Simone Romano

Simone Romano
Simone verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Simone verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Salerno | UNISA


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University of Bari Aldo Moro
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (87)
We conducted a preliminary qualitative investigation into the Bachelor’s students’ perception of the usefulness of a Static Analysis Tool (i.e., SonarCloud) in assessing software security. The results revealed that the students considered SonarCloud user-friendly, simple to set up, and easy to learn. Additionally, the students recognized an improve...
Conference Paper
In a previous publication, we presented the results of an assessment aimed at understanding whether bachelor students in Computer Science (CS) enrolled in a Software Technologies for the Web (STW) course were equipped to manage security concerns in the development of (e-commerce) web apps. The gathered evidence highlighted that students enrolled in...
A deprecated Application Programming Interface (API) is one that is no longer recommended to use by its original developers. While deprecated APIs (i.e., deprecated fields, methods, and classes) are still implemented, they can be removed in future implementations. Therefore, developers should not use deprecated APIs in newly written code and should...
We present the results of a prospective observational study aimed to understand whether there is a relationship between personality traits (i.e., agreeableness, conscientiousness, extroversion, neuroticism, and openness) and the performance of undergraduates in Computer Science while accomplishing bug fixing. We involved 62 undergraduates, who took...
Conference Paper
Background: Software vulnerabilities are flaws in application source code that can be exploited to cause harm, hence companies must devise strategies to manage them.Aim: We want to understand how software vulnerabilities are managed in a big IT (Information Technology) service and consulting company like NTT Data.Method: We conducted a focus group...
Conference Paper
We conducted a large-scale fine-grained empirical study in which we quantitatively analyzed the commit histories of 200 Open-Source (OS) Python software systems, whose software repositories were publicly available on GitHub, for a total of 164,980 commits analyzed. We focused on commits—this is why our study is considered fine-grained—to investigat...
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Web apps are built by using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While building modern web apps, it is common practice to make use of third-party libraries and frameworks, as to improve developers' productivity and code quality. Alongside these benefits, the adoption of such libraries results in the introduction of JavaScript dead code, i.e....
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Web apps are built by using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While building modern web apps, it is common practice to make use of third-party libraries and frameworks, as to improve developers' productivity and code quality. Alongside these benefits, the adoption of such libraries results in the introduction of JavaScript dead code , i...
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Background. Dead code is a code smell. It can refer to code blocks, fields, methods, etc. that are unused and/or unreachable—e.g., if a method is unused and/or unreachable, it is a dead method. Past research has shown that the presence of dead code in source code harms its comprehensibility and maintainability. Nevertheless, there is still little e...
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Regression testing ensures a System Under Test (SUT) still works as expected after changes to it. The simplest approach for regression testing consists of re-running the entire test suite against the changed version of the SUT. However, this might result in a time- and resource-consuming process; \eg when dealing with large and/or complex SUTs and...
Regression testing is a practice that ensures a System Under Test (SUT) still works as expected after changes have been implemented. The simplest approach for regression testing is Retest-all, which consists of re-executing the entire Test Suite (TS) on the changed version of the SUT. Retest-all could be expensive in case a SUT and its TS grow in s...
The research on the claimed effects of Test-Driven Development (TDD) on software quality and developers’ productivity has shown inconclusive results. Some researchers have ascribed such results to the negative affective reactions that TDD would provoke when developers apply it. In this paper, we studied whether and in which phases TDD influences th...
Researcher bias occurs when researchers influence the results of an empirical study based on their expectations, either consciously or unconsciously. Researcher bias might be due to the use of Questionable Research Practices (QRPs). In research fields like medicine, blinding techniques have been applied to counteract researcher bias. In this paper,...
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In recent years, we have been witnessing a rapid increase of research on exergames— i.e., computer games that require users to move during gameplay as a form of physical activity and rehabilitation. Properly balancing the need to develop an effective exercise activity with the requirements for a smooth interaction with the software system and an en...
In this paper, we investigate the effect of TDD, as compared to a non-TDD approach, as well as its retainment (or retention) over a time span of (about) six months. To pursue these objectives, we conducted a (quantitative) longitudinal cohort study with 30 novice developers (i.e., third-year undergraduate students in Computer Science). We observed...
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Context Test-driven development (TDD) is an agile software development approach that has been widely claimed to improve software quality. However, the extent to which TDD improves quality appears to be largely dependent upon the characteristics of the study in which it is evaluated (e.g., the research method, participant type, programming environme...
In this paper, we investigate the effect of TDD, as compared to a non-TDD approach, as well as its retainment (or retention) over a time span of (about) six months. To pursue these objectives, we conducted a (quantitative) longitudinal cohort study with 30 novice developers (i.e., third-year undergraduate students in Computer Science). We observed...
Conference Paper
GitHub currently hosts more than 100 million public repositories. This has made it very popular to conduct Mining Software Repositories (MSR) studies. Researchers have been exploiting the information stored in GitHub (e.g., commits, pull requests, or issues) to investigate both developer- and projectrelated aspects. GitHub provides the REST API to...
GitHub currently hosts more than 100 million public repositories. This has made it very popular to conduct Mining Software Repositories (MSR) studies. Researchers have been exploiting the information stored in GitHub (e.g., commits, pull requests, or issues) to investigate both developer-and project-related aspects. GitHub provides the REST API to...
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Context: Test-driven development (TDD) is an agile software development approach that has been widely claimed to improve software quality. However, the extent to which TDD improves quality appears to be largely dependent upon the characteristics of the study in which it is evaluated (e.g., the research method, participant type, programming environm...
Researchers have shown a growing interest in the affective states (i.e., emotions and moods) of developers while performing software engineering tasks. We investigate the association between developers’ sentiment polarity—i.e., negativity and positivity—and bug introduction. To pursue our research objective, we executed a case-control study in the...
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Context: Several studies investigated the impact of anti-patterns (i.e., "poor" solutions to recurring design problems) during maintenance activities and reported that anti-patterns significantly affect the developers' effort required to edit files. However, before developers edit files, they must understand the source code of the systems. This sou...
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Researcher Bias (RB) occurs when researchers influence the results of an empirical study based on their expectations.RB might be due to the use of Questionable Research Practices(QRPs). In research fields like medicine, blinding techniques have been applied to counteract RB. We conducted an explorative qualitative survey to investigate RB in Softwa...
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Context. Among the static analysis tools available, SonarQube is one of the most used. SonarQube detects Technical Debt (TD) items—i.e., violations of coding rules—and then estimates TD as the time needed to remedy TD items. However, practitioners are still skeptical about the accuracy of remediation time estimated by the tool. Objective. In this p...
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Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an incremental approach to software development. Despite it is claimed to improve both quality of software and developers’ productivity, the research on the claimed effects of TDD has so far shown inconclusive results. Some researchers have ascribed these inconclusive results to the negative affective states that TD...
Test-driven Development (TDD) is an incremental approach to software development. Despite it is claimed to improve both quality of software and developers' productivity, the research on the claimed effects of TDD has so far shown inconclusive results. Some researchers have ascribed these inconclusive results to the negative affective states that TD...
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Context Several studies investigated the impact of anti-patterns (i.e., “poor” solutions to recurring design problems) during maintenance activities and reported that anti-patterns significantly affect the developers’ effort required to edit files. However, before developers edit files, they must understand the source code of the systems. This sour...
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Software visualization is a program comprehension technique used in the context of software maintenance, reverse engineering, and software evolution analysis. In the last decade, researchers have been exploring 3D representations for visualizing programs. Among these representations, one of the most popular is the city metaphor, which represents a...
We study whether and in which phase Test-Driven Development (TDD) influences affective states of novice developers in terms of pleasure, arousal, dominance, and liking. We performed a controlled experiment with 29 novice developers. Developers in the treatment group performed a development task using TDD, whereas those in the control group used a n...
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Context: Regression testing is an important activity that allows ensuring the correct behavior of a system after changes. As the system grows, the time and resources to perform regression testing increase. Test Suite Reduction (TSR) approaches aim to speed up regression testing by removing obsolete or redundant test cases. These approaches can be c...
Conference Paper
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[Context] The popularity of tools for software quality analysis has increased over the years, with special attention to tools that calculate technical debt based on violations of a set of rules. SonarQube is one of the most used tools and provides an estimation of the time needed to remediate technical debt. However, practitioners are still skeptic...
We study whether and in which phase Test-Driven Development (TDD) influences affective states of novice developers in terms of pleasure, arousal, dominance, and liking. We performed a controlled experiment with 29 novice developers. Developers in the treatment group performed a development task using TDD, whereas those in the control group used a n...
Background: Researchers have been exploring 3D representations for visualizing software. Among these representations, one of the most popular is the city metaphor, which represents a target object-oriented system as a virtual city. Recently, this metaphor has been also implemented in interactive software visualization tools that use virtual reality...
Conference Paper
Background: Noise, defined as an unwanted sound, is one of the commonest factors that could affect people's performance in their daily work activities. The software engineering research community has marginally investigated the effects of noise on software engineers' performance. Aims: We studied if noise affects software engineers' performance in:...
Conference Paper
Background: Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an agile software development practice, which is claimed to boost both external quality of software products and developers' productivity. Aims: We want to study: (i) the TDD effects on the external quality of software products as well as the developers' productivity; and (ii) the retainment of TDD over...
Conference Paper
Background. Regression testing is conducted after changes are made to a system in order to ensure that these changes did not alter its expected behavior. The problem with regression testing is that it can require too much time and/or too many resources. This is why researchers have defined a number of regression testing approaches. Among these, Tes...
Conference Paper
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Background: Noise, defined as an unwanted sound, is one of the commonest factors that could affect people's performance in their daily work activities. The software engineering research community has marginally investigated the effects of noise on software engineers' performance. Aims: We studied if noise affects software engineers' performance in...
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Background: Test-Driven Development (TDD) is an agile software development practice, which is claimed to boost both external quality of software products and developers' productivity. Aims: We want to study (i) the TDD effects on the external quality of software products as well as the developers' productivity, and (ii) the retainment of TDD over a...
Dead code is a bad smell and it appears to be widespread in open-source and commercial software systems. Surprisingly, dead code has received very little empirical attention from the software engineering research community. In this paper, we present a multi-study investigation with an overarching goal to study, from the perspective of researchers a...
Conference Paper
We conducted a controlled experiment with 55 final-year undergraduate students in Computer Science. We asked them to comprehend functional requirements exposing them or not to noise. We did not observe any effect of noise on requirements comprehension.
Conference Paper
Test Suite Reduction (TSR) approaches speed up regression testing by removing redundant test cases. TSR approaches can be classified as adequate or inadequate. Adequate approaches reduce test suites so that they completely preserve the test requirements (e.g., statement coverage) of the original test suites. Inadequate approaches produce reduced te...
We present a quasiexperiment to investigate whether, and to what extent, sleep deprivation impacts performance of novice developers using the agile practice of test-first development (TFD). We recruited 45 undergraduates, and asked them to tackle a programming task. Among participants, 23 agreed to stay awake the night before carrying out the task,...
We present a quasi-experiment to investigate whether, and to what extent, sleep deprivation impacts the performance of novice software developers using the agile practice of test-first development (TFD). We recruited 45 undergraduates and asked them to tackle a programming task. Among the participants, 23 agreed to stay awake the night before carry...
Context:Regression Test case Selection (RTS) approaches aim at selecting only those test cases of a test suite that exercise changed parts of the System Under Test (SUT) or parts affected by changes. Objective:We present SPIRITuS (SimPle Information Retrieval regressIon Test Selection approach). It uses method code coverage information and a Vector...
Conference Paper
Regression testing is an important activity that can be expensive (e.g., for large test suites). Test suite reduction approaches speed up regression testing by removing redundant test cases. These approaches can be classified as adequate or inadequate. Adequate approaches reduce test suites so that they completely preserve the test requirements (e....
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We carried out a family of controlled experiments to investigate whether the use of abbreviated identifier names, with respect to full-word identifier names, affects fault fixing in C and Java source code. This family consists of an original (or baseline) controlled experiment and three replications. We involved 100 participants with different back...
Conference Paper
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We describe a technique developed using C++ language and Unreal Engine 4 that allows users to visualise software systems written in object-oriented Java through virtual reality and using the city metaphor. Our aim is to use virtual reality to visualise the metrics of classes and packages of a software system. In this paper, we present a prototype....
Context: Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative software development practice where unit tests are defined before production code. A number of quantitative empirical investigations have been conducted about this practice. The results are contrasting and inconclusive. In addition, previous studies fail to analyze the values, beliefs, and assu...
Conference Paper
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Context: Test-driven development (TDD) is an agile practice claimed to improve the quality of a software product, as well as the productivity of its developers. A previous study (i.e., baseline experiment) at the University of Oulu (Finland) compared TDD to a test-last development (TLD) approach through a randomized controlled trial. The results fa...
Conference Paper
Background: Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative software development technique where unit tests are defined before production code. Previous studies fail to analyze the values, beliefs, and assumptions that inform and shape TDD. Aim: We designed and conducted a qualitative study to understand the values, beliefs, and assumptions of TDD. I...
Conference Paper
We have conducted a qualitative investigation on test-driven development (TDD) with focus groups to develop insights on the opinions of developers using TDD regarding the unintuitive process involved, its claimed effects, as well as the context factors that can facilitate (or hinder) its application. In particular, we conducted two focus group sess...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we have defined a static approach named DUM (Detecting Unreachable Methods) that works on Java byte-code and detects unreachable methods by traversing a graph-based representation of the software to be analyzed. To assess the validity of our approach, we have implemented it in a prototype software system. Both our approach and protot...
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Background: Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative software development technique where unit-tests are defined before production code. Previous studies fail to analyze the values, beliefs, and assumptions that inform and shape TDD. Aim: We designed and conducted a qualitative study to understand the values, beliefs, and assumptions of TDD. I...
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Background: Test-driven development (TDD) is an iterative software development technique where unit-tests are defined before production code. Previous studies fail to analyze the values, beliefs, and assumptions that inform and shape TDD. Aim: We designed and conducted a qualitative study to understand the values, beliefs, and assumptions of TDD. I...
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We have conducted a qualitative investigation on test-driven development (TDD) with focus groups in order to develop insights on the opinions of developers using TDD regarding the unintuitive process involved, its claimed effects, as well as the context factors that can facilitate (or hinder) its application. In particular, we conducted two focus g...
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We have conducted a qualitative investigation on test-driven development (TDD) with focus groups in order to develop insights on the opinions of developers using TDD regarding the unintuitive process involved, its claimed effects, as well as the context factors that can facilitate (or hinder) its application. In particular, we conducted two focus g...