Sofía García-Sanjuán

Sofía García-Sanjuán
University of Alicante | UA · Nursing


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Publications (52)
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Background The evolution of the family model in Europe in the 21st century, and particularly in Spain, has led to grandparents playing a major role in caring for their grandchildren. Grandparents are required to take on certain functions and roles in order to provide this care. This results in changes to their daily lives, their family relationship...
Background: Knowledge of virtual simulation and its uses in training health professionals and students is still growing rapidly. Objective: The objective of this current study was to carry out an integrative review to identify the virtual simulation tools currently available and aimed at training communication skills in healthcare professionals fro...
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Grandparental care of grandchildren is a prevalent social phenomenon. This study explores the perceptions of health-related quality of life of grandparents caring for their grandchildren. A mixed methods design was developed. In the first phase, participants were interviewed using a baseline questionnaire. The second phase consisted of focus groups...
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Given today's rapidly ageing society, family members providing informal care to dependent older adults face ever-increasing challenges. The aim of this study was to describe the affective impact on older adults over 70 years of age caring for a dependent older person at home. A qualitative study was designed from a phenomenological perspective. Thi...
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Objective: Gender influences the provision of family caregiving, identifying inequalities in the distribution of care-related tasks. The aim of this study was to analyze the gender influence in family caregiving, provided by elderly while, identifying the sociodemographic characteristics of caregivers. Methods: Mixed, descriptive and phenomenolo...
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Background The Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire-15 (MSISQ-15) is a valid and reliable tool to assess the sexuality of people with multiple sclerosis. The objectives of this study were: 1) to cross-culturally adapt and examine the psychometric properties of the MSISQ-15 in the Spanish context and 2) to examine the association...
The management of hospitalized patients with dementia is more complicated compared to patients without dementia, specifically in the surgery ward. The aim of the current study was to explore the experiences of operating room health care providers in the management of patients with dementia. A descriptive qualitative study was designed. Twenty semi-...
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En el ámbito de las emergencias y catástrofes, los profesionales sanitarios se enfrentan a situaciones complejas que requieren la aplicación de competencias actitudinales, cognitivas y procedimentales en un entorno desfavorable, lleno de presión, interrupciones e imprevisibilidad. Estas condiciones laborales influyen negativamente en la calidad asi...
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En el curso académico 2017-2018 desde la Universidad de Alicante (UA) junto con el Vicerrectorado de Responsabilidad Social, Inclusión e Igualdad, pusieron en marcha un programa de voluntariado centrado en la cronicidad y en los cuidados paliativos con el nombre de UAcompaña, enmarcado dentro del programa de voluntariado Contigo+UA. El voluntariado...
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Globally, an estimated 2.2 billion people are visually impaired (VI) or blind, and a large proportion (90%) of those affected live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where access to eye health services is limited. This study aimed to identify barriers to accessing eye health services and associated factors in suburban communities of Nampu...
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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrition is a key aspect as it can modulate much of the symptomatology. People affected by IBD often experience difficulties at work in all areas, including adapting their dietary management to workplace situations. The aim of this st...
Compulsory home confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic has had an influence on the physical and emotional health. Nevertheless, it has been more prevalent in women and in people with chronic illness such as multiple sclerosis, so the aim of this study was to know the experience of women with multiple sclerosis during the home confinement period in Sp...
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Introduction: Congruence, understood as the agreement between the patient's preferred place of death and their actual place of death, is emerging as one of the main variables indicating the quality of end-of-life care. The aim of this research was to conduct a systematic literature review on levels and determinants of congruence in palliative patie...
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Es conveniente diseñar, aplicar y evaluar metodologías activas y eficaces que permitan entrenar habilidades no técnicas, como las de comunicación, en los profesionales sanitarios en su formación de pregrado. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: a) Implementar un programa de simulación de baja fidelidad para la adquisición de habilidades de comunicaci...
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Las habilidades de comunicación son consideradas un factor clave de la calidad asistencial por ello es necesario evaluar los programas de entrenamiento del alumnado de ciencias de la salud. En redes previas se identificaron aspectos de mejora en la variabilidad en la metodología docente y en la evaluación inter-jueces. El objetivo del presente proy...
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La pandemia Covid-19 ha supuesto cambios radicales de índole social que ha favorecido que muchos adultos mayores se hayan visto en una situación de aislamiento social. El resultado de esta situación es que muchos adultos mayores se encuentren en una situación de aislamiento social y soledad forzada, que aumenta el riesgo de sufrir problemas de salu...
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Background: Standardised patient simulations seem to be useful for improving the communication skills of health sciences students. However, it is important to define the effectiveness of these types of interventions in complex scenarios linked to disease chronicity and end-of-life contexts. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-...
Purpose To understand how women with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience their sexuality. Material and methods This was a qualitative study in which eight women belonging to MS associations in Elche or Alicante (Spain) completed semi-structured interviews. We subsequently carried out a thematic analysis of this data. Results Four main themes and m...
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Objective Non-professional care provided in domestic settings by a family member or someone from the close environment and without a connection to a professional care service, is increasingly assumed by older people, mainly the spouses of those requiring care. The aim of this study was to describe the experience of older people providing care at ho...
Background: The aim was to develop and validate the Complex Case Assessment Index (CCAI), a specific instrument to identify complex patients. Methods: Instrumental study in two phases: 1) Development of the scale: the variables extracted from the literature were firstly defined and operationalized, and then submitted for expert judgment. The CCA...
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Background Adequate communication skills in healthcare professionals are one of the key elements required for achieving high-quality healthcare. Thus, measurement instruments able to assess the dimensions related to these skills, including attitudes towards communication, are useful and convenient tools. Objectives To (a) cross-culturally adapt an...
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The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a standardized high-fidelity patient simulation educational program to train non-technical skills, implemented in nursing students in a Spanish context.
Background Training emotionally complex communication skills with standardized patients brings realism to simulation scenarios, and moreover, is associated with high levels of satisfaction among the students. Objectives (1) To measure the satisfaction of nursing students and factors related to their satisfaction and (2) to explore the effects perc...
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Experiencia de personas con Alzheimer en fases leves y moderadas en España A experiência de pessoas com Alzheimer na Espanha nas fases leve e moderada Objetivo: analizar el significado que adquiere la enfermedad para las personas afectadas por Demencia, proporcionándoles voz. Material y métodos: aproximación a la fenomenología descriptiva a trav...
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La relación médico-paciente se encuentra en un proceso de cambio y evolución hacia un tratamiento más humano, sustentado sobre el principio de autonomía, con el objetivo de respetar los derechos del paciente y no sólo imponer la voluntad del médico. Un instrumento que salvaguarda esta situación es el Documento de Voluntades Anticipadas, como extens...
Introduction: Advance healthcare directives (AHDs) in mental health offer important information regarding service users' preferences. However, whether AHDs are truly understood by providers is questionable. Aim: To survey the knowledge and attitudes of mental health professionals towards AHDs and examine any associations with socio-demographic a...
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the sexuality of women with multiple sclerosis. Data sources MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase and the Cochrane Library, as well as doctoral thesis databases Teseo and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and the grey literature database Opengrey...
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The complexity of palliative care means that the emotional distress and burden that primary family caregivers suffer under can be particularly high. The objective of this study was to determine the level of burden endured by these primary family caregivers and to identify the variables that predict it in the caregiving relatives of people who requi...
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Introducción: La adquisición de competencias relacionadas con aspectos emocionales y habilidades de comunicación es fundamental en asignaturas como Cuidados Paliativos, Salud Mental y Enfermería Comunitaria, por lo que desarrollar un programa de entrenamiento de dichas habilidades mediante simulación de alta fidelidad sería beneficioso. Objetivo: (...
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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease mediated by the immune system and is characterized by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the possible treatments for this pathology is a change in the type of diet, of which enteral nutrition (EN) is one. This study is to understand how the use of EN can affect the adult populati...
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Objectives To explore the experiences of caregivers living with relatives affected by Crohn’s disease (CD) in a context in which the family provides social support. Design A qualitative study based on a phenomenological approach was conducted through in-depth interviews. Setting Participants living in Alicante (Spain) were recruited Participants...
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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease mediated by the immune system and characterized by the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the possible treatments for this pathology is a change in the type of diet, the enteral nutrition (EN) is one of them. This study is to understand how the use of EN can affect the adult popu...
Aims and objectives: To evaluate the availability of, adherence to, and perceived usefulness of guidelines and protocols for managing hydration and subcutaneous hydration in palliative care settings. Background: Hydration at the end of life and the use of a subcutaneous route to hydrate generate some controversy among health professionals for di...
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Introducción La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) incluye a la colitis ulcerosa (CU) y la enfermedad de Crohn (EC). Se cree que las grasas dietéticas pueden influir en su desarrollo. Objetivo: Analizar cómo se relaciona el contenido de omega-3 y omega-6 presentes en la dieta de forma natural con el proceso de la EII, tanto en su aparición co...
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Background: dementia is one of the main causes of disability and dependency among the older population worldwide, producing physical, psychological, social and economic impact in those affected, caregivers, families and societies. However, little is known about dementia protective factors and their potential benefits against disease decline in the...
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Introduction: An Advance Healthcare Directive (AHD) is a written document that contains a patient-in-care's will and preferences concerning the treatment options available to them, should they lack decision-making capacity. AHDs are completed within a broader framework known as Advance Care Planning. No study has explored the viewpoint of Spanish...
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Crohn’s Disease (CD) in Spain lacks of a unified National Clinical Pathway and not even any early detection program and professional follow-up outpatient attention once it has been diagnosed. Little is known about the Spanish health professionals’ views of the experiences of individuals living with Crohn’s Disease nationwide and also about how the...
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Background and objectives: People affected by Crohn's disease must adapt their lives to their new chronic condition, and therefore, understanding such experience can be helpful in planning effective interventions for the affected ones. The aim of this study was to gain an insight into such experience and how they adapted in different areas of thei...
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La seguridad del paciente es una cuestión primordial en el ámbito sanitario y una dimensión clave de la calidad asistencial. La práctica clínica es una actividad compleja, acompañada de riesgos e incertidumbres. En el contexto de los cuidados de enfermería, el aprendizaje y la formación en competencias procedimentales es imprescindible para el desa...
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A las Universidades se les atribuye tradicionalmente dos funciones principales, la docencia y la investigación. Sin embargo existe un amplio consenso entre legisladores y académicos sobre que la aportación de la Universidad al conjunto de la sociedad debe ir más allá. El voluntariado constituye una herramienta muy útil para ofrecer al entorno socia...
Conference Paper
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La seguridad del paciente es objetivo de la OMS. Debe determinar la calidad asistencial y la formación grado/posgrado. En el aprendizaje en competencias procedimentales el alumnado debe de ser capaz de reproducir lo aprendido en espacios controlados en el contacto con las personas enfermas. Se presenta el material audiovisual y la validación de "ch...
Conference Paper
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Las habilidades de comunicación y su aplicación en situaciones emocionalmente difíciles para las personas, como los procesos de salud-enfermedad, son habilidades centrales para los profesionales de enfermería. A pesar de ello, son pocas las horas dedicadas a estos contenidos en la formación de grado, en relación con las dedicadas a otras habilidade...
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Objective: To explore the experiences of people with Crohn disease (CD), their life-changing events, the impact on their lives and the strategies used to cope with it. Materials and methods: Qualitative study. In-depth interviews were carried out on 10 people affected by the disease in the province of Alicante (Spain). The collection, processing...
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Innovaciones metodológicas en docencia universitaria: resultados de investigación (ISBN: 978-84-608-4141-4) 2015 131. Evaluación del Practicum del Grado en Enfermería. Estudio comparativo entre dos instituciones universitarias RESUMEN. El EEES pone en el centro de nuestras actuaciones al alumnado y nos identifica como elementos incentivadores y mot...
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Introduction: Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic illness of unknown etiology. The consequences that CD causes nutritionally depend on several factors. However, little is known about the nutritional practices that CD affected people adopt once diagnosed. Objective: to explore the experience of those affected in relation to food intake, with the fu...
Objective: to know the experiences of life and perception of social support for people affected by Crohn's disease (CD), and the role played by nurses in the process. Methods: The PubMed search was conducted, CUIDEN, CINAHL, CSIC, SCIELO, Theseus. Also used sensitive search, REDICS (Red qualitative health research) and RUA (Institutional Repository...
This scoping review identifies and describes relevant studies related to the evidence published on life experiences and perceived social support of people affected by Crohn's disease. Twenty-three studies were definitely selected and analyzed for the topics explored. The overall findings show patients' needs and perceptions. There is a lack of evid...


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