Solomon C Yim

Solomon C Yim
Oregon State University | OSU · Department of Civil and Construction Engineering



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July 1987 - present
Oregon State University
  • Glenn Willis Holcomb Professor of Structural Engineering


Publications (216)
This study investigates the effects of bedding-in loading history on the mechanical behaviors of aramid, HMPE, and polyester mooring ropes. Bedding-in process led to densification of the rope internal structure and a more uniform fiber alignment, which in turn improved the static stiffness of the ropes. The series of tests showed that bedding-in si...
Conference Paper
Offshore floating photovoltaic (OFPV) platforms have emerged as a new development trend. However, conventional floating photovoltaic platforms designed for inland water areas are not suitable for use directly in ocean environments. Hence, an OFPV platform incorporating three types of mooring systems is proposed. These mooring systems employ various...
Conference Paper
The completely integrable case of the nonlinear Bousinesq abcd system describing 1+1-dimensional weakly nonlinear and weakly nondispersive model for gravity and capillary waves is developed. The case of gravity and surface-tension solutions for the wave elevation and transverse parcel velocity on the surface of the fluid is examined in detail. The...
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As global demand for sustainable biomass and need to mitigate global warming begin to rise, cultivation of seaweed has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential for carbon recycling. However, limited availability of suitable coastal areas for large-scale seaweed cultivation has led to exploration of offshore environments as...
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The influence of mooring systems with lines of different material on the dynamic response of a floating wind turbine is studied using a 5 MW OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible wind turbine as a representative prototype in this study. Two types of mooring systems were designed using the MoorDyn module in OpenFAST software (v3.1.0): one uses chains, and...
Conference Paper
Majority of the wave energy converters (WEC), especially buoyancy-based point absorbers, are designed to operate in high sea states maximizing energy extraction. Most WEC simulation tools use linear wave theory to analyze the wave field, which could lose accuracy under high sea state conditions. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the ef...
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As the market demand for seaweed products increases rapidly over the last few decades, farming of seaweed has become one of the most economical and environmentally friendly marine operations in aquaculture. Seaweed cultivation areas are primarily concentrated nearshore at present. However, with the expansion of aquaculture facilities, rapid coastal...
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Methods for carbon sequestration are warranted to tackle climate change caused by greenhouse gases released from anthropogenic activities. Seaweed is a type of marine plant that utilizes carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and has a substantial capacity to sequestrate carbon. Despite the huge potential, the long-lasting carbon sequestration (LLCS) of...
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In this manuscript, we propose a new effective method for eigenpair reanalysis of large-scale finite element (FE) models. Our method utilizes the matrix block-partitioning algorithm in the Rayleigh-Ritz approach and expresses the Ritz basis matrix using thousands of block matrices of very small size. To avoid significant computational costs from th...
This study evaluated a multi-catenary spread mooring system design of a mobile ocean test berth for wave energy converters (WECs), the Ocean Sentinel (OS) instrumentation buoy, through dynamic simulation, numerical analysis and comparison with measured field motion data of the OS off the Oregon coast. First, the accuracy of the numerical employed m...
The investigation of innovative macroalgal cultivation is important and needed to optimize farming operations, increase biomass production, reduce the impact on the ecosystem, and lower system and operational costs. However, most macroalgal farming systems (MFSs) are stationary, which need to occupy a substantial coastal area, require extensive inv...
Conference Paper
Subsea umbilical cable modeling has been widely employed in solving practical engineering problems, including wave energy converter (WEC) array system, offshore oil and gas platforms and floating production systems, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in naval operations, and oceanographic mapping, monitoring, and sampling. For analysis and design of...
Polyester ropes have been widely used in various ocean engineering. In practice, the occurrence of damage degrades polyester rope strength and causes mooring rope failure. To ensure operational safety of polyester mooring ropes, an experimental method and associated procedure for investigating the residual strength of damaged ropes are proposed. Th...
Uncertainties of wave data and models got increasing attention in the last decades by the marine industry because of their importance for safety at sea. Improved knowledge about wave description and related uncertainties leads to a reduction of safety factors, and consequently building costs of marine structures. The ISSC (International Ship and Of...
The survivability, safe operation, and design of marine vehicles and wave energy converters are highly dependent on accurate characterization and estimation of the energy content of the ocean wave field. In this study, analytical solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) using periodic inverse scattering transformation (IST) and its ass...
A conventional PID controller for the DPS has limitations due to fixed gains and dependence on manual adjustment for its gains. Therefore, several previous studies developed a fuzzy-based adaptive PID controller for the DPS which tunes the gains based on the fuzzy logic. However, the fuzzy logic has its disadvantages due to a manual definition of f...
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Fluid impact forces on a bridge superstructure in the horizontal and vertical directions due to tsunami inundation, represented by a solitary wave, were investigated through a large-scale laboratory experiment and numerical simulations. The experiment was conducted in a two-dimensional large wave flume using a 1:5 scale steel girder and concrete sl...
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In this article, a local scale, fully nonlinear coupled fluid-structural interaction (FSI) sugar kelp model has been developed using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. In this model, to be consistent with available experimental data, the sugar kelp is approximated as elongated rectangles with smoothed isosceles triangles at the ends and a...
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Analysis and generation of (nonlinear) intermediate- to deep-water waves with large steepness in experimental facilities are some of the most challenging tasks in wave mechanics. The inherent instability of water waves in deep-water waves makes the linear-based wave generation and analysis less accurate and incapable of generating and characterizin...
The effects of asymmetric boundary conditions on the flow past rectangular cylinders are relevant for many engineering applications. Pertinently, the influence of wall proximity on the flow around cylinders has been widely investigated, and the flow regimes depending on the distance to the wall have been identified. However, a comprehensive study o...
In contrast to rigid body autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) models, elastic AUV models will exhibit hydrodynamic effects due to elastic deformation of the shell during water entry, influencing their load-response characteristics. In this paper, the predictive capability of the selected simulation method is first verified by comparing the simulati...
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In this study, effects of damage levels of fiber ropes on the performance of a hybrid taut-wire mooring system are investigated. The analysis is performed using a numerical FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) model with a hybrid mooring system installed in 3000m of water depth. An in-depth study was conducted using the numerical model...
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This study presents a catenary spread mooring system design of a mobile ocean test berth, named the Ocean Sentinel (OS), and developed by the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center to facilitate the ocean testing of wave energy converters (WECs). The original OS mooring design (which was similar to a conventional WEC point absorber moori...
To improve the understanding of the damping behavior of fiber ropes, a novel method for calculating the internal damping coefficient of these ropes based on the theory of structural dynamics (TSD)is proposed. By comparing the damping values from the ‘indicator diagram’ method (IDM)utilizing experimental data of aramid, polyester and HMPE ropes, the...
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This article describes the model development and preliminary progress of an ongoing research study on the effects of nonlinearities in ocean wave input and power-takeoff (PTO) control on wave energy conversion system dynamics and efficiency. The model system employed and progress on recent developments are: (1) nonlinear wave modeling in the ocean,...
Conference Paper
This article describes a preliminary study of an on-going ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) MARINER Phase I project. The hydrodynamic load and dynamic response of an innovative offshore macroalgae cultivation system, Nautical Offshore Macroalgal Autonomous Device (NOMAD), under extreme environmental conditions is examined. The high...
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This presentation focuses on the wave loading on elevated coastal decks during tsunamis and hurricanes. Results from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analyses will be presented together with large-scale experimental data. All these results reveal the significant role of the structural dynamics and FSI during...
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In view of the widespread damage to coastal bridges during recent tsunamis (2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 in Japan) large-scale hydrodynamic experiments of tsunami wave impact on a bridge with open girders were conducted in the Large Wave Flume at Oregon State University. The main objective was to decipher the tsunami overtopping process and associate...
Flow systems with highly nonlinear free/moving surface motion are common in engineering applications, such as wave impact and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. In order to reveal the dynamics of such flows, as well as provide a reduced-order modeling (ROM) for large-scale applications, we propose a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) te...
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Prediction of extreme wave heights has always been a challenge in both the naval and energy industries. The survivability and safe operation and design of marine vehicles and devices are highly dependent on the probability distribution of the wave heights of extreme waves. In traditional linear approaches, researchers use various probability distri...
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This study focuses on the computation and analysis of the energy content of a wave train and the influence of nonlinear components, such as nonlinear wave profile as in Stokes wave and phased locked breathers, on the content. To this end, an overview of a state-of-the-art nonlinear Fourier analysis tools for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation is pr...
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This study provides an engineering approach for designing an aquaculture cage system for use in constructed channel flow environments. As sustainable aquaculture has grown globally, many novel techniques have been introduced such as those implemented in the global Atlantic salmon industry. The advent of several highly sophisticated analysis softwar...
Velocity vector field of x-z plane. (MP4)
Velocity magnitude distribution of x-y plane. (MP4)
Velocity vector field of x-y plane. (MP4)
Velocity magnitude distribution of x-z plane. (MP4)
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This study illustrates a comparison of two numerical methods under a unified computational platform for solving fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. The first is an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE)-based fluid model coupled to a structural finite element (FE) method (ALE-FE/FE), and the second is a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) me...
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With the increasing demand for marine structures, including ships and wave energy devices, to operate in energetic, high seastates, the need for modeling and simulation of nonlinear ocean wave fields in large-scale wave basins is becoming essential. In response to this demand, a number of large-scale wave basins have been placed into operation over...
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Conventional tsunami theories suggest that earthquakes with significant vertical motions are more likely to generate tsunamis. In tsunami models, the vertical seafloor elevation is directly transferred to the sea-surface as the only initial condition. However, evidence from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake indicates otherwise; the vertical seafloor uplif...
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Recent major earthquake events that occurred in the Indian Ocean (2004), Chile (2010) and Japan (2011) generated tsunami waves of significant heights, which inundated nearby coastal cities causing extreme destruction and loss of human lives. These waves inundated a large number of bridges, damaged the connections of the superstructure to the substr...
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Internal deteriorations or/and delaminations will be developed in concrete structures during construction and operating periods. Visual inspection for structural condition assessment cannot provide enough information for the internal deteriorations. Among the non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques, infrared thermography (IRT) can easily detect su...
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In this study large scale hydraulic experiments of tsunami waves impacting a straight composite I-girder bridge were conducted in the LWF at Oregon State University. Both solitary waves and turbulent bores were tested and the experimental results revealed the existence of 4 different phases in the vertical force histories, among which is (i) a phas...
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A comprehensive series of experiments have been carried out of a large-scale bridge superstructure subject to impact forces of tsunami-type broken and unbroken waves. Two 1:5 scaled specimens of a bridge superstructure, composed of a reinforced concrete deck supported by multiple steel girders and steel cross-frames, were designed and built at the...
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Recent hurricanes have caused significant damage to coastal bridges of southern US coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico. Previous studies have identified trapped air between bridge girders as a significant factor in increasing wave uplift loads on coastal bridge superstructures. The objective of this study is to investigate and quantify this effe...
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Concrete is certainly prone to internal deteriorations or defects during the construction and operating periods. Compared with other nondestructive techniques, infrared thermography can easily detect the subsurface delamination in a very short period of time, but accurately identifying its size and depth in concrete is a very challenging task. In t...
This chapter presents the basics of structural dynamics theory that is especially relevant to dynamics of flexible ocean structures. The primary focus herein is on linear structural dynamics, but the extension to nonlinear systems is also discussed. Section 37.1 introduces the single-degree-of-freedom, spring-mass-damper system. The equations of mo...
The time histories of Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) local tsunami horizontal and vertical loads and the overturning moment on four selected Oregon coastal bridges are computed for different load scenarios. These scenarios, containing the tsunami-free surface elevation and flow horizontal velocity components, are developed using various CSZ rupture...
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Numerical simulation and prediction of short duration hydrodynamic impact loading on a generic wedge impacting a water free-surface is investigated. The fluid field is modeled using a finite element (FE) based arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation and the structure is modeled using a standard Lagrangian FE approximation. Validation of the...
Conference Paper
To study the intrinsic physics and improve computation efficiency of free–surface flow problems, in this study we propose a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) technique that couples the velocity flow field and the level–set function field for free–surface flows. In this method, the snapshots data from numerical or experimental results are used t...
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Ship hull slamming and wave impact on wave energy converters (WEC) are an important problem in naval architecture and marine hydrokinetic for the survivability of vessels and WECs in adverse environmental conditions. An idealized canonical model for these problems can be traced back to the water entry of a wedge–shaped rigid object. Common asymptot...
To evaluate the predictive capability of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) in approximating dynamics of wave impact, the method is applied to the special case of sloshing problems that are widely found in engineering applications and actively pursued using numerical simulations. Because pressure is of major concern in hydrodynamic impact on...
Tsunamis have caused significant damage to coastal communities in recent years. For example, the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and resulting Tohoku Tsunami destroyed infrastructure along the east coast of Japan including bridge superstructures. Highway bridges, as an important part of transportation system, have a significant role in maintaining...
The absence of tsunami load provisions in coastal infrastructure design has led to unchecked resistance capacity of bridges against one of the most eminent natural hazards on the U.S. west coast. The Spencer Creek Bridge, which was completely rebuilt on the Oregon coast in 2009, is a unique example to demonstrate development and implementation of s...
An experimental study of two model-scale lens-shaped vertical gates consisting of a truss and plate is presented. Experimental results are applied to the design of the new Nakdong River gates in Busan, South Korea, for flood and irrigation control. Experimental models are developed using finite-element (FE) analysis. A 1:31 scale model is construct...
Corrosion of reinforcement is a predominant reason for reduced service lives of reinforced concrete (RC) structures exposed to aggressive environments. This deterioration process can lead to damage resulting in capacity loss or even structural failure, especially in coastal marine environments or where deicing or antiicing applications occur. Based...
A 3D heterogeneous flow model which combines incompressible viscous flow and potential flow both with free-surface boundaries is developed and solved numerically, using finite element method and boundary element method, respectively. The coupled model is solved based on a nonoverlapping domain decomposition method, which reduces the problem to the...
A numerical study on the dynamic response of a generic rigid water-landing object (WLO) during water impact is presented in this paper. The effect of this impact is often prominent in the design phase of the re-entry project to determine the maximum force for material strength determination to ensure structural and equipment integrity, human safety...
This paper presents an integrated, interdisciplinary methodology incorporating multiphysics, multiscale numerical modeling and simulation from tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation to subsequent coupled structural response and associated fluid loads. This novel, cohesive approach performs these simulations across a large spectrum of scale...
A three-dimensional (3D) coupled potential + viscous flow model based on a domain decomposition method is developed and applied to study shoaling and breaking of a solitary wave on a nonuniform bathymetry. The flow domain is decomposed into two subdomains separated by an interface: a wave generation and propagation subdomain modeled by a potential-...
This study presents a mooring analysis of the Ocean Sentinel buoy, which is a mobile test platform for Wave Energy Converters (WECs). The Ocean Sentinel is owned and operated by the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) at Oregon State University (OSU). The study involved a field observation as well as numerical modeling. The O...
This study examines the estimated tsunami loads on five California coastal bridges. The quantities of interest include the horizontal and vertical forces and overturning moment. The simulations and analysis are conducted for two stages: (1) initial impact and overtopping and (2) full inundation. The first stage starts from the time when the tsunami...
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Physical and numerical large-scale wave basin (LSWB) modeling of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and wave impact phenomena are examined in this study. In particular, the role of numerical modeling and simulation in designand analysis of physical LSWB FSI andwave impact experiments using a numerical wave basin (NWB) modeling approach is examined....
Ocean energy exists in the forms of wave, tidal, marine currents, thermal (temperature gradient), and salinity. Ocean wave power exhibits several advantageous characteristics including high power density, low variability and excellent forecastability. A discussion on the opportunities for ocean wave power to become a new, reliable, and clean source...
An efficient heterogeneous flow model that combines incompressible viscous flow and potential flow(PF)(both) with free-surface boundaries for fluid–structure interaction(FSI) problems was developed and solved numerically. In the model, the near field(viscous) fluid subdomain of the FSI simulation is described by the Navier–Stokes equations(NSE), wh...
This paper presents a novel point absorber wave energy converter (WEC), developed by Columbia Power Technologies (COLUMBIA POWER), in addition to the related numerical analysis and scaled wave tank testing. Three hydrodynamic modeling tools are employed to evaluate the performance of the WEC, including WAMIT, GL Garrad Hassan's GH WaveDyn, and Orca...
Conference Paper
As the ocean wave energy field continues to mature, developers need a generic modeling methodology to test their designs before building prototypes. A design methodology for a first-pass time-domain simulation is a goal of this work. Built on results from the frequency domain analysis, the general procedure for obtaining time domain results is pres...
Complex multidisciplinary physical fields formed by the dynamic interaction between fluid flows, structure motion, and seabed profile evolution are natural in a marine environment. Modeling and analysis of such fluid-structure-sediment interactions are essential for predicting and analyzing the nonlinear behavior of movable structures and their sur...
Conference Paper
Experimental tests were conducted on a large scale captive Surface Effect Ship (SES) specimen at the US Navy’s Large Cavitation Channel (LCC) to primarily determine the mechanics of bow finger seal motions. In this paper, preliminary qualitative comparisons between the experimental and numerical simulations comprised of test dependent variables suc...
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A three-dimensional coupled fluid-structure-sediment interaction model is developed in this study. The model consists of an extended Navier-Stokes solver that computes incompressible viscous multi-phase flow, a volume-of-fluid module that tracks air-water interface motion, an immersed boundary module that tracks movable structure motion, and a sedi...
This paper presents a parallel implementation and validation of an accurate and efficient three-dimensional computational model (3D numerical wave tank), based on fully nonlinear potential flow (FNPF) theory, and its extension to incorporate the motion of a laboratory snake piston wavemaker, as well as an absorbing beach, to simulate experiments in...
An experimental study of the dynamics of a generic rigid body during water impact and an equivalent-radius approximate analytical procedure is developed and calibrated in this study. The experimental tests in a wave basin covered a range of drop heights using a 1/6th-scale model of a practical water-landing object prototype for two drop mechanisms...
Conference Paper
Wave energy converter research continues to advance and new developers are continuing to emerge, leading to the need for a general modeling methodology. This work attempts to outline the design methodology necessary to perform frequency domain analysis on a generic wave energy converter. A two-body point absorber representing a generic popular desi...
Membranes, such as geosynthetic tubes, have been widely used in civil construction and as storage tanks. Estimation of the shape, structural tension, and internal pressure are essential for effective and safe use of these structures. Motivated by a numerical study on the case of a partially liquid-filled membrane, this study presents a novel genera...
Conference Paper
This paper presents an accurate and efficient three-dimensional computational model (3D numerical wave tank), based on fully nonlinear potential flow (FNPF) theory, and its extension to incorporate the motion of a laboratory snake piston wavemaker, to simulate experiments in a large-scale 3D wave basin (i.e. to conduct “virtual” or numerical experi...
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In the wake of the 2010 Chile earthquake and tsunami, a reconnaissance survey recorded earthquake and tsunami damage using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), which is capable of detecting details that most traditional reconnaissance methods cannot. TLS enables precise measurements of structural deformations and damage (including shear cracking of co...
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tsunamis on coral reefs and sediment beds in the near shore region. A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was used to survey the coral reef and collect sediment samples from the coastal regions surrounding American Samoa five weeks after the tsunami generated by a magnitude 8.3 earthquake on...