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Sofia Lacerda is currently doing a PhD in Archaeology, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-https://doi.org/10.54499/2020.05896.BD). Her research focuses on Landscape Archaeology, with a particular interest in rural life in Roman Empire, especially in agrarian and gold mining landscapes.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (9)
In the scope of FCT project IGAEDIS, focussing on the agrarian landscapes around ciuitas Igaeditanorum, archaeological excavations were made in the rural settlement of Terra Grande (Idanha-a-Velha, Castelo Branco). These revealed a building of substantial size whose material culture points to a chronology between the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Sever...
During the Roman period, Idanha-a-Velha was the capital of a vast administrative territory (the ciuitas Igaeditanorum), and also included a portion of land that today belongs to Spain. It is as yet unclear whether it was occupied in the protohistory period or whether it corresponded to a Roman city built from scratch in the late first century BC. T...
This text presents an updated survey of some capitals of civitates located in the Portuguese area ofNorthern Lusitania, discussing the specific configurations of the urban and social landscapesdeveloped after Augustus. The identified civitates, some of which were closer to the ocean andothers more interior and rural, provide evidence of the applica...
Aeminium was the Roman name for Coimbra. Founded during the reign of Augustus (27 BC – 14 AD), it became one of the most important towns of the north of the Roman province of Lusitania. Aeminium benefited from its situation in a natural south-north corridor, as well as between the ocean – which provided a link to the vast Roman Empire – and the mou...
Para poder comprender la ocupación del territorio en torno de Idanha-a-Velha (capital de la civitas Igaeditanorum) y las dinámicas del poblamiento que ahí se desarrollaron, construimos un Mapa de Usos Potenciales de la Tierra que cruzamos con los asentamientos rurales romanos identificados en trabajos de prospección intensiva. Esta cartografía digi...
Os Mapas de Uso Potencial da Terra são representações cartográficas que nos permitem refletir sobre os usos prováveis da terra na antiguidade. Não se devem confundir com a cartografia tradicional de solos, uma vez que, ao contrário desta, os Mapas de Uso Potencial da Terra são criados de forma a conter um valor histórico. Embora este tipo de cartog...
Com este ensaio pretendeu-se complementar o estudo do Alto Douro do III e II milénio a.C. oferecendo uma perspectiva cartesiana do espaço como complemento aos estudos que têm sido feitos com base na percepção presencial de investigadores como João Muralha Cardoso, Vítor Oliveira Jorge, Susana Oliveira Jorge, Ana Margarida Vale, António Sá Coixão e...