Sonia Gutiérrez

Sonia Gutiérrez
International University of La Rioja | UNIR · Department of Educational Psychology and Psychobiology

PhD in Psychology


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Degree and PhD in Psychology Specialty in Clinical and Health and Educational Psychology. Researcher in clinical and health Psychology, Women's Psychology, Learning difficulties, attention to students with specific needs for educational support and Disabilities.
Additional affiliations
April 2014 - March 2015
International University of La Rioja
  • Researcher
September 2012 - March 2015
International University of La Rioja
  • Coordinadora Departamento de Psicología
June 2011 - March 2015
International University of La Rioja
  • Professor


Publications (28)
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The objective of the present study was the standardization of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1989), adapted and validated by Martín-Albo et al. (2007) in the Spanish population at the secondary education stage. The sample consisted of 25,706 students, selected randomly. The analysis of the data obtained indicated an adequate fact...
Spanish legislation obliges the public administration to ensure equal opportunities and support for access to higher education for people with disabilities. This work has one central goal: to analyse and understand the causes for the potential inequality for people with disabilities in accessing higher education in Spain and the barriers they encou...
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Physical activity (PA) contributes to the development of children and adolescents and to their mental and physical health. The practice of PA in the school context can contribute towards generating a more inclusive educational community for immigrant children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to describe the perspectives of Spanish physica...
Spanish universities must guarantee optimum accessibility to facilitate the teaching-learning process of students with disabilities. The objective of this study was to investigate how Spanish students with disabilities perceive access to Higher Education and the day-to-day of their academic life. A qualitative design was performed, using sequential...
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Este estudio explora el estado psíquico de profesores de tercer ciclo de primaria de varios centros públicos y concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se evaluó la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva y el síndrome de Burnout mediante la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión en Hospital (HADS) y el Cuestionario de Burnout del Profesorado (CBP-R). Los resulta...
Conference Paper
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In Spain, only 9.2 % of people with disabilities embark upon Higher Education (Fundación Universia, 2014), and 14.7 % obtain a university degree, compared to 31.7% of the rest of population (National Statistics Institute, INE,2012). Regarding to university students with hearing impairments, total population is estimated at 163.627 people (IMSERSO,...
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El objetivo fue analizar la presencia de conflictos en las aulas de tercer ciclo de educación primaria de diversos centros públicos y concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para ello se analizaron las respuestas de 48 docentes a un cuestionario donde se pregunta sobre la posible presencia en las aulas de Educación Primaria de 23 conflictos y sobre...
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The starting point to provide a university education-based custom environments online education to people with functional diversity must focus on ensuring the optimal accessibility to your web content and learning resources. At present, most of the universities now have virtual platforms of education, with an important weight for the correct develo...
Conference Paper
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According to data from the second report " University and Disability " [1], 17.3% of the Spanish university students have some kind of psychic disability. This percentage decreases higher is the education, being the 6.2 % in doctoral studies. The collective of university students with psychic disabilities is a very heterogeneous and complex group,...
Conference Paper
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La menopausia aparece asociada a una importante variedad de síntomas físicos, psicológicos y sociales, susceptibles de ser tratados mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Además, en esta etapa del ciclo vital pueden empezar a aparecer problemas cognitivos que más adelante podrían estar relacionados con el deterioro asociado a la vejez y que pued...
Background: Menopause is associated with a wide variety of physical and psychological symptoms. The main complaints are focused on those related to vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes). Correlation among hot flushes, depression and anxiety have also been reported. The high percent of Spanish women complaining of these incapacitating symptoms, lead to r...
Conference Paper
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Introduction. Spanish laws determine Public Administration must guarantee the access to higher education to students with disabilities by providing equal opportunities and support (Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013). Nevertheless, in 2007 only 4% of people with disabilities started to study at university (Libro Blanco sobre Universidad y Discapacidad...
Conference Paper
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. Al abordar el tema de la accesibilidad de la formación virtual hemos de tener en cuenta, no sólo a la población general, sino también al alumnado con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Dentro de este colectivo, el trabajo se centra en el alumnado doblemente excepcional, que puede tener dificultades académicas por sus necesidades inherentes a sus...
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According to the Bolonia agreements, all degrees must end with the Final Project (TrabajoFin de Grado, TFG, in Spanish), whose main objective is to train students for their future profession. The current law in Spain allows some autonomy to universities to develop this task. This article presents an analysis of the situation on how Spanish universi...
Conference Paper
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Durante la etapa perimenopáusica se producen varios síntomas físicos, psicológicos y sociales susceptibles de ser tratados mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Se presenta en este trabajo una propuesta de intervención grupal de 12 sesiones semanales de dos horas dirigida a mujeres en etapa perimenopáusica para tratar la sintomatología asociada...
Conference Paper
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El plan Bolonia establece que todos los grados finalicen con la realización de una investigación, el trabajo fin grado (TFG), con el objetivo de capacitar al alumno para su futura profesión. La legislación vigente permite cierta libertad para que las Universidades afronten esta tarea. En la presente comunicación se realiza un análisis de la situaci...
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Menopause is associated with a considerable variety of physical, psychological and social symptoms that can be treated using cognitive-behavioral techniques. In the present study, 21 women took part in an eight-week group intervention consisting of weekly two-hour sessions to address their slight symptoms related to the climacteric stage of life. T...
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La menopausia se asocia a una importante variedad de síntomas físicos, psicológicos y sociales, susceptibles de ser tratados mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. En este trabajo, 28 mujeres recibieron una intervención grupal de ocho sesiones semanales de dos horas para controlar depresión, ansiedad y otros síntomas asociados. Se realizó una me...
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For a high percentage of women, menopause is associated with an important variety of physical, psychological, and social symptoms, susceptible to treatment by means of cognitive-behavioral techniques. In the present work, 28 women followed a group intervention (eight weekly sessions, two hours each, including relaxation, cognitive techniques, exerc...
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Para un porcentaje elevado de mujeres, la menopausia se asocia a una importante variedad de síntomas físicos, psicológicos y sociales, susceptibles de ser tratados mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. En el presente trabajo, 28 mujeres siguieron una intervención grupal de ocho sesiones semanales, de dos horas por sesión, que incluía psicoeduca...
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El cese definitivo de la menstruación se presenta asociado a una serie de síntomas físicos,psicológicos y sociales susceptibles de ser abordados mediante técnicas cognitivo conductuales. Enel presente trabajo se presenta un programa de intervención basado en dichas técnicas. Treintamujeres climatéricas siguieron este programa durante diez semanas....


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