Sonia Casillas Martín

Sonia Casillas Martín
University of Salamanca · Departamento de Didáctica, Organización y Métodos de Investigación


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Publications (124)
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El uso de aplicaciones móviles propicia experiencias educativas activas, y puede mejorar la motivación e implicación del estudiante. El presente trabajo pretende: a) aportar una selección de aplicaciones educativas en infantil y primaria, b) conocer la opinión de profesores en formación acerca de dichas aplicaciones, c) analizar la satisfacción del...
La investigación en el ámbito científico de la competencia digital y la competencia lingüística en idioma inglés ha demostrado una relación direccional en la que se señala a la competencia digital como favorecedora de las habilidades lingüísticas en idioma inglés. Sin embargo, no existen investigaciones que hayan estudiado la relación entre las hab...
Las prácticas pedagógicas respaldadas por la neurociencia aún son incipientes en el contexto educativo y el creciente interés por la neuroeducación no se traduce siempre en una implementación adecuada de los hallazgos de la investigación. Los conceptos erróneos sobre el cerebro, conocidos como neuromitos, continúan predominando. En este artículo se...
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This study aims to examine the existing evidence on gamification in educational settings, highlighting its impact on motivation and academic performance. Methodologically, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was developed under the PRISMA statement criteria using three multidisciplinary databases: Web of Science, Scopus, and Scielo. According to t...
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In the new global scene, digital skills are a key skill for students to seize new learning opportunities, train to meet the demands of the labor market, and compete in the global market, while also communicating effectively in their everyday and academic lives. This article presents research aimed at relating the impact of personal variables on the...
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In the last decade, the extensive use of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education in recent years has changed the nature of the teaching–learning environment. However, the adequate use of ICT is necessary for promoting educational practices that contribute to sustainable development. The systematization of the research in t...
From an increasingly early age, girls and boys handle technology, and digital education must become an essential part of the training of young people. The European Union has recognized that it is urgent to strengthen training in digital competence throughout Europe so that Member States can recover from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, i...
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n a society marked by continuous technological changes in favor of education, digital competence is an unavoidable feature in the professional profile of the university teaching staff. This systematic literature review aims at answering the following questions: what basic standards are established by the literature for teacher training in digital c...
Este é o resultado de um encontro para nós muito importante, pois, num primeiro momento, comemora a decima versão do Simpósio Internacional de Educação e Comunicação – SIMEDUC. Num segundo, reúne as contribuições de pesquisas e refl exões de nosso convidados sobre a educação e a comunicação apresentado neste símpósio e, por fi m, comemorarmos o cen...
Networking between teachers and researchers is a challenge in today’s connected society. REUNI+D is a network of prestigious university research groups in the field of education in Spain. The REUNI+D network is committed to the professional development of teachers and researchers in a collaborative framework of open training activities, "open scien...
Actualmente el paradigma tecnosimbólico-positivista de la cuarta revolución industrial hipernormaliza nuestras diversas formas de creatividad. Su estandarización y automatización afectan a ciencia, educa- ción y salud a través del uso y la apropiación de la tecnología. La crisis sanitaria actual ha evidenciado aún más la necesidad de encontrar dise...
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Technology has become invaluable and digital competence has turned into a necessity for students. The research presented here aims to propose mediation models that explain the influence of attitudinal, technology use, and family factors on the level of digital problem-solving skills of compulsory education students (12-14 years old). A quantitative...
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Este artículo revisa el estado del arte de las investigaciones que han evaluado hasta el momento las interacciones entre los humanos y las tecnologías musicales. El objetivo es estudiar cuántas de las investigaciones existentes en este campo han evaluado la singular interacción proactiva, creativa y expresiva de los usuarios tecnológicos, y cuántas...
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Rapid changes in technology force Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to generate policies and permanent digital adaptations in their exercise of forming professionals through university professors. HEIs -in their permanent desire to qualify teaching faculty and graduate high-level professionals- develop continuous training events to strengthen an...
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Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) se utilizan en todos los sectores, incluido el educativo y una competencia básica como es la digital, debe ser desarrollada desde la escuela. Para desarrollar políticas educativas eficaces que integren las TIC en los sistemas educativos y fomenten el desarrollo de esta competencia, es muy im...
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En este artículo se presenta un trabajo que pretende proponer modelos de mediación que expliquen la influencia de variables sociofamiliares en la evaluación de la competencia digital, en el área de comunicación y colaboración, de estudiantes españoles de Educación Obligatoria (12-16 años). Se empleó una metodología cuantitativa no experimental con...
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Con este estudio se pretende evaluar la competencia digital, en el área de comunicación, de los estudiantes españoles de Educación Obligatoria e identificar el perfil sociofamiliar y de uso de tecnología de los que obtienen los mejores resultados. La metodología empleada fue cuantitativa y se trabajó con una muestra de 807 estudiantes. Los instrume...
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Introducción. La evaluación de la competencia digital del estudiantado es una actividad importante, ya que sus resultados aportarán información relevante para diseñar y desarrollar propuestas de alfabetización tecnológica dentro del sistema educativo. Para ello, es necesario diseñar procesos de evaluación que superen la percepción que los sujetos t...
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The technological advance of mobile devices has signifi cantly changed the way students communicate and interact. The purpose of this research is to analyse the level of digital competence in the area of communication of Spanish schoolchildren aged 12-16 years and to determine whether the use of WhatsApp and email infl uence this competence. A quan...
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The global public health crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear that digital competence in education is no longer an option, but a necessity. Online communication with friends using social networks is an activity in which young people very frequently and at increasingly early ages engage. This article presents the results of a...
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Currently, 21st century students need competences that enable them to adapt to a new type of individual information and individual knowledge relationship, and, therefore, the education system should contemplate new ways for learners to develop in accordance with this so-called information and knowledge society. One of special importance is so-calle...
Artificial intelligence encompasses an area of knowledge devoted to the study and understanding of the nature of human intelligence and its simulations to create a new generation of intelligent machines. As one of the most promising technologies, it is destined to lead a revolution comparable to that caused by the internet. However, compared with o...
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In 21st-century society, Information and Communication Technologies establish the ways of communication and socialization. The way we live, study, work, entertain ourselves, etc. have changed, and the patterns of social and economic development demand new skills from citizens. In Spain, the scientific and professional career called Social Education...
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Valid and reliable information-gathering tools are necessary if research on digital competence is to provide valuable information that is able to guide education policies on the development of digital competence and the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational systems of different countries. The aim of th...
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The integration of citizens in the society of information and knowledge is a pillar in social cohesiveness. The digital gap, a direct consequence of socioeconomic inequality among citizens enables e-exclusion, which is a new way of social exclusion that excludes people from different economic, social and economic backgrounds out of the society of i...
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INTRODUCCIÓN. El papel del docente universitario necesita redefinirse. Lo que define a un buen profesor son sus competencias para desempeñar su rol profesional, entendidas estas como el conjunto de comportamientos, capacidades y habilidades necesarias para desempeñar de forma satisfactoria un puesto de trabajo. Y entre ellas se encuentra el uso efi...
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La alfabetización informacional es una de las dimensiones de la competencia digital y una necesidad básica e imprescindible para los estudiantes de hoy en día, de ahí nuestro interés en conocer qué nivel de competencias informacionales tienen adquiridas los niños/as y jóvenes entre 11 y 13 años. Para ello hemos aplicado una prueba de evaluación ya...
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This paper presents a case study that identifies the importance of digital competencies in virtual education tutor training. This research study describes the design and implementation of an online course based on the PACIE methodology, which was aimed at identifying and developing e-skills of 208 virtual tutor trainees. The research was performed...
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En este artículo se presenta un estudio de caso que identifica y ratifica la importancia de las competencias digitales en la formación de los docentes relacionados con la educación virtual. Se describe el diseño e implementación de un curso online, basado en la metodología PACIE, el cual estuvo orientado a identificar y desarrollar las competencias...
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Resumen: La competencia digital docente es ineludible a fin de aprovechar las posibilidades que ofrecen las tecnologías digitales para mejorar el desarrollo profesional y personal en la sociedad del conocimiento; por lo tanto, este estudio se centró en el diseño e implementación piloto de un curso en nano-MOOC como herramienta de formación en compe...
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Digital competences can be defined as the set of techno-pedagogical and communicational skills that allow teachers to function effectively within the educational contexts that new technologies generate. This research work was aimed to establish the relationship between the level of university professors’ digital competences concerning their gender...
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The term digital competences is referred to the set of capabilities, knowledge and strategies that allow efficient and safe use of Information and Communication Technologies and digital media. From the educational point of view, these competences are essential for teachers or tutors to guide, support and facilitate the learning processes of student...
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Resumen El presente artículo contribuye a conocer y reconocer aquellos factores determinantes de una formación práctica de calidad. Los ejes de interés de la investigación se centran en la satisfacción de los alumnos y la utilidad percibida durante este periodo formativo y la valoración de la evaluación de la materia. Así mismo, se ha estudiado la...
The main objective of the research described here was to learn how young learners self-evaluate their digital competence. A non-experimental and descriptive quantitative methodology was employed, an electronic survey being used to collect the data. Among the main results, we can highlight that these learners self-evaluate their attitude towards Inf...
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Si entendemos el aprendizaje como un proceso a lo largo de toda la vida que permite enfrentarse a la realidad de cada momento y contexto, desde una política común de reconocimiento de la ciudadanía y de la educación como estrategia esencial de la misma; educar para la ciudadanía es una necesidad. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investi...
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This article presents the results of a study focused on the development of self - perceived practical skills by Pedagogy majors. The objective is to know if the level of self-perception in the acquisition of general and specific competences for the exercise of the pedagogical profession varies after the accomplishment of the teacher training period...
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Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cuyo propósito es el de identificar el grado de competencia digital autopercibido por los futuros Educadores Sociales, centrándose en las dimensiones de conocimiento, manejo, actitud hacia las TIC y en la variable de género, como base fundamental para el desarrollo profesional de lo...
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Introducción: La presente investigación presenta una Revisión Sistemática Bibliográfica sobre la producción científica que relaciona la Educación y la Comunicación con la Alfabetización Básica de Personas Jóvenes y Adultas en América Latina. Metodología: Revisión Sistemática Bibliográfica a partir de un análisis cuantitativo, con una breve aproxima...
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Introduction: This research article presents a systematic literature review of the scientific production on the relationship between education and communication and youth and adult education in Latin America. Methods: Systematic literature review based on quantitative descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach applied on a sub-sample. Results:...
Conference Paper
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One of the biggest problems that we find when integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education is the professionals' lack of training. The technological competences of pre-service teachers are thus an essential element in university teacher education. This paper presents an assessment of the initial training in digital comp...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the results corresponding to two projects: Research Project "Confidence in behavioral changes through serious games" (e-Confidence, code: 732420), and "Evaluation of the digital competences of obligatory education students and study of the incidence of socio-family variables "(EVADISO, EDU2015-67975-C3-3-P, MINECO / FEDER) The f...
Technical Report
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If the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in university education classrooms is to contribute to the development of quality pedagogical processes, education students must have an adequate level of digital competence. Valid and reliable instruments are needed to be able to collect information to test this competence. Our...
Conference Paper
Education is regarded as a key area virtually anywhere in the world. Disadvantaged and developing countries are the most committed in this area as they are very aware of the benefits education can bring. Latin America has made progress in this field and to pave the way for a prosperous future it is necessary to document what has been done, what is...
Conference Paper
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Cadena SER and COPE are the two most played full-service radio stations in Spain. They are also the two stations that have bet the most on the production of podcasts, whose consumption is meant for the Internet, not traditional radio. This article discusses the activity generated around these types of programmes in the two social networks in which...
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Para que la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en las aulas universitarias contribuya al desarrollo de procesos pedagógicos de calidad, es necesario que los estudiantes posean un adecuado nivel de competencia digital. Para investigar esta competencia, necesitamos de instrumentos válidos y fiables que permitan r...
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TÍTULO: Educación prenatal y Pedagogía prenatal: nuevas perspectivas para la investigación, la enseñanza y la formación. COORDINADORES: Agustín de la Herrán Gascón, Manuel Hurtado Fernández y Pablo García Sempere RESUMEN: Este libro es una llave preparada para ser introducida en dos cerraduras. La primera es la educación. La segunda es la Pedagog...
Conference Paper
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With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), university education has changed, along with curricular practices. This change in perspective and the rethinking of methodological processes, which affects assessment to a great extent, is what has motivated the design and development of the assessment proposal that we present in...
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Digital competence should be treated as an essential skill in the professional development of social educators. The purpose of the research project presented in this article is twofold: on the one hand, to conduct diagnostic self-assessment of students studying for an Undergraduate Degree in Social Education at the University of Salamanca (Spain),...
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El grupo de investigación GITE-USAL desarrolla una investigación centrada en evaluar la competencia digital (CD) de estudiantes al finalizar la etapa de Primaria (12 años). En este trabajo se presentan los indicadores que concretan los conocimientos, capacidades y actitudes que debe adquirir un niño, en el área de comunicación, con el propósito últ...
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Para que la integración de las TIC en las aulas universitarias contribuya al desarrollo de procesos pedagógicos de calidad, es necesario que los estudiantes posean un adecuado nivel de competencia digital. Para investigar esta competencia, necesitamos de instrumentos válidos y fiables que permitan recoger información sobre la misma. El principal ob...
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The characteristics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their implementation at the global level have led to significant changes in different areas, especially institutional ones. This article presents the results of a research study whose purpose was to learn the level of digital competence of university students of education a...
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Vivimos en la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento, en la que las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), que facilitan la creación, distribución y uso de la información, juegan un papel muy importante en la mayoría de los sectores sociales. En ella, la información se ha convertido en una forma específica de organización soc...
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The characteristics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their implementation at a global level have led to significant changes in different areas, especially institutional ones. This article presents the results of a research study whose purpose was to observe the level of digital competence of university students of education a...
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Collaborative learning has been a subject of great interest in the context of educational research, giving rise to many studies emphasizing the potential of the collaboration process in student learning, knowledge building, the development of diverse abilities and improved academic performance. Based on a conceptual review and thorough reflection o...
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La competencia digital debe constituir una capacidad importante en el desarrollo profesional de la Educación Social. Este artículo presenta una investigación cuya finalidad es conocer la autoevaluación que los estudiantes de la Titulación de Grado en Educación Social de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca (España) realizan sobre...
Conference Paper
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Digital competence1 should be an essential skill in the professional development of educators. The purpose of the research project presented in this paper is a diagnostic self- assessment of digital competence of students taking the Undergraduate Degrees in Education of the University of Salamanca (Spain), and check if the gender variable affects t...
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This article shows the expectations of education students regarding their acquisition of competencies before practice teaching, as well as their evaluation of that acquisition after completing practice teaching. The purpose of the study is to determine if significant differences exist. To reach this end, the selected design was a preexperimental ca...
Conference Paper
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Hoy más que nunca, gracias a la revolución tecnológica ejemplificada por Internet y las redes móviles, la comunicación entre docentes es más fácil y fluida. Por ello la competencia digital es un pilar fundamental para favorecer el trabajo entre profesores mediado por Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Este trabajo presenta los princip...
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The basic competences in Compulsory Secondary Education, specifically the pedagogical ones, take on particular importance in the initial stages of teacher training. In this study, therefore, we assess the pedagogical competences acquired by future teachers of secondary education, in addition to reviewing the initial training they receive. Methodolo...
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The aim of this paper is to explore pre-service teachers' perspectives towards a school-based Practicum within the context of a Degree in Primary Education: English. The practicum experience took place in different primary education schools during the 1st semester of the academic year 2015-2016, and lasted for seven weeks. During the 2nd semester p...
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Today's society demands well-trained teachers who are able to integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their everyday educational practice. Early childhood education, which is at the root of the rest of the entire educational system, cannot remain uninvolved in this demand. Digital competence is an ability which integrates know...
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This article shows the expectations of education students regarding their acquisition of competencies before practice teaching, as well as their evaluation of that acquisition after completing practice teaching. The purpose of the study is to determine if significant differences exist. To reach this end, the selected design was a pre-experimental c...
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Student teaching or practicum is the period in which future teachers come into contact with the reality of the profession, and have the opportunity to develop and acquire a series of general and professional competencies. The aim of this study was to learn to what extent competencies are acquired by students in the Degree Program for Teaching durin...
This paper presents the findings of a study conducted in the state-funded Infant, Primary and Secondary School Santísima Trinidad in Salamanca. The main objectives of the research were, to evaluate the use of the visual programming environment, Lego Education WeDo, in natural science and to know the benefits of the use of this tool to teach abstrac...
Conference Paper
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During the period 2011-20155, the research group GITE-USAL of the University of Salamanca (Spain) carried out a study into “Collaborative learning through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the 2.0 School”, financed by Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation. The main objective of the study was to learn what conceptions teachers...
Conference Paper
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One of the main goals of this study was to analyse university students' perceptions about the relation between digital competence and equal opportunities. A focus group methodology was used to collect the data, providing qualitative information responding to our objectives. The data were analysed with N-VIVO software. Among the outcomes concerning...
Conference Paper
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The aim of the research was to know primary education pre-service teachers' perceptions about the possibilities offered by technology to carry out inclusive practices. We analysed the perceptions of the students enrolled in the Degree in Primary Education: English in the Faculty of Education at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. It was employe...
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Student teaching or practicum is the period in which future teachers encounter the reality of the profession and have the opportunity to develop and acquire a series of general and professional competencies. The aim of this study was to learn to what extent competencies are acquired by students in the Teaching Degree Program during the period of th...
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This article is part of an investigation named "Collaborative learning by ICT's in the context of Education 2.0" that is been carried out by the Group of Research in Educative Technology of the University of Salamanca (GITE-USAL). Specifically, it is centered in the analysis of data related to the collaborative work experiences with ICT's that were...
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For more than three decades, teaching work assessment based on the student’s perception has been used. This is considered one of the most classical and most used models within institutions. This paper seeks to identify the concept of a good college professor according to the psychological traits valued by students. To this end, a longitudinal, quan...
Conference Paper
The present study involved a quantitative research with an ex-post facto design. We aimed to explore participants’ perceptions about the effectiveness of using online assessment and self-assessment quizzes to improve their level of English, to provide them a significant and effective feedback, to support autonomous learning, and to give them the op...
Conference Paper
This study seeks to extend the existing research on the use of visual programming tools to work and develop computational thinking. We show the primary education students' perceptions of the use of the software Lego Education WeDo in the subject of natural sciences to promote the computational thinking. We tried to test the following hypotheses: St...
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During the years 2011-2015, the Research–Innovation Group in Educational Technology at the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca in Spain has conducted a research, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, which was focused on the concepts, methodologies and professional practices of teachers in Primary and Secondary School on...
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This article is part of the research entitled «Collaborative learning through the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in the context of the School 2.0», funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation EDU2011-28071 between the years 2012-2015 developed by the research group GITE-USAL University of Salamanca. In the general context of th...
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School teacher´s former role in Spain consisted on teaching. However and in addition, in recent decades, the demand for research has increased. This forces teachers’ initial training to seek new strategies capable of responding to that request. A new way of thinking about the important role of teachers in innovation processes invites to detect perf...
The aim of our quantitative study is to explore students’ perceptions towards some asynchronous tools to acquire the objectives of the subject of English Morphosyntax. The research was based on a sample of 358 students who were recruited from a population of 451. Participants ranged in age from 20 to 58 with an average age of 29.49 and were divided...
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This article presents the main results from eight case studies carried out at different Spanish schools. Using a common protocol, the authors compared different cases of schools in which computersupported collaborative learning experiences were carried out in order to identify what standard actions they had in common. In order to facilitate data co...