Souza R.C. F.

Souza R.C. F.
Federal University of Minas Gerais | UFMG · Department of Projects (PRJ)

Ph.D. Architecture / PCHE Higher Education - UK
Post-Graduation and Graduation Tutor, head of research group in Environmental Computing in Arch. and Urban design


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Architect and Urban Design, Ph.D. Arch and Post-graduate certificate inHigher Education scholl of Education Shef 2008. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture of Federal University of Minas Gerais. Head of research team in Environmental Computing for insights on Information technologies applied in the architectural projects and urban design process and their effects over other aspects of the city. Stay in contact.
Additional affiliations
January 1995 - January 2017
Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Associate professor and head of research group "Environmental computing"
October 2016 - October 2024
Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Professor Associado do Departamento de Projeto
January 2009 - present
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil
  • Head of research team in Environmental Computing
  • We study how qualities like territoriality, privacy, identity and ambiance are affect and how for Ubicomp devices and computational resources.
August 2004 - September 2008
The University of Sheffield
Field of study
  • Ph. D. in Architectures


Publications (73)
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Este trabalho investiga estratégias espaciais que, associadas ao sistema alimentar, permitem compreender a sinergia dos elementos e atividades relacionados à produção, processamento, distribuição, preparação e consumo de alimentos, levando em consideração o espaço urbano, processos, instituições, pessoas, insumos e infraestruturas. Para isso, recor...
Conference Paper
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Objetivo: Estudar o ODS 1 “erradicação de pobreza”, para a transformação mundial almejada pelos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, com o uso do instrumental da inteligência artificial, ancorando todas as inferências de importância a bibliografias citadas. Metodologia: Utilizar a inteligência artificial para construir um input dinâmico de da...
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Na perspectiva de um mundo contemporâneo cada vez mais complexo e na disponibilidade de ferramentais poderosos da tecnologia da Informação, três estudos de caso sobre o meio ambiente construído e a sustentabilidade são analisados com vistas a problematizar o enquadramento epistemológico que adotam, que são basicamente o hipotético dedutivismo e a a...
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This work first presents the Acaiaca building, recognizing its iconicity in the city of Belo Horizonte, and discussing aspects of patrimonialization. The building has two sculptures of indigenous faces on its facade, which contribute to the symbolic establishment in the city. Taking advantage of this characteristic of this element of cultural herit...
Conference Paper
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Reconhecendo a importante correlação entre ambientes alimentares, seus constituintes, suas dinâmicas e sua relação a obesogenicidade, este artigo investiga as abordagens configuracionais das teorias urbanas como ferramenta de apoio à pesquisa em saúde e espaço urbano. Utilizamos a teoria da Sintaxe Espacial e da ferramenta ‘Urban Network Analysis’...
Greater neighborhood greenspace has been associated with better cardiometabolic risk factors, especially in high-income countries. This cross-sectional and longitudinal study assessed this association in approximately 2000 participants of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) residing in Belo Horizonte, a large Brazilian ca...
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A falta de manutenção preventiva em obras de arte especiais pode gerar danos econômicos, sociais, riscos à segurança da população e a redução da vida útil de suas estruturas. A determinação adequada das causas das patologias é importante para a escolha dos métodos de recuperação e, diante disso, o trabalho analisa a importância do uso de novas tecn...
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Segundo Edward Hall, Proxêmica é o termo que designa a inter-relação entre observação e teoria de uso que o homem faz do espaço e na interação destes com o mesmo, observadas à partir de quatro de quatro esferas diferentes de relacionamentos: íntimo, pessoal, social e público. Apropriando-se do conceito de Hall, a pesquisa tem como objetivo o deline...
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RESUMO: Este artigo aborda aspectos de um acervo digital e, posteriormente, um catálogo digital de esculturas e outros marcos presentes na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. São ressaltados como métodos centrais a tecnologia, Structure from Motion-SfM, como meio de obtenção dos modelos geométricos, sua disponibilização em meios digitai...
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o catálogo interactivo dos actuais 693 artigos publicados, em 36 temas, ao longo de 15 anos, pela Infohabitar - revista semanal sobre habitat humano associada à GHabitar.
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It explain the inicial ideas about the refurbish and ampliation of the Beaux Art School of UFMG. The project have been build since 2013 due economical restrictions.
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The definition of spatial units for data aggregation is a challenge for research in Urban Health, to help visualizing inequities and build an analytical chain that also integrates demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and environmental data. We present a case study comparing the administrative and the spatial divisions obtained by the test of the in...
We attempt to discover, among the complexity we live, new categories, types, taxonomies to open the understanding about the phenomena of living together in contemporary cities of Brazil.
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The definition of spatial units of data aggregation is a challenge for research in Urban Health, aiming help visualizing inequities and build an analytical chain that also integrates demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and environmental data. We present a case study comparing the administrative and the spatial divisions obtained by the test of the...
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Estuda-se o apoio de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG) para o ensino de projetos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Esperava-se que estudantes alcançassem maior rapidez na tomada de decisões gerando hipóteses projetuais e testando-as, o quê hipoteticamente, resultaria em soluções de projeto mais criativas e detalhadas. Observação e avaliação dos p...
Conference Paper
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RESUMO Para experimentar novos ferramentais para o projeto de mobilidade sustentável nas cidades brasileiras, um teste foi conduzido visando analisar criticamente a implementação de instrumentos analíticos oferecidos por plataformas computacionais contemporâneas. Uma área da cidade de Belo Horizonte, denominada aqui Recorte G, foi escolhida por apr...
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Discute-se a metodologia para a determinação de indicadores de Mobilidade Ativa (MA) em cidades brasileiras, confrontando-se padrões internacionais e adaptações requeridas para o Brasil. Toma-se a cidade de Belo Horizonte como estudo de caso da pesquisa ainda em curso. Argumenta-se que o estudo dos dados secundários do espaço urbano, quando primeir...
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Discute-se a metodologia para a determinação de indicadores de Mobilidade Ativa (MA) em cidades brasileiras, confrontando-se padrões internacionais e adaptações requeridas para o Brasil. Toma-se a cidade de Belo Horizonte como estudo de caso da pesquisa ainda em curso. Argumenta-se que o estudo dos dados secundários do espaço urbano, quando primeir...
Conference Paper
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Tema: O Digital na relação com a realidade Tecnologias digitais na linguagem dos lugares A linguagem é a casa do ser, nos diz Heidegger: " die Sprache ist das Haus des Seins " [1] . A essência da casa é para o habitar humano [2] e ele esclarece que a linguagem, em primeiro, dá morada ao ser que habita a casa, sendo a construção da moradia ulterior:...
Conference Paper
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O artigo toma como ponto de partida o conceito de mobilidade ativa nas cidades brasi-leiras, examinando a utilização das técnicas dos sistemas de informação aplicadas à pesquisa, gestão e elaboração de projetos de espaços públicos e privados. Mobilidade ativa é compreendida como o conjunto dos deslocamentos dos pedestres, sem meios motorizados, com...
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TThe definition of spatial units as the preferential locus for healthcare provision is a challenging task when we seek healthcare models that humanize the health services and reduce inequities concerning access to them, integrating demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and environmental data, and configuring the social determinants of health at a lo...
Technical Report
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Relatório de atividades consubstanciado de Renato César Ferreira de Souza, requisito parcial à obtenção de progressão vertical à classe de Professor Associado da carreira de ensino superior da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.
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The great evolution in Information and Communication Technologies in recent decades has transformed the relationship of users with digital tools, resulting in the spread of collaborative tools for data geolocation, both in the production of maps as in disseminating information. In this context, architects and urban planners become potential agents...
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Palavras Chave: DESENHO URBANO. ENSINO E PESQUISA. COMPUTAÇÃO AMBIENTAL. GOVERATI. Resumo O artigo discute as mudanças no ensino e na pesquisa acerca do espaço das grandes cidades brasileiras, considerando alguns dos novos paradigmas introduzidos pela Tecnologia da Informação (TI) na busca de uma produção e gestão mais sustentáveis. Através da apre...
Technical Report
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“Uso da Computação móvel como Instrumental para o Desenho Universal: Educação, Avaliação e Melhoria do Espaço Urbano.”
Working Paper
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For more concise reference of this working text see please
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This article describes the research process that was carried out at the University of Sheffield's School of Architecture in the development of a theoretical framework to help designers in the application of Information Technology (IT) to urban projects. In that framework, electronic components such as microprocessors, sensors, displays, tags, actua...
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This paper discusses the impacts of the usage of Information Technology in the physical space of the city. It discusses the concept of “place” and “technology”, trying to understand how they are related. It examines the lack of one convergent approach that considers the formal structure of places and their relation with a sort of network logic pres...
Conference Paper
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The problem we are dealing with in this paper is the search for improvement of the management of the campus´ parking at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), at Belo Horizonte city, Brazil. A current survey ran by 2011 shows that there are 5,452 car vacancies, whereas the needed amount is about 55,000 (
Conference Paper
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This paper describes an experiment of proposing the early stages of design of skyscraper, questioning how those mega-structures will interfere over contemporary and future living and respective urban scene. A politic and economical background framed the context but was also flexible enough to not narrow students' imaginations and decisions. It star...
Conference Paper
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Case studies are presented pointing out problems that probably slower the development of Ubicomp and Environmental Computing. A place-theoretical framework was developed in order to correlate both creativeness and technical routine for helping Computer Scientists, Mechatronic Engineers and Environmental Designers such Urban Designers and Architects...
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This iBook will address attention to creativity in architectural subjects related to the teaching of Architecture in the University of Sheffield. This research is a result from the dissertation to the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Course (PCHE) at School of Education of The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. The data was colle...
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This book summarizes the history of Architectural Education in Brazil and in the UK, interpreting its relationship with the political, social and cultural life. It emphasizes how the pedagogical approach affects society showing a strong influence of cartesianism and positivism through an "ocularcentric" approach. Some examples are given on how cont...
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This article is based on the research with the same name that was carried out at the school of Architecture of the University of Sheffield. It discusses the physicality of Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), introducing some analytic resources for thinking about problems and possibilities in the incorporation of IT into the design of public spaces. Som...
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Proposal: Describes the research for the development of a theoretical framework to help architects in the application of Information Technology (IT) to urban projects. Methods: In the developed framework, electronic components such as microprocessors, sensors, displays, tags, actuators, etc., were regarded as means of invigorating urban places in c...
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This book contains most of the papers presented at the 2010 International Conference on Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature (ECO-ARCHITECTURE 2010), which was the third iteration of the conference. Previous in the successful series were held in 2006 and the 2008.The papers from the conference series are important in discussing the charact...
This article discusses the use of Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) systems in the design of urban revitalizations and refurbishments, using a specific methodology that considers Information Technology (IT) as one more instrument to harmonize the urban scene with the landscape, minimizing the impacts that those processes can bring. The hypothesis is t...
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This is a brief aboiout a aerotropolis urban project to the regfion near the city Lagoa Santa. Unfortunately economical resources were the cause to block the project.
This is the final report about the Contextual Computing Data Bank to Brazilian Industry.
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This book is an attempt to develop some analytic resources for thinking about problems and possibilities arising from the incorporation of Information Technology (IT) into the design of public spaces, especially in the early stages of design process. The main concern is about how to deploy IT components in order to positively affect various qualiti...
Conference Paper
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Conference Paper
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This paper describes the work of a team of architects, engineers, economists, sociologists, social workers, the city council and an association of homeless people, joining forces to create a pilot housing project as a model for the new loan system for housing in Brazil. The Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil funded this applied research p...
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This case study will address attention to creativity in architectural subjects related to the 1st year of the course of Architecture in the University of Sheffield, in the discipline of Architectural Design 1 (ARC125/126). During that course the students should join two main abilities: the one of imagining solutions in three dimensions and the one...
Technical Report
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Discipline: Interactive Urban Visualisation Modelling, Master's degree course in Architecture at the University of Sheffield, spring semester of 2006. 2
Conference Paper
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Considerations about concrete space and the effects of IT on space.
Conference Paper
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The Learning Distance Process aplied to study of the Environmental Confort is the subject of thispaper. An experiment, done at Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais isdescribed. It used Internet resources to create an aplication about Environmental Confort, wichgenerate a lot of discussion concerning the tradicional teaching...
Conference Paper
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RESUMO O processo de Educação a Distância, aplicado ao ensino de Conforto Ambiental, é relatado aqui, num estudo de caso. A partir de um experimento através da internet, realizado na Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, são caracterizadas as implicações para o ensino tradicional do assunto. A idéia principal é a de que o p...
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This paper describes and analyses some experiments and results of the research project "Advanced informational technologies towards new management", developed in Brazil. A massive amount of Brazilians lives nowadays in houses with poor conditions of sanitation and comfort, usually built in illegally appropriated terrain, against urban regulations a...
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RESUMO O assunto desse texto é o processo de Educação a Distância, aplicado ao estudo do Conforto Ambiental, no âmbito da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG. Relata-se um experimento através da internet, bem como outras implicações para as estratégias de ensino tradicional sobre o assunto. A idéia principal, contudo, foi considerar o ensino e aprendizag...
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This paper presents the results of a reflection considering the intersection point between ubiquitous computing and Ergonomics, and it will exemplify that integration by solving a problem in the regulation of the workload involved when moving in the interior of buildings. It is believed that the Ubiquitous and Ergonomics combined could be a solutio...
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This paper discusses the impacts of the usage of Information Technology in the physical space of the city. It discusses the concept of "place" and "technology", trying to understand how they are related. It examines the lack of one convergent approach that considers the formal structure of places and their relation with a sort of network logic pres...


Question (1)
Querido Roberto, nesse período fomos chamados para fazer a aerotrópolis, com o entusiasmo do pre-sal. Soube que o goiverno tinha chamado uma empresa de Singapura - tenho os videos aqui, e acho que são livres. Também quis ver a reação dos esstudantes que tiveram de fazer edifícios máquinas ao redor do palácio.
Estou às oprdens! Artigo muito bom!


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