Stephane Cartier

Stephane Cartier
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Institut des Sciences humaines et sociales (INSHS)



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Publications (75)
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This paper explores the empirical assessment of social vulnerability in the Algerian context using the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI). The SoVI is applied at the municipal level in the province of Chlef. The assessment aims to map the geographical variability of social vulnerability for the 35 municipalities of the study area. While following th...
Conference Paper
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Most seismic risk assessment methods focus on estimating the damages to the built environment and the consequent socioeconomic losses without fully taking into account the social aspect of risk. Yet, human behaviour is a key element in predicting the human impact of an earthquake, therefore, it is important to include it in quantitative risk assess...
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Most seismic risk assessment methods focus on estimating the damages to the built environment and the consequent socioeconomic losses without fully taking into account the social aspect of risk. Yet, human behaviour is a key element in predicting the human impact of an earthquake, therefore, it is important to include it in quantitative risk assess...
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The purpose of this article is to analyse the results of a survey towards the architects and engineers of construction in order to estimate the perception of the anti-seismic protection amongst these professionals. It focuses more on the architects who design buildings and, in many cases, monitor their implementation. The main result is the observa...
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Artificial neural networks are trained, using a large set of data, to find relations that estimate buildings’ earthquake damages, from simple indicators describing the seismic shaking level and the soils’ and buildings’ vibrational properties These relations are applied to estimate probable damages in the city of Beirut, Lebanon, for different seis...
The financial speculation threats the Mediterranean towns. Beirut gathers degradation of dwelling, collapses and natural hazards, but also the investment in ostentatious architecture without inhabitants. There are natural, economic and social vulnerabilities. The land appropriation reinforces the inequities of dwelling and removes the population fa...
Earthquake damage and loss scenarios are considered as a powerful tool to help in the design of efficient seismic mitigation policies. Moreover, at a city scale, adequate urban planning may significantly contribute to improve resilience through requalification of inherited urban fabrics and/or appropriate land use. In this perspective, the present...
Lebanon is characterized by strong but rare earthquakes. Beirut’s important urban density results in a high level of human vulnerability. A questionnaire survey performed on a sample of 176 people allows better understanding of the individual vulnerability of residents facing earthquakes. The survey questions the perceptions and the knowledge about...
Coping with natural hazards induces a social re-organization. Threat acceptance and the acceptability of technical solutions to reduce seismic vulnerability are linked to knowledge of the hazard and the willingness of the constraint. In France, the importance of state managed defense about natural disasters skips more interrogation about social acc...
Conference Paper
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In the literature related to seismic scenarios, different seismic damage mapping methods can be distinguished. For instance individual building, urban block, census tract, urban district, cell (grid system), etc. have been used as map unit. In order to meet the needs of urban planning, this paper focuses on the way to get a representation of probab...
Conference Paper
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The assessment of urban seismic vulnerability should always account for the robustness and uncertainty of the used methods. This paper presents a comparison on preliminary evaluations of expected damage within an urban district of the city of Oran (Algeria) in order to exploit a non-dedicated set of data issued from a technical survey of the buildi...
Conference Paper
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This preliminary evaluation of seismic vulnerability and expected damage within an urban district of the city of Oran (Algeria), based on a non-dedicated data base from a building survey previously performed for other purposes has as main goal the assessment of the degree of uncertainty and robustness of such results through a comparison of the res...
Conference Paper
There is a need of understanding the vulnerability of existent urban fabrics in seismic prone area. In particular, the assessment of the actual seismic risk and of the vulnerability of the existing building stock is a key information in view of setting up priorities in a long term prevention policy. The current standard method in the Ero-Mediterran...
Conference Paper
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: The Algerian legislation, through the amendment to the 90/29 law related to urban planning after the 2003 Boumerdès earthquake, requests the urban planners to reduce the exposure to natural hazards. Vulnerability evaluation is indeed a good tool to raise the awareness of architects and urban planners about the need for seismic risk mitigation. Th...
Conference Paper
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The exposition of Algerian towns to earthquakes raises a number of issues related to the urbanization of territories in earthquake-prone areas and also to the maintenance of the existent urban fabric. In particular, the assessment of the actual seismic risk and of the vulnerability of the existing building stock is a key information in view of sett...
The city of Oran is exposed to a significant seismic hazard, as almost all the northern Algeria territory, where numerous casualties and severe damage occurred in the last decades due to several moderate to large earthquakes. A mitigation policy should include the establishment of priorities to reduce the vulnerability of existing buildings based o...
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Seismic vulnerability challenges sustainable urbanism. Antioch, Manosque and Oran, three Mediterranean cities destroyed by earthquakes, demonstrate how preservation of urban patrimony protects populations. The methodological pattern “urban seismic patrimonial strategies” cross investment and patrimonial care demonstrate natural hazards mitigation a...
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To provide information and record natural disaster, communication medium technical strength offers new opportunities. In spite of this high number production to facilitate disaster reduction, paradox is that danger exposure constantly raises in ours societies. Illustrated trough cases studies, relation between damage assessment and beneficiary’s li...
Comme l'ensemble du littoral méditerranéen, le nord de l'Algérie subit une activité sismique importante. Historiquement, la destruction sismique des grandes cités algériennes appelle une vigilance constante pour réduire la vulnérabilité urbaine contemporaine et future. A ce titre, chaque projet constitue une occasion d'examiner le risque sismique e...
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Confrontées au risque sismique, les vallées sédimentaires alpines testent différentes solutions politiques pour transcrire en règles d’urbanisme les connaissances apportées par les micro-zonages. France, Italie, Slovénie et Suisse composent avec leur tradition politique et l’adoption de codes européens pour améliorer la sécurité selon la vulnérabil...
Confrontées au risque sismique, les vallées sédimentaires alpines testent différentes solutions politiques pour transcrire en règles d’urbanisme les connaissances apportées par les micro-zonages. France, Italie, Slovénie et Suisse composent avec leur tradition politique et l’adoption de codes européens pour améliorer la sécurité selon la vulnérabil...
Reventing avalanches means maintaining greater control over mountain activities. Several factors have made it necessary to change the mechanisms used to control activities in order to improve safety: professionalisation of occupations, expansion of resorts, increasing numbers of visitors, improved sports and rescue techniques, scientific progress,...
La vulnérabilité aux risques naturels résulte souvent des incompatibilités sectorielles entre activités en interdépendance physique. La sécurité collective implique de réfléchir au mode de régulation de la coexistence territoriale des pratiques. La dénomination commune d'un territoire pertinent permet aux acteurs en interdépendance d'entrer dans un...
Resume : Prevenir les avalanches appelle une regulation croissante des activites montagnardes. La securite justifie la modification des dispositifs de controle des activites par la professionnalisation des metiers, la croissance des stations, l'augmentation de la frequentation, l'amelioration des techniques sportives et des secours, les avancees sc...
Changes in modern agriculture challenge the idea of a “natural vocation” specific to each region. To a large extent, the dominant models of the last 30 years have discarded the notion of “terroir” (rural region). But such an assessment is now being disqualified by the ecological limitation to the exploitation of natural resources resulting from env...
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Fondée sur la confrontation de diverses expériences de terrain (mise en place d’une agriculture « performante » et respectueuse de la qualité de l’eau à Vittel, élaboration d’un projet global de réaménagement d’un périmètre incendié en Cévennes, gestion des risques liés au ruissellement érosif dans le Pays de Caux) la réflexion de ce groupe a été e...
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[fre] Les fonctions de l'activité agricole relatives à la cohésion économique et sociale deviennent à part entière des éléments des politiques nationales et communautaires. Des enquêtes auprès des ménages ayant une activité agricole ont été réalisées dans plusieurs régions françaises. La diversité des formes d'exercice de l'activité agricole a été...
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Seismic safety needs the share of information and coordination between the stakeholders of urbanism. The solidity of buildings depends of quality of data provided by builders. The control challenges the understanding of professional interactions between ground and buildings. The trust is linked to public capacity to rule buildings technology and to...
Seismic vulnerability challenges sustainable urbanism. Antioch, Manosque and Oran, three Mediterranean cities destroyed by earthquakes, demonstrate how preservation of urban patrimony protects populations. The methodological pattern "urban seismic patrimonial strategies" cross investment and patrimonial care to explain natural hazards mitigation as...


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