, but instead by the biotic and abiotic properties of the edaphic environment. Moreover, several experimental studies conducted in art...
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Soils play an essential role in the global cycling of carbon and understanding the stabilisation mechanisms behind the preservation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools is of globally recognised significance. Until recently, research into SOC stabilisation has predominantly focused on acidic soil environments and the interactions between SOC and alum...
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Background and aims: Soils of mountain regions and their associated plant communities are highly diverse over short spatial scales due to the heterogeneity of geological substrates and highly dynamic geomorphic processes. The consequences of this heterogeneity for biogeochemical transfers, however, remain poorly documented. The objective of this s...
Relation between CO2 efflux measured on clipped and vegetated surfaces. (TIF)
Distribution of ground cover and species richness in the four vegetation types. (TIF)
Monthly variation in volumetric water content across soil types. (TIF)
Soil organic carbon depth profile in Typic Fluvisols (n = 2), Cambisols (n = 2) and Luvic Cambisols (n = 2). (TIF)
Exhaustive plant inventories for the 48 plots (4 m2), classified in groups according to hierarchical clustering. Species significantly attributed to a group are in the upper part of the table. Species cover: r, a few individuals; +, <1%; 1, 1–5%; 2a, 6–15%; 2b, 16–25%; 3, 26–50%; 4, 51–75%; 5, >75%. Yellow: plots assigned to Petasition paradoxi; li...
Least square means ± SEM of CO2 efflux (μmol m-2 s-1) across vegetation types from July to October. For each column and flux measurement type, means followed by a different letter are different at the α = 0.05 level. (a) Clipped soil fluxes (Rsc). (b) Vegetated soil fluxes (Rsv). (DOCX)
Data matrix for soil respiration measured on clipped (Rsc) and vegetated (Rsv) surfaces. (DOCX)
Least square means ± SEM of CO2 efflux (μmol m-2 s-1) across soil types from July to October. For each column and flux measurement type, means followed by a different letter are different at the α = 0.05 level. (a) Clipped soil fluxes (Rsc). (b) Vegetated soil fluxes (Rsv). (DOCX)
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BACKGROUND AND AIMS Secondary minerals are known to provide sorption sites that contribute significantly to plant nutrient retention within the soil profile. The influence of mineral components on nutrient availability is however less certain in coarse-textured soils, where the abundance of clay minerals is low. The objective of this study is to id...
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Forest harvest can disrupt biogeochemical cycles with consequences for regenerating forest nutrition and drainage water quality. Few studies have examined harvest impacts on soil chemistry in conifer forests which have not been significantly affected by acid deposition, as found on the Canadian West Coast. This study investigates the effects of con...
Since soil plays a crucial role in all aspects of global environmental change, it is essential that post-secondary institutions provide students with a strong foundation in soil science concepts including soil classification. The onset of information technology (IT) and web-based multimedia have opened new avenues to better incorporate traditional,...
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Concepts of soil chemistry were established, in the main, for agricultural soils with a fine texture and near‐neutral pH . These concepts often need to be modified when considering acidic forest soils. For example, studies conducted in northeastern US forests challenged the idea of a universal positive relationship between base saturation ( Bsat ),...
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Knowledge about soil organic carbon (SOC) response to forest harvest in conifer stands is limited. The objective of this study was to determine the short- to medium-term effects of bole-only clear-cut harvest on SOC and related variables in a Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco]- dominated forest of southwestern British Columbia. We...
Conference Paper
Forest soils of the coastal mountains of British Columbia have been shown to store comparatively large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). This study aims to determine short to medium term effects of clear-cut logging on SOC and related soil variables in coastal Podzols. For this purpose, we examined a disturbance chronosequence comprising sites...
Conference Paper
Declining enrolment in soil science courses at post-secondary institutions in Canada and around the world tells us that fewer high school students are considering a career in this discipline than ever before. This may be due to soil science programs losing visibility as they are incorporated into other, larger programs; a lack of awareness of what...
Conference Paper
The relationship between sedimentary deposits, landforms and soil profile development is difficult for students to grasp in a conventional classroom setting. The ideal way to solve this is to take the students on extended field trips; however, field trips are expensive, have to be conducted during specific time periods, and can only handle a limite...
Conference Paper
In an attempt to address declining enrolment in soil science programs and the changing learning needs of 21st century students, several universities in North America and around the world have re-organized their soil science curriculum and adopted innovative educational approaches and web-based teaching resources. At the University of British Columb...
Conference Paper
Soil has recently been attracting some renewed public attention due to its inextricable link to current environmental challenges such as climate change, food security and water resource protection. It is increasingly acknowledged that the world's future will require a better understanding of soil science. Yet enrolment in soil related programs at u...
This study investigated soil characteristics and response to logging in a forested watershed of coastal BC (Roberts Creek Study Forest). We focused on soil organic carbon (SOC), labile and exchangeable elements, and short-range order (SRO) inorganic phases. These soil attributes were investigated in each pedogenic horizons (FH, Ae, Bf1, Bf2, BC, Cg...
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Forest soils of coastal British Columbia, Canada, may store significant amounts of organic matter because of the cool climate and high forest productivity of the area. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the profile and to identify the most important predictors of SOC in Podzols of a fores...
Conference Paper
SCOPE OF PRESENTED WORK We investigate pedogenic processes and biogeochemical characteristics of acid forest soils (humo-ferric podzols) from the Sunshine Coast of southern British Columbia. The general objective is to gain insight into the processes governing soil formation and nutrient availability in this watershed. We specifically focus our eff...
Conference Paper
THE POTENTIAL FOR ALUMINIUM STRESS IN ECOSYSTEMS Al is the 3rd most abundant crustal element, and in soluble forms is toxic to most organisms. The potential for acidic soils to be Al-toxic is considerable. Ecosystems stressed by human interventions such as forest harvesting are particularly at risk. This study investigates the effects of clear-cut...
Conference Paper
Forest harvesting is a major threat to environmental quality in the Puget Sound Georgia Basin area. One of the impacts of logging is increased aluminum levels in soil and water. The classic study of Likens et al. (1970) showed a ten-fold increase in stream aluminum concentration as a result of clear-cut logging with vegetation re-growth suppressed...


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