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Sirlene Lazaro has bachelor’s degree in Animal Science (2011) and a Master of Science (2013) in Animal Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She completed her PhD in Feb/2017 at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil and conducted part of her PhD research at the University Zaragoza (Spain). She done post-doc at State University of São Paulo, Brazil and conducting part of her post-doc at the Purdue University. Now, she has a new post doc position at University of Guelph.
Publications (21)
Given the increasing global demand for animal products, increasing lamb survival is a key breeding objective for sheep. However, high prolificacy can be associated with increases in fetal and lamb mortality. Therefore, the goal of this study was to estimate the variance components and genetic parameters for lamb survival (LS), using a: 1) single-tr...
Lactation curves, which describe the production pattern of milk-related traits over time, provide insightful information about individual cow health, resilience, and milk production efficiency. Key functional traits can be derived through lactation curve modeling, such as lactation peak and persistency. Furthermore, novel traits such as resilience...
Genetic and genomic analyses of longitudinal traits related to milk production efficiency are paramount for optimizing water buffaloes breeding schemes. Therefore, this study aimed to: 1) compare single-trait random regression models under a Single-step Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (ssGBLUP) setting based on alternative covariance functi...
The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic parameters for the traits longevity (LG) and accumulated milk yield at 305 days (MY305) using a bitrait animal model and the single-step GBLUP method and estimate the genetic gain for LG through direct and indirect selection for MY305. We used 4,057 records of first lactations of Murrah dairy...
There is a great worldwide demand for cheese made with buffalo milk, due to its flavour and nutritional properties. In this context, there is a need for increasing the efficiency of buffalo milk production (including lactation persistence), which can be achieved through genomic selection. The most used methods for the genetic evaluation of longitud...
Properly quantifying environmental heat stress (HS) is still a major challenge in livestock breeding programs, especially as adverse climatic events become more common. The definition of critical periods and climatic variables to be used as the environmental gradient is a key step for genetically evaluating heat tolerance (HTol). Therefore, the mai...
There is an increasing need to account for genotype-by-environment (G × E) interactions in livestock breeding programs to improve productivity and animal welfare across environmental and management conditions. This is even more relevant for pigs because selection occurs in high-health nucleus farms, while commercial pigs are raised in mo...
Genomic selection has been widely implemented in many livestock breeding programs, but it remains incipient in buffalo. Therefore, this study aimed to (1) estimate variance components incorporating genomic information in Murrah buffalo; (2) evaluate the performance of genomic prediction for milk-related traits using single-and multitrait random reg...
Heat stress (HS) is a major welfare and economic issue in the swine industry. However, it is not a trivial task to appropriately quantify the environmental HS. Therefore, this study aimed to 1) define the critical periods and environmental descriptors (based on public weather station information) to evaluate heat tolerance (HT); and 2) estimate gen...
This research aimed to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield and type traits [withers height (WH), croup height (CH), body length (BL), croup length (CL), iliac width (ILW), ischial width (ISW), and thoracic circumference] in Murrah buffaloes and to identify genomic regions related to type traits by applying a single-step genome-wide associati...
We compared different Bayesian models to handle censored data for genetic parameters estimation of age at first calving (AFC) in Brazilian Brahman cattle. Data from females with AFC above 1825 days of age were assumed to have failed to calve and were considered as censored records. Data including information of 53,703 cows were analyzed through the...
Age at first calving (AFC) is characterized as a censored trait due to missing values provided by recording mistakes and non-occurrence or delay in calving communication. In this context, we aimed to compare several statistical methods for genetic evaluation of AFC in Guzerá beef cattle under a Bayesian approach. Seven
different methods were used f...
Genome association analyses have been successful in identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for pig body weights measured at a single age. However, when considering the whole weight trajectories over time in the context of genome association analyses, it is important to look at the markers that affect growth curve parameters. The easiest way to...
Objetivou-se com este estudo estimar parâmetros genéticos para o número total de leitões nascidos (NTLN), número de leitões nascidos vivos (NLNV) e número de leitões vivos aos cinco dias de idade (NLV5) com modelos de regressão aleatória e averiguar melhor modelagem da variância residual na avaliação das trajetórias genéticas do tamanho da leitegad...
Background: Gastrointestinal helminthes in cattle had prejudge performance and productivity of animals. Affect beef cattle and dairy, generating huge economic losses. Commercial anthelmintics have been administered improperly, promoting the selection of resistant populations, in addition to increasing production costs and waste accumulate in animal...
This study evaluated the effects of aqueous extracts of Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC (Asteraceae), colloquially known as carqueja, on egg production, and hatching rate of larvae of Rhipicephalus microplus. Plant samples were collected in Montes Claros, north of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Adult female ticks were distributed into 24 homogeneous groups of...
The tick Rhipicephalus microplus is one of the main parasites of bovine herds. Different groups of synthetic acaricides have been used to control this mite; however, the constant use of these products has selected resistant populations. In an attempt to minimize these impacts, researchers have tried to evaluate herbal remedies to control this paras...