Sören Huwendiek

Sören Huwendiek
University of Bern | UniBe · Institute for Medical Education



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October 2010 - present
University of Bern
  • Head of Department
July 2002 - October 2010
Heidelberg University
  • Pediatrician, Pediatric Rheumatologist, Medical Educator


Publications (202)
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E-learning and blended learning approaches gain more and more popularity in emergency medicine curricula. So far, little data is available on the impact of such approaches on procedural learning and skill acquisition and their comparison with traditional approaches. This study investigated the impact of a blended learning approach, including Web-ba...
The medical education community is working-across disciplines and across the continuum-to address the current challenges facing the medical education system and to implement strategies to improve educational outcomes. Educational technology offers the promise of addressing these important challenges in ways not previously possible. The authors prop...
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Introduction Only a few studies have described the impacts, strengths and needs for further development of national licensing exams (NLE). To gain such insights regarding the Swiss NLE, which includes a multiple-choice and a standardised clinical skills exam, we explored the perceptions of involved experts and stakeholders. Methods We explored par...
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Background: Managing pediatric emergencies can be both clinically and educationally challenging with little existing research on how to improve resident involvement. Moreover, nursing input is frequently ignored. We report here on an innovation using interprofessional briefing (iB) and workplace-based assessment (iWBA) to improve the delivery of c...
Purpose Clinical learning contexts influence how medical students engage with entrustment decisions. However, it is unclear how students and health care team members perceive the entrustment decision process. This study explored which factors students and team members consider relevant to entrustment decisions in early clinical rotations. Method T...
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Introduction This study aims to improve the diagnostic yield of cervical fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) through training on a novel liver model. Ultrasonography‐guided fine‐needle aspiration (US‐FNA) is crucial for diagnosing head and neck lumps but requires meticulous execution. Limited resources often hinder systematic teaching, making practical mo...
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Background We developed a blended training program at a tertiary pediatric center based on hospital-specific emergency guidelines, profession-specific Virtual Patients (VPs), and interprofessional team training. Using this novel approach, we addressed differing educational needs of medical and nursing staff and intrinsic cognitive overload among pa...
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Introduction Graduate medical education is being reformed in many countries, with a focus on the principles of competency-based medical education (CBME). A main novel aspect in this context is the implementation of entrustable professional activities (EPAs). The introduction of EPAs aims to better align training curricula with clinical practice, pr...
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Background A competency-based education approach calls for frequent workplace-based assessments (WBA) of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). While mobile applications increase the efficiency, it is not known how many assessments are required for reliable ratings and whether the concept can be implemented in all sizes of residency programs....
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Objective To explore Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer's (ChatGPT's) capability to create multiple‐choice questions about otorhinolaryngology (ORL). Study Design Experimental question generation and exam simulation. Setting Tertiary academic center. Methods ChatGPT 3.5 was prompted: “Can you please create a challenging 20‐question multiple‐...
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Background Clinical reasoning (CR) is a crucial ability that can prevent errors in patient care. Despite its important role, CR is often not taught explicitly and, even when it is taught, typically not all aspects of this ability are addressed in health professions education. Recent research has shown the need for explicit teaching of CR for both s...
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It has been difficult to demonstrate that interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaboration (IPC) have positive effects on patient care quality, cost effectiveness of patient care, and healthcare provider satisfaction. Here we propose a detailed explanation for this difficulty based on an adjusted theory about cause and effect i...
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Background With conference attendees having expressed preference for hybrid meeting formats (containing both in-person and virtual components), organisers are challenged to find the best combination of events for academic meetings. Better understanding what attendees prioritise in a hybrid conference should allow better planning and need fulfilment...
Conference Paper
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Hintergrund Der Aufbau vertrauensvoller Beziehungen zu Patientinnen ist entscheidend für alle Gesundheitsfachkräfte. Obwohl die Bedeutung von Vertrauen in den Lernzielen aller Lehrpläne festgelegt ist, scheint der Aufbau vertrauensvoller Beziehungen schwieriger zu lehren als andere Kompetenzen. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten, wi...
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Background Medical specialty certification exams are high-stakes summative assessments used to determine which doctors have the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to treat patients independently. Such exams are crucial for patient safety, candidates’ career progression and accountability to the public, yet vary significantly among medical s...
Background: Gerontopsychiatry will become increasingly relevant as a discipline for primary care based on current demographic forecasts, destigmatization of mental illness and specific diagnostic and therapeutic developments. Hence, high quality graduate medical training in old age psychiatry is needed. Objectives The goal of this review was to su...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund (Beinahe-)Fehler kommen im komplexen Gesundheitswesen häufig vor. Hierarchisch geprägte Strukturen begünstigen eine Fehlerkultur des „Name – Blame – Shame“ (benenne, klage an, beschäme), (Beinahe-)Fehler werden vertuscht, verharmlost oder totgeschwiegen. Eine der größten Herausforderungen der modernen Medizin ist die Sch...
Background: Research concerning transitions from one rotation to another during medical specialist training is scarce. This study examined trainee doctors' perceived preparedness for core clinical activities, trainee doctors' preparedness levels, and general perceptions of medical specialist training in geriatric psychiatry. Method: Swiss traine...
Purpose Medical schools increasingly rely on near-peer tutors for ultrasound teaching. We set out to compare the efficacy of a blended near-peer ultrasound teaching program to that of a faculty course in a randomized controlled trial. Methods 152 medical students received 21 hours of ultrasound teaching either by near-peer teachers or medical docto...
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Background: We developed a blended training program at a tertiary pediatric center based on hospital-specific emergency guidelines, profession-specific Virtual Patients (VPs), and interprofessional team training. Using this novel approach, we addressed differing educational needs of medical and nursing staff and intrinsic cognitive overload among p...
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Clinical reasoning is a core ability in the health professions, but the term is conceptualised in multiple ways within and across professions. For interprofessional teamwork it is indispensable to recognise the differences in understanding between professions. Therefore, our aim was to investigate how nurses, physicians, and medical and nursing stu...
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Conferences enable rapid information sharing and networking that are vital to career development within academic communities. Addressing diverse attendee needs is challenging and getting it wrong wastes resources and dampens enthusiasm for the field. This study explores whether, and how, motivations for attendance can be grouped in relation to pref...
Background: Although entrustment scales are increasingly applied in workplace-based assessments, their role in OSCEs remains unclear. We investigated raters' perceptions using an entrustment scale and psychometric analyses. Method: A mixed-methods design was used. OSCE raters' (n = 162) perceptions were explored via questionnaire and four focus...
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Clinical reasoning is a complex and crucial ability health professions students need to acquire during their education. Despite its importance, explicit clinical reasoning teaching is not yet implemented in most health professions educational programs. Therefore, we carried out an international and interprofessional project to plan and develop a cl...
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Background Quantitative and qualitative procedures are necessary components of instrument development and assessment. However, validation studies conventionally emphasise quantitative assessments while neglecting qualitative procedures. Applying both methods in a mixed methods design provides additional insights into instrument quality and more rig...
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Aim Effective team leadership is essential during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and is taught during international advanced life support (ALS) courses. This study compared the judgement of team leadership during summative assessments after those courses using different validated assessment tools while comparing two different summative assessm...
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Phenomenon: Ultrasound skills are becoming increasingly important in clinical practice but are resource-intensive to teach. Near-peer tutors often alleviate faculty teaching burden, but little is known about what teaching methods near-peer and faculty tutors use. Using the lens of cognitive apprenticeship, this study describes how much time faculty...
The authors discuss challenges inherent to playing the role of coach in postgraduate training by reflecting on role conflicts and benefits with regard to feedback's impact on professional development.
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Professionalism is a multidimensional quality acquired over time. Undergraduate years lay a foundation for the development of professionalism. Tools monitoring the students' professional development are needed. Our tool development followed three phases: 1) identifying meaningful criteria for professionalism adapted to the education level, 2) devel...
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Purpose: This report describes the essential steps in the development, implementation, evaluation and quality assurance of the written part of the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination for Human Medicine (FLE) and the insights gained since its introduction in 2011. Methods: Based on existing scientific evidence, international expertise, and experi...
Zusammenfassung. Die einheitliche, systematische Besprechung der Austrittsbereitschaft von Patientinnen und Patienten während der interprofessionellen Visite kann dazu beitragen, Spitalaustritte zu beschleunigen. Eine interprofessionelle Visite erfordert jedoch von allen Beteiligten fachliche Kompetenzen und Wissen über die interprofessionelle Zusa...
Zusammenfassung. In der ärztlichen Weiterbildung in der Schweiz sind pro Jahr vier Arbeitsplatz-basierte Assessments (ABA) wie Mini-CEX oder DOPS vorgesehen. Sie wurden eingeführt als Hilfsmittel für Feedback sowie für die Vereinbarung von Lernzielen im klinischen Alltag. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, begünstigende und hemmende Fak...
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Aim Human factors are essential for high-quality resuscitation team collaboration and are, therefore, taught in international advanced life support courses, but their assessment differs widely. In Europe, the summative life support course assessment tests mainly adhere to guidelines but few human factors. This randomized controlled simulation trial...
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Background: entrustable professional activities (EPAs) have become an important component of competency-based medical education. The aim of this study is to evaluate how geriatric medicine learning objectives are addressed by undergraduate medical curricula including EPAs. Methods: we performed a scoping review following Preferred Reporting Item...
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Background: Only a few studies with small sample sizes have compared electronic Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) rating checklists with traditional paper-based OSCE rating checklists. In this study, the examiner-perceived usability and preference for type of OSCE checklist (electronic vs. paper based) were compared, and the influen...
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Aims of the study: Clinical teaching is essential in preparing trainees for independent practice. To improve teaching quality, clinical teachers should be provided with meaningful and reliable feedback from trainees (bottom-up feedback) based on up-to-date educational concepts. For this purpose, we designed a web-based instrument, "Swiss System fo...
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Introduction: Multisource feedback (MSF), also called 360-degree assessment, is one form of assessment used in postgraduate training. However, there is an ongoing discussion on its value, since the factors which influence the impact of MSF and the main impact of MSF are not fully understood. In this study, we investigated both the influencing fact...
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Background The ability to perform a bronchoscopy is a valuable clinical skill for many medical specialities. Learning this skill is demanding for residents, due to the high cognitive load. Lessons learned from cognitive load theory might provide a way to facilitate this learning. The aim of this study was to investigate residents’ perception of fac...
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Zusammenfassung. Die Behandlung von kritisch kranken Kindern stellt eine grosse Herausforderung für Lernende dar. Studierende fühlen sich häufig nicht adäquat auf diese Situationen vorbereitet, insbesondere im Hinblick auf ihre spätere Verantwortung für diese Patient_innen und Ärztinnen und Ärzte. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Implementierung und E...
Pinilla and Huwendiek comment on Bonnie et al.’s suggestion that longitudinal curricular design is more conducive to meaningful learner participation in workplace‐based settings.
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Background Effective clinical reasoning is a core competency of health professionals that is necessary to assure patients’ safety. Unfortunately, adoption of longitudinal clinical reasoning curricula is still infrequent. This study explores the barriers that hinder the explicit teaching of clinical reasoning from a new international perspective. M...
Conference Paper
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Einleitung: Die Gesellschaft für medizinische Ausbildung (GMA) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt die Lehre in der medizinischen Aus- und Weiterbildung zu professionalisieren. Trotz der zunehmenden Professionalisierung der Medizinischen Ausbildung [1] und Abgrenzung als eigenes Teilgebiet, kann eine Karriere in diesem Bereich schwierig sein, da die Wege un...
Aim of the study The ideal group size for effective teaching of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is currently under debate. The upper limit is reached when instructors are unable to correct participants’ errors during skills practice. This simulation study aimed to define this limit during cardiopulmonary resuscitation teaching. Methods Medical stude...
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a paradox in historical models of medical education: organizations responsible for applying consistent standards for progression have needed to adapt to training environments marked by inconsistency and change. Although some institutions have maintained their traditional requirements, others have accelerated their...
Background: The goal of the present study was to evaluate whether children as standardized patients (SPs) for a summative OSCE station fulfills the Ottawa criteria for good assessment. Methods: Data for participating students (n = 124), raters (n = 11), and children (n = 127) were collected using questionnaires (students, raters), focus groups (...
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Background: Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) in competency-based, undergraduate medical education (UME) have led to new formative workplace-based assessments (WBA) using entrustment-supervision scales in clerkships. We conducted an observational, prospective cohort study to explore the usefulness of a WBA designed to assess core EPAs in...
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Severin Pinilla, 1, 2 Andrea Cantisani, 3 Stefan Klöppel, 1 Werner Strik, 3 Christoph Nissen, 3 Sören Huwendiek 2 1University Hospital of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Institute for Medical Education, Department for Assessment and Evaluation, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3University Hospital...
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Background Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are increasingly used in undergraduate medical education (UME). We conducted a scoping review to summarize the evidence for the use of EPAs in clinical rotations in UME. Methods We searched multiple databases for scoping reviews based on the PRISMA guidelines for articles reporting qualitative...
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Objective The authors evaluated a reformed psychiatry clerkship curriculum based on entrustable professional activities (EPAs). Methods The authors conducted an exploratory pilot study of a reformed clerkship curriculum based on EPAs. A novel workplace-based assessment format including an entrustment-supervision scale and curricular adaptations we...
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Background: The Corona pandemic has made it difficult to conduct face-to-face events, which is why two workshops planned for the development of multiple choice (MC) questions were conducted online. Whether the online format is suitable for MC question development has not yet been described to our knowledge. Questions: The study aimed to answer the...
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Background Learning management systems (LMSs) have not been explored from an educational design research (EDR) perspective for developing clinical curricula and supporting novice clinical students with self-regulated learning during their early clinical rotations. Methods An EDR approach was used to inform a de novo implementation of an LMS during...
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Zusammenfassung. Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) oder anvertraubare professionelle Tätigkeiten (APTs) sind kompetenzbasierte Lernziele, die sich aus beobachtbaren klinischen Tätigkeiten ableiten. Im Studium der Humanmedizin haben sie mittlerweile schweizweit als Teil des sogenannten PROFILES-Katalogs (Principal Relevant Objectives and Fr...
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Medical education has a long tradition of using various patient representations in teaching and assessment. With this literature review we aim, first, to provide an overview of the most important patient representations used to teach and assess clinical skills, considering in particular “summative exams” that have a pass or fail outcome; second, to...
Objective Endoscopic ear surgery is gaining popularity as a minimally invasive surgical technique for middle ear diseases. Its ongoing implementation into clinical routine has consequences regarding teaching of middle ear anatomy and surgery. To improve undergraduate and postgraduate training, we investigated the perception of and preference for en...
Objective To describe and evaluate a consensus finding and expert validation process for the development of patient-centred communication assessments for a national Licensing Exam in Medicine. Methods A multi-professional team of clinicians and experts in communication, assessment and role-play developed communication assessments for the Swiss Fed...
Background: Fast delivery of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation is crucial in improving patient outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest. First responders (trained laypersons) are dispatched to shorten time to basic life support and can be organised in groups or individually. Objective: A comparison of factors enabling or impairing f...
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Background In medical settings, multisource feedback (MSF) is a recognised method of formative assessment. It collects feedback on a doctor’s performance from several perspectives in the form of questionnaires. Yet, no validated MSF questionnaire has been publicly available in German. Thus, we aimed to develop a German MSF questionnaire based on th...
Objective Good physician communication skills increase patient satisfaction and improve healing processes. Although physicians and patients appear to value communicative competencies differently, students are often evaluated solely by physicians. This study examines whether additional assessment of students by ‘standardized patients’ (SPs) is usefu...
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IntroductionIn high-stakes assessment, the measurement precision of pass-fail decisions is of great importance. A concept for analyzing the measurement precision at the cut score is conditional reliability, which describes measurement precision for every score achieved in an exam. We compared conditional reliabilities in Classical Test Theory (CTT)...
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Background: As the communication competencies of physicians are crucial for providing optimal patient care, their assessment in the context of the high-stakes Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is of paramount importance. Despite abundant literature on the topic, evidence-based recommendations for the assessment of communication comp...
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Background General clerkship quality criteria have not been studied after introducing a curriculum based on entrustable professional activities (EPAs). Therefore, we conducted a pilot study to explore educational outcomes of an EPA-based clerkship curriculum reform. Methods We collected multiple self-assessment and evaluation data on levels 1-3 of...
Background: Clinical reasoning is a key ability essential for practising health professionals. However, little is known about the current global adoption of clinical reasoning teaching and assessment. Purpose: We aimed to provide insights into how clinical reasoning is deliberately taught and assessed in curricula worldwide and to identify needs an...
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Objective Pediatric emergencies challenge professional teams by demanding substantial cognitive effort, skills and effective teamwork. Educational designs for team trainings must be aligned to the needs of participants in order to increase effectiveness. To assess these needs, a survey among physicians and nurses of a tertiary pediatric center in G...
Objective Entrustable Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) represent discrete clinical tasks that can be entrusted to trainees in psychiatry. They are increasingly being used as educational framework in several countries. However, the empirical evidence available has not been synthesized in the field of psychiatry. Therefore, the authors cond...
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Introduction: Specialist medical assessments fulfil the task of ensuring that physicians have the clinical competence to independently represent their field and provide the best possible care to patients, taking into account the current state of knowledge. To date, there are no comprehensive reports on the status of specialist assessments in the Ge...