Sofia Zaragocin

Sofia Zaragocin
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | UIUC · Department of Geography

PhD Geography , University of Cambridge


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Decolonial feminist geographer working at the intersections of anglophone feminist geography, Latin American feminist debates on territory and decolonial Latin American Feminism


Publications (63)
Gendered geographies of elimination further settler colonialism's influence on conceptual discussions in human geography on contemporary forms of the place‐based death of indigenous peoples. Through work stemming from scholarship on the gendering of settler colonialism, this paper adds to narratives on place annihilation and dispossession of indige...
As a way to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist geography, the journal sought to highlight the status of feminist geography across the globe. This special issue gives an overview of feminist geography as a praxis and an intellectual field across 39 countries. This process has highlighted the contempo...
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Introducción Hacer geografía feminista en colectivo implica hacer procesos de construc-ción de conocimiento geográfico de manera descolonial. 8 La geografía feminista descolonial necesita de una colectividad militante y politizada por varias razo-nes. La primera es que requiere de una pluralidad de perspectivas, donde no predomina una sola visión....
Extractivist practices threaten water security and with it, people's health and livelihoods. Numerous communities around the world are engaged in the strenuous work of resistance against mining. Through our previous research, we matured a sense that women are a major force behind organizing for water security, particularly because they often refer...
Afro-descendant women in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, are amongst the most marginalized groups in the country. Living in a region severely affected by environmental degradation due to multiple and overlapping forms of resource extraction, they also face the impacts of drug-trafficking conflicts crossing the Colombian border, as well as institutional and ev...
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El presente artículo es un estudio cualitativo sobre el movimiento feminista en San Cristóbal - Galápagos que a través del uso de redes sociales generó transformaciones en el contexto de la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19, a través del uso de las redes sociales. Es necesario mencionar que esta investigación es el resultado de la segunda fase del estu...
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Esta publicación es parte del ciclo «Cuerpos-territorios: diálogos Sur-Sur sobre conflictos socioespaciales», financiado por la Oficina de Cooperación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Recoge una selección de textos redactados por investigadoras y colectivos de México, Colombia y Ecuador, cuya experiencia en investigación y desarrollo de proyectos se e...
In Latin America, feminist geography collectives are part of larger critical geography praxis. As the Critical Geography Collective of Ecuador, in this chapter we explore the potentials of collective feminist geographic praxis that has organized around geographical critiques of extractivist industry, patriarchy, and the connections between the two....
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Repair is about doing, (re)doing, and materiality. This plenary makes it very clear that repair means taking action, building relations, and a continuous attention to the material. The authors stress the methods of land-as-pedagogy, Black place making and the afterlives of slavery as political and cultural practices. The emphasis is on action and b...
This article critically explores tensions concerning development from contemporary feminist thought and praxis in Latin America. In Ecuador, development is seen as an outdated and irrelevant theoretical framework from a variety of feminist perspectives, including feminist political ecology and decolonial feminisms. Nevertheless, development discour...
This commentary engages with contemporary interpretations of the Global South in relation to the hemispheric scale in critical human geography. I am particularly interested in contributing to conversations on how the Global North/South divide can be untangled and challenged through a critical reimagining of the hemispheric scale within the Latin Am...
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Durante el año 2019 en distintas partes de América Latina se celebró el nacimiento de Alexander Von Humboldt. Este texto analiza desde una geografía descolonial y anti-racista, lo que significa la celebración de Humboldt en terminos de la racialización del espacio. Asombrados de la falta de acercamientos críticos a la celebración de Humboldt, segui...
This extended introduction to a volume on territory and decolonisation from the Global Souths highlights a series of tensions that arose in its production and discusses possible strategies for further developing dialogue on the theme. Specifically, it looks at the centrality of Latin America – as an idea, experience and epistemology – from which de...
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Desde nuestras trayectorias y reflexiones, escribimos sobre los aportes, desde los movimientos sociales, ambientales y de mujeres, hasta las geografías feministas, las ecologías políticas feministas y la geografía feminista descolonial antirracista. Asimismo, planteamos los siguientes ejes analíticos: territorios y territorialidades diversas; natur...
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Retomando los aportes y reflexiones surgidas en el marco del foro homónimo, celebrado en octubre de 2020, en el texto se aborda la pertinencia de la cartografía participativa en diferentes contextos de disputa, despojo o reivindicación territorial que se viven en la región latinoamericana, sobre todo por el modelo extractivo neoliberal que impera e...
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Este artículo conecta la geografía feminista descolonial con los feminismos descolo- niales latinoamericanos. Me interesa profundizar sobre la relación entre el racismo, la colonialidad y las espacialidades uniendo estos dos marcos teóricos. La geografía feminista descolonial analiza las articulaciones entre la colonialidad del género y el racismo...
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This article brings together reflections on island feminism with feminist geopolitics in the Latin American context. Based on ongoing qualitative research by two Ecuadorian feminist geographers, gender‐based violence spatial dynamics on one of the islands of the Galapagos archipelago—San Cristobal—is analyzed. A multi‐scalar approach from the exper...
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El libro Racismos en Ecuador. Reflexiones y Experiencias Interseccionales es el resultado de un esfuerzo colectivo por plantear, sostener y generar reflexiones y praxis antirracistas en Ecuador. Desde 2018, el Colectivo Reexistencias Cimarrunas reúne discusiones desde dos ángulos conceptuales: el pensamiento antirracista y los feminismos intersecci...
This reflection piece addresses how LatinX geographies primarily based in the US can engage with critical geography in Latin America. There are shared intellectual and political commitments between LatinX geographies and certain strands of critical geography in Latin America, primarily those in line with decolonial feminist geography. These geograp...
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In late 2019, a team of researchers and activists from Ecuador and the UK began a new oral history project, accompanying Afro‐Ecuadorian women living in the province of Esmeraldas, as they interrogated and articulated their history and heritage. The impact of coronavirus, which has hit Ecuador particularly hard, delayed the workshops and oral histo...
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Challenging the epistemic dominance of Anglocentric feminist geography is not a linear process of knowledges from "below" disrupting knowledges from "above." The flow of place-based knowledges is multidimensional and lived through subject positions that are often transcultural. This chapter addresses how we can discuss feminist geography in places...
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Este artículo define la geografía feminista descolonial desde una multiplicidad de lugares. En el campo de la geografía crítica hay una mayor producción sobre descolonialidad fuera del sur que dentro del Abya Yala. Por lo que hay una variedad de propuestas que coinciden en las distintas geografías feministas desde geografías de la negritud, geograf...
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In the context of current decolonial geographical debates calling for action-oriented approaches to changing geographical knowledge construction, we propose cuerpo-territorio as a way to achieve this goal in Anglophone feminist geography. In Anglophone geography, emotions and embodiment have been studied through a range of ethnographic methods. The...
Research Proposal
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Poesía, ensayo, relato, microrrelato, conversaciones, entrevistas, ilustraciones, fotografía, registros de arte urbano.
In Anglophone geography, proposals have called for the decolonization of geographical knowledge production to be focused on tangible and material manifestations of how dialogue is initiated and mediated among different ontologies and epistemologies. We strive to respond to this call by empirically cutting across the American continent to highlight...
In Anglophone geography, proposals have called for the decolonization of geographical knowledge production to be focused on tangible and material manifestations of how dialogue is initiated and mediated among different ontologies and epistemol- ogies. We strive to respond to this call by empirically cutting across the American continent to highligh...
Número especial de JLAG sobre Perspectivas de la geografía crítica. Nuestro artículo en
Latin American feminist geography exists in historically strong academic centers in the region, such as Brazil, Mexico and Argentina with an incipient tradition in Colombia, Chile and now Ecuador. In countries like Ecuador, where institutionalized human geography perspectives are lacking, the rise of feminist geography provides the field with impor...
Latin American feminist geography exists in historically strong academic centers in the region, such as Brazil, Mexico and Argentina with an incipient tradition in Colombia, Chile and now Ecuador. In countries like Ecuador, where institutionalized human geography perspectives are lacking, the rise of feminist geography provides the field with impor...
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El Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador recupera la mejor tradición del pensamiento crítico revolucionario que, sabemos, surgió en las calles, en las luchas sociales y no en la academia. Lo que no impide, al contrario, exige rigor analítico incluso porque los grupos sociales en situación de subalternización necesitan antes de todo deconstruir...
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La pregunta central que guía este escrito es: ¿los espacios acuáticos, ameritan una nueva manera de redireccionar y comprender los debates feministas sobre el territorio?
This article examines the connections between Buen Vivir, a radical approach to socially inclusive development in Latin America, and equality policies developed by the Ministry of Defence for the Ecuadorian armed forces. Drawing on extensive qualitative research on the Ecuadorian military, this article explores and compares the implementation of po...
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Este artículo resalta el proceso de mapeo de la criminalización del aborto en Ecuador, como parte de un proyecto de investigación llevado a cabo en colectivo entre una institución académica (FLACSO-Ecuador) y organizaciones de la sociedad civil (Centro de Apoyo y Protección de los Derechos Humanos SURKUNA y el Colectivo de Geografía Crítica de Ecua...
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Este artículo repasa de manera sucinta los debates en los que converge la geografía crítica en las tradiciones latinoamericanas y anglosajonas, así como las principales líneas de discusión en ecología política; geografía feminista; geografía poscolonial y decolonial; y geografía de la movilidad y las migraciones, con el afán de contribuir a delinea...
This article draws attention to the process of mapping the criminalization of abortion in Ecuador. As part of a research project carried out in partnership between an academic institution (FLACSO-Ecuador) and civil society organizations (SURKUNA and the Critical Geography Collective of Ecuador).This joint collaboration results in various thematic m...
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Recepción de artículos: desde el 15 de mayo al 4 de septiembre de 2017 Publicación: mayo 2018 Envío de artículos: a través de plataforma de gestión de Íconos, Portal de revistas de FLACSO


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