Solly Aryza LubisUniversitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan | UNPAB · Electrical Engineering
Solly Aryza Lubis
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Publications (97)
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat di era globalisasi saat ini. Itu menjadi306Instrumen utama dalam kemajuan berbagai aspek sosial dan kehidupan. Saat ini banyak orang yang memanfaatkan teknologi untuk membantu menyelesaikan beberapa permasalahan dalam kehidupan. Hampir setiapaktivitas yang dilakukan manusia selalu menggunakan...
Khusus nya di Daerah pedesaan salah satu kawasan yang memerlukan listrik adalah konsep a hybrid energi PLTA(Pembangkit listreik tenaga air ) dan PLTS (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya) dengan peralatan pembangkit energy listrik yang merubah cahaya matahari menjadi listrik. PLTS sering juga disebut sebagai solar cell, atau solar photovoltaic, atau so...
Dewasa ini, Microcontroller Unit (MCU) adalah komponen penting pada perkembangan teknologi. MCU berperan sebagai penerima data masukan, mengolahnya, dan menyajikan data keluaran sesuai dengan program yang diisikan ke dalamnya. Terdapat banyaknya jenis dari MCU mengakibatkan diperlukannya suatu model keputusan yang optimal dalam memilih yang terbaik...
The problem of air pollution in this technological era has reached an alarming level. This is in line with the increasing number of pollutants produced from daily activities. Some industrial factories, power plants, and motorized vehicles that every day always produce harmful pollutants that pollute clean air. Coal-fired power plants could be a sou...
The development of industry in Indonesia has experienced a fairly rapid capacity in recent years, in line with that, many problems have arisen. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to test the results of an industrial product in order to determine the properties of the materials produced so that the results of a product can be used in accord...
Different types of human labour in the contemporary era of globalization rely on electronic tools like 3-phase induction motors. The usage of a 3-phase induction motor in this investigation is essential for synchronized gait and function. Due to differences in the R, S, and T phase angles, which result in an uneven load overload in the electricity...
The conventional amplifier involves a power supply (ground) line connected to the audio path. This In the processing of the audio signal will appear IHM (Interval Hum Modulation) noise. Therefore, to be able to suppress the occurrence of noise to a minimum, then made an amplifier that does not refer to a ground power supply. The amplifier must real...
This research is a research and development (R&D) process with
software design and testing using the v-model software
development life cycle (SDLC) method, consisting of stages: (1)
requirements modeling, (2) architectural design, (3) component
design, (4) code generation, (5) unit testing, (6) integration
testing, (7) system testing, (8) acceptanc...
This study aims to analyze the Effect of Institutional Ownership, Profitability, Sales Growth, and Leverage Against Tax Avoidance In Construction Subsector Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017 –2019, this research consists of 16 Construction Subsector companies listed on the Stock Exchange Indonesian Effect. by using the type of...
In this paper, this technology in charge of regulating the output voltage of the generator through a DC-DC Converter type Cuk Converter, where the switching technique uses PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) with set the amount of the duty cycle. Change the value of the duty cycle depends on the size of the speed wind, so as to set the duty cycle value an...
In increasing the electric power capacity of the Bayu Power Plant (PLTB) there are several ways among others by increasing the number of plants, but the weakness is that the costs are too expensive because they have to build a new generator. Another way is to improve the efficiency of the power output existing wind power plants. One way is to use t...
As the favored mobile application platform among young age, Instagram offers an attractive features and more friendly to be used. Instagram is a social media that usually used for online shopping purposes, such as marketing, brand exhibition, and advertisement. Millennial are the majority of online shopper, due to their activities mostly connected...
Because the BLDC motor (Brushless Motor Direct current) does not have a brush, it sounds noisy, and maintenance is more comfortable and has a higher efficiency than induction motors. The design of monitoring and motor speed controller starts with a 5 volt DC voltage from the power supply used to supply the Arduino Pro mini. In the Arduino Pro mini...
Digital image enhancement is efforts to improve the quality of a declining image and one of the causes of the decline in the quality of digital images is the emergence of spots called noise. Median filter is one method that is widely used and developed to digital images noise reduction. In this paper, we conducted an experiment study to reduce nois...
This paper discussed at exploring an appropriate model in managing environment that may accommodate and optimize local resources, such as human resources and natural resources. This is important to create and maintain the sustainable development for all. In manifesting the sustainable development, this work found a new paradigm in sustainable devel...
Abstract: The objective of the project is to show how to manufacture and assemble the automatic fan control
system with ATmega8 AVR microcontroller and design an automatic working microcontroller controller
equipped with infrared sensor and temperature sensor. With the creation of this design, no manual fan operation
is required. Because the life o...
Abstract: Load imbalance is a sure thing for power distribution. Especially on the low voltage network side. The
higher the load imbalance will be the higher the current arising in the neutral carrier. The current flowing in the
neutral conductor will be the loss of electrical power on the network. Therefore, in the distribution of electric
power l...
Abstract: The objective of the project is to show how to manufacture and assemble the automatic fan control
system with ATmega8 AVR microcontroller and design an automatic working microcontroller controller
equipped with infrared sensor and temperature sensor. With the creation of this design, no manual fan operation
is required. Because the life o...
Abstract: Many cases of theft due to lack of security systems contained in the house, this is due to limited costs in
the installation of security systems that generally use CCTV cameras or security systems with a microprocessor
using GSM modem. As a settlement of the high cost of installing this system, it is designed and created a security
tool w...
Usage Unbalanced expenses are considered normal for electricity consumers and often found in the field. There are a lot of Distribution Substation of 20 KV installed to serve electricity users, and the lack of management of the installation of kWh Meter based on the profile of each customer that is different from each other, as well as the varying...
Entering the 21st century, the world is faced with the emergence of new technologies in the field of medicine that allow doctors to practice in virtual space. The revolution of innovative technology is known as Telemedicine, so in this paper telemedicine is a medical service provided via telecommunications, audio, visual and data that can connect h...
Steganography is related to the addition of information to a given medium (referred to as cover media) without making visible changes to it. Most of the proposed steganography techniques cannot be applied to store large-scale data. In the new technique for RGB image steganography, color intensity (R-G-B) is used to determine the number of bits you...
Entering the 21st century, the world is faced with the emergence of new technologies in the field of medicine that allow doctors to practice in virtual space. The revolution of innovative technology is known as Telemedicine, so in this paper telemedicine is a medical service provided via telecommunications, audio, visual and data that can connect h...
This paper discussed at exploring an appropriate model in managing environment that may accommodate and optimize local resources, such as human resources and natural resources. This is important to create and maintain the sustainable development for all. In manifesting the sustainable development, this work found a new paradigm in sustainable devel...
Steganography is related to the addition of information to a given medium (referred to as cover media) without making visible changes to it. Most of the proposed steganography techniques cannot be applied to store large-scale data. In the new technique for RGB image steganography, color intensity (R-G-B) is used to determine the number of bits you...
Because the BLDC motor (Brushless Motor Direct current) does not have a brush, it sounds noisy, and
maintenance is more comfortable and has a higher efficiency than induction motors. The design of monitoring
and motor speed controller starts with a 5 volt DC voltage from the power supply used to supply the Arduino Pro
mini. In the Arduino Pro mini...
: The objective of this research was to determine the effect of soil type, biochar type and dose of soybean
seed germination in a glass house as biochar quality test. The study used a randomized block design with three
factors and two replications. First factor were biochar type application: B1 (Rice hull biochar/RHB ); B2(Maize
Strover Biochar/MSB...
Local wisdom is the knowledge of the community that emerged from a long period of evolution between
the community and its environment. Local wisdom by some people is used as a basis for principled environmental
management towards sustainable development. Technological advances in the era of globalization have influenced
the use and existence of loc...
A quality control towards the production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) production is a prominent instanceto be held by companies. Through Taguchi method, several steps are conducted start with the selection of factorsthat affect the quality of CPO and factor level values which then become the basis in the selection of orthogonalmatrices. Based on the res...
The principle of Fixie Rechts or Legal Fiction still embraced in Indonesian legislation. It does notmatter that the policy is inconsistent with reality on the ground, which in fact creates more and more newproblems. For example the application of laws in very remote areas. How can a rural person who has no accessto information, if he does not compl...
Arduino Uno water turbidity gauge has been successfully designed and manufactured. This tool is made using LDR as sensor and led as a light source to measure the water turbidity value and Arduino Uno for data processing. The existence of this tool is already familiar and comfortable to find. However, the price is relatively higher to make this tool...
Arduino Uno water turbidity gauge has been successfully designed and manufactured. This tool is made using LDR as sensor and led as a light source to measure the water turbidity value and Arduino Uno for data processing. The existence of this tool is already familiar and comfortable to find. However, the price is relatively higher to make this tool...
Expansion Of Potato Plant In Medium Plain Has Geographical Obstacles Concerning With ItsCharacteristics Of Which Requires A Relatively Low Temperature During Growth Stage, Especially At TuberFormation Which Requires The Optimum Temperature Of 180 Oc. Escalating Temperatures Imply A GreaterRate Of Gibberellin Synthesis In Leave Bud And Stolon Tip, A...
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is one of the earliest Internet protocols developed. An FTP server can be accessed by using a URI (Univer-sal Resource Identifier), using FTP file exchange between client and server is easier to do because the communication is done directly without going through an intermediary, for communication using FTP need to be de...
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is one of the earliest Internet protocols developed. An FTP server can be accessed by using a URI (Univer-sal Resource Identifier), using FTP file exchange between client and server is easier to do because the communication is done directly without going through an intermediary, for communication using FTP need to be de...
The development of education at this time the increasing number of campuses are growing. Therefore every university wants to gain a lot of students in promoting the university. Many ways can be done for the determination of promotional strategies one of them by using techniques that exist in the data mining. The method used in this research by usin...
The development of education at this time the increasing number of campuses are growing. Therefore every university wants to gain a lot of students in promoting the university. Many ways can be done for the determination of promotional strategies one of them by using techniques that exist in the data mining. The method used in this research by usin...
Fisherman's life is generally synonymous with poverty, this can be seen from the slum state of residence and the houses of a waterless stage and poor health environment and the low education of the fishermen. The problems of this research are. a. How is the life of fishermen in Secanggang village Langkat, b. how the government's role in tackling th...
1. INTRODUCTION: The term of quality is broadly used in different fields. Furthermore, in the points of companies growth, product quality and services is the important role to be preserved by companies. Quality is one of the main factors to the consumers in choosing and determining the product to be used [1]. As example, the companies which are ope...
The principle of Fixie Rechts or Legal Fiction still embraced in Indonesian legislation. It does not
matter that the policy is inconsistent with reality on the ground, which in fact creates more and more new
problems. For example the application of laws in very remote areas. How can a rural person who has no access
to information, if he does not co...
The problem of electric power quality is a matter of changing the form of voltage, current or frequency that can cause failure of equipment, either utility equipment or consumer property. Components of household equipment there are many nonlinear loads, one of which Mixer. Even a load nonlinear current waveform and voltage is not sinusoidal. Due to...
The problem of electric power quality is a matter of changing the form of voltage,current or frequency that can cause failure of equipment, either utility equipment or consumer property. Components of household equipment there are many nonlinear loads, one of which Mixer. Even a load nonlinear current waveform and voltage is not sinusoidal. Due to...
Robot selalu dipelajari di berbagai daerah untuk tujuan pendidikan , medis dan militer . Namun,didalam berbagaitulisan pembuatan robot yang diterapkan dalam praktek perkebunan sangat rendah . Dalam penelitian ini telahmengembangkan robot untuk penyiraman secra otomatis . dikarenakan sirkulasi air di Indonesia yang akanmenipis, dan diwaktu penyirama...
This paper examines the long-term simultaneous response between dividend policy and corporate value. The main problem studied is that the dividend policy is responded very slowly to the final goal of corporate value. Analysis of Data was using Vector Auto regression (VAR). The result of the discussion concludes the effect of different simultaneous...
It is very challenging to recognize a face from an image due to the wide variety of face and the uncertain of face position. The research on detecting human faces in color image and in video sequence has been attracted with more and more people. In this paper, we propose a novel face detection method that achieves better detection rates. The new fa...
Encryption is one method used to protect or maintain the data. Data that has encrypted will be kept confidential where the contents of the data are altered, so it does not correspond to the actual data. To be able to read data that has been encrypted earlier required a process called decryption. In the science of cryptography, the data will be safe...
This paper examines the long-term simultaneous response between dividend policy and corporate value. The main problem studied is that the dividend policy is responded very slowly to the final goal of corporate value. Analysis of Data was using Vector Autoregression (VAR). The result of the discussion concludes the effect of different simultaneous r...
Whatsapp is a social media application that is currently widely used from various circles due to ease of use and security is good enough, the security at the time of communicating at this time is very important as well with Whatsapp. Whatsapp from the network is very secure but on the local storage that contains the message was not safe enough beca...
Whatsapp is a social media application that is currently widely used from various circles due to ease of use and security is good enough, the security at the time of communicating at this time is very important as well with Whatsapp. Whatsapp from the network is very secure but on the local storage that contains the message was not safe enough beca...
In Indonesia, Smart Hybrid Vehicle is an Important issue for vehicle in college. This paper presents a charging process for electric scooter in parking lot areas University Pembangunan PancaBudi. It allows us toevaluate a broad range of Plug-in Smart Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PSHEVs) and Plug-in Electric Vehicles(PEVs) charging scenarios and stocha...
Transport infrastructure is a measure of the spatial interaction among regions and has a significant role in supporting the process of regional infrastructure development because without transportation between one place to another place is not materialized well. Interaction among regions has reflected in the transportation infrastructure facilities...
Study the characteristics of drying under drying temperature conditions between 60-80ºC, dryingair velocity 0.6-1.4 m / s and 6-10 mesh particle size. This paper describes a design and realization of fertilizerdryers based on ANN Methode. In addition to the amount of production more, the cost of operation can also beminimized as much as possible an...
Simple negligence can be a fatal impact. The threat of cyber in 2017 is feeble, and it starts from "wanna cry" until "nopetya" that the impact is relatively weak. The public also feels the threat of cybercrime even in many countries who have become the target of cyber-war, the society became the most disadvantaged. Cybercrimes have an impact on the...
Marketing surveys discover that the most successful organizations have to provide products or services that meet customer´s requirements. The organizations can fulfill these requirements are more consistent in their competition. Quality of service is a major factor in the company's service providers faces competition in the market; therefore that i...
This paper analyzes the degree of poverty dependence with economic fundamentals in Indonesia over the long term. Economic fundamentals are a vital measure of price stability, purchasing power, and poverty control. Long-term analysisusing Structural Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression (SFAVAR). The results of the study found that the degree of po...
Improved image quality needs to be done to improve data processing on the image. This quality improvement can be made by doing masking technique. Median Filter is one technique to enhance the quality of an image in a particular space. Median filtering improves the image by specifying a specific pixel from its neighboring pixels. The median filterin...
The problem of electric power quality is a matter of changing the form of voltage, current or frequency that can cause failure of equipment, either utility equipment or consumer property. Components of household equipment there are many nonlinear loads, one of which Mixer. Even a load nonlinear current waveform and voltage is not sinusoidal. Due to...
This paper analyzes the degree of poverty dependence with economic fundamentals in Indonesia over the long term. Economic fundamentals are a vital measure of price stability, purchasing power, and poverty control. Long-term analysis using Structural Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregression (SFAVAR). The results of the study found that the degree of p...
Improved image quality needs to be done to improve data processing on the image. This quality improvement can be made by doing masking technique. Median Filter is one technique to enhance the quality of an image in a particular space. Median filtering improves the image by specifying a specific pixel from its neighboring pixels. The median filterin...
Fisherman's life is generally synonymous with poverty, this can be seen from the slum state of residence and the houses of a waterless stage and poor health environment and the low education of the fishermen. The problems of this research are. a. How is the life of fishermen in Secanggang village Langkat, b. how the government's role in tackling th...
Marketing surveys discover that the most successful organizations have to provide products or services that meet customer´s requirements. The organizations can fulfill these requirements are more consistent in their competition. Quality of service is a major factor in the company's service providers faces competition in the market; therefore that i...
Rabin Karp algorithm is a search algorithm that searches for a substring pattern in a text using hashing. It is beneficial for matching words with many patterns. One of the practical applications of Rabin Karp's algorithm is in the detection of plagiarism. Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp invented the algorithm. This algorithm performs string s...
The stator is apart complicated because it is one of the main parts of mechanical components inside an induction motor and is often a heat problem in the electrical pressure and also due to competitive environmental conditions, etc. So this study discusses how the technique used in identifying the initial level of small error rate in the induction...
The induction motor has in the industry . More attention has been a focus to develop and design of induction motor drive. With the method of vector control novelty prove the efficiency of induction motor over their entire speed range. In this paper desirable to design a loss minimization controller which can improve the efficiency. Also, this resea...
Face identification systems are developing rapidly, and these developments drive the advancement of biometric-based identification systems that have high accuracy. However, to develop a good face recognition system and to have high accuracy is something that's hard to find. Human faces have diverse expressions and attribute changes such as eyeglass...
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is one of the earliest Internet protocols developed. An FTP server can be accessed by using a URI (Universal Resource Identifier), using FTP file exchange between client and server is easier to do because the communication is done directly without going through an intermediary, for communication using FTP need to be des...
Current data and information security is very important to do so that there is no abuse by irresponsible parties. Cryptography is one method that can be used to secure data or information and the Advanced Encrryption Standard (AES) algorithm is one of the cryptographic algorithms that can be used. The encryption and decryption process in Cryptograp...
Energi dari sinar matahari ditampung kemudian dikonversi menjadi energi listrik. Energi tersebut nantinya dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan berbagai macam alat elektronik mulai dari menyalakan lampu, menggerakkan motor, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya. Didalam penelitian menjadikan energi tenaga surya sebagai energi alternative untuk mensuplai e...
Study the characteristics of drying under drying temperature conditions between 60-80ºC, drying air velocity 0.6-1.4 m / s and 6-10 mesh particle size. This paper describes a design and realization of fertilizer dryers based on ANN Methode. In addition to the amount of production more, the cost of operation can also be minimized as much as possible...
The rapid growth of many piles of data has created a rich state of data but minimal information.
So much data will be difficult to mine information on the data. Data mining is the mining or discovery of new
information by looking for certain patterns or rules from a large amount of data that is expected to overcome the
condition. By utilizing data...
This paper already publish (Post Print) in International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 3 Issue: 3 May-June 2017
Study the characteristics of drying under drying temperature conditions between 60-80ºC, drying air velocity 0.6-1.4 m / s and 6-10 mesh particle size. This paper describes a design and realization of fertilizer dryers based on ANN Methode. In addition to the amount of production more, the cost of operation can also be minimized as much as possible...
In the Sequitur algorithm, the compression process is performed based on the number of characters having similar similarities. Similarities will be detected on every syllable in the entire text. Determination of the number of characters to be compared will affect the compression level of this algorithm. Using dynamic or static blocks can optimize t...
Study the characteristics of drying under drying temperature conditions between 60-80ºC, drying air velocity 0.6-1.4 m / s and 6-10 mesh particle size. This paper describes a design and realization of fertilizer dryers based on ANN Methode. In addition to the amount of production more, the cost of operation can also be minimized as much as possible...
In electric power systems that serve the load continuously should the voltage and frequency must remain constant, but if there is interference on one of the generators or the rail, then it is undeniable there will be disruption to the power supply. It is necessary to conduct a Research on the Stability of Power Systems relating to the Determination...
In the Sequitur algorithm, the compression process is performed based on the number of characters
having similar similarities. Similarities will be detected on every syllable in the entire text. Determination of the
number of characters to be compared will affect the compression level of this algorithm. Using dynamic or
static blocks can optimize t...
Decision support system is part of computer-based information systems used to support decision-making in an organization or company, and the decision support could be generated by using several kinds of methods, one of which is a method of Composite Performance Index (CPI). Composite Performance Index can be used to determine the determination or r...