Stefan Koerber

Stefan Koerber


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maintain the site updated and offer a valuable sourse on systematics and distribution of the freshwater fishes of Argentina and South America


Publications (95)
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Two centuries after the famous journey of the German naturalists Spix and Martius through Brazil their travel report has been reviewed with special attention on fishes and the respective localities where these have been collected. New insights could be obtained on the specimens they collected, among those for several species described subsequently...
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The two existing designations of type species for the genus Caturus are found invalid as both based on unavailable names. Chronology and availability status of all included species are analyzed and Caturus latus Agassiz, 1839, is identified as the first species which, as based on a published illustration, gained availability. All previously publish...
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In 1940 H.W. Fowler published the description of new species of fish collected by M.A. Carriker in 1936 during an expedition to Bolivia at the localities of ‘Río Lipeo’ and ‘Monte Bello’. Following the information provided by the collector both were believed to be located in Tarija, Bolivia. Since the late 1960’s the Río Lipeo has been claimed to b...
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The homonymy between Raja magellanica Philippi, 1902 and Raja magellanica Steindachner, 1903 is removed by the introduction of a replacement name for the younger name. The discovery of a so far missing syntype in Berlin is presented, together with comments on the provenance of another syntype hosted in Vienna. Historia Natural 13 (2): 53-64
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Details are provided on nine marine fish species from the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Argentina and twelve from Uruguay which so far have remained unnoticed by the respective local ichthyological communities. Also, 13 species are proposed to be excluded from national lists of Argentina and/or Uruguay after proving that so far no evidence-based...
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Historia Natural 14 (3): 29-47 - Records of marine fishes in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean are reviewed in the present paper. Two additional species of marine fishes are presented for the Exclusive Economic Zone of Argentina, as well as seven for the EEZ of Uruguay. All those are evidence-based records and thus, reproducible as the respective vou...
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Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 88: 1-9 This is the second update on the CLOFFAR-2, published in June 2020. This original list together with the respective last update shall at any time present our current knowledge on the species of freshwater fishes known to occur in Argentina and provide information on the nomenclature considered...
The knowledge about the diversity and phylogeny of South American callichthyid armored catfishes of the sub-family Corydoradinae is still growing, after important recent contributions, and many species have uncertain relationships. In this study, we present the first combined phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus based on five genes, 83 morphologic...
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Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 86: 1-7 Since the publication of the ‘Checklist of the Fishes of Paraguay (CLOFPY)’ in April 2017, some 30 changes or new entries have summed up, increasing the total number of fishes known from the freshwaters of Paraguay to 314. Gymnotus cuia is the only new species with type specimens from Paraguay a...
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Ichthyological Contributions of Pecescriollos 85: 1-51 The German research vessel Walther Herwig has conducted five expeditions to the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean between 1966 and 1981. During these cruises several dozens of stations were sampled within the Exclusive Economic Zones of Argentina and Uruguay, and thousands of myctophid specimens have...
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Comments, corrections, and/or refinements on the factual positions of type localities in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean are provided for several marine fishes. Details are discussed about the reasons for erroneous statements contained in either original descriptions or made by subsequent authors. In some cases of very rare species the proposed cha...
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AKFS-aktuell 49: 23-30 --- Die Historie Rotäugiger Moenkhausia in Argentinien geht zurück bis zum Jahre 1937 als Meinken M. sanctaefilomenae zum ersten Male erwähnte, dies basierend auf Exemplaren, die er aus Corrientes erhielt. Meinken’s Material existiert noch in der ichthyologischen Sammlung in Berlin, darauf und auf konserviertes Material von a...
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Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 84: 1-13 - Not even two years have passed since the publication of the CLOFFBR-MA and the initial hope of the authors that this would establish a new zero-line from where to start and initiate a new era for Maranhão’s freshwater ichthyology has been fulfilled. Now that researchers and authors have a co...
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In this note we report the new findings of two species of ornamental poeciliids: Xiphophorus hellerii, first record for Argentina, and Poecilia reticulata, first record for the Salí River basin and the province of Tucumán, and the second record for Argentina. The swordtails show a very special color pattern and are without doubt individuals from an...
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Maranhão is one of Brazil's 27 federative units, located in the Northeastern region of Brazil, being the second largest state in this region and the eighth largest state of Brazil, corresponding to about 3.9% of the national territory. In Maranhão, there are two of the main Brazilian biomes (the Amazon and the Brazilian Cerrado), as well as several...
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The total count of freshwater fishes found in Uruguay has gone up by eight to 311. Changes are restricted to characiforms and siluriforms, being Scleronema the most effected genus. For this update we count with two new species based on type material from Uruguay, six first recods, one synonymy, and the negative record for Scleronema operculatum, wh...
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Coincidentally, we stumbled across the description of a forgotten fossil fish from the Swiss Jura. All so far known details about the species ‘Lepidotes’ crassus Nicolet, 1872, have been gathered. Together with a transcription of the original text in French, a translation to English, and graphically treated versions of the original figures, we also...
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Several open questions and erroneous practices regarding the nomenclature of lepidotids have been addressed. Conclusions and corrections are being offered for the authorship and date of the family name Lepidotidae, the correct spelling of Lepidotes vs. Lepidotus, the type species of Lepidotes, the correct spellings of Lepidotes buelowianus and L. l...
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En un trabajo reciente, identificamos por primera vez la presencia en Argentina de dos especies de bagres tricomiccéridos: ltuglanis australis y Scleronema macanuda. Estas adiciones a la diversidad de peces de la Argentina se concretaron gracias a la revisión de colecciones ictiológicas formadas años antes de que estas especies fueran descriptas fo...
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Based on the available literature on the voyage of Alfredo Borelli through the Bolivian Chaco and Northwestern Argentina his itinerary could be reconstructed. Some new insights on the places where he collected specimens of fish have been obtained, resulting in more precise details on some of the type localties of species described as new by Bouleng...
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Argentine fishes were among the first species to reach German aquariums. One aquarist in particular, Paul Nitsche, was at the helm of privately organizing and refining the intercontinental aquarium trade in the nineteenth century. Amazonas US 10 (3): 74-79
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The original syntypes of Farlowella hahni Meinken, 1937 have been considered to be lost since World War II. The recent rediscovery allowed us to compare these specimens with the original description and confirm their identity. The designated neotype is set aside as it loses the status of type specimen by the rediscovery of the original types. The W...
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Ituglanis australis and Scleronema macanuda are trichomycterid catfishes that inhabit freshwater basins from Pampa grasslands of southern Brazil and Uruguay. The aim of the present contribution is to report for the first time the presence of both species in Argentina. These new records are related to small streams of the Uruguay River basin in Entr...
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Zungaro jahu is a siluriform fish well known from the Paraná river but also recorded from the Argentinean coast of the La Plata river, based on well confirmed and illustrated records. The presence of Z. jahu is confirmed for the Uruguayan territory, based on a single juvenile specimen collected in the La Plata river (Colonia county) in 1966. Other...
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The purpose of this paper is to present an updated list of fishes found in Argentina’s freshwaters based on the available literature. Since the last list, CLOFFAR by Mirande & Koerber, was published in 2015, most systematical and distributional changes were presented on and six updates have been published (Koerber et al. 2015,...
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It is a pleasure to announce that Wilson Sebastián Serra has joined our team starting with this update and that finally an ichthyologist from Uruguay is participating in this project. Sebastián works as curator of the ichthyological collection at the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Montevideo. Since the publishing of the second update to CLOF...
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Historical information on the probable type-locality of Pimelodus quelen and of its four junior synonyms that share the same neotype, Pimelodus namdia, Pimelodus sebae, Heterobranchus sextentaculatus, and Silurus rivularis, is presented and discussed. The neotype designation for those four species is deemed invalid for not complying with the provis...
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For more than 150 years Oligosarcus hepsetus (Cuvier, 1829) has been considered to be distributed in the freshwaters of Argentina and Uruguay. An analysis of literature accounts revealed that the records of this species from these countries were erroneous due to misidentifications with either Oligosarcus oligolepis (Steindachner, 1867) or O. jenyns...
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The history of red-eyed Moenkhausia in Argentina dates back to 1937 when Meinken mentioned M. sanctaefilomenae for the first time based on specimens received from Corrientes. Meinken's lot still exists in the ichthyological collection in Berlin and based on this material and preserved specimens from other collection we can confirm that from the spe...
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In this note we expand the known distributional range of Hypostomus roseopunctatus to the political boundaries of Argentina. The sole specimen was obtained in the Miriñay River, Uruguay River basin, province of Corrientes. With this record the number of Hypostomus species known from Argentina raises to 26. > Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCri...
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The Hemíancístrus from Argentina bred by Gerwing might be identified as H. fulíginosus. This species was registered from the Uruguay river basin in the Argentinean provinces of Misiones and Corrientes and so far, it is the only species of this genus listed for Argentina. Serra has provided the first record of Hemíancístrus votouro from the Río Negr...
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Argentinische Fische gehörten zu den ersten Arten, die in deutsche Aquarien gelangten. Kaum bekannt ist, wie es dazu kam - und was ein Aquarianer anstellte, um einen privat organisierten Südamerika-Import zu verwirklichen. DATZ 72 (12): 22-28
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... Following Recommendation 76A.2. of the current version of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 1999) the type locality as published by Ottoni (2011) for Cichlasoma zarskei is found to be partly erroneous and hereby corrected to: Brazil, Maranhão State, municipality of Arari, Lagoa Malhada Grande, at the Southern end of the r...
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The taxonomy of Rhamdia is one of the most confuse among South American catfishes. Reasons are the poorly defined species, including its type-species R. sebae, some old description from the 18th and 19th centuries, and a weak set of characters used to diagnose species. The situation is further complicated by the high number of species synonymized t...
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In only six months 14 changes have been registered which alter the list of freshwater fishes found in Argentina. The total number of species has increased to 562 by two new species and two first records. One of the latter was yet another exotic species, Geophagus sveni, that has been detected in Argentina’s waters. Three resurrections from synonymi...
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In 2004 and 2008 respectively, lists have been published on the available literature treating with the Patagonian Naked Tetra, Gymnocharacinus bergii. During the last decade nearly two dozens of new publications appeared, making an update necessary. In addition a collection of documents and letters related to the first attempts to protect this enda...
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Since the last update from October 2017, we have registered again a dozen of changes influencing the list of freshwater fishes found in Argentina. The total number of species has increased to 558 caused by five first records, six new species and one negative record, a species listed for Argentina erroneously in the past. One synonymization did not...
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Since the last update, published in January 2017, we have registered again a dozen of changes influencing the list of freshwater fishes found in Argentina. The total number of species has gone up to 548 caused by five first records, four new species, one new subspecies, and resting two synonymizations. This time there is not a single publication wh...
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A checklist of all freshwater fish species demonstrated to occur in Paraguay is presented with the aim of providing an updated list of all known fishes from Paraguay and to establish a baseline to keep the inventory updated. Species listed herein are only those that appear in published papers based on actual collection records. Type localities are...
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Recently, Gymnogeophagus terrapurpura Loureiro, Zarucki, Malabarba & González-Bergonzoni, 2016 was described as a member of the substrate brooding Gymnogeophagus-rhabdotus-group from the East of the lower Uruguay river basin, the Eastern coastal affluents of the Río de la Plata estuary, and affluents of the Atlantic Ocean in Uruguay. The aim of thi...
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Hemigrammus tridens is a small characid described by Eigenmann (in Eigenmann & Ogle, 1907) from Paraguay River, in the country Paraguay. The species has a conspicuous trident-shaped caudal spot, few perforated lateral line scales, scales on the caudal fin, and two pentacuspidate teeth in the outer series of the premaxilla. Hemigrammus tridens is fo...
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Future authors might want to follow Miranda Ribeiro (1920) and refer to the type localities of Laetacara dorsigera (Heckel, 1840), Astronotus crassipinnis (Heckel, 1840), Astyanax lineatus (Perugia, 1891), Gymnogeophagus balzanii (Perugia, 1891), and Trigonectes balzanii (Perugia, 1891) as ‘Río Paraguay at Cáceres (formerly Villa María), Mato Gross...
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The species Farlowella paranaense Meinken, 1937 was originally described from Corrientes Province, Argentina. The holotype material was housed in the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin where it was purportedly destroyed during the Second World War. The aim of the present note is to report the finding of the specimen. The validity and taxonomical affinit...
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Kegel described Amaralia as monospecific genus for his new ichnofossil species A. paulistana, which he thought to be related to an informal group of bilobite trace fossils which gathers, for example, the ichnogenera Cruziana, Isopodichnus and Rusophycus. Besides some mere listings Amaralia has not received any attention in literature until Häntzsch...
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The purpose of this paper is to present an updated list of freshwater fishes found in Argentina based on the available literature. Since the last list was published in 2003, most systematical and distributional changes were presented on and updates have been published frequently. In only 12 years the number of species reported...
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Several species of Astyanax have been reported from Argentina which currently are considered not to be distributed so far South or whose identity as Astyanax is doubtful. These records have been copied during decades based on historic accounts or erroneous determination. We conclude that Astyanax bimaculatus, A. fasciatus, A. paranahybae, A. scabri...
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Perugia (1891) described and recorded many fish species from Argencina, Paraguay and Brazil, whose voucher specimens were deposited at the Museo Civico di Scoria Nacurale di Genova (MSNG). Several species recorded by Perugia (1891) from Argentina were misidentified , which lead to erroneous citations of species for the Rio de la Plata basin during...
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Poecilia vivipara has been reported as being found in the freshwaters of Argentina since 1913. After analysis of the respective literature these accounts are considered erroneous as in no contribution a specimen from Argentina was listed.
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The hypoptopomatine genus Eurycheilichthys was so far considered to be endemic to the South of Brazil. One of its species, E. pantherinus, was described from the upper Uruguay river basin. We inform about the finding of this species within the Garibaldi creek, headwater of the arroyo Yabotí Guazú. This is the first record for Argentina which is fou...
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Miranda Ribeiro (1912) described Trichomycterus eichorniarum based on specimens caught between the pseudo-rhizomes of the water hyacinth Eichhornia azurea and named the species referring to this circumstance. In the description he missed an 'h' in both, the specific name and the provided reference to 'Eichornea'. The latter is an orthographical var...
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The aim of this list of species of freshwater fishes from Uruguay is to provide an updated supplement to the ‘Checklist of Freshwater Fishes of Uruguay (CLOFFUY)’ published by Litz & Koerber (2014).
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During time many species of Hypostomines have been reported from the freshwaters of Argentina. Most records have been confirmed, but others must be considered erroneous. We provide lists of both categories based on our actual knowledge gained from the exhaustive collection available in MHNG and from literature accounts, sometimes forced to make edu...
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The purpose of this paper to present the first complete list of freshwater fishes from Uruguay based on the available literature. It would have been impossible to review al papers from the beginning of ichthyology, starting with authors as far back as Larrañaga or Jenyns, who worked the preserved fishes Darwin brought back home from his famous trip...
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The cichlid species Crenicichla lacustris has been reported twice from Argentina. The chronology of the records in literature and the specimens these record were based on were analyzed. The records of Crenicichla lacustris from Argentina are considered erroneous and assigned to other species of the genus. Resumen El cíclido Crenicichla lacustris ha...
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In the present note, we cite Mimagoniates inequalis from the río Paraná de las Palmas, close to Buenos Aires City. This record represents the first one for Argentina.
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Camposichthys has been published three times for genera of bony fishes, generating a triple homonymy which is described and analyzed in this paper. A replacement name for the youngest homonym is presented.
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As mentioned by Malabarba et al. (2004), the paper of Messner was published as mimeographed copies and seems not to be available in public libraries. Only few copies are known from private libraries. Our initial idea was to scan the one available to us, clean it graphically from scratches, dots, and shadows, and grant public access after having mad...
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The presence of Ctenobrycon multiradiatus (Steindachner, 1876) in faunal lists for Argentina is attributed to a read error of Ringuelet et al. (1967). The species is considered not to be distributed in Argentina.
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Short time after a paper was published by Koerber & Azpelicueta (2009), the authors received a copy of a barely known paper of Weyenbergh (1881) which provides information on the original description date of Jenynsia obscura. The authors had stated that two papers could be considered to contain the original desciption of Jenynsia obscura as a new s...
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Since the beginning of the binominal nomenclature authors dedicate names of new species described by them to persons they want to honour, mostly to the collectors or donators of the specimens the new species is based on, to colleagues, or, in fewer cases, to family members. This paper aims to provide a list of these names used for freshwater fishes...
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The poecillid species Phalloptychus januarius has been reported repeatedly from Argentina. The chronology of the records in literature is analyzed and the records of Phalloptychus januarius from Argentina are tentatively assigned to Phalloceros caudimaculatus.
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In 1891 Axel Johan Einar Lönnberg became a Doctor of Science and a Fellow of Zoology at the University of Uppsala. From 1904 to 1933, he served as head of the Vertebrate Department of the Royal Natural History Museum of Stockholm where after his expeditions around the world he worked the collected material himself. Although he was specialized in or...
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In dem der DKG-Literaturstelle überlassenen Nachlass des verstorbenen Dr. Fritz FRÖHLICH wurde ein Sonderdruck eines bisher systematisch nicht beachteten Artikels zur Bekämpfung von Arboviren durch natürliche Maßnahmen aufgefunden. RADDA (1970a) beschreibt die Möglichkeit Fische, in diesem Fall Eierlegende Zahnkarpfen, als natürliche Fressfeinde de...
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The type material of Xiphophorus heckelii Weyenbergh, 1874 and X. obscurus Weyenbergh, 1877 has apparently been reexamined for the first time. Xiphophorus heckelii is confirmed as a junior synonym of Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842). Xiphophorus obscurus is recognized as a senior synonym of Jenynsia pygogramma Boulenger, 1902, which is placed i...
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Hermann Burmeister usually is known as the first director of the Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires and/or the person who was asked by president Sarmiento to bring European scientists to Argentina. Two decades before he founded the Córdoba group, formed by Lorentz, Weyenbergh, the Doering brothers and others, and thus assisted in initiating...
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ILPLA, the Instituto de Limnologia ‘Dr. Raul A. Ringuelet’ in Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, Argentina, is an extension of Universidad Nacional de La Plata, just as the Museo de La Plata (MLP) is, both with their own ichthyological collection and housing of type material. For the ILPLA collection so far no type catalogue has been published nor is...
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The recently published description of &RU\GRUDV ORQJLSLQQLV contains four passages with information about the type locality and one on the further distribution of the species. The provided data are contradictory regarding to the type locality and the present paper aims to identify the correct position. A map and GPS data, both missing in the origin...
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Hisonotus hungy sp. n. is described from the arroyo Tirica, rfo Parana basin in Misiones province, Argentina. ffisonotus hungy sp. n. is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: 20-22 lateral plates, 5 branched anal-fin rays, absence of pad on snout tip, blunt and deep snout, snout 45.5-50.9 (% in HL), eye 13.4-17.l (% in HL), predorsa...
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Weyenbergh in 1877 described Synbranchus döringii from lakes near Santa Fé, Argentina. Synbranchus döringii is considered as a synonym of Synbranchus marmoratus, a widespread species occurring throughout Central and South Amer-ica (Kullander 2003). Synbranchus Döringii, as spelled in the original description, is frequently listed sub S. doringii by...
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Hyphessobrycon isiri sp. n., is described from the no Uruguay basin. Hyphessobrycon isiri sp. n. differs from the remaining species of the genus by the presence of teeth of the inner series of the premaxilla with 5 to 11 cusps, one maxillary tooth with 7 cusps; 16 to 22 branched anal-fin rays; one humeral spot vertically elongated, and a rnidlatera...
Conference Paper
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The province of Misiones, in Argentina, is located between 25°-28° S and 53°30’-56° W. Sierras de Misiones, de la Victoria, and Imán divide the province from the northeast to the southwest in three different slopes, in which the streams flow into the rivers Paraná, Uruguay, and Iguazú. In 2001, one of the authors (SK) organized a collection in the...
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Important articles about the remarkable neotropical naked tetra Gymnocharacinus bergii are listed, poorly known or published in journals hardly to obtain. Zusammenfassung: Wesentliche, z.T. wenig bekannte oder in relativ unbekannten Journalen publizierte Arbeiten über den bemerkenswerten neotropischen Messingsalmer Gymnocharacinus bergii werden vor...
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Un viaggio di raccolta nella provincia argentina di Misiones, organizzato all 'inizio del 2001 dal Museo de La Plata, Argentina, e dalla Società Tedesca di Ittiologia, ha reso per la prima volta disponibile a fini acquariofili il Ciclide "Cichlasoma" tembe Casciotta, Gómez & Toresani, 1995 appartiene, insieme a "Cichlasoma" facetum Jenyns, 1842), "...
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A new species of the tribe Otothyrini is described from the Río Uruguay basin in Misiones, Argentina. Epactionotus aky n.sp. was collected in the streams Fortaleza and Garibaldi; both streams are headwaters of the arroyo Yabotí-Guazú. The new species is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: 1) 21 to 23 lateral plates; 2) light strip...
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Eine Anfang 2001 vom argentinischen Museo de La Plata und von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie durchgeführte Sammelreise in die argentinische Provinz Misiones machte neben anderen Arten auch den Buntbarsch „Cichlasoma" tembe erstmals für die Aquaristik verfügbar.
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Part 1: Aquarium 34 (4): 20-26 Part 2: Aquarium 34 (5): 36-41
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In der Januarausgabe wurde von KNAACK (2003) das Verbreitungsgebiet von Corydoras ellisae mit Hinweisen auf morphologische Unterschiede und ökologische Aspekte erläutert. KNAACK beschränkt hier das Verbreitungsgebiet auf das südöstliche Paraguay und hierin auf die östlichen Zuflüsse des Río Paraguay zwischen 24°-25° Süd und 56-57 West. Diese Gewäss...
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"C. alexandri is so named by request of aquarists Fcrnandez-Santo and Castelli from Buenos Aires who diseovered the species at Entre Rios, Argen-tina." Mit dieser Fußnote wird die Etymologie die-ses Killifisches in der Erstbeschreibung von CASTELLO & LOPE (1974) angegeben. Leider gaben die Autoren keine weitere Erläuterung ab, was in den nachfolgen...


Questions (2)
I am looking for a paper (or several) in which the difference between nomenclature and taxonomy has been described in a clear wording.
To me the difference of these concepts is so obvious that I never cared about something written on this.
In my current case the above is connected to resolving a homonymy.
Can someone help me with that?
Do we have a widely accepted glossary on the conditions to describe the status of introduced species?
Not every nonindigneous becomes established, not every established becomes invasive...
I am looking for a recognized glossary as I don't want to use terms as exotic, alien etc.


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