Stephane TrebaolENSSAT Laboratoire Foton Lannion UMR 6082
Stephane Trebaol
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September 2014 - present
Foton Laboratory CNRS UMR 6082
- Professor (Associate)
Publications (81)
We report on noise-induced-spin-ordering in a collective quasipaticle system:
spinor stochastic resonance. Synergetic interplay of a polarization-modulated
signal and a polarization-noise allows us to switch coherently between the two
metastable states of a microcavity-polariton spin bistable system. Spinor
stochastic resonance is demonstrated in a...
A Feshbach resonance occurs when the energy of two interacting free particles
comes to resonance with a molecular bound state. When approaching this
resonance, dramatic changes in the interaction strength between the particles
occur. Feshbach resonances have been an essential tool to control the atom
interactions, which can even be switched from re...
We report the first observation of stochastic resonance in confined
exciton-polaritons. We evidence this phenomena by tracking the polaritons
behavior through two stochastic resonance quantifiers namely the spectral
magnification factor and the signal-to-noise ratio. We evidence the evolution
of the stochastic resonance in function of the modulatio...
Polaritons have often been proposed as promising candidates for the realization of all-optical devices due to the easy manipulation and control of their density and spin. In this paper we present a relaxation mechanism for confined polaritons and its application in a device based on polariton lasing in which the incoming monochromatic beam can be c...
We present a simple model to describe the transient response of two coupled resonators probed by a monochromatic wave whose frequency is rapidly swept across the resonances with respect to their characteristic photon lifetimes. The model is applied to analyze the dynamic behavior of the modal coupling between two degenerate resonances of the same c...
We present a butt-coupled InGaN fiber Bragg grating (FBG) semiconductor laser diode operating below 400 nm in the single-mode emission regime. This compact coherent laser source exhibits an intrinsic linewidth of 14 kHz in the near-UV range and a side-mode suppression ratio reaching up to 40 dB accompanied by almost 2 mW output power. Furthermore,...
This study presents a comprehensive analysis of a whispering gallery mode (WGM) microsphere optical properties in the near ultraviolet spectrum, and its practical implementation for laser linewidth reduction via frequency locking. The light coupling is achieved thanks to the utilization of a robust angle-polished fiber, enabling exploration of vari...
We present a compact InGaN fiber Bragg grating (FBG) semiconductor laser diode operating below 400 nm in the single-mode emission regime. This compact coherent laser source exhibits an intrinsic linewidth of 14 kHz in the near-UV range. We report a side-mode suppression ratio reaching up to 40 dB accompanied by a mW-level output power. Furthermore,...
We present a compact InGaN fiber Bragg grating (FBG) semiconductor laser diode operating below 400 nm in the single-mode emission regime. This compact coherent laser source exhibits an intrinsic linewidth of 14 kHz in the near-UV range. We report a side-mode suppression ratio reaching up to 40 dB accompanied by a mW-level output power. Furthermore,...
In this paper, the design of integrated photonics components for blue/near-ultraviolet wavelength range is presented. Optical properties of the silicon oxynitride (SiON) in this spectral range are exploited to develop a complete library of photonic integrated components for operation in blue/near-UV spectral range.
Keywords: Integrated Optics, Near...
High-$Q$ whispering gallery mode microresonators are cornerstones to develop compact coherent sources like single frequency lasers or frequency combs. This work reports a detailed characterization of a whispering gallery mode microsphere in the near ultraviolet. Light coupling in the resonator is obtain thanks to a robust angle-polished fiber allow...
We demonstrate a compact and low-cost all-fiber-based locking setup for frequency-noise suppression of a 420 nm external-cavity diode laser. Frequency noise reduction in the 100 Hz to 800 kHz range is demonstrated up to 40 dB associated with a linewidth narrowing from 850 kHz to 20 kHz for 10 ms integration time. This simple locking scheme might be...
We realize a fiber Bragg grating InGaN-based laser diode emitting at 400 nm and demonstrate its high coherency. Thanks to the fabrication of a narrowband fiber Bragg grating in the near-UV, we can reach single-mode and single-frequency regimes for the self-injection locked diode. The device exhibits 44 dB side-mode suppression ratio and mW output p...
We realize a fiber Bragg grating InGaN based laser diode emitting at 400 nm and demonstrate its high coherency. Thanks to the fabrication of a narrow band fiber Bragg grating in the near-UV, we can reach single-mode and single-frequency regimes for the self-injection locked diode. The device exhibits 44 dB side-mode-suppression-ratio and mW output...
We report a technique based upon the cavity ringdown method that enables the characterization of the Brillouin gain coefficient directly in a laser cavity. Material gain, optical cavity parameters, and lasing properties can be extracted from measurements within a single experiment.
The first InGaN-based LDs were reported in 1996 by Nakamura and co-workers [1] and commercialized from 1999 by the Nichia Corporation. Since then, huge efforts have been devoted to the optimization of the epitaxial layers (doping, defect concentration, shortening of the radiative lifetime, etc.). Nowadays, blue laser diodes emitting hundreds of mW...
We report a technique based upon the cavity ringdown method that enables to characterize the Brillouin gain coefficient directly in a laser cavity. Material gain, optical cavity parameters and lasing properties can be extracted from measurements whithin a single experiment.
We investigate the relative intensity noise (RIN) properties of a multi-Stokes Brillouin fiber ring laser. We experimentally analyse the intensity noise of each Stokes wave and study the noise dynamics of the cascaded Brillouin scattering process. We observe up to 20 dB/Hz intensity noise reduction compared to that of the RIN input pump laser. We e...
We investigate the Relative Intensity Noise (RIN) properties of a multi-Stokes Brillouin fiber ring laser. We experimentally analyse intensity noise of each Stokes waves and study the noise dynamics of the cascaded Brillouin scattering process. We observe up to 20 dB/Hz intensity noise reduction compared to that of the RIN input pump laser. We exam...
We provide numerical verification of a feed-forward, heterodyne-based phase noise reduction scheme using single-sideband modulation that obviates the need for optical filtering at the output. The main benefit of a feed-forward heterodyne linewidth reduction scheme is the simultaneous reduction of the linewidth of all modes of a mode-locked laser (M...
In this study we report, through a comparative analysis of static and dynamic measurements, on the impact of mode hopping on the overall intensity noise dynamics of InGaN edge emitting lasers. Mode clustering usually observed in InGaN lasers enhances the mode competition and then the laser intensity fluctuation. Variations as large as 20 dB have be...
Self-seeded cavity lasers appear as attractive colorless sources for dense wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks. Although this technology has already demonstrated high performance in a number of experiments, the strong multimode behavior of these kilometer-long cavities results in large relative intensity noise (RIN) that can be...
We report on the frequency noise reduction performance of a feed-forward technique. The Letter is based on frequency noise measurements that allow the spectral response of the feed-forward phase noise correction to be determined. The main limitation to the noise compensation is attributed to the local oscillator flicker noise and the noise added by...
Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, we identify excitation induced
dephasing as a major mechanism responsible for the breaking of the
strong-coupling between excitons and photons in a semiconductor microcavity.
The effects of dephasing are observed on the transmitted probe pulse spectrum
as a density dependent broadening of the exciton-polar...
We investigate polariton-polariton interactions in a semiconductor
microcavity through two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) spectroscopy. We
observe, in addition to the lower-lower and the upper-upper polariton
self-interaction, a lower-upper cross-interaction. This appears as separated
peaks in the on-diagonal and off-diagonal part of 2DFT spe...
We report on the effect of noise on the characteristics of the bistable
polariton emission system. The present experiment provides a time resolved
access to the polariton emission intensity. We evidence the noise-induced
transitions between the two stable states of the bistable polaritons. It is
shown that the external noise specifications, intensi...
We detail an innovation laser device based on a new relaxation mechanism for confined exciton-polaritons which preserves nonlinearity. We demonstrate the selective activation of polariton lasers at different wavelengths allowing to perform all-optical logic operations with fully coherent output [1].
Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, we identify excitation-induced dephasing as a major mechanism responsible for the breakdown of the strong coupling between excitons and photons in a semiconductor microcavity. The effects of dephasing are observed on the transmitted probe-pulse spectrum as a density-dependent broadening of the exciton-pola...
We report on spinor polariton interactions in GaAs based microcavities. This investigation is carried out by means of heterodyne polarized pump-probe spectroscopy. We show the dependence of the energy renormalization of the lower and upper polariton resonances with cavity detuning for different polariton densities. We use the exciton-photon based G...
Coherent excitation of a microcavity resonance leading to enhanced nonlinear interaction is experimentally demonstrated for the first time. A tailored chirped pulse maintains the cavity enhancement effect, despite the resonance nonlinear frequency shift.
We report on spinor polariton interactions in GaAs based microcavity. This
investigation is carried out by means of heterodyne polarized pump-probe
spectroscopy. The results reveal the magnitude and the sign of interaction
strength between polaritons with parallel and anti-parallel spins. We clearly
show the dependence of the attractive and repulsi...
Coherent excitation of a nonlinear semiconductor microcavity is theoretically reported. It intends to counterbalance the frequency drift ofthe cavity resonance driven by the nonlinear refractive effects, which causes a limitation in the energy coupling efficiency of an input pulseinto the cavity resonance. We show that exciting such a nonlinear mic...
We study both theoretically and experimentally the dispersive properties
of single whispering gallery mode resonators. We present a simple
experimental protocol which allows us to obtain in detail its coupling
regime and thus their dispersive properties. We demonstrate a compact
optical amplifier with a gain up to 20dB in an Erbium doped fluoride
We experimentally demonstrate a compact optical amplifier consisting of a rare-earth-doped whispering-gallery-mode microsphere coupled via a tapered fiber. A gain up to 20 dB is reported in an erbium-doped fluoride glass microsphere 135 μm in diameter. Below the amplification regime, the optical gain is used to compensate for unavoidable losses due...
We analyse the transient transmission response of a high quality (Q) factor whispering gallery mode resonator when the probe laser frequency is rapidly swept across the resonance. The detailed comparison with a simple numerical linear model allows the coupling regime and the strength of the intracavity Rayleigh scattering to be measured. By includi...
Slow-mode micro-structured waveguides enable a large enhancement of optical nonlinearities. Using a generalization of the local field factor theory of nonlinear homogeneous media, we review the impact of the group velocity reduction on the hierarchy of the semi-conductor nonlinearities. As an illustration, we experimentally and theoretically report...
In this thesis, we present a theoretical and experimental study on the dispersive properties of photonic structures based on microresonators. First, we develop a cavity ringdown based method who fully describe the linear properties of microcavities such as coupling regime and group delay. This homodyne method is successfully applied on a cristallin...
We present ringing phenomenon in coupled resonators and in high-Q amplifying whispering gallery mode resonators. This effect can be used to measure the gain and the group delay of optical integrated delay lines.
Dans cette communication nous présentons une étude théorique et expérimentale des effets dynamiques obtenus dans des microrésonateurs à modes de galerie passifs ou actifs. En particulier, nous analysons la réponse linéaire de ces systèmes lorsqu'ils sont excités à l'aide d'un signal dont la fréquence est modulée linéairement. Les résonateurs à haut...
We report on the observation of a compact optical microwave source based on a whispering gallery mode (WGM) laser. The use of a single 160-??m diameter erbium-doped glass microsphere and two half fiber tapers allows a dual single-mode laser emission around 1550 nm to be obtained. The generated beat note at 10.86 GHz has a linewidth of 22 kHz. This...
We theoretically analyze the light-storing process in optical microresonator arrays. We propose a passive and an active schemes to strongly slow light. The two mechanisms rely on microresonator chains whose high order dispersion is optimized. The unit cell of the systems is a short sequence of two or four resonators. In the passive process we show...
conference 7612 " Advances in Slow and Fast Light III ", Topic " Advanced Quantum and Optoelectronic Applications ", Session 7 " Slow Light in Microresonators and Semiconductor Structures " [7612-25],
La caractérisation de résonateurs de facteurs de surtension très élevés (> 10^8) est difficilement réalisée à partir des méthodes expérimentales conventionnelles en régime stationnaire. Nous proposerons une méthode hybride spectrale/temporelle permettant la mesure du facteur de surtension global et la discrimination, de manière univoque, des facteu...
We study both theoretically and experimentally the dispersive properties of single or coupled active resonators. In the case of single resonator systems, we present a simple experimental protocol which allows us to obtain in detail its coupling regime and thus their dispersive properties. We show that the active coupled systems offer some degrees o...
Session I « Atoms and Solids »
The coupling by two half tapers on the same micro-spherical resonator in Er:ZBLALiP allows two independent single mode laser emissions to be obtained simultaneously. We study the emission characteristics and the resulting beat note signal.
We present results on the realization of a dual wavelength micro-spherical glass laser source fabricated from the Erbium doped fluoride glass ZBLALiP. The pump wavelength (1480 nm) is close to that of the laser field (~1550 nm) and we use a half taper to couple both fields in and out the micro-spherical laser. The coupling by two half tapers on the...
We present a simple method to determine simultaneously the transmission and dispersive properties of passive or active high Q-factor optical resonators. The method is based on cavity ring down spectroscopy where the probe wavelength is rapidly swept across the resonance. It has already been shown that this technique allows the loaded cavity lifetim...
We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated tunable cavity-linewidth narrowing by means of coupled-active-resonator-induced dispersion. We have theoretically studied the coupling-resonator-induced-dispersion phenomenon in the general case of N coupled resonators and especially the case of two or three resonators. In the case of two resonators...
We present a simple method to determine simultaneously the main characteristics of passive or active high-Q optical resonators. The method is based on cavity ringdown spectroscopy, where the probe wavelength is rapidly swept across the resonance. It has already been shown that this technique allows the loaded cavity lifetime of passive resonators t...
session orale Me2 " Instrumentation, Caractérisation et Capteurs " [Me2.1]