Stéphane PéanMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Stéphane Péan
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Publications (109)
Le Bassin des Carpates se situe dans la partie sud-est de l’Europe centrale et est centré principalement sur la Hongrie. Par sa position, il représente un possible carrefour migratoire pour les populations humaines préhistoriques entre l’Europe occidentale, orientale et les Balkans et est au cœur des enjeux de peuplement de la Préhistoire. Et pourt...
Populations genetically related to present-day Europeans first appeared in Europe at some point after 38,000–40,000 years ago, following a cold period of severe climatic disruption. These new migrants would eventually replace the pre-existing modern human ancestries in Europe, but initial interactions between these groups are unclear due to the lac...
Theme: 5. Climate Change and Socioenvironmental Perspectives
PEAN, Stephane (Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, UMR 7194 HNHP);
Shydlovskyi, Pavlo (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Archaeology an...
In the basin of the Middle Dnieper and its tributaries, a large number of Upper Palaeolithic sites and palaeontological deposits have been uncovered. The archaeological settlements are attributed to various chronological and cultural complexes: Gravettian, Epi-Aurignacian, Epigravettian, and Final Palaeolithic. A part of Epigravettian vestiges refe...
The Cooper’s D deposit has been dated by U-Pb at a maximum age of 1.37 Ma ± 0.113 and has yielded seven Hominini remains, six of them are attributed to the Southern African endemic species Paranthropus robustus Broom, 1938. However, the taxonomic composition of the faunal assemblage recovered at this site, especially ruminants, remains poorly under...
Ділянка верхнього шару сформувалась внаслідок активної господарської діяльності та виносу горілого матеріалу з житла, а також, можливо, внаслідок функціонування зовнішніх вогнищ. Подальші дослідження ділянки на південь від першого житла дадуть можливість зрозуміти складну структуру ГПК, етапність заселення території стоянки та розвиток планувальної...
Evidence of the consumption of meat through hunting or scavenging by Early Pleistocene hominins is scarce, particularly in South Africa. Moreover, the interpretations of taphonomic evidence are subject to an important discussion commonly called the 'hunting-vs-scavenging debate.' Until today, only the Swartkrans Members 1e3 site has yielded a butch...
The upper layer of Climăuţi II, located in the Middle Dniester, delivered many archaeological remains
relied to the first part of the upper Pleniglacial (between 20,500 and 20,000 BP). The lithic industry is
rich, dominated by scrapers, burins and blades, and presents epi-Aurignacian characters. From our
zooarchaeological analyzes we highlighted...
In Europe, the Last Glacial period was mostly characterized by a dry and cold steppe environment that supported well-adapted animal taxa, notably woolly mammoth, which coexisted with Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. This paper provides a synthesis of mammoth and human interactions in Eastern Europe, using the results of zooarcheological...
In Europe, the Last Glacial period was mostly characterized by a dry and cold steppe environment that supported well-adapted animal taxa, notably woolly mammoth, which coexisted with Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. This paper provides a synthesis of mammoth and human interactions in Eastern Europe, using the results of zooarcheological...
Bone tool-use by Early Pleistocene hominins is at the centre of debates in human evolution. It is especially the case in South Africa, where 102 bone tools have been described from four Early Stone Age archaeological sites, which have yielded Oldowan and possibly Acheulean artefacts, as well as Paranthropus robustus and early Homo remains. Here we...
The stressful situation caused by the pandemic has become a powerful factor for the introduction of new methods and forms of education. The field of archaeological education was no exception. In this educational year, teachers and students fully experienced both the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in the field of archaeology and m...
The Upper Palaeolithic settlement of Mezhyrich is located on the territory of Mezhyrich village of Kaniv district, Cherkasy region. The settlement is located on the cape formed by the valleys of the rivers Ros’ and Rosava. Palaeolithic cultural layers of the site lies 2.5—3 m below the modern surface. The site is radiocarbon dated to 15—14.3 kyr BP...
Based on subsistence behaviour studies, considered in their ecological and cultural contexts, of four key sites in low and mid-altitude mountains in central Eurasia (Kabazi II and V, Siuren I and Buran-Kaya III in Crimea, Obi-Rakhmat in Uzbekistan), we discuss here the issue of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in these under-investigated...
The late Pleniglacial was characterized by different palaeoenvironmental and geographical modifications, which affected the diverse living beings that had to adapt to those peculiar conditions. This paper intends to explore how this phenomenon may have impacted the practices of the nomadic human populations who occupied the East European Plain duri...
It is possible to find out the continuity or discontinuity of the processes during the transitional periods with the involvement of the data of several related disciplines, in this case - the prehistoric archaeology and paleogeography. The dramatic changes in the landscape and climatic situation on the border of the Pleistocene - Holocene were undo...
З 2010 р. дослідження на пам'ятці проводяться експедицією кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка спільно із спеціалістами з Національного природничого музею м. Париж, ІА НАН України та інших наукових і освітніх установ України і ЄС. За ці роки вдалося дослідити низку об'єктів, що відносяться...
В процесі дослідження траншеї, що розташована по довгій осі, у заповненні житла виявлено дві функціонально різні ділянки обабіч центральної частини з залишками вогнища. Культурні рештки в південно-західній ділянці свідчать про проведення тут операцій по обробці хутра та шкіри, в той час як в північно-східній частині траншеї наявні яскраві свідчення...
Mezhyrich is an Epigravettian open air base camp, in the Middle Dnieper basin, dated to 14.9-14,3 ka 14 C BP. During the second stage of research from 1976 to 1989 an international group of specialists under supervision of M. Gladkikh-the Head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,...
This volume dedicated to 75-th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology and Museology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The publication includes materials that cover current methodological issues of archaeological science, museum studies, the protection of cultural heritage and the functioning of these disciplines in the educationa...
During the Paleolithic, the human groups have been living with many other species, which have played a key role in their way of life, as evidenced by the remains of their symbolic manifestations, their manufactured products and their subsistence economy. During the Upper Palaeolithic, in the East European Plain, the woolly mammoth has been an impor...
Mezhyrich is an Epigravettian open air base camp, in the Middle Dnieper basin, dated to 14.9-14,3 ka 14C BP. During the second stage of research from 1976 to 1989 an international group of specialists under supervision of M. Gladkykh - the Head of the Department of Archaeology, Ethnography and Museology of National University of Kiev, carried out t...
25th Annual Meeting of Eyropean Association of Archaeologists hosted approx. 2000 delegates and held 170 sessions on wide-ranging topics, divided into six broad themes:
1. Archaeological theory and methods beyond paradigms
2. Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans, and landscapes
3. Archaeology of mountainous landscapes
4. Digita...
The Gravettian technocomplex was present in Europe from more than 30,000 years ago until the Last Glacial Maximum, but the source of this industry and the people who manufactured it remain unsettled. We use genome-wide analysis of a ~36,000-year-old Eastern European individual (BuranKaya3A) from Buran-Kaya III in Crimea, the earliest documented occ...
During the 2018 Summer School project implementation, which took place during field work in Mezhyrich within the framework of the Ukrainian State Fund for Fundamental Research project (No. F77/82-2017) named "Mezhyrich mammoth-hunters' settlement: archaeological research and museum studies", student training and research were conducted, as well as...
Taking into account the micro-stratigraphical context, the origin and history of pit no. 6 setting up can be reconstructed. It is interpreted as a dug structure, filled with both stored rough products and midden made of butchery, artefact processing and hearth fuel waste. In comparing with the chronological framework of different dwelling areas, th...
The 2018 Mezhyrich International Archaeology Summer School, which took place from 15 to 30 July, was dedicated to young scientists in archaeology, especially Master students, PhD students and post-graduate early career researchers, from the following institutions of Ukraine and France: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Universi...
The arrival of modern humans into Europe, their dispersal and their potential interactions with Neanderthals are still in debate. Whereas the first appearance of anatomically modern humans in Western Europe seems to be well understood, the situation is quite different for Eastern Europe, where data are more scarce. The Buran-Kaya III site in Crimea...
Higher δ ¹⁵ N values in bone collagen of mammoth ( Mammuthus primigenius ) compared with coeval large herbivores is a classic trait of the mammoth steppe. An exception applies to the Epigravettian site of Mezhyrich (ca. 18–17.4 ka cal BP) in the central East European plains, where mammoth bones have δ ¹⁵ N values equivalent to or in a lower range t...
Upper Paleolithic site of Mezhyrich is
a unique national value archeological
monument (230017-N). The site is located in
Mezhyrich village, Kaniv district, Cherkassy
The purpose of the project - preservation
of the dwelling construction remains of Upper
Paleolithic inhabitants that will become the
first step for museumification of Mezhyrich...
Linear marks were observed on the maxillary zygomatic process of the early Pleistocene hominin fossil Stw53 from the Sterkfontein cave site. The taxonomic allocation of this specimen is still under debate, as it has been attributed either to the genus Homo or Australopithecus. Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed regarding the taphonomic a...
Relatively high 15N abundances in bone collagen of early anatomically modern humans in Europe
have often been interpreted as a specific consumption of freshwater resources, even if mammoth is
an alternative high 15N prey. At Buran-Kaya III, access to associated fauna in a secured archaeological
context and application of recently developed isotopic...
Межиріцька пізньопалеолітична стоянка знаходиться на території с. Межиріч Канівського р-ну Черкаської обл. Пам'ятка розташована на мису, утвореному долинами річок Росі та Росави біля 20 км на захід від р. Дніпро і за 200 м від високого корінного схилу плато долини р. Рось, у результаті багаторічних (з 1966 р.) розкопок, здійснених вітчизняними та з...
The Upper Pleniglacial, between 23 000-20 000 BP, is characterized by the intensification of cold climate and is followed by the maximum extent of ice sheets. There is a little bit information about the human activities during this period. New archaeological excavations in Ukraine permit to evidence data about behavioural human adaptations. These o...
Межиріцька пізньопалеолітична стоянка знаходиться на території с. Межиріч Канівського р-ну Черкаської області. Пам'ятка розташована на мису, утвореному долинами річок Росі та Росави біля 12 км на захід від р. Дніпро і за 200 м від високого корінного схилу плато долини р. Рось, у результаті багаторічних (з 1966 р.) розкопок, здійснених вітчизняними...
The Pushkari archaeological complex is one of the few sites which shows human occupations related to the first part of the Upper Pleniglacial. Pushkari I furnished rich archaeological material. Study of the lithic industry identified a facies of Gravettian with epigravettian features, called Pushkarian. In order to figure out acquisition and treatm...
Des analyses archéozoologiques ont été menées sur du matériel ostéologique inédit de grands mammifères, provenant du site épigravettien (Paléolithique supérieur récent) de Mezhyrich (Ukraine), dans le secteur de la fosse no 7 rattachée au complexe de l’habitation no 1 en ossements de mammouths. Les résultats font apparaître une utilisation d...
Les recherches menées dans le cadre du projet de recherche ANR « Mammouths », portant sur « la disparition de la steppe à mammouths : relations hommes/environnements à la fin du Pléniglaciaire en Europe orientale », font l’objet de plusieurs contributions. Une première partie a été publiée dans le Volume 118 (5, novembre–décembre 2014) de la...
Cet article présente les résultats de l’approche géoarchéologique développée pour le site épigravettien de Mezhyrich (Ukraine) dans le cadre du projet ANR « Mammouths – La disparition de la steppe à mammouths : relations homme/environnements à la fin du Pléniglaciaire supérieur en Europe orientale ». Centrée sur l’analyse microstratigraphiqu...
The Swiderian tradition of the Tanged Point Complex (Late Upper Palaeolithic) is attested in Crimea through a few ill-known sites dated to the Younger Dryas and early Preboreal. Little information on subsistence is available on this period yet; with this article, we present the results of zooarchaeological analyses conducted on the site of Buran-Ka...
Research, conducted under the ANR project “Mammouths”, on “the end of the mammoth steppe: Man/Environment relationship during late Pleniglacial in Eastern Europe”, is the subject of several contributions, a part of them is published in this volume, under the heading “Humans and environments during Upper Paleolithic in mainland Ukraine and Crimea”,...
The rockshelter of Buran-Kaya III (Crimea), found in 1990 by A. Yanevich, presents an exceptional stratigraphic sequence ranging from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. The cultural layers yielded abundant assemblages of lithic and bone industries, personal adornments and mobiliary art, several ones made of mammoth ivory. We present here the...
The mammoth steppe ecosystem was characterized by a high diversity in large mammals species distributed on a vast geographical range. The isotopic analyses of the collagen of the faunal remains from this context testified the niche partitioning among large herbivores with a specialization in the types of consumed plants. In the case of the mammoth...
This paper contributes to understand the palaeoenvironment and the exploitation of vegetal resources during the Mid-Holocene in the southern Crimean Mountains. To address these questions, we apply a multi-proxy approach based on charcoal, seeds/fruits and phytoliths analyses from Neolithic layers (5800–5300 cal BC) of Buran-Kaya IV, a rock-shelter...
Upper Palaeolithic settlement Mezhyrich is well-known archaeological site excavations of which are providing since 1966 by different groups of researchers. By previous investigations on the territory of site were discovered 4 dwellings with using mammoth in the constructions and pits around each of them. At present the main attention gives to the e...
Le site paléolithique à ossements de mammouth de Changis-sur-Marne (Seine-et-Marne, France) : perspectives sur les terrasses alluviales et les paléo-environnements pléistocènes de la basse vallée de la Marne