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Stavroula Patsiomitou

Stavroula Patsiomitou
Ministry of Education, Athens, Greece

Education Advisor, Ph.D. (Didactics of Mathematics using DGS) -MEd on Didactics and Methodology of Mathematics


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September 1983 - February 2023
Ministry of Education,Athens, Greece
  • High School Teacher of MathematicsResearcher
  • Teacher of mathematics and also a researcher. I have taught mathematics many years: (a) in private high schools (1983-1997) and (b) in state secondary education, appointed in 1998. I was acting as Researcher since 2005 (Research on DGS)
October 1998 - June 2001
University of the Aegean
  • Mentoring
  • Practical training of prospective teachers of Mathematics
March 2012 - June 2014
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Mentoring
  • Practical training of prospective teachers of Mathematics


Publications (89)
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The present paper attempts to bridge the world of DGS technology with the world Euclid bequeathed to us in his "Elements". Competence in the DGS environment depends on the competence of the cognitive analysis as students seek to decode their ideas using the tools provided by the software. The dynamic notions (e.g., dynamic point, dynamic segment, i...
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In the current study the theoretical notion of instrumental learning path or trajectory is analyzed through examples based on a research synthesis. I point out the role of instrumental decoding in a static or dynamic environment, and how the competence of the participants (students-researcher/ teacher) can influence the holistic result of the learn...
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Investigating, managing, reflecting on, reading, reorganizing, conceiving, activating and implementing new ideas, notions and terms in the context of an extended research study lie at the core of creativity and innovation. The most important step after you have coined a new idea is to investigate the idea's potential to be transformed into a succes...
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Η επίδραση της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και των ψηφιακών μέσων στην αξιολόγηση των σχολικών μονάδων και στη βελτίωση της ποιότητας του εκπαιδευτικού έργου Σταυρούλα Πατσιομίτου Σύμβουλος Εκπαίδευσης Μαθηματικών, Δ.Δ.Ε. Γ΄ Αθήνας Περίληψη Η ανάγκη για βελτίωση της ποιότητας του εκπαιδευτικού έργου μέσα από την αξιολόγησή του είναι ένα σημαντικό αλλά και...
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The current study emphasizes the significance of digital media and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in developing innovative approaches to concept introduction. The study centers on an educational experiment aimed at investigating AI technologies, including ChatGPT, Leonardo.AI, Lumen5.AI, and Pictory.AI, in the creation of Linking Visual Active Repres...
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Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2024). Νοητικές, Εργαλειακές και Αφαιρετικές Γεωμετρικές Διαδρομές στα Τετράπλευρα. Εκδόσεις Αγγελάκη. ISBN: 978-960-616-370-8.
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The current study has been influenced by that aspect of the philosophy of Realistic Mathematics Education which holds that mathematics should be learned as an activity of progressive mathematization. In this study I have used the Geometer’s Sketchpad to design tasks for young learners, anticipating their reactions. My aim is to propose and introduc...
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Research on DGS (including the meanings developed during the writing of my PhD thesis)
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Inquiry approaches using coloured manipulatives are a fruitful field for the investigation of mathematical concepts, embedded in a re-conceptualized, research-based curriculum. Manipulatives are designed to mediate between a particular mathematical concept and the way pupils learn that concept. Many researchers highlight the advantages of computer...
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Curriculum materials are instructional materials produced to be used for teaching and learning. Successful teaching requires new materials and innovative approaches. In the present study, I shall present DGS Cui-rods an instructional material for effective teaching and learning of mathematical concepts. I created them in the Geometer's Sketchpad en...
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Στην παρούσα μονογραφία-προϊόν μακρόχρονης ερευνητικής εργασίας-καταβάλλεται η προσπάθεια καταγραφής σε πίνακες, αποτύπωσης σε διαγράμματα και ερμηνείας της υπάρχουσας κατάστασης σε ότι αφορά την κατανομή των φύλων στην εκπαίδευση, εστιάζοντας στη διερεύνηση της ισότιμης μεταχείρισης των φύλων σε θέσεις ηγεσίας στην εκπαίδευση. Σκιαγραφείται η διαμ...
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Η παρούσα μονογραφία αποτελεί επιλογή και σύνθεση αποσπασμάτων (α) της ενδελεχούς μελέτης μου στην έννοια της αναπαράστασης (β) του θεωρητικού πλαισίου της διδακτορικής μου διατριβής (Πατσιομίτου, 2012α), (γ) της μονογραφίας για τη διδακτική των μαθηματικών «A trajectory for the teaching and learning of the didactics of mathematics: linking visual...
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I start my introduction to the book with the notion of hypothetical learning trajectories, providing ways in which the geometry curriculum can invoke a dynamic reinvention process through teaching for the construction of geometrical objects. The 1st chapter provides essential answers to the questions: “What are mathematical objects? What are diagra...
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In the current study, I will be presenting a literature review regarding the importance of students building a problem's representation and the role modeling a real-world problem plays in students' progressive mathematization. I shall introduce five types of geometrical problems applying the meaning of Linking Visual Active Representations (LVARs)....
Conference Paper
Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί μία συνοπτική παρουσίαση των δειγμάτων γραφής, που υποβλήθηκαν στο ΙΕΠ για τη συγγραφή των διδακτικών σχολικών εγχειριδίων των Μαθηματικών της Β΄ και Ε΄ τάξης του Δημοτικού σχολείου. Με τη διδασκαλία των Μαθηματικών στο Δημοτικό Σχολείο επιδιώκεται η απόκτηση βασικών μαθηματικών γνώσεων και ικανοτήτων με χρήση μεθόδων μάθ...
Conference Paper
Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2017). Τάσεις αναδιαμόρφωσης της ‘θεωρίας’ φύλου στην εκπαίδευση: οι άνδρες ηγούνται διοικητικά και οι γυναίκες ηγούνται επιμορφωτικά/διδακτικά. Συνέδριο «Νέος Παιδαγωγός».1-2 Απριλίου. Ευγενίδειο ίδρυμα σσ. 1447-1473 Patsiomitou, S. (2017). Trends of a 'gender theory' in education: men are management leaders and women are pedagog...
Conference Paper
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Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2016). Περιβάλλον και περιβάλλοντα μάθησης: Ο ρόλος του παιχνιδιού στην ανάπτυξη ικανοτήτων και ευαισθητοποίησης των παιδιών για ένα αειφόρο σχολείο. Συνέδριο «Η εκπαίδευση την εποχή των ΤΠΕ και της καινοτομίας».5-6 Νοεμβρίου 2016, Ευγενίδειο ίδρυμα, σελ. 967-994. • Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Environment and learning environments: Th...
Conference Paper
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Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2016). Μελέτη της τάσης διαμόρφωσης των φύλων εποπτών-εποπτευομένων μελών ως προς την επίβλεψη-εκπόνηση διπλωματικών εργασιών μεταπτυχιακών τμημάτων με θετική κατεύθυνση. Συνέδριο «Η εκπαίδευση την εποχή των ΤΠΕ και της καινοτομίας».5-6 Νοεμβρίου 2016, σελ. 943-966. • Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Study of the tendency of gender supervi...
Conference Paper
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Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2016δ). Θεωρητικά μοντέλα αξιολόγησης της αποτελεσματικότητος των εκπαιδευτικών μέσω των επαγγελματικών/εκπαιδευτικών τους ικανοτήτων: επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικών. Συνέδριο «Η εκπαίδευση την εποχή των ΤΠΕ και της καινοτομίας».5-6 Νοεμβρίου 2016, Ευγενίδειο ίδρυμα, σελ. 865-898 • Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Theoretical models f...
Conference Paper
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Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (2016). Αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας των εκπαιδευτικών μέσω των επαγγελματικών/εκπαιδευτικών τους ικανοτήτων: Μοντέλα αξιολόγησης. 1ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Εκπαιδευτικής Αξιολόγησης. Χαροκόπειο Πανεπιστήμιο, 28-29 Μαΐου. Περίληψη εισήγησης στα Πρακτικά στου Συνεδρίου, σσ. 90-91. • Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Ev...
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• Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Linking Visual Active Representations: Synthesis, implementation and evaluation of a Curriculum based on "dynamic" transformations and interaction techniques. Scientific journal “The New Educator (Neos Paidagogos)”. 7th issue, pp.315-347 http://neospaidagogos.gr/periodiko/files/7_Teyxos_Neou_Paidagogou_Septemvriou_2016.pdf...
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Synthesis, application and evaluation of a "dynamic" curriculum: Transformations of fractals objects, parametric regular polygons and number π. Invited Speech. 3rd Panhellenic Conference of “The New Educator (Neos Paidagogos)”April 16-17. Eugenides Foundation, pp.3563-3602. Στην παρούσα εργασία θα συζητηθεί η σύνθεση ενός Π...
Conference Paper
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• Patsiomitou, S. (2016). Contemporary perceptions about the formation of gender specialities in Secondary-level Education: Gender’s and non gender’s (neutral) specialities. 3rd Panhellenic Conference of “The New Educator (Neos Paidagogos)”April 16-17. Eugenides Foundation, pp. 920-942. Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάζεται ο χαρακτήρας των ειδικοτήτων...
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Patsiomitou, S. (2015). "Dynamic Teaching Circle of Mathematics through Linking Visual Active Representations". Scientific Journal "ERKYNA", PanHellenic Pedagogical Society for Secondary-level Education. Vol.7, pp. 70-86. Http://erkyna.gr/e_docs/periodiko/dimosieyseis/thet_epistimes/t07-05.pdf Στην εργασία θα παρουσιαστούν, αποσπάσματα μιας ποιοτ...
Conference Paper
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• Patsiomitou, S. (2015) Gender equality in [STEM] education: Why Do Women Teach and Men Manage? Proceedings of the Panhellenic conference “The New Educator (Neos Paidagogos)”, 23-24 May, Eugenides Foundation, pp. 1267-1290.
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. (2015). Study of the tendency of scientific/academic development of candidates school advisors with a focus to their gender. N. Tzimopoulos, N. Roumeli (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference of ICT Teachers. Exploiting Information and Communication Technologies in the Teaching Act ", Greek Ministry of Education,Syros,...
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Patsiomitou, S. (2015) ‘Dynamic’ Teaching Cycle of Mathematics through Linking Visual Active Representations". Proceedings of the Conference "Good Practices and Innovation in Secondary-level Education". PanHellenic Pedagogical Society for Secondary-level Education. Athens College-Psychiko College.
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The current study aims to focus on mathematical tasks for students' mathematical literacy and problem solving literacy. Excerpts are presented from dynamic hypothetical learning paths [DHLP] s and students' learning progression. The excerpts center around activities aimed to develop the students' geometrical thinking through the development of thei...
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Patsiomitou, S.. (2013) The Instrumental decoding of students’ conceptual knowledge through the modeling of real problems in a dynamic environment. “EUCLID C”: Scientific journal of Hellenic Mathematical Society (79), pp.107-136.
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The current study presents excerpts of my PhD thesis in which I developed a ‘dynamic’ hypothetical learning path (DHLP) with regard to student’s cognitive development. The aim was to investigate if they would raise their van Hiele levels during and after participation in the research process. Students interacted using the interaction techniques of...
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In the next sections I shall describe a 'dynamic' hypothetical learning path (DHLP) for the learning of the concept of parallelogram in geometry, which helped the students of the experimental team to raise their van Hiele levels. The design of the DHLP started with a 'thought experiment' with which I imagined a learning path for the understanding o...
Conference Paper
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• Patsiomitou, S. (2012). Building and Transformations of Linking Visual Active Representations – Implementation of LVARs for the teaching of mathematics in class. Proceedings of 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation "ICT in Education" (HCICTE, 2012), University of Thessaly http://www.etpe.gr/custom/pdf/etpe1895.pdf
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This study sought to examine how the competence of student's instrumental decoding affects the development of their ability to construct dynamic meanings in a dynamic geometry environment. I shall be presenting types of instrumental obstacles stemming from the students' tools selection or from the Euclidean definition of segment. This sense may lea...
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In this paper we describe a twofold teaching experiment carried out in a year 10 mathematics class in Greece which sought to investigate a) how the building and testing of LVAR (Linking Visual Active Representations) modes by the students supported by the Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic geometry software, impacts on students way of thinking with regar...
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In this paper, we shall present indicative results, with reference to excerpts from a qualitative-oriented research project designed to study the effect, the use of the Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic geometry software (DGS) has on the progression of students' geometric reasoning. The results let us to conclude that the students developed their van Hi...
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In this paper, we shall present indicative results of a research process concerning a hypothetical learning path for the teaching and learning of quadrilaterals in geometry. The results presented here emerged from the interaction within a group in the experimental team and their engagement with meaningful problem-solving activities supported by the...
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The present study presents the different LVAR modes which can be constructed in Geometer's Sketchpad v4 dynamic geometry software. The paper posits an explanation of the correlation between the five phases in the apprenticeship/learning process proposed by van Hiele and the developing theory on LVAR. A few examples of the different modes of LVAR ar...
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. and Emvalotis, A. (2009b). 'Economy' and 'Catachrèse' to the use of custom tools/scripts in a dynamic geometry environment. Proceedings of the 26th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, pp. 776-785, Thessaloniki (November 2009)(in Greek)
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The present paper attempts to bridge the world of digital technology and the world Euclid bequeathed us in his "Elements". The role of the design process of activities in an dynamic geometry interactive environment such as that of Geometer's Sketchpad v4 is examined, along with ways in which students can be assisted to understand algebraic concepts...
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Contribution Composing and testing a DG research?based curriculum designed to develop students? geometrical thinking The aim of the study was to address deficiencies in the current geometry instruction in Greek secondary schools. Van Hieles (Clements, Battista, & Sarama, 2001) developed a theoretical model involving five discrete levels of thought-...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we investigate how a custom tool conceived /built by the researcher (S.P) in the Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic geometry software, encouraged students to produce their own, usage schemes by which they tended to choose the tool as the most familiar or the most available tool using it by "economy" or using it in an informal way the resea...
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The paper draws on an experiment conducted in a secondary school mathematics classroom in Greece which sought to investigate the transformation of students' skills following the use of the Sketchpad dynamic diagram transformations by comparing pre and post paper-pencil tests. We conclude that the dynamic geometry software is an effective component...
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In this paper we describe a twofold teaching experiment carried out in a secondary-level mathematics class in Greece which sought to investigate a) how the building and testing of LVAR (Linking Visual Active Representations) modes by the students supported by the Geometer's Sketchpad dynamic geometry software, impacts on students way of thinking wi...
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. (2009). Cognitive and theoretical (gnostikotheoretices) links using the Geometer’s Sketchpad software’s interaction techniques. Proceedings of the 5th Pan-Hellenic ICT Conference, entitled "Exploiting Information and Communication Technologies in Didactic Practice", Greek Ministry of Education,pp. 583-591. Syros 8, 9, 10 May 2009.
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The paper draws on an experiment conducted in a secondary school mathematics classroom in Greece which aimed to explore ways in which students develop their intuition, their meanings construction and the proving process in the Geometer's Sketchpad v4 DGS environment, using a custom tool which combines the beautiful drawing and the figure with geome...
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The present paper attempts to bridge the world of digital technology and the world Euclid bequeathed us in his "Elements". The role of the design process of activities in an dynamic geometry interactive environment such as that of Geometer's Sketchpad v4 is examined, along with ways in which students can be assisted to understand algebraic concepts...
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The present study presents the different modes of LVAR which can be constructed in Geometer's Sketchpad v4 dynamic geometry software. The paper posits an explanation of the correlation between the five phases in the apprenticeship/learning process proposed by van Hiele and the developing theory on LVAR. A few examples of the different modes of LVAR...
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The paper draws on an experiment conducted in a secondary school mathematics classroom in Greece which aimed to explore ways in which students develop problem representations, reasoning and rigorous proof through building visual active representations. The paper introduces the meanings of Linking Visual Active Representations (LVAR) and Reflective...
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The paper draws on a didactic experiment conducted in a secondary school mathematics class-room in Greece which aimed to explore a) ways in which students develop problem representa-tions, reasoning and problem-solving, making decisions and receiving feedback about their ideas and strategies in a DGS-supported environment b) ways in which students...
Patsiomitou, S., & Koleza, E. (2008). From schemes to social schemes through an instrumental orchestration process. “EUCLID C”: Scientific journal of Hellenic Mathematical Society (68), 105-130 ( in Greek)
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. (2008) . The construction of the number φ and the Fibonacci sequence using The Geometer's Sketchpad v4 Dynamic Geometry software. Proceedings of the 1st Pan-Hellenic ICT Educational Conference, "Digital Material to support Primary and Secondary-level teachers' pedagogical work", p.307-315 Naoussa, 9-11 May 2008. Πατσιομίτου, Σ. (20...
Conference Paper
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It has been ascertained through research but also through experience in class, that students encounter difficulties in the construction and perception of the concept of the limit. It has been investigated how the DGS environment can develop the connection between procedural and conceptual knowledge resulting from the interaction of 15 year-old stud...
Conference Paper
Patsiomitou, S. (2007) The Conic Sections: A teaching approach using internet - Quick movies, Geometer's Sketchpad v4, Cabri 3D and Function Probe. Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic ICT Conference titled: "Exploiting Information and Communication Technologies in Educational Practices.", Greek Ministry of Education, pp.38-47, Syros, 4-6 May 2007
Patsiomitou, S. (2007): Modeling Euclid's Elements in The Geometer's Sketchpad v4 dynamic geometry software. "Astrolavos": Scientific journal of New Technologies of the Hellenic Mathematical Society, (8), pp. 61-89
Conference Paper
Patsiomitou, S. (2006): An approximation process generating mumber pi (π) through inscribed/circumscribed parametric polygons in a circle or through Riemann integrals' approximation process. Experimentation and research in a Dynamic Geometry Software Environment. Proceedings of the 23rd Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society,...
Conference Paper
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Patsiomitou, S. (2006). DGS ‘custom tools/scripts’ as building blocks for the formulation of theorems-in-action, leading to the proving process. Proceedings of the 5th Pan-Hellenic Conference with International Participation "ICT in Education" (HCICTE 2006), pp. 271-278, Thessaloniki, 5-8 October. ISBN 960-88359-3-3 (in Greek)http://www.etpe.gr/cus...


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