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Simone Kauffeld deals with the topics of competence development & management (training & transfer); team & leadership; career & coaching; and organization & work design. The topics of digitalization, and health are present as cross-sectional issues. For this purpose, Simone Kauffeld develops evidence-based tools and intervention concepts. In 2008, she founded in cooperation with German Lorenzo and the transfer company of the Technical University Braunschweig, Prof. Dr. KAUFFELD & LORENZO.
Additional affiliations
September 2007 - present
September 2006 - August 2007
January 2006 - July 2006
Publications (555)
Dieses Buch vermittelt fundiert und praxisnah, wie kleine und mittlere Unternehmen Ansätze für ein betriebliches Kompetenzmanagement implementieren können, welche die in den Betrieben existierende Betriebskultur mit einbeziehen. Vorgestellt wird ein breites Spektrum an Konzepten und konkreten Handlungsansätzen anhand von Fallbeispielen aus diversen...
This study investigates provided and received social support among team members on meeting-related outcomes based on their person–group fit perspective. It further examines whether this support-based need–supply fit, as indicated by support congruence, relates to their verbal behaviors. Results of cubic polynomial regressions across 303 participant...
In higher education, the array of roles performed by digital tools has been increasing rapidly. While some areas of higher education, such as teaching, already employ digital tools, the use of such tools in student onboarding has not yet been thoroughly explored. This study sought to develop a better understanding of student perspectives regarding...
Decarbonization leads to significant transition processes in industrial companies with the aim of achieving sustainable production. The consequences are far-reaching and can affect, among other things, the workplace and the activities of the employees. The readiness for change among employees is seen as a central success factor for the success of t...
This editorial is published in the journal Gruppe. Interaction. Organization. (GIO), in the special issue "Shaping organizations sustainably." It briefly introduces the topic of sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainability perspectives in the organization, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and CSR/ESG criteria. It prov...
Der Beitrag in der Zeitschrift „Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. (GIO)“ stellt die interdisziplinäre Erarbeitung von Zukunftsszenarien und Transformationspfaden durch Visualisierungsmethoden dar – dem Research through Design Backcasting. Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen als komplexe Systemtransformationen sind für Unternehmen und O...
This contribution to the journal “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. (GIO)” delves into the critical role of Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17), “Partnership for the Goals,” in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to further circular economy objectives. Aiming to address the existing research focus on isolated technical aspects within th...
Proactivity has rarely been considered as a subject of investigation in social settings, such as team meetings. In this study, we investigate proactive behavior during meetings and examine how reactions to proactive behavior impact work-related outcomes. Drawing on meeting science and the wise proactivity framework, we hypothesized that supportive...
To address today‘s grand challenges, socio-technical transitions need to be designed in different sectors (e.g., agriculture). Technology assessment (TA) is a valuable tool to identify interactions and consequences of transition processes, but it requires an appropriate assessment system to develop guidelines. This article addresses the question of...
Multiple sectors, including agriculture, are subject to decarbonization and wide-ranging system changes. With a growing distance between agriculture and the public, communicating changes and fostering public acceptance as crucial factors for the success of these changes has become challenging. Therefore, understanding public attitudes towards emerg...
Peer mentoring is a widely employed strategy in higher education to foster student development and integration. However, the effectiveness of peer mentoring in higher education lacks well‐established statements. A systematic review was conducted to assess the efficacy of peer mentoring during the initial phase of academic studies. This review evalu...
Unternehmen entsenden ihre Mitarbeitenden zu Weiterbildungen in der Hoffnung, dass sie Relevantes für ihren Arbeitskontext mitbringen. Um sie bei der Wissensanwendung und -weitergabe zu unterstützen, wurde das LeWiT-Tool ( Lern- und Wissenstransfer-Tool ) entwickelt. Es begleitet den Prozess des Lerntransfers und der Wissensweiterga...
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung verschmilzt die reale Arbeitswelt auch im Handwerk zunehmend mit der virtuellen. Die Einführung digitaler Technologien am Arbeitsplatz geht dabei mit Herausforderungen einher. Mitarbeitende in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) benötigen neue Kompetenzen für eine effektive Nutzung digitaler Technolog...
Damit Unternehmen sich durch Digitalisierung weiterentwickeln können, müssen die Prozesse zum Aufbau sowie zur Verankerung und Optimierung benötigter Kompetenzen im Unternehmen aktiv gestaltet werden. Dieses einführende Kapitel stellt Möglichkeiten zum Erkennen von Handlungsbedarfen, zum Einbringen externen Wissens in Organisationen...
Die derzeitige Arbeitswelt wird geprägt durch vielfältige
Veränderungen. Digitalisierung und Technisierung, Flexibilisierung
von Prozessen und Arbeitsbedingungen (z. B.
Homeoffice und Diskussionen um die Vier-Tage-Woche),
Nachhaltigkeits- und Ressourcenorientierung sowie Werte- und
demografischer Wandel sind u. a. zentrale Treiber dieser
As a global crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic struck everyone hard. As an extraordinary, unforeseeable, and uncontrollable event, it qualifies as a career shock. Since young people early in their careers were in crucial stages of their development at the time social distancing started, they specifically suffered. According to Conservation of Resources...
Organizational changes as a method for ensuring competitiveness are an integral part of an organization’s daily life. A comprehensive understanding of organizational readiness for change is essential for managing change successfully and in a goal-oriented manner. Yet, established measures for mapping organizational readiness for change are often ba...
In the research project "Energy-4-Agri", the challenges and potentials of decarbonizing agriculture through the use of regeneratively generated energy in field cultivation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are being investigated. The entire agricultural system is considered from different perspectives, such as agriculture, agricultural technology,...
Angesichts der Dringlichkeit ökologischer, ökonomische und sozialer Transformationsprozesse in deutschen Unternehmen gewinnen wirksame Personal- und Organisationsentwicklungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dieser Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. (GIO) führt Wirkmodelle als Instrument zur Klärung von Wirkungen...
Erste Karriereentscheidungen Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener sind oft von Unsicherheit begleitet: Welche der vielfältigen Möglichkeiten ist die passende? Um aus vielen Studiengängen und Ausbildungsberufen auszuwählen, ist eine gute Exploration der Möglichkeiten wichtig. Gruppencoaching-Formate bieten hier eine wichtige Möglichke...
University students are confronted with various demands that can lead to mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, or stress. One significant resource that has been shown to prevent or buffer mental health problems is social support. However, interventions enhancing students’ perception and use of social support are rare i...
Presenteeism is a widespread phenomenon in the university context and is associated with negative effects on health and the ability to work. In order to provide universities
with guidance on how to deal with presenteeism, this paper conducts a literature review with regard to measures against presenteeism at universities. Out of a total of 220 iden...
Support is a valuable resource for ensuring employee health in the workplace. However, research on health-specific support behavior (i.e., support specifically targeting concrete health aspects) has only concentrated on either leader behavior (e.g., healthy leadership styles) or support provided by employees for specific health issues (e.g., health...
In diesem empirischen Beitrag in der Zeitschrift „Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO)“ wird untersucht, welche Faktoren notwendig sind, damit Mitarbeitende nach einem Weiterbildungsbesuch ihr Wissen am Arbeitsplatz anwenden und an ihre Kolleg*innen weitergeben können. Gerade in Bereichen mit großem Fachkräftemangel, z. B. dem Ba...
Considering transformation processes within organizations, reflection is an enabler for learning and adaption of engineering processes, methods, and tools. Moreover, reflection as a core element of agile engineering approaches. However, a sound understanding of reflection behaviors of engineers or engineering teams is lacking. In this paper we prop...
Objective: Group scholars often question whether the fit between group members and their respective teams or leaders is associated with an outcome variable. For example, do team members perceive the same team climate as their peers, and how does this affect subsequent outcomes? Such (in)congruence hypothesis-based research questions have been commo...
In times of globalization of work and learning, the impact of national culture on learning becomes more important for human resource development. Therefore, this cross-cultural study had two objectives: first, to examine how power distance influences learning culture; and second, to investigate leadership as a missing link between the national cult...
Editorial zum gleichnamigen Themenband der Zeitschrift 'Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie' (GIO)
The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is being pursued worldwide. While energy production and consumption are to be oriented towards renewable energies, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture is also a target for science and society. Due to the expansion of renewable energies, agricultural land in particular is the focus o...
The first academic year involves a variety of challenges students must overcome to maintain their commitment to enter the teaching profession. Students can build on their initial experience in the second semester, while everything is new in the first semester. This longitudinal study investigates the interplay of academic self-efficacy and time man...
Das Baugewerbe wird – wenn auch langsam – digitalisiert (Telekom, 2020; Thonipara, Höhle, Proeger & Bizer, 2020). Betroffen sind Prozesse im Gebäudebau, bei denen mehrere Gewerke involviert sind. So sollen diese Prozesse beispielsweise durch Building Information Modeling (BIM) präziser, akkurater und schneller werden (Jacobsson & Me...
Agricultural transition toward sustainability is subject to individual and political constraints, spurring the need to understand system dynamics from both a psychological and a public policy angle; however, empirical data remains limited. The present paper empirically contributes to theoretical frameworks on sustainability transitions and analyzes...
In young adulthood, important foundations are laid for health later in life. Hence, more attention should be paid to the health measures concerning students. A research field that is relevant to health but hitherto somewhat neglected in the student context is the phenomenon of presenteeism. Presenteeism refers to working despite illness and is asso...
To meet the changing competence requirements for employees in engineering professions, education and training need to adapt accordingly. Learning factories offer various possibilities to design or integrate practice-oriented learning into training measures. Whether this approach in fact facilitates learning and competence development is rarely inve...
Verhaltens- und verhältnispräventive Maßnahmen sind wesentliche Bestandteile des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements (BGM). Eine erfolgreiche Prävention umfasst die Reduktion von Belastungen sowie die Stärkung von Ressourcen (Schaufeli und Taris 2014). Mit dem Ziel die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von Beschäftigten in ihrer Arbeitsumwelt zu erh...
According to Regulatory Focus Theory, two systems determine our strategies to pursue goals – the promotion and the prevention system. Individuals with a dominant promotion system focus on achieving gains, i.e., promoters, and individuals with a dominant prevention system focus on avoiding losses, i.e., preventers. Regulatory Fit Theory suggests tha...
Background and Objectives
Students face various demands that can lead to health complaints. Hindering demands appear to be especially harmful. Since the perception of demands differs between persons, their individual appraisal determines stress perception. However, individual appraisal processes are largely neglected in research. Therefore, this s...
Every year, students around the globe embark upon their higher education journey, making the onboarding of these students a critical task for colleges and universities. Combined with the growth in distance learning and the rapid development in technologies, the onboarding process occurs increasingly in the digital setting. For this reason, the obje...
Digitalization and technological progress lead to an increasingly fast development of promising fields for action and new technologies whereas the time required to qualify employees for new activities and work content has remained largely the same. Organizations have to establish anticipative competence measures to secure their competi...
Semantic analyses of patents have been used for years to unlock technical knowledge. Nevertheless, information retrievable from patents remains widely unconsidered when making strategic decisions, when recruiting candidates or deciding which qualifications to offer to employees in technological fields.
This paper provides...
This contribution to the journal “Group. Interaction. Organization.” (GIO) takes a closer look at the mobile work of the future. Mobile work as well as virtual collaboration is becoming more and more integrated into our everyday working lives—not least reinforced by the COVID-19 Pandemic. In a Delphi-based study, we investigated the question of wha...
This article explains how three different informal learning strategies are influenceable by feedback and if and how feedback further mediates the impact of the cultural value of power distance on informal learning. We also examined the three informal learning strategies regarding their stableness and separability. A survey at two different timepoin...
Psychische Belastungen sind inzwischen einer der zwei Top-Gründe für Arbeitsausfälle. Um diesem Trend entgegenzuwirken, müssen die Belastungsfaktoren von Arbeitnehmenden möglichst minimiert werden. Dabei stehen ihnen zum einen zahlreiche (digitale) Verfahren zur Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen zur Verfügung, zum anderen existiert ein...
This article describes the coaching process from different perspectives. On the one hand, it deals with process phases and procedures in coaching and on the other hand, it presents analyses of the direct interaction between coach and client. The question of how the coach can positively shape the relationship with the client and support a successful...
This chapter aims to explore the development of Motivational Interviewing (MI) as a coaching approach to deliver organizational change. We begin by laying out the challenges organizations face when trying to implement organizational change and motivating employees to participate. Afterward, we introduce the communication approach of Motivational In...
Higher education institutions are striving to lower student dropout rates to increase the number of academically qualified persons in the labour market and decrease misguided investment. Researchers generally acknowledge that students who are firmly decided on their studies tend to drop out of their studies less frequently. Building on the extended...
This chapter addresses the question of how coaching sessions can take into account clients’ concerns about their career development and discusses the prevalence of this style of coaching in the modern day. We start by describing the concept of career coaching and laying out its potential applications. Next, we go into greater detail by examining ho...
Background: Social support is known as a crucial resource in buffering the effect of stress in terms of negative outcomes. Nevertheless, research on potential buffering effects of support before stress sets in has mostly entailed experimental studies. Thus, the current literature limits the transferability into the field, especially concerning the...
Person-Environment fit (P-E fit), defined as the congruence between a student’s attributes and their chosen study programme, is an important indicator of students’ academic success (e.g. retention). Research has shown that students’ informedness regarding the content and conditions of study before starting their studies is vital for this congruence...
Knowledge transfer (KT) and innovation diffusion are closely related to each other because it is knowledge regarding an innovation that gets adopted. Little research in learning analytics provides insight into KT processes in two-mode networks, especially in the context of educational innovations. It is unclear how such networks are structured and...
In diesem Beitrag wird der Einsatz verhaltens- und verhältnispräventiver Maßnahmen als wesentliche Bestandteile des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements herausgearbeitet. Neben der Dartstellung des Status Quo möglicher verhaltens- und verhältnispräventiver Maßnahmen in Organisationen werden Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung entsprechender (...
This article presents a dynamic conceptualization for the assessment of language style matching (LSM) over time. LSM is a team's mutual adaption of function words like pronouns, articles, or prepositions. LSM is a nonconsciously but frequently occurring communication behavior allowing researchers unobtrusive insights into teams' internal dynamics....
Background: Since presenteeism is related to numerous negative health and work-related effects, measures are required to reduce it. There are initial indications that how an organization deals with health has a decisive influence on employees’ presenteeism behavior.
Aims: The concept of health-promoting collaboration was developed on the basis of t...
Innovation in higher education teaching is essential to respond to global challenges and actively improve teaching (e.g. through new technologies), necessitating the implementation of educational reform programmes that fund educational innovations. Although currently deployed strategies frequently promote networks between innovators to diffuse educ...
The present study investigates the relationship of PsyCap with objective and subjective career success. Based on conservation of resources theory (COR Theory) and psychological capital theory (PsyCap Theory), we assume that career-specific resources, in particular protean career attitude, career planning, and internal and external networking, are i...
In industrial production, smart wearables (e.g. data glasses) are becoming more relevant to support employees. While economic aspects have so far been the focus of the introduction, changes for work design have been neglected. The aim of the Delphi study was to describe changes through the use of smart wearables and to derive implications for work...
An important factor for First Generation High School students (FGS) in higher education is social capital. To highlight differences in social capital between FGS and their Non-FGS peers (NFGS) by analysing the structure of their ego-centred social networks and its’ effect on their career planning, we conducted two cross-sectional studies: on high s...
In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, wie Coaching, Teamentwicklung und Teamcoaching eingesetzt werden können, um die Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden zu stärken. Anhand konkreter Beispiele wird zum einen auf Interventionen eingegangen, die explizit die Förderung der Gesundheit zum Ziel haben (direkte Ansätze). Zum anderen werden Interventionen und Ansätze...
Resiliente Personen, Teams und Organisationen zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie Misserfolge, Rückschläge, Unsicherheiten, Konflikte sowie weitere potenziell bedrohliche Situationen erfolgreich bewältigen und gestärkt aus diesen Situationen hervorgehen. In Zeiten zunehmender Anforderungen kommt Resilienz in der Arbeitswelt somit eine wichtige Roll...
Im Sinne eines ressourcenorientierten Ansatzes liegt der Fokus auf den jeweiligen Ergebnissen der Person, des Teams oder der Organisation: Je nach Entwicklungsstand können Stärken genutzt und Entwicklungsfelder adressiert werden. Um die jeweiligen Werte einordnen zu können werden in diesem Kapitel unterschiedliche Vergleichswerte dargestellt.
Ziel des Fragebogens zur Messung von Individueller, Team- und Organisationaler Resilienz (FITOR) ist die Erfassung der subjektiven Einschätzung aller drei Resilienz-Ebenen. Dabei stehen die Gemeinsamkeiten aller Ebenen ebenso im Fokus, wie eine ökonomische Erfassung, welche den Einsatz in der Praxis erleichtert. Um für alle drei Ebenen die relevant...
Mittels des FITOR können unterschiedliche Ebenen (Individuum, Team, Organisation) sowie unterschiedliche Perspektiven (Selbst- und Fremdbild; individuelle und Teamperspektive) der Resilienz berücksichtigt werden. Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über diese Möglichkeiten und beschriebt die Vorbereitung und Durchführung inkl. der Umsetzung auf der...
Aufbauend auf der Definition von Resilienz sowie einer Zusammenfassung der Forschungsbefunde zur individuellen, Team- und organisationalen Resilienz, stellen wir die diagnostische Zielsetzung des FITOR vor. Dabei werden Möglichkeiten der Individual-Diagnostik ebenso thematisiert wie der Einsatz im Team oder der Organisation.
Im diesem Kapitel stellen wir die Auswertung auf der SpringerTests Plattform vor und zeigen anhand eines Beispiels, wie – je nach Zielsetzung und Fokus (Individuum, Team, Organisation sowie individuelle und/ oder Teamperspektive) – die Ergebnisse interpretiert und im Rahmen von Coachings, Teamentwicklungen oder Organisationsentwicklungen zur Stärku...
Empirische Studien zeigen, dass mehr als zwei Drittel der Beschäftigten trotz Krankheit zur Arbeit gehen. Dieser sog. Präsentismus bringt sowohl gesundheitliche und motivationale Risiken für die Mitarbeiter als auch wirtschaftliche Risiken für die Organisation mit sich.
Ziel der Arbeit
Die durchgeführten Studien fokuss...
Studies of energy conservation efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in the residential sector are abundant; however similar efforts in organizations have not received as much attention as they deserve. In this study, we focus on methods for increasing employees’ readiness to change their behaviors in favor of energy conservation, specifically examining...
Unser Arbeitsleben verändert sich. Der Bedarf an Austausch in Organisationen wächst. Dadurch nimmt auch die Bedeutung von Meetings zu, doch sie werden aktuell eher als notwendiges Übel gesehen. Um als erfolgreiches Kommunikationsinstrument zu dienen, müssen Meetings gut gestaltet werden. Das Buch beschreibt Meetings nicht als isolierte Ereignisse,...
To help organizations advance the detection of promising concepts, we developed the Prototype Evaluation Sheet (PES) which allows to rate the people-centeredness, practicability, and profitability of an idea. Furthermore, we examined how these dimensions relate to design-thinking teams’ experiences.
For Study 1, 127 participants rated real start-up...
Dieser Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organsationspsychologie (GIO) befasst sich damit, wie Führung in Veränderungsprozessen als dynamischer, wechselseitiger Einflussprozess zwischen Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden verstanden werden kann und welches Potenzial diese Perspek...
Dieser Beitrag der Zeitschrift „Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation.“ (GIO) beschäftigt sich mit dem Kompetenz-Reflexions-Inventar (KRI), welches das Selbstkonzept beruflicher Handlungskompetenz erfasst. Der Fragebogen besteht aus 80 Items, die in 20 min beantwortet werden können. Mit Hilfe von separaten Faktorenanalysen (N = 156) kon...