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  • Steffen Höder
Steffen Höder

Steffen Höder
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Steffen verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Kiel University | CAU · Institut für Skandinavistik, Frisistik und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ISFAS)

Prof. Dr.


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I am Professor of Scandinavian Linguistics at Kiel University. My research focuses on usage-based construction grammar, language contact and multilingualism, historical sociolinguistics, language change, and areal linguistics. Currently I concentrate on Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG) and my project on Grammatical Areality in the Nordic Countries and Northern Germany (GrammArNord).
Additional affiliations
April 2012 - September 2013
Kiel University
  • Professor
October 2013 - September 2019
Kiel University
  • Junior Professor
October 2011 - September 2013
University of Münster
  • Lecturer
August 2005 - March 2009
Hamburg University
Field of study
  • Scandinavian studies
October 2000 - July 2005
Hamburg University
Field of study
  • Scandinavian studies, German linguistics, Phonetics


Publications (86)
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Mainstream grammatical theory and traditional grammaticography concentrate on single languages or varieties, which are conceptualised as pre-existing, distinct entities and analysed in terms of coherent, static, ideally variation-free language systems. This is in stark contrast to actual language usage, where various kinds of structural contact phe...
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This article discusses the role of intra-word phonological schematicity in multilingual con-structicons from a Diasystematic Construction Grammar perspective. It argues that, in particular with communities that use two or more typologically similar and/or closely related languages, many lexical elements (e.g. cognates) exhibit regular sound corresp...
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Georg Wenkers Sprogatlas over Det Tyske Rige er et klassisk dialektologisk projekt fra slutningen af 1800-tallet, hvor der blev samlet data ind fra (næsten) alle skoledistrikter i hele det daværende Tyskland. Projektets data bruges stadig inden for tysk dialektforskning, og spørgeskemaerne er efterhånden blevet publiceret digitalt. Mindre kendt er,...
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Swedish swearwords are predominantly religious in origin (e.g. fan ‘the Devil’, helvete ‘hell’, and jävlar ‘devils, demons’). The former taboo status of swearing is still reflected in the existence and productive use of taboo-avoiding strategies, most notably phonological modification (e.g. fasen < fan ‘the Devil’, helsicke < helvete ‘hell’). This...
North Germanic has been in constant contact with other languages since prehistoric times. Early contact scenarios include the contact with Uralic languages within Scandinavia itself. Increasing contact with Central Europe from the Early Middle Ages onward entailed the spread of a wider range of linguistic innovations from (or through) Romance and W...
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Looking back over several decades of constructionist research, it is quite obvious that there has always been a strong urge not to meddle with phonology more than absolutely necessary. The main reason is that Construction Grammar has usually been defined as a theory dealing with the lexicon-grammar continuum, and the boundaries of grammar have been...
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Dialektologisk forskning har traditionellt fokuserat på individuella språk. Tvärspråklig areallingvistik har å andra sidan sällan tagit hänsyn till inomspråklig variation. Projektet GrammArNord (Grammatisk arealitet i Norden och norra Tyskland) kombinerar ett dialektologiskt med ett arealtypologiskt och ett kontaktlingvistiskt perspektiv. Det syfta...
This volume presents eight studies of linguistic phenomena in Nordic languages (notably Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) from a construction grammar perspective. The contributions both deepen and widen the focus of construction grammar applied to Nordic languages by dealing with a variety of topics, such as the constructional network, pseudo-coordin...
This volume presents eight studies of linguistic phenomena in Nordic languages (notably Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) from a construction grammar perspective. The contributions both deepen and widen the focus of construction grammar applied to Nordic languages by dealing with a variety of topics, such as the constructional network, pseudo-coordin...
The politics, culture and people of Northern Europe have had a decisive influence on the history of pan-European encounters for millennia, a fact that is insufficiently reflected in scholarly attention. This handbook draws attention to these shortcomings and is the first work to comprehensively present the state of knowledge on the history, society...
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Language contact always implies variety contact, but not vice versa. As a consequence, the investigation of areal patterns in contact scenarios cannot be based on standard varieties alone, but has to take non-standard varieties into account as well. While, in theory, this might seem self-evident, actual practice is often different. In particular, d...
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Tonal accent systems in South Jutlandic and Northern Low German dialects.
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Steffen Höder is a Full Professor of Scandinavian Linguistics at the Institute of Scandinavian Studies, Frisian Studies and General Linguistics at Kiel University . He has a PhD from University of Hamburg (Scandinavian Studies) and his main research interest regards Language contact, Areal linguistics, Language change and variation, Construction Gr...
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Recent years have seen an increasing interest in applying Construction Grammar to additional language (AL) acquisition as well as in constructionist approaches to language contact and multilingualism, in particular Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG; Höder 2018). This paper combines both perspectives by proposing a usage-based constructionist...
The last few years have seen a steadily increasing interest in constructional approaches to language contact. This volume builds on previous constructionist work, in particular Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG) and the volume Constructions in Contact (2018) and extends its methodology and insights in three major ways. First, it presents new...
The last few years have seen a steadily increasing interest in constructional approaches to language contact. This volume builds on previous constructionist work, in particular Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG) and the volume Constructions in Contact (2018) and extends its methodology and insights in three major ways. First, it presents new...
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Georg Wenkers Sprachatlas des Deutschen Reiches är en klassiker bland äldre dialektologiska arbeten, och även modern tysk dialektforskning bygger i hög grad på Wenkers enkätmaterial från 1880-talet. Mindre känt är det faktum att materialet utöver tyska frågeformulär också innehåller data som dokumenterar minoritetsspråken som talades inom dåvarande...
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Steffen Höder is a Full Professor of Scandinavian Linguistics at the Institute of Scandinavian Studies, Frisian Studies and General Linguistics at Kiel University. He has a PhD from University of Hamburg (Scandinavian Studies) and his main research interest regards Language contact, Areal linguistics, Language change and variation, Construction gra...
Famously, multilinguals are not multiple monolinguals in one person – nor do they have individual grammars for different languages. Diasystematic Construction Grammar, a usage-based constructionist approach to language contact phenomena, is built around the central insight that there are no language boundaries within the constructicon. It is a simp...
Late medieval Sweden was a multilingual society. At least three languages ‐ namely Old Swedish, Low German, and Latin ‐ were in use, beside other regional languages. While the influence of Low German is easily detectable in all parts of the Swedish language system and has been investigated rather thoroughly from a historical sociolinguistic point o...
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Höder, Steffen. Forthc. Grammatical arealisms across the Danish-German border from a constructional perspective. In Horst Simon & Christian Zimmer (eds.), German(ic) in language contact: Grammatical and sociolinguistic dynamics.
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Die nordischen Länder gelten als gesellschaftlich progressiv, nicht zuletzt auch bei der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter. Dies schlägt sich auch im schwedischen Sprachgebrauch nieder. Der Beitrag skizziert das, was heute als allgemein akzeptierte Sprachpraxis beschrieben werden kann. Entscheidend für deren Akzeptanz sind dabei vor allem grammatisch...
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In traditional Scandinavian grammaticography, interjections are rather loosely defined as a word class and often understood as lying on the fringe of the language system, sometimes being described as para-linguistic phenomena rather than full-fledged linguistic units (e.g. Hansen & Heltoft 2011: vol. 1, 214; Teleman, Hellberg & Andersson 1999: vol....
Die deutsch-dänische Grenze von 1920 durchschneidet heute einen traditionell mehrsprachigen transnationalen Kommunikationsraum. Der Beitrag stellt die sprachgeschichtliche Entwicklung Schleswigs im Kontext der Grenzziehung dar und fokussiert dabei die Frage, welche Auswirkungen diese auf den Wandel der regionalen Varietätenrepertoires im Sinne von...
German and Danish share a long, complex, and multifaceted history of language contact (Fredsted 2009, Winge 2009, Höder forthc.). Besides other contact scenarios, societal as well as widespread individual multilingualism (in parts also including North Frisian) has characterized the linguistic situation in the territory of the former Duchy of Schles...
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While Georg Wenker’s questionnaire-based collection of dialect data in the 1880s has laid the foundation for pioneering work in German dialectology, most notably his Linguistic Atlas of the German Empire (regionalsprache.de), it is often overlooked that dialects of minority languages in then German territory were included in Wenker’s data as well (...
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Report on a study investigating Kiel University as a multilingual institution.
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Die Diasystematische Konstruktionsgrammatik (Höder 2012; 2014abc; i. Vorb.) geht in Anlehnung an moderne kontaktlinguistische Ansätze davon aus, dass das Sprachwissen Mehrsprachiger ein sprachübergreifendes Repertoire (Matras 2009, 308–309) konstituiert. Dieses Repertoire wird im Rahmen einer gebrauchsbasierten konstruktionsgrammatischen Beschreibu...
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Late medieval Sweden was a multilingual society. At least three languages – namely Old Swedish, Low German, and Latin – were in use, beside other regional languages. While the influence of Low German is easily detectable in all parts of the Swedish language system and has been investigated rather thoroughly from a historical sociolinguistic point o...
The last three decades have seen the emergence of Construction Grammar as a major research paradigm in linguistics. At the same time, very few researchers have taken a constructionist perspective on language contact phenomena. This volume brings together, for the first time, a broad range of original contributions providing insights into language c...
The last three decades have seen the emergence of Construction Grammar as a major research paradigm in linguistics. At the same time, very few researchers have taken a constructionist perspective on language contact phenomena. This volume brings together, for the first time, a broad range of original contributions providing insights into language c...
The last three decades have seen the emergence of Construction Grammar as a major research paradigm in linguistics. At the same time, very few researchers have taken a constructionist perspective on language contact phenomena. This volume brings together, for the first time, a broad range of original contributions providing insights into language c...
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Plenary lecture, Construction Grammar: new advances in theor­etical and applied linguistics, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 12. 5. 2017
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Höder, Steffen. 2017. „Variationssensitive Arealtypologie zwischen Elbe und Nordkap – Werkstatt­bericht zum Kieler Projekt GrammArNord“. Gastvortrag, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 24. 1. 2017.
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(zur Validität der südjütischen Wenker-Daten aus dem heutigen Südschleswig)
Up to now, most research in Construction Grammar has focused on single languages, most notably English. This volume aims to broaden the scope of Construction Grammar towards issues in bi- and multilingualism, second language learning, and generalizations across different languages and language varieties. The contributions in this volume show that s...
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Uriel Weinreich (1926–1967) was one of the founding fathers of both contact linguistics and sociolinguistics. Among his best-known works are his 1953 monograph "Languages in contact", his 1954 article "Is a structural dialectology possible?", and the seminal paper on "Empircal foundations for a theory of language change" (co-authored with William L...
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The contribution addresses the problem of reconstructing the spoken language of the Old Swedish period (13th–16th c.) on the basis of written corpora. It proposes two approaches: an operational one (via identifying specifically written features) and an indirect one (via fictional orality).
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Nordeuropa und Norddeutschland sind historisch von jeher eng miteinander ver-bunden. Politische, wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Kontakte haben dabei immer auch Sprachkontakte mit sich gebracht, die heute vielfach in sprachlicher Arealbildung reflektiert werden. Das Projekt nähert sich arealen Gemeinsamkeiten innerhalb dieser Region aus dia...
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Intersproglig kommunikation forudsætter en kodeoverlapning mellem to eller flere taleres førstesprog. Artiklen går ud fra, at denne overlapning ikke behøver at være så stor som mellem de fastlandsskandinaviske sprog, hvor interkommunikation har været etableret i lang tid som en kommunikativ praksis. I stedet for kan man også anvende begrebet til at...
Working Paper
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Die Kieler Arbeiten zur skandinavistischen Linguistik publizieren Arbeitspapiere und Forschungsergebnisse aus der skandinavistischen Linguistik am Institut für Skandinavistik, Frisistik und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaf der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
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Guest lecture, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 4 June 2012.
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Usage-based CxG approaches share the central assumption that any grammar has to be acquired and organised through input-based abstraction and categorisation. Diasystematic Construction Grammar (DCxG) is based on the idea that these processes are not sensitive to language boundaries. Multilingual input thus results in multilingual grammars which are...
Convergence, i.e. the increase of inter-systemic similarities, is usually considered the default development in language contact situations. This volume focuses on the other logical possibilities of diachronic development, namely stability and divergence – two well-attested, but under-researched phenomena. The contributions investigate the sociolin...
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This contribution claims that Modern Low German (as represented by North Low German dialects) is a rather prototypical word language according to the model provided by Auer (2001) and others. The interaction between syllable structure, stress, and phonemic alternations in different contexts is better explained as a consequence of word-related as op...
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From a global and historical perspective, multilingualism or at least multilectalism is the rule rather than the exception. However, linguistic theory continues to focus on the idea of a prototypically coherent, static, and monolingual language system. A more realistic approach can set out from the notion of ‘diasystems’, i.e. linguistic systems in...
Convergence and divergence are usually defined as changes in opposite directions – convergence increases, divergence decreases interlingual similarities between two given languages or varieties. Additionally, convergence is often explained as the ‘natural’, expectable process in language contact, whereas divergence is associated with psychosocial m...
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Niederdeutsche Syntax aus nordeuropäischer Sicht 1. Dialektsyntax und Sprachgrenzen Während die Syntax in der dialektologischen Forschung traditionell eher am Rande vorkommt, hat das Interesse an dialektsyntaktischen Fragestellungen unterschiedlicher Art in den letzten Jahren spürbar zu-genommen. Dies zeigt sich etwa in den recht groß angelegten Fo...
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The synchronic and diachronic variability of historical texts poses substantial difficulties in the annotation and analysis of historical corpora. One main problem is that ongoing language change and particularly grammaticalisation phenomena lead to syntactic ambiguity. This contribution shows how such issues are dealt with in the TEI-based Hamburg...
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Language contact phenomena are often described with reference to their effect on the monolingual systems of the varieties involved, both in historical and in contact linguistics. This contribution argues that an essentially multilingual perspective on these phenomena is more adequate. Bilingual speakers in stable bilingual groups create a common sy...
This volume presents discourse production in multilingual contexts as a specific type of language contact situation. Translation may be seen as the prototypical type of multilingual discourse production, other types would include parallel text production in different languages (e.g. for websites) or the production of versions more loosely connected...
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Das Niederdeutsche hat im 20. Jahrhundert massive Veränderungen durchlaufen, die sich in Zukunft eher noch verstärken dürften, und zwar vor allem im Hinblick auf seinen sprachsozialen Status, aber auch in sprachsystematischer Hinsicht. Diese Entwicklung hat im Wesentlichen mit dem hochdeutsch-niederdeutschen Kontakt zu tun. In diesem Beitrag möchte...
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Recent studies in typology and historical linguistics have yielded new insights into the geographical distribution and diffusion of linguistic phenomena. Within Europe, several linguistic areas of different types and sizes have been proposed and discussed, including a European area (Standard Average European, henceforth SAE). Such claims are largel...
Language contact through translation (LCTT) is a particular source of contact-induced language change. While investigations into individual scenarios have shown its importance, major works on language contact have largely neglected this type of language contact. In particular, no attempt has been made so far at establishing general principles and m...
Das Schwedische wird im Spätmittelalter zur Schriftsprache ausgebaut und zwar in einer mehrsprachigen Gesellschaft, in der Latein und Niederdeutsch einen prägenden Einfluss haben. Zugleich ist im Schwedischen dieser Zeit erheblicher Sprachwandel zu beobachten. Welche Rolle spielt der Sprachkontakt zum Lateinischen für die syntaktische Entwicklung d...
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„Subordination“, ein grundlegender Begriff für syntaktische Fragestellungen, wird häufig ohne genaue Definition gebraucht. Dieser Beitrag zeigt Möglichkeiten einer Operationalisierung für die Analyse eines altschwedischen Korpus. Dabei erlauben die gewählten Merkmale eine Annäherung an die Komplexität möglicher Subordinationstypen und -grade. Berüc...
In the Late Middle Ages, when Old Swedish develops into a written language it acquires simultaneously several innovative syntactic features, such as new relativisation patterns. On the basis of an annotated digital corpus of Late Old Swedish texts, appositive relative clauses and the pronominal relativisation strategy are singled out as the typolog...
Sprachen verändern sich im Laufe der Zeit. Gerade der Lautwandel ist seit dem 19. Jahrhundert in der historischen Linguistik intensiv erforscht worden. Wir verfügen deshalb heute über enorme Kenntnisse in der Lautgeschichte einzelner Sprachen. Aber wie können lautliche Verände- rungen adäquat beschrieben werden? Wodurch werden sie ausgelöst? Wie la...


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