Slawomir KurekUniversity of the National Education Commission, Krakow · Institute of Geography
Slawomir Kurek
Doctor of Philosophy
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population geography, demography, suburbanization, population ageing, second demographic transition
Skills and Expertise
Publications (74)
Praca stanowi syntezę opracowań dotyczących przemian demograficznych w Europie na przełomie XX i XXI w. oraz podsumowanie badań prowadzonych przez autora w zakresie drugiego przejścia demograficznego. Ponadto wypełnia lukę badawczą w geografii ludności dotyczącą przestrzennych uwarunkowań współczesnych procesów demograficznych. Dlatego też celem op...
The present study makes a part of the already ample discussion on the subject of identification of the beginnings of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) coronavirus pandemics in the world and considers the following question: do the anomalies in death rates in the earlier periods bring any new knowledge of the subject? With...
Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) leads to a better knowledge of urban spatial organisation, which may play a significant role in regional policy making and may be helpful in understanding the connection between urbanisation and demographic development. An explanation of population change in urban regions can be associated the second demographic transi...
Przedmiotem badań jest turystyka kolejowa, jej geneza i rozwój w ujęciu historycznym na obszarze obecnego województwa małopolskiego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie potencjału turystyki kolejowej w województwie małopolskim na tle rozwoju sieci kolejowej w ujęciu historycznym, jak i obecnie. Przeanalizowano rozwój najbardziej atrakcyjnych...
This chapter presents an analysis of population change of FUAs in Poland against other municipalities. It analyses differences in population growth or decline between city cores and commuting zones of FUAs. In addition, the study shows trends in population change by size and location of FUAs.
The chapter will analyse the ageing of the population at the various hierarchical levels of FUAs. The research aims to determine the impact of demographic potential and the size of FUAs on the pace of population ageing in both the core and the external zones. This chapter also explores the impact of suburbanisation processes on differences in the s...
The aim of the chapter is to show the regional differences in the age composition of the FUA population. The research also aimed at showing the relationships between the size of the FUAs and the age composition of its inhabitants. The chapter also investigates the differences in age dependencies against non-FUAs areas, including peripheral regions.
This chapter explores the theoretical insight behind the concept of functional regions as areas that integrate cities into their immediate hinterland. The literature on urban development from a demographic context will also be explored, including a wide ranging literature overview on population processes, namely the second demographic transition an...
This chapter presents the natural population change in FUAs in the years 1990–2016. In particular, changes in the number of births, deaths, marriages, divorces as well as total natural increase will be investigated in FUAs and other Polish municipalities and according to the size of FUAs. Changes in fertility and marriages/divorces will be examined...
This chapter deals with a typology of FUAs selected on the basis of methods of k-means clustering. The typology was constructed with the use of the following variables: population growth rate, natural growth rate, net migration rate, elderly dependency ratio and the economic ageing index. Eight clusters were distinguished and named according to dom...
The chapter will analyse the changes in the intensity and directions of migration in FUAs in the years 1990–2016. More specifically, the directions of population migration from and to the cores/commuting zones according to the size of FUAs will be explored (including total and subperiods). It is assumed, that migrations in FUAs play an increasingly...
This book explores demographic changes in Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) in Poland since 1990. Functional Urban Areas, introduced by ESPON, refer to functional territorial units that can be defined as travel-to-work-area, representing strong integration between urban cores and their immediate hinterland. The functional urban area consists of a city...
The approach to the issue of shrinking cities is undergoing constant changes. Originally, this process was referred primarily to the progressing depopulation connected with a deteriorating economic situation. Presently, works on shrinking cities mainly focus on the challenges posed by the problem rather than the delimitation questions. Do the shrin...
Proces starzenia się ludności, który nasilił się w Polsce na przełomie XX i XXI w., przebiegał szczególnie intensywnie w miastach. Jego tempo i wielkość uwarunkowane były sytuacją ekonomiczną ośrodków miejskich oraz tym, jak udało im się przejść transformację gospodarczą. Współczesne miasta oraz zachodzące w nich procesy społeczno-demograficzne, co...
Der Prozess der Suburbanisierung und Metropolisierung der großen polnischen Städte, der seit der Mitte der 1990er Jahre zugenommen hat, bringt spezifische soziodemographische Veränderungen mit sich. Eine der bemerkenswertesten Entwicklungen ist die Umkehrung des Migrationsstroms. Bis Anfang der 1990er Jahre war die vorherrschende Richtung vom Umlan...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest sytuacja młodzieży NEET (niepracującej i nieuczestniczącej w formalnej edukacji, ang. not in employment, education or training) w Polsce na tle Europy. W artykule autorzy przedstawiają zróżnicowanie udziału młodzieży NEET w krajach europejskich, zwracając szczególną uwagę na młodzież bezrobotną oraz przedwcześnie porzucają...
Celem pracy jest wskazanie najważniejszych obszarów badań w zakresie wiedzy naukowej na temat szczególnego charakteru konsumenta na rynku turystycznym, jakim w bardzo licznych przypadkach jest rodzina. Metoda. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowo-dyskusyjny, więc najważniejsze stosowane meto-dy to krytyczna analiza literatury przedmiotu oraz wnioskowan...
A process of reurbanisation associated with the resurgence of inner-city housing has been observed in Western Europe since the 1980s. Nowadays this trend is not only seen in large urban areas but also in the medium-sized towns and cities of Eastern Europe. However, there is still a lack of empirical research on the spatial variation of the populati...
The process of suburbanization and metropolisation of major Polish cities that has been increasing since mid-1990s involves specific socio-demographic changes. One of the most notable developments is the reverse migration flow. Until the early 1990s the predominant direction was from the surrounding countryside to the city centre. Today, the predom...
The paper shows the results of the research on competencies, including assessment of acquisition of ten entrepreneurial competencies specified within the Reaching Lost Generation (RLG) project. The competencies developed among participants are classified to broadly describe the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship as one of the eight key compet...
The process of residential suburbanisation may cause changes in the age structure of the population as the age composition of in-migrants is younger than long-term residents. However, the demographic change associated with the second demographic transition as well as the co-existence of suburbanisation and reurbanisation of inner city areas may hav...
Przedsiębiorczość w europejskim systemie edukacji jest postrzegana jako kompetencja kluczowa, której kształtowanie wpływa także na rozwój innych ważnych kompetencji w procesie kształcenia przez całe życie. Dlatego cele kształcenia w zakresie przedsiębiorczości, w szczególności w ramach edukacji szkolnej, są szerokie i nie odnoszą się tylko do wiedz...
Poziom bezrobocia wśród młodzieży (15–24 lat) w Europie w 2014 r. wyniósł 23%, a w niektórych krajach (Hiszpania, Grecja) zbliżył się do 50%. Średnio stopa bezrobocia wśrod młodzieży w UE jest dwa razy wyższa niż dla dorosłych – dotyka ona ponad 5 mln młodych osób. Największe ryzyko bezrobocia ponoszą osoby z niskim poziomem wykształcenia i o niski...
Streszczenie: Przedsiębiorczość w europejskim systemie edukacji jest postrzegana jako kompetencja kluczowa, której kształtowanie wpływa także na rozwój innych ważnych kompetencji w procesie kształcenia przez całe życie. Dlatego cele kształcenia w zakresie przedsiębiorczości, w szczególności w ramach edukacji szkolnej, są szerokie i nie odnoszą się...
Streszczenie: Poziom bezrobocia wśród młodzieży (15–24 lat) w Europie w 2014 r. wyniósł 23%, a w niektórych krajach (Hiszpania, Grecja) zbliżył się do 50%. Średnio stopa bezrobocia wśród młodzieży w UE jest dwa razy wyższa niż dla dorosłych – dotyka ona ponad 5 mln młodych osób. Największe ryzyko bezrobocia ponoszą osoby z niskim poziomem wykształc...
El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar los cambios en el número y la concentración espacial de la población en la Zona Metropolitana de Cracovia (ZMC). También se han examinados los cambios del nivel del crecimiento natural y del saldo migratorio con el objetivo de definir la intensidad y las direcciones de procesos de suburbanización. Las inves...
Objective: The goal of the paper is to present changes in entrepreneurship education (EE) in Poland at the lower level (gymnasium) and upper secondary (post-gymnasium) schools after the reform of the education system since 1999 in the light of national core curriculum (NCC) analysis.
Research Design & Methods: The analysis of NCC was based on the...
Metropolitan areas are the poles of economic growth of regions and countries. These areas are characterized by specific development cycles, which are related to the direction of population migrations. Accordingly, there is a phase of urbanisation, suburbanisation, disurbanisation and re-urbanisation. Studies show that most Polish metropolitan areas...
The evolution of population distributions in the Krakow Metropolitan Area (KMA) in Poland is subject to analysis in this contribution. Changes and recent reversals in the relationships between the main components of total population growth (natural increase and net migration) are examined in order to determine the level of development of suburbanis...
The evolution of population distributions in the Krakow Metropolitan Area (KMA) in Poland is subject to analysis in this contribution. Changes and recent reversals in the relationships between the main components of total population growth (natural increase and net migration) are examined in order to determine the level of development of suburbanis...
W związku z coraz słabszym zainteresowaniem instytucji edukacyjnych tak potrzebnym współcześnie kształceniem zawodowym oraz nawiązywaniem i utrzymywaniem przez szkoły zawodowe kontaktu z podmiotami rynku pracy, jak również potrzebą świadomego planowania kariery zawodowej uczniów, podjęto badania dotyczące aktywizacji grup najbardziej zagrożonych wy...
One of the main indicators of the second demographic transition (SDT) is the decline of fertility to below the replacement level (2.1 births per woman). The onset of the SDT in Europe spread across Western Europe in the 1960s and subsequently diffused to other parts of the continent. In Eastern Europe, a fall in total fertility rates below the repl...
Rapid development of the process of suburbanization, observed in Poland since the 1990s has affected population distribution, natural increase and migration as well as the population age composition. The purpose of this study is to determine how the processes of suburbanization have contributed to the demographic changes in the Cracow Metropolitan...
The processes of suburbanization and metropolization of major Polish cities which have intensified since mid-1990s are characterized by specific socio-demographic changes, among which one of the most visible is the reversal of the direction of migration. Until the early 1990s migration from the countryside to the city center prevailed, however at p...
The processes of suburbanization and metropolization of major Polish cities which have intensified since mid-1990s are characterized by specific socio-demographic changes, among which one of the most visible is the reversal of the direction of migration. Until the early 1990s migration from the countryside to the city center prevailed, however at p...
Współczesne procesy demograficzne w Polsce można rozpatrywać w kontekście procesów suburbanizacji zmierzających do koncentracji ludności w zewnętrznej części obszarów metropolitalnych oraz w aspekcie teorii drugiego przejścia demograficznego, prowadzących do spadku poziomu dzietności poniżej granicy zastępowalności pokoleń. Celem niniejszego opraco...
The subject of this paper is the issue of urban sprawling in the Kraków Metropolitan Area
(Poland). Particular attention is paid on the changing role of industry as one of the key elements
of development and metropolization of cities in post-socialist, emerging economies.
The role of the industry in terms of activation of labor resources has been d...
Post-socialist transformation, understood as the economic, political, institutional and ideological changes associated with the change of “state socialism” to “capitalism”, has been taking place in Poland and in Central Europe since 1989. The formation of local governments with increasingly more power to manage local communities became a key factor...
Romowie są mniejszością etniczną budzącą coraz większe zainteresowanie we współczesnym, nadal niemal monolitycznym etnicznie, polskim społeczeństwie. Większość Romów, szczególnie tych zamieszkujących Małopolskę, zmaga się dziś z problemami społecznymi i ekonomicznymi, które skutkują niskim poziomem ich życia oraz napiętymi relacjami ze społeczności...
Since the beginning of the 1990s, suburban areas of large cities in Poland (regardless their extension) have a specific demographic changes which distinguish them from urban and rural areas within the administrative boundaries. The decline of the volume of migration from rural areas to cities and change of their direction from urban into rural area...
This article aims to present the role of social and self-competencies, as a part of entrepreneurial at-titudes in the conditions of economic crisis, which is one of the symptoms of rising unemployment, especially among young people. Particular attention will be paid to the training of these competen-cies in the course of vocational education, prepa...
W okresie kryzysu ekonomicznego nastąpił spadek tempa wzrostu przyjazdów turystówzagranicznych, zarówno na świecie (np. w okresie 2008–2009 liczba przyjazdów turystów zagranicznychspadła z 919 do 880 mln), jak i w Unii Europejskiej (spadek z 486 do 462 mln). Celem niniejszegoartykułu jest ukazanie wpływu światowego kryzysu ekonomicznego na natężeni...
Since the beginning of the 1990s, suburban areas of large cities in Poland (regardless
their extension) have a specific demographic changes which distinguish them from urban and rural areas within the administrative boundaries. The decline of the volume of migration from rural areas to cities and change of their direction from urban into rural area...
This paper presents a pilot comparative research project on pre-vocational education in lower secondary schools (ISCED level 2) within regions in three European countries. The primary aim of the study was to better understand how the pre-vocational education curriculum is constructed and taught within schools. A case study methodology was selected...
Urbanisation and changes in fertility pattern in Poland and in the selected countries of Western and Southern Europe
Since the beginning of the 1990s profound changes have occurred in reproductive behaviour in Central and Eastern Europe. They involve a sudden fall in the fertility rate, accompanied by an increase in the age of mothers giving birth...
Economic transition from central planning to a market economy requires not only the introduction of legal and economic changes, but also the training of suitable staffand the entire society for new tasks. Vocational education and training (VET) of young people is, though, particularly important given themarket economy conditions of the modern globa...
Developing business competencies of students of lower secondary schools according to teachers’ opinions based on results of research conducted within EC project FIFOBI
The paper contains an analysis of the research results conducted among teachers in the research project FIFOBI – “Fit for business: developing business competencies in school”. The s...
The development of entrepreneurship is an important factor of economic growth in the transition economies, including Poland and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Beran and Frkova 2003; Gierańczyk 2009; Kurek and Rachwał 2010, 2011; Naudé 2008; Rachwał 2010; Zioło 2006, 2007, 2009) as they have to face increasing globalisation and Europ...
Population ageing in the states of the European Union is a contemporary phenomenon which results from both longer life expectancy and declining fertility rates. The EU response to the challenge of population ageing is the 'active ageing' policy, which aims at increasing the employment rate of elderly workers and increasing the retirement age, and a...
Declining fertility leading to population ageing is a current phenomenon in Europe closely linked to the Second Demographic Transition and its relevance for explaining the ongoing changes in family and reproduction patterns. The aim of this article is to show demographic changes in Poland in the light of the concept of the Second Demographic Transi...
The number and geographical distribution of the aged, and how the distribution changes over time, have captured the attention of geographical gerontologists; the complexity and spatially differentiated nature of ageing is of considerable practical and theoretical import. This article seeks to link the traditional concerns of population geography to...
The phenomena of population ageing is a crucial demographic issue of modern Europe which influences various aspects of socioeconomic life. Its main determinants are fertility decline below replacement level and the decrease of mortality in older age groups resulting from the lengthening of life expectancy. On a regional scale the level and dynamics...
The paper aims at analysing the role of entrepreneurship in the educational strategy of European Union as well as the position of business education in the systems of national education in selected European states in relation
to the level of entrepreneurial development in these countries, measured by the indexes of the number of firms per person ac...
The article aims at the presentation of guidelines and preliminary results of European research project „Fit for Business: Developing Business Competencies in School (FIFOBI)” in developing competencies among pupils in lower secondary school (gymnasium) for running business activity, based on premises associated with modern changes in world economy...
The aim of this article is to show spatial disparities in the level of regional socio-economic development of the European Union, basing on selected demographic, social and economic indexes derived from the Eurostat database. For the comparison, EFTA regions as well as some candidate countries (Croatia) were taken into account. The analysis was mad...
In Poland, as in other Central and Eastern European countries, the changes connected with the second demographic transition went hand-in-hand with the establishment of democracy and the profound social transformation to a free market economy. However, the pace of these changes, such as fertility decline, the postponement of childbearing, the fall i...
The demographic situation and future perspectives related to the level and pace of population ageing in Małopolskie Voivodship (a province located in southern Poland, with its capital in Krakow), is compared to the situation in Poland and other European countries (i.e., not only those making up the EU-25). The analysis is based on official empirica...
The aim of the study was to analyse the process of population ageing in selected industrial centres in Poland. Ten industrial towns were taken into account: both old coal-mining areas (Chorzów, Wałbrzych) and industrial areas developed intensively in 1970s and 1980s. In all of them, industrial investments were connected with a high wave of immigrat...
Population ageing has become a feature of many European and other Western countries over the last two decades as older people become more dominant in their demographic structures. This trend has the potential for important economic and social impacts, which are likely to be played out in both national and local contexts. This paper demonstrates the...
The article aims at a spatial typology of the level and dynamics of population ageing in Poland against its demographic conditioning, namely natural increase and the net migration balance. The typology in question was based on four indicators: the coefficient of dynamic demographic ageing WSD, the population growth rate and the coefficients of natu...
In this paper population ageing studies are shown from a geographical perspective. Four main aspects of population ageing in a geographical approach are considered: theoretical aspects in connection with the demographic transition theory, the cognitive aspect leading to territorial distribution of the level and dynamics of ageing; the application a...
The article aims at the presentation of spatial distribution of migration of the elderly in Polish districts (poviats) in the years 1991 and 2001. The changes between those years were also shown. Two groups of elderly migrants were taken into account - the older productive aged 50-64 and post-productive aged 65 and over. Three measures of migration...
The paper aimed at presentation of spatial distribution of population growth in Polish districts (powiaty - administrative regions of the 2nd order) in the period 1991-2001 and its main components: natural increase and net migration. The Webb typology was used to determine which component of population change prevailed in particular years and its d...
The article aims at the presentation of population ageing process in Polish large towns (over 100,000 inhabitants) on the background of changes in vital statistics (birth, death and natural increase rates) with reference to medium and small towns. The period of research comprises years 1988, 1995 and 2001. Shares of population have been analysed, a...
This article presents the direction of changes in the age structure of the Polish population in towns and communes. Shares of population have been analysed, as well as their changes in four age groups (0-19, 20-39, 40-59 and above 60). An index of changes in the age structure has been proposed (I as), based on the changes in the share of the stated...
The paper aims to determine the areas threatened by demographic ageing on the basis of the state and dynamics of population ageing process in the years 1988-1996. The analysis was a microscale study, including towns and communes of south-eastern Poland, covering 8 former voivodships (Kielce, Krosno, Kraków, Nowy Sa̧cz, Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Tarnobrzeg...
The subject of this study is the part of population over 64 years old in 42 European countries. The study attemps to characterise the present-day stage, tendencies and magnitude of ageing using data collected in 1959-1962, 1979-1982 and 1996. The principal data used are percentages of two age groups, 0-14 years and over 64 years, in the structure o...