Sonia Machause López

Sonia Machause López
University of Valencia | UV · Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología



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I am particularly interested in the ritual use of caves in the Iberian Iron Age. To reach this goal I analyse not only the artefacts, the context and the sacred landscape, but also the sensitive and emotional experiences felt in these natural scenarios, considering their importance across time, their memories and the ancestors related to them.
Additional affiliations
May 2013 - May 2017
University of Valencia
  • PhD Student
January 2015 - present
University of Valencia
  • PhD Student
September 2011 - July 2012
University of Valencia
Field of study
  • Archaeology
September 2010 - July 2013
National University of Distance Education
Field of study
  • Education (Teachers of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate)
September 2005 - July 2010
University of Valencia
Field of study
  • History


Publications (36)
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We present the implementation of exercises based on LEGO® Classic in the Archaeological Methodology module (Degree in History at the University of Valencia). The learning difficulties detected in previous courses have motivated the teaching team to design and apply new activities that improve the understanding of certain theoretical-practical conce...
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Resumen: Las ilustraciones tienen un gran valor en la difusión de nuestra Historia. Sin embargo, llevamos décadas generando una visión errónea y sesgada del pasado. Nuevos proyectos y redes están trabajando en visibilizar a las mujeres a través de ilustraciones inclusivas, siendo fieles a los datos científicos y superando los sesgos androcéntricos....
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New ways of thinking about caves and about humans and their multi-dimensional relationships call for new ways to record the archaeology of caves and their environments. Over the last decade, rapid progress has been made by archaeologists in rethinking the cultural life of caves, acknowledging: the diversity of cave forms and of their human uses; th...
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RESUMEN: La Sima de l'Aigua es una de las cavidades rituales ibéricas más relevantes del actual País Valenciano, sin embargo, nunca había sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, más allá de las menciones en catálogos generales sobre cuevas-santuario. El estudio multidisciplinar detallado de los materiales recuperados en los años 70 (conservados en e...
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Las Jornadas de Innovación Docente (III WIDarq) se presentan como un foro donde compartir distintas experiencias docentes basadas en la innovación y el aprendizaje activo de nuestro estudiantado. El Workshop de Innovación Docente en Arqueología (WIDarq) nació del interés de un grupo de docentes del Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història...
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La experimentación de nuevas metodologías docentes y nuevas herramientas, desarrolladas e implementadas en el marco del proyecto METARQ ha demostrado la potencialidad de las metodologías activas en el aprendizaje de la Prehistoria, la Arqueología y la Historia Antigua. Desde la conformación de este proyecto (curso 21-22), ahora grupo de innovación...
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El agua jugó un papel vital en las prácticas rituales ibéricas (como origen de vida, purificadora y/o regeneradora). Sin embargo, su implicación en estas prácticas no suele dejar huella en el registro arqueológico. En el caso de las cuevas rituales, su relación es constante, aunque indirecta. En otros contextos mediterráneos se ha valorado este ele...
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Sacred spaces, such as Iberian caves, with liminal location and character, had important ritual significance and socio-political meanings for their communities. Through the Geographical Information Systems –GIS– techniques, we can analyse these sacred spaces in context. In this paper, by using a regional study as an example, we show the main analys...
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This paper presents a multi-proxy proposal based on crossreferencing different teaching strategies such as traditional class, flipped teaching and the case method in the subject of Ancient Universal Prehistory (second year) in the Degree in History at the University of Valencia whitin the framework of the METARQ Teaching Innovation Project. The lea...
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The exhibition, PAST AND PRESENT. ONE HUNDRED YEARS DOING ARCHAEOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, is conceived as a cultural event for the enjoyment of society. The aim is to show a glimpse of the history of the Laboratory of Archaeology, the addressed research topics and the knowledge generated over a century of work by all the people who have...
Conference Paper
En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta multi-proxy basada en el empleo cruzado de distintas estrategias docentes como la clase tradicional, la clase inversa y el método del caso en la asignatura de Prehistoria Universal Antigua (2º curso-1er cuatrimestre) en el Grado de Historia de la Universitat de València, en el marco del Proyecto de Innovaci...
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This article seeks to contribute to recent scholarship on ritual performances in caves, sensory archaeology and ritual journeys, and to stimulate fresh questions and debate about society, ritual, and mobility in the Iberian Iron Age. It uses an updated methodology for recording and interpreting – more contextually, holistically, and systematically...
Conference Paper
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The case study, like other methodologies that enhance the active participation of the students, greatly favours the teaching-learning process. We present here the design, appliction and results of the cases implemented in two archaeology subjects (History Degree, University of Valencia). Within the framework of a Teaching Innovation Project (METARQ...
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This article shares the strategy for mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the University of Valencia (UV), which, although limited in its scale, may compel other Higher Education Institutions to think in technological and social progress aligned with the 2030 Agenda. It explicates a process driven by the UV, on the occasion of...
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Las Jornadas de Innovación Docente (II WIDarq) se presentan como un foro donde compartir distintas experiencias docentes basadas en la innovación y el aprendizaje activo de nuestro estudiantado. El Workshop de Innovación Docente en Arqueología (WIDarq) nació del interés de un grupo de docentes del Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història...
The university education system is largely based on face-to-face classes. An unexpected event such as the pandemic development of COVID-19 during the first months of 2020, led the authorities to declare a state of alert and, among other measures, the interruption of teaching activity at the university took action. Both professors and students have...
Conference Paper
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The university education system is largely based on face-to-face classes. An unexpected event such as the pandemic development of COVID-19 during the first months of 2020, led the authorities to declare a state of alert and, among other measures, the interruption of teaching activity at the university took action. Both professors and students have...
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Study of the last excavations al Kelin (Caudete de las Fuentes), an Iron Age central place.
This paper presents the results of an archaeoastronomical study of the Iberian Iron Age cave-sanctuary of Cueva Santa del Cabriel, near the town of Mira in the province of Cuenca, Castilla-La Mancha, central Spain, together with a review of the latest archaeological and ethnographical data about the site. We found that the cave’s 12 m-long access c...
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CAVES AS RITUAL SPACES IN THE IBERIAN PERIOD. THE CASES OF KELIN, EDETA AND ARSE This book offers a sample of the existing diversity of ritualistic spaces traditionally classified as Iberian sanctuary- aves (6th-1st centuries BCE). Stemming from some specific cases, different variables which allow us to identify a diversity of material and territo...
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La Meseta de Requena-Utiel, en el interior de la provincia de Valencia, constituyó en época ibérica el territorio de la ciudad de Kelin. Entre otros aspectos, dicho territorio destacó por presentar una elevada concentración de cuevas con materiales ibéricos, de las cuales claramente cinco son resultado de prácticas rituales en su interior. Estas cu...
Conference Paper
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Caves are natural spaces whose symbolism has been recognized since the prehistory to the present day. During the Iberian period (from the 6th century to the 1st century BC), some cavities, generally far from the habitat places, were the scene of different rituals of passage carried out by a select group of the population. Through the material evide...
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Sixty years after the excavations in Cueva de la Torre del Mal Paso (Castellnovo, Castelló) were published, we have restudied its materials and analyzed the use that this cave had during the Iberian Iron Age. Mal Paso was a sacred space where the offered images had a really important role in the ritual practices. By considering other similar spaces...
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S’aborda l’estudi del registre material d’època protohistòrica recuperat a la Cova de la Pastora (Alcoi, Alacant) i s’hi realitza la seva inserció en el marc territorial. Ens situem davant d’un ús ritual de la cova desenvolupat especialment entre finals del s. V i el s. IV a.C. La Cova de la Pastora seria un espai ritual amb relació amb límits terr...
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The main objective of this project is to rescue from oblivion the crafts of the Iron Age in the Iberian peninsula. Generally, these objects are classified under the heading "miscellaneous objects". However, this research gap is not consistent with the importance of these objects because the craftsmanship of these materials was a very important part...
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In this paper, we present the results of the study on the faunal remains in the Iberian site of Cueva del Sapo (Chiva, Valencia). The faunal sample, which constitute almost the 50% of the materials in the cave, presents a particular taxonomic spectrum, with a predominance of the red deer (Cervus elaphus), a low level of fragmentation and, in genera...
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In this paper we present the results of a interdisciplinary study in the Iberian site of Cueva del Sapo (Chiva, Valencia). The features of the assemblage have brought to light a very complex ritual context which would be frequented among the vth and iind centuries bc. The chronological and material diversity, as well as the volume of remains, indic...
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Restos de un taller de falsarios de época moderna.
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El 8 de març de 1910 es regularitza l’accés de les dones a les universitats espanyoles. En aquest article, es mostren els principals obstacles als que han hagut de fer front des de finals del s. XIX fins els nostres dies. A través de les dades estadístiques disponibles, s’analitza l’evolució d’aquest llarg camí. Actualment les dones són majoritàrie...
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This work is a collection of the loom weights of Iberian chronology (5th-1st c. BC) with identifiable zoomorphic decoration. It has been made a description of the find context of the loom weights and theirs decorative and formal characteristics. Thus, the rarity of this kind of formal decoration on the piece (plant, animal or human) might indicate...
This work is a collection of the loom weights of Iberian chronology (5th-1st c. B.C) with identi-fiable zoomorphic decoration. It has been made a description of the find context of the loom weights and theirs decorative and formal characteristics. Thus, the rarity of this kind of formal decoration on the piece (plant, animal or human) might indicat...


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