Siti AndarwatiUniversitas Gadjah Mada | UGM
Siti Andarwati
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Publications (55)
Sektor peternakan masih menjadi komoditi unggulan yang banyak ditemukan di wilayah pedesaan termasuk di pulau Jawa. Pola-pola pengasuhan ternak serta kualitas pakan ternak sangat menentukan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ternak dalam mencapai kondisi kesehatan yang optimum. Dengan adanya suplemen tambahan mineral yang lebih praktis melalui mineral bl...
Perubahan iklim memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap sektor pertanian secara umum termasuk sektor peternakan. Pemenuhan dan ketersediaan pakan ternak mengalami degradasi karena berkurangnya produktivitas lahan pertanian dan menurunnya luasan pakan hijauan. Teknologi pembuatan pakan ternak dengan sistem anaerob yaitu pembuatan silase memungkin...
In Indonesia, the most popular system of beef cattle farming is a feedlot system, in which cattle are fattened for 3-6 months before being marketed. For a feedlot system to be successful, the availability of feed throughout the production process is important. Local feedstuff is commonly utilized as concentrate feed for beef cattle. This study aime...
The objective of this study was to analyze the access of information, control, and benefits for women in beef cattle farming households in Lakitan Utara Nagari, Pesisir Selatan Regency, Sumatera Barat Province. This study employed a descriptive approach using survey and involved 100 families. The survey comprised of questionnaires and interviews. R...
This study aimed to describe the sources of capital for livestock procurement, especially the gaduhan (sharing) system, in small-scale operations in in Lakitan Utara Nagari, Lengayang Subdistrict, Pesisir Selatan Regency, Sumatera Barat Province. This descriptive study was conducted by observations, surveys, and interviews, involving 100 respondent...
Pekarangan Pangan Lestari (P2L) merupakan kegiatan pemberdayaan kelompok wanita tani (KWT) yang dapat menjadi pondasi ketahanan pangan terutama di tingkat keluarga. Penerapan gaya kepemimpinan yang tepat memiliki fungsi agar keterlibatan anggota dalam suatu organisasi atau kelompok lebih efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganali...
Perubahan iklim merupakan salah satu masalah lingkungan yang saat ini paling kritis dihadapi berbagai negara. Perubahan iklim memiliki banyak konsekuensi terhadap berbagai keberlanjutan proses pembangunan. Oleh sebab itu perubahan iklim masuk dalam agenda tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs). Bappenas mencatat potensi kerugian akibat perubahan i...
Gender equality is one of the main aspects in the sustainable development goals. This study aimed to analyze the roles of women in the households of beef cattle raising farmers in Nagari Lakitan Utara, Pesisir Regency, Sumatra Barat Province. This research involved 100 farmer households and collaborating partners from related institutions, employin...
Context Formulating diets using agro-industrial by-product concentrates to increase the growth performance and cost efficiency of Ongole crossbred bulls. Aims This study was conducted to evaluate the inclusion of agro-industrial by-products of dried cassava powder (DCP), mixed copra meal (CM), palm kernel cake (PKC) and soybean hull (SBH) into rati...
Most extension workers in Indonesia participated in the Technical Guidance and Socialization of the Corporate-Based Food Crop Area Development Program (BTS Propaktani) information system as one of the adoption innovation channels. The variables studied were Behavioral Intention, Usage Behavior, User Satisfaction, and Net Impact. The population of t...
Cattle rearing in the Integrated Waste Disposal Area brings environmental pollution and reduces the comfort of livestock. This study aims to identify the condition of the cattle rearing profile, measurement of business feasibility, and analysis of the Total Economic Value of cattle existing values. The research location is in Ngablak Hamlet, Sitimu...
This study seeks to examine the interpersonal communication flow of livestock group leaders in Banyuasin Regency in increasing the motivation of their members. This study employed primary data, through in-depth interviews, field observations, and references related to this research. The data analysis in this study refers to the interactive analysis...
In Indonesia, livestock have an important role in development and progress of the agricultural sector. Especially in Bantul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the highest population of livestock, this region was dominated by Bligon goat. This study was conducted to analyse potential of geographical region with the existence of Bligons goa...
Tantangan bidang pertanian dewasa ini adalah ketersediaan sumber daya manusia. Rendahnya minat pemuda untuk terjun di sektor pertanian terutama sektor tanaman pangan dan hortikultura menjadi salah satu persoalan ketersediaan sumber daya manusia di bidang pertanian. Turunnya jumlah tenaga kerja di bidang pertanian dan minat pemuda untuk terjun di bi...
Perempuan memiliki kontribusi penting dalam usaha peternakan sapi perah khususnya daerah pedesaan di negara berkembang. Namun, peran perempuan dalam usaha budi daya sapi perah di Indonesia masih belum banyak dikaji. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik peternak sapi perah dan mengkaji peran perempuan dalam tata laksana usaha...
Livestock business is one of the most strategic sectors for the development of agriculture in Indonesia. One of the current livestock businesses that has the potential to be developed is beef cattle farming. Every livestock business will face various risks that can affect the results of its business if not anticipated and prepared for handling. Thi...
Context Formulating supplements with Gliricidia sepium leaf meal (GLM) and cassava powder to promote liveweight gain of Ongole bulls. Aims This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of using GLM as a substitute for copra meal (CM) or soybean hulls (SBH) in a concentrate containing dry cassava powder (DCP) on the average daily gain of Ongole bu...
This study aims to determine the effect of five variables characteristic of KUB chicken innovation, including relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability, on farmers’ perceptions in developing KUB chickens. It consists of four farmer groups in Cereme Taba Village, Lubuk Linggau City. The determination of the study...
This research was aimed in detemining the potency mapping and development strategies based on zoning for beef cattle farming in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province. This research was implemented by using two-stages survey method. The first stage was analyzing and making regional potency mapping from secondary data with potential index analyses. The...
Sektor pertanian konvensional yang selama ini menitikberatkan pada teknik modern maupun input sarat teknologi telah menyebabkan marginalisasi sistemik di dunia pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perubahan sosial ekonomi petani pasca penerapan mina padi dan mengetahui peran aktor dalam penerapan mina padi di KPI Mina Murakabi, Seyegan, K...
Kemandirian menjadi isu penting bagi komunitas peternak di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini akan dibahas dalam kasus proses peningkatan produksi susu berkualitas dan pengembangan peternakan sapi perah di Indonesia. Produksi susu dalam negeri di Indonesia masih belum memenuhi jumlah permintaan pasar hingga, hal ini mengakibatkan ketergantungan atas impor su...
This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence farmers in using rice straw as feed for their ruminants. Primary data was obtained from a survey through face-to-face interviews involving a total of 395 farmers as respondents in Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Farmers were selected by multistage random sampling. The data,...
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of introduction technology on the development of goats and income of goat business. This study was conducted at 4 farmer groups in Kulon Progo regency, Yogyakarta. The study has been done on 83 farmers in model A and 28 farmers in model B. Model A is a goat farming model with innovation, while model...
In rural community development, social sustainability becomes an important factor besides economic and environmental sustainability. This study aims to examine how the role of religious leaders in rural areas in maintaining social sustainability. This study was conducted in rural areas in Central Java, Indonesia with a participatory observation app...
The mixed crop and livestock (MCL) farming could enhance farmers to improve their farming practice. This study aims to analyse factors that influence the adoption of MCL farming in Magelang Regency. A multistage random sampling method was used to select the locations and the respondents. Data were collected through personal interview based on struc...
Being a country with abundant natural resources and a big human population, Indonesia faces the challenges of an environmental crisis that demands to be addressed immediately. Besides of that, Indonesia also has many local wisdoms within cultural and religious traditions. This local wisdoms plays an important role in facing social transformation an...
This study aimed to identify the characteristics of the business, measure the income, and analyze the factors that influence the farmers’ income. The research was conducted in Sleman and Bantul Regencies, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Census sampling was performed with 150 farmers. The analysis was carried out in quantitative descriptive and contin...
This study aimed to measure the income share of the owner of production factors of plasma-core in partnership system, and analyze the technical efficiency based on economics of scale. The research was conducted in Sleman Regency as broiler production centre, using 64 determined farmers purposively as samples based on farmers’ participation in the p...
The research objectives was to analyze the farmer’s decision in selecting breed of bull frozen semen for Artificial Insemination (AI) and determine the factors influencing the decision. There were five bull frozen semen options which simulated in this research, such as Simmental, Limousine, Ongole Grade (Peranakan Ongole / PO), Brahman, and other o...
The activity aimed to arrange the learning materials for farmer based on the cattle production system. The learning materials or curriculum is developed based on system theory perspective. In the system theory, there are two approaches which are hard system and soft system. The hard system refers to a quantitative perspective with rigid indicators...
The study analyze the cohesion level of beef cattle farmers' groups of Bismo in Bantul and Sido Makmur in Sleman Regencies Yogyakarta Special Region. All the active members of the groups were selected as respondents. The descriptive analysis was based on the components forming group cohesion including farmers' attractiveness to groups' goals, group...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi model jaringan sosial pada rantai pemasaran telur. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Oktober sampai dengan November 2017 di Desa Triwidadi, Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta sebagai salah satu pusat agribisinis telur ayam ras. Informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara purposif dari para pete...
This research aimed to determine the relationship between farmer characteristics including age, education level, farming experience, side income, number of dependent family member, and farmer's business scale with the motivation of goat milking in Girikerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency. The type of this research was quantitative explanato...
The study aimed to analyze the attitude of cattle farmers related to social, environmental, and economic aspects at Trihandiniredjo cattle farmers group in Yogyakarta Province. The research would also calculate environmental cost of cattle farming, which is described in compensation given from farmers or willingness to pay (WTP) and compensation th...
This study aims to analyzed the strategies of dairy farmers in disaster prone areas (DPA) in the southern slopes of Merapi for sustaining livelihood after the eruption of Merapi volcano in 2010. Research conducted by the Survey method. Sampling was done by using the Census methods, consists of 84 dairy farmers in DPA III (Kaliadem hamlet) and 50 da...
p class="p1">This study aimed to analyze the dynamics of cattle farmer groups assisted by Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faculty of Animal Science) in Yogyakarta Province. The total number of respondents were 77 farmers of cattle farmer groups. The tool used was a questionnaire that has proven validity and reliability. This study was conducted by survey...
This study aimed to determine the effect of psychographic characteristics toward the job achievment of poultrymen at medium scale broiler company in the Tempel District. The respondent was determined by judgement method. The number respondents were about 30 poultrymen whose at least 1 year experience to work. The measurement of psychographic charac...
p class="p1">This study aimed to analyze the dynamics of cattle farmer groups assisted by Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faculty of Animal Science) in Yogyakarta Province. The total number of respondents were 77 farmers of cattle farmer groups. The tool used was a questionnaire that has proven validity and reliability. This study was conducted by survey...
This study aimed to determine the effect of psychographic characteristics toward the job achievment of poultrymen at medium scale broiler company in the Tempel District. The respondent was determined by judgement method. The number respondents were about 30 poultrymen whose at least 1 year experience to work. The measurement of psychographic charac...
Dairy goat farming is an alternative livelihood activity for small-holder farmers who lived at the mountain area. The farmers' group approach through the setting of some behavioral intervention is an effective strategy to empower the small-holder farmers in creating sustainable farming system. The study was aimed to analyze some motives as componen...
The objectives of this study were to determine socio-economic factors that influence milkconsumption and propensity to routine milk consuming in a household that have children in growing agein both urban and rural area of Yogyakarta Special Province. Numbers of respondent were 122households in urban area and 102 in rural area. Survey method was use...
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p>Phenomenon of Merapi Mountain that the most active Strato mountain in Indonesia was interest to learn. There many explosion were threat of danger, not only human but include with property. Fact, there many people in the dangerous Merapi area were not escape from the area when Merapi showed raising activity. The research conduct to determine envir...
p>Phenomenon of Merapi Mountain that the most active Strato mountain in Indonesia was interest to learn. There many explosion were threat of danger, not only human but include with property. Fact, there many people in the dangerous Merapi area were not escape from the area when Merapi showed raising activity. The research conduct to determine envir...
p>Phenomenon of Merapi Mountain that the most active Strato mountain in Indonesia was interest to learn. There many explosion were threat of danger, not only human but include with property. Fact, there many people in the dangerous Merapi area were not escape from the area when Merapi showed raising activity. The research conduct to determine envir...