Steffen Schmidt

Steffen Schmidt
Leibniz Universität Hannover · Institute of Marketing und Management

PhD (Dr. rer. pol.), Dipl.-Oec.


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Publications (65)
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In both marketing research and practice, the study of brands with a heritage as part of their corporate brand identity has gained growing interest. However, better knowledge of the conditions and drivers of brand heritage as well as its effects on customer value and consumer behavior is still needed. Reasoning this, the aim of the present study is...
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An increasing number of brands rely on ecolabelling as associative branding strategy for communicating their sustainability performance. Specifically, associative branding aims to link a brand to an ecolabel to embed sustainability into brand knowledge to provide an added value for consumers. In this regard, the present study applies a combined mea...
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The added value of advanced data mining techniques is their ability to identify hidden structures (unknown relations) in large bodies of data. In contrast, the measurement of hidden signals from the mind and body in order to illuminate the customer’s conscious and unconscious thinking is the expected benefit of applying neuromarketing tools. In th...
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The internet provides the informative potential for brand companies to display an actual brand report. The present work introduces and examines a systematic brand equity valuation based on an advanced and intelligent data analysis applied to data extracted from the internet. Specifically, the developed model approach convinces with a high predictiv...
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Sponsorship is considered to be one of the most effective marketing communication tools and has been extensively analyzed in marketing research. The study presented here focuses on a combination of explicit and implicit measurement methods with regard to a set of selected main sponsors of a major sporting event to assess the effectiveness of sponso...
The number of internet users has grown at remarkable rates worldwide in recent decades, with developed countries reaching 80.9% internet users across the population in 2018 (ITU, 2018). Additionally, retail e-commerce sales worldwide reached 2.304 billion US dollars in 2017 and are forecasted to increase to 4.878 billion by 2021 (eMarketer, 2018)....
The digitization in business and society has already progressed significantly, and is poised to revolutionize marketing and exchange processes with different stakeholders through increased automation and robotization to a greater extent. By leveraging modern information and communication technologies, many companies are already closely networked wi...
Customers hold an internal and external reference price, which gives them an idea about an appropriate price within a range of the actual price. Following this assumption, marketers are able to increase the price of a product within a specific zone of price indifference to their advantage when they accurately exploit customers’ price knowledge. The...
Powerful brands have created strong and deep associations in the minds of consumers. Adapting and enhancing brand knowledge to improve mental availability is an efficient approach for long-term brand growth. Indeed, brands exist in consumers’ memories as stored experiences for future consumption opportunities. Therefore, a brand that is not memoriz...
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The study presented uses the swipe mechanism known from a dating app to measure the answer time in milliseconds. This rather new approach of implicit measurement is then compared with an established form of implicit measurement. As a subject the image of the different Covid-19 vaccination brands where chosen. The questionnaire was co-created by an...
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Many technological food innovations that offer desirable added value tend to be rejected by consumers. This study investigates explicit and implicit consumer acceptance and the role that information about innovative food products plays in consumer decision making. The results show that both explicit and implicit processes influence consumer accepta...
The evaluation of sponsorship effectiveness is a major research stream in academic research provided well advances regarding the assessment of sponsorship performance (Cornwell and Maignan 1998; Walliser 2003). However, business practice as expressed in the ANA (2013) study demands more sophisticated sponsorship evaluation approaches that currently...
Innovations are an important part of the further advancement of societies in general as well as of companies in particular. Individuals can benefit from the advantages of innovations, while companies can maintain or increase their market share and profitability. However, especially in the food sector, scientific or technological innovations often e...
Die Beliebtheit von Sportsponsoring als Kommunikationsinstrument nimmt weiter zu. Das besondere Potenzial von Sportsponsoring zur nachhaltigen Steigerung des konsumentenorientiertes Wertes einer Marke, einem der zentralen intangiblen Assets eines Unternehmens, ist in der Leidenschaft und Begeisterung begründet, die alle Sportarten umgibt. Sportspon...
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NPS-bezogene Textantworten, wie sie in vielen Unternehmen vorkommen, sind als "Stimme der Kunden" ein wertvolles "Insights Asset" und verraten dem Unternehmen, was die Kunden gerade denken und fühlen.
There is little research explaining how affective dispositions of fans such as love and hate toward an athlete or team can determine sport rivalry. In consumer research, the concept of love and hate are often investigated related to brands. In view of the fact that sport athletes and sport teams can be described and managed as brands, the concept o...
Sports sponsorship is a core element of brand communication and one of the most effective and demanded tools in marketing. In the context of football, jersey sponsorship agreements dramatically increased over the last decade in terms of deal volume. Another current brand communication trend is the brand strategy of placing brands into entertainment...
High expectations in neuroeconomics raised the hope of marketers that their (daily business) problems could be solved easily. In fact, neuroeconomics has provided considerable insights for marketing science and business practice concerning consumer decision making over the last two decades. However, tapping into customer’s black box of unconscious...
Technological (r)evolutions of passenger cars regarding advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), autonomous driving and connected in-vehicle infotainment systems (CIVIS) require the automotive industry respectively vehicle manufacturers to develop their traditional business models towards customer centric and mobility orientated service business...
Sports sponsorship is a core element of brand communication and one of the most effective and demanded tools in marketing. In the context of soccer, sponsorship agreements dramatically increased over the last decade in terms of deal volume. At the same time, more and more brand companies place their brand into video games, so-called in-game adverti...
As automotive industry and automobiles are subject to incremental changes, customer’s evaluation of passenger vehicles also changes. Indeed, classic criteria such as engine performance have been paramount in consumer’s buying decision processes for decades, but additional technical systems and features such as advanced driver-assistance systems (AD...
Over the last decades, there has been a significant change in packaging design from mainly informative elements toward sensorial engaging products. Consumers fundamentally experience their world through their five senses, which shape their consumption experience and affect product and brand perception and behavior. Past research has shown that pack...
During the last decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about social and environmental issues and want the brands they use to reflect their concerns and aspirations for a better world. Ethical and environmental consumerism has become a mainstream phenomenon in contemporary consumer culture and consumers either reward or punish compani...
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Disruptive Forschungsmethoden wie «Machine Learning» und implizite Erhebungsverfahren verändern nicht nur die Marketingforschung strukturell, sondern ermöglichen in der Symbiose auch inhaltlich einen präziseren Blick in die Köpfe der Kunden - dem «Mind Mining» für ein «Customer Insights» 4.0.
Madrigal and Dalakas (2008) reviewed that the nature of fan behavior ranges from socially acceptable reactions to negative inappropriate reactions. However, there is only little research explaining how affective dispositions of fans such as love and hate toward an athlete or team can determine sport rivalry. Specifically, previous research mostly f...
Brands and companies are full of precious stories that need to be told. Therefore, businesses necessitate identifying the core elements and emotional heart of their individual story as a basis of their entire brand communication. Nevertheless, little is known about the underlying mechanisms of successful stories. Apart from the role of storytellers...
The customer-perceived value (CPV) has been identified as one of the most important factors considering customer’s decision-making. The reason why people prefer specific brands over others is directly related to the perceived (and experienced) values of the considered brand. In the past, most research with regard to brand-related marketing issues r...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of event-related sports sponsorship and ambushing activity using social media video advertising that aim to affect spectators’ implicit and explicit brand information processing. Design/methodology/approach A dual model of brand knowledge is used that considers the implicit and exp...
Experiences as the basis for value creation and competitive positioning are increasingly placed at the centre of marketing activities to create an emotional customer-brand relationship. Especially in the travel and tourism market, the demand for brand experiences becomes apparent and is reflected in a wide range of services ranging from transport a...
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The transformation of societies is the core business of innovative social enterprises. These hybrid organizations require deep customer insights to address the manifold needs of the public and business. The present work shows how marketing research enhanced the marketing intelligence of the social enterprise known as Little Sun, enabling the compan...
In order to increase the awareness of the negative effects of smoking, warning messages were applied to cigarette packages all around the globe. As such warning messages receive high level and frequency of exposure at the point of sale, they are supposed to be highly effective in influencing both health beliefs (attitudes) and smoking-related behav...
In both marketing research and business practice, the study of corporate brand reputation has gained growing interest. Especially, the highly dynamic and intense contentions in the various markets worldwide initialized a paradigm shift from physical competition, including tangible problem solutions and overall product quality, to a psychological co...
A modern management of user experience in the current digital age requires a profound knowledge of its main elements and consequences. With regard to the measurement of user experience, science and business practice often refer to conventional, explicit measures such as self-reports. However, social psychology and neuroeconomics argue that most men...
Based on the main idea to put ones first name on a coke bottle, Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign has since spread to currently more than 80 countries across the globe. And many other brands followed by also printing first names on their product packages (like Nutella or Langnese), although it is still unclear what drives the success of Coca Cola...
Experiences as the basis for value creation and competitive positioning are increasingly placed at the centre of marketing activities to create an emotional customer-brand relationship. Especially in the travel and tourism market, the demand for brand experiences becomes apparent and is reflected in a wide range of services ranging from transport a...
In the tourism industry, consumers with sustainability attitudes are concerned about the environmental impact of their travel and are willing to pay higher prices for products that assure environmental responsibility. In particular the cruise industry – the fastest growing segment in the travel market – is confronted with increasing public pressure...
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Advanced web technologies, especially social media channels, provide branding opportunities for companies to promote their brands for superior customer appeal. The present work shows the result of a real use case regarding the visibility and interaction performance of auto-play vs. click-to-play ads in affecting customers’ mind.
Sport sponsorship is supposed to be one of the most effective means in the marketing communication mix. In particular, sponsoring worldwide events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup is of great interest for major brands such as Coca Cola in order to improve their global brand performance (e.g., brand equity). Although vast research has...
Motivated by the success of major brands like Coca-Cola or Apple, marketing researchers continuously try to better measure consumers’ brand perception and behavior. The comprehensive analysis of a brand’s intangible value drivers is therefore one of the main subjects in brand research and brand management. Important question especially arise from t...
High expectations in neuroeconomics raised the hope of marketers that their (daily business) problems could be solved easily. In fact, neuroeconomics has provided considerable insights for marketing science and business practice concerning consumer decision making over the last two decades. However, tapping into customer’s black box of unconscious...
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Simple metrics such as ad impressions are inadequate for assessing communicative performance in a rapidly increasing digitized attention economy. From a communication management perspective, the current digital era requires more refined diagnostic metrics to assess communication performance in its entirety. The introduced eye square visual and affe...
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Green consumption has evolved into consumption that also addresses ethical factors. The twenty-first century is perceived to reflect the emancipation of the ethical consumer, who is “shopping for a better world” (Low and Davenport in J Consum Behav 6(5):336–348, 2007). The rising consumer demand for ethical alternatives is present in all product ca...
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A sophisticated Brand Insights 4.0 approach incorporating all elements of the analytical power of the stages 1.0 and 3.0 has the capability to improve the management decisions of brand managers effectively. In this article, the authors use Brand 4.0 Insights, combining implicit and explicit measures of customer perceived value (CPV) and brand love...
It has never been easier for brands to communicate with their customers due to an increasing number of brand-customer touchpoints (e.g., via different media channels such as video on demand, web television or web radio on a variety of modern devices such as tablets, smartphones or wearables). However, the large number of potential touchpoints incre...
Conference Paper
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Purpose – Recently, the study of corporate brand heritage and the question of how past, present and future merge to create brand perception and related behavior have gained growing interest in both management research and managerial practice. Against the backdrop of an economy that is characterized by extremely competitive markets, a dynamic busine...
Against the backdrop of the widely recognized crucial relevance of corporate heritage and corporate heritage brands, the present study focuses on the measurement and management of corporate heritage. With emphasis on the luxury industry where the idea of heritage is of special importance, we investigate conceptual and empirical links between corpor...
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Evidenzbasiertes bzw. faktenorientiertes Management ist das Handlungsgebot der Stunde, um einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil durch die Entschlüsselung von Erfolgscodes in den heutigen hochkomplexen und dynamischen Zeiten zu erzielen, sowohl in der Wirtschaft als auch im Sport. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine leistungsfähige Dechiffriermaschine vorge...
Against the backdrop of the tremendous growth in the market for luxury goods, the concept of luxury seems to be everywhere apparent and is routinely used in our everyday life. In a combination of the rising demand for luxury products in emerging markets (e.g., the BRIC countries) and the so-called “democratization of luxury” [12], [40], luxury bran...
The ever-growing competition in the market leads to a paradigm shift that started from a competition on the basis of products, led to a competition based on problem solutions and strategies, and, finally, is currently a competition referring to identities and reputation. As corporate reputation is constituted on the basis of continuous interaction...
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Zunehmend betonen Marketingpraktiker sowie Marketingwissenschaftler die Relevanz impliziter Hirnprozesse bei Kaufentscheidungen. Für die Analyse des Kundenverhaltens ist aber nicht nur der Einsatz von neuartigen impliziten Erhebungstechniken relevant. Vielmehr liefert auch die klassische Markt- und Marketingforschung mit ihren etablierten explizite...
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Die Erkenntnis der Neuroökonomie, dass starke Marken ihre spezifische Anziehungskraft auf einer expliziten sowie impliziten Ebene entfalten, trifft mittlerweile auf eine breite Zustimmung. Erstaunlich hierbei ist, dass es trotzdem an einem ganzheitlichen Mess- und Steuerungskonzept mangelt, das beide Ebenen systematisch verknüpft und zur Entscheidu...
The heritage aspect is a crucial part of a luxury brand as it has to appear both perfectly modern to the society of the day and at the same time laden with history. Heritage adds the association of depth, authenticity and credibility to the brand’s perceived value and can result in an intensified brand loyalty and the willingness to accept higher p...
Corporate branding plays a crucial role in building a sustainable bond between the branded company and its customers. Because consumers’ corporate brand image develops over time, previous experience with a company and its products/services are of particular importance. During recent years, the question of brand heritage and how past, present and fu...
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Heritage brands stand for longevity and sustainability, as proof that the core values and performance of the given products are reliable. Focusing on the automotive industry, the aim of the present study is to analyze the drivers and outcomes of brand heritage, focusing on the functions of the brand as perceived by consumers. To explore the perceiv...


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