Simona Hvalič TouzeryUniversity of Ljubljana · Centre for Social Informatics
Simona Hvalič Touzery
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Skills and Expertise
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October 2017 - January 2022
- Professor (Assistant)
- Projects: , i-evAALution, Smart ICT Solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing, Understanding and analysis of users' needs for the development of e-services for integrated social and health care in the aging society, Factors impacting intention to use smart technology enabled care services among family carers of older people in the context of long-distance care, Progr Internet research, The evaluation of the pilots that support the transition to the implementation of the LTC sys, ITHACA, NET4AGE.
March 2010 - October 2017
Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care (Faculty of Health Care Jesenice)
- Professor (Assistant)
- 1st Bolognia cycle: - Sociology of health and disease and multiculturalism - Communication in Health and Nursing Teams 2nd: - Health Promotion - Gerontology Nursing Care with Gerontology - Social inequalities in health and determinants of health
Publications (71)
The scaling of digital health platforms, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has globally reshaped the delivery of healthcare services, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Ensuring equitable access, especially for digitally disadvantaged groups, is a critical concern, and this study explores older adults’ perspectives on digit...
Welfare technologies are becoming a necessity for health and long-term care, but little is known about their acceptance by nurses working with older adults in institutional, home, or community setting. The aim of this five-stage scoping review was to address this knowledge gap by identifying factors influencing nurses’ acceptance of welfare technol...
Izvleček Izhodišča: Digitalno opismenjevanje starejših oseb je v luči digitalne preobrazbe, ki poteka na vseh ravneh družbe, izjemnega pomena. Starejše osebe so namreč glede na njihovo raven digitalne vključenosti, zelo heterogena skupina, saj se razlikujejo glede dostopa do interneta in nabora digitalnih veščin. Kljub temu pa je digitalno opismenj...
Odnos, znanje in interes za uporabo socialnih robotov: Raziskava med sedanjimi in bodočimi delavci na področju zdravstva in socialnega varstva Attitudes, knowledge, and interest in the use of socially assistive robots: Study among current and future health and social care professionals dr. Simona Hvalič Touzery 25 dr. Vesna Dolničar 26 Izvleček Izh...
Uvod: Nagel tehnološki razvoj v zdravstvu neposredno vpliva na zdravstveno nego in na poklic medicinske sestre in zdravstvenika. Manko znanja med medicinskimi sestrami o raznolikih novih tehnologijah v zdravstvu predstavlja izziv na področju zdravstvene nege in kakovostne oskrbe pacientov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so vsebin...
Background: Older adults represent a digitally disadvantaged group, with a high proportion of Internet non-users and older Internet users who engage in narrow Internet uses and have low levels of digital skills. In turn both older users and non-users often turn to others to perform Internet activities on their behalf. That is a practice known as us...
Teoretična izhodišča: Epidemija covida-19 je močno posegla v način, kako posamezniki dostopajo do zdravstvenih storitev in medsebojno komunicirajo. Zaradi fizičnega distanciranja je interakcija prek interneta postala neizogibna, vendar mnogi nanjo niso bili pripravljeni. Med njimi so bili tudi mnogi starostniki, ki že sicer veljajo za digi...
Teoretična izhodišča: Uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) na vseh področjih družbenega življenja je lahko izjemnega pomena, kar se je še posebej izrazito pokazalo v času epidemije covida-19. K IKT sodijo tudi pametne tehnologije. Te združujejo storitve teleoskrbe, telemedicine in socialne robotike, ki postajajo nuja na...
Uvod: Telemedicinska obravnava stopa v ospredje kot strategija za obvladovanje kroničnih nenalezljivih bolezni, ki v Sloveniji povzročijo visok delež smrti. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti, kakšne izkušnje imajo pacienti z diagnozo kronične bolezni tako z uporabo telemedicinske opreme kot s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulanti družinske medicine.Me...
FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/23/15723 Accidental falls and physical inactivity are important age-related issues for which smart technologies have demonstrated potential utility. This research aimed to explore the benefits of combining wearable activity monitors and telecare for older adults. A four-month interventional...
The COVID-19 pandemic has created and exacerbated emotional, financial, and technical challenges for informal caregivers of older people. The aim of this study was to explore the caregiving situation and subjective burden of informal caregivers of older family members during COVID-19, and to investigate how a caregiving situation’s characteristics...
Open access: https://www.mdpi.com/2308-3417/7/5/86
Background: Self-efficacy (SE) can be used to explain informal caregivers’ ability to cope with the challenges of caregiving. Although SE impacts informal caregivers’ subjective well-being, its effects have not yet been studied from the perspective of telecare use. This study aimed to explore info...
In the project, a total of 152 users tested assistive technologies, 131 of these users tested only e-care services, 9 e-care and e-health services and 12 only telemedicine. A total of 6.9 % of eligible applicants in the community were involved in testing support services. We estimate that the proportion of users living at home who have chosen to us...
V projektu je skupaj 152 uporabnikov testiralo tudi podporne tehnologije, med njimi 131 samo storitve e-oskrbe, 9 storitve e-oskrbe in e-zdravja ter 12 izključno storitve telemedicinske podpore. Ocenjujemo, da je delež uporabnikov, ki živijo doma in so se vključili v e-oskrbo, zelo velik (16,9 %), kar kaže na to, da interes za tako obliko oskrbe ob...
Introduction: Smart technologies can help maintain and improve health, and they can help control disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of using a telecare system that includes wearable activity tracker on active older people in Slovenia.
Mehods: We conducted a 4-month mixed-methods intervention study with a purposiv...
Introduction: Telemedicine services can help manage and control chronic disease and contribute to improving the quality of life of users. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of using a telemedicine service (TMS) on patients with chronic diseases.
Mehods: We conducted an intervention study in 2019, based on a repeated measur...
With longevity and shortages in formal and informal care provision, e-care solutions are considered an important approach to support people in their own homes. ICT-based assistive services have the potential to improve the quality of life, safety, well-being and interpersonal relationships for long-term care recipients and their infor...
Open access: http://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13840
Assistive telecare systems (ATSs) have great potential to be beneficial for informal carers (ICs) providing long‐term care to older people (OP). However, little is known about ATS acceptance among ICs. This scoping study aims to investigate various factors that influence the ICs' acceptance of ATSs ove...
A monograph, “Long-term care: A challenge and an opportunity for a better tomorrow,” was drafted as part of the “Evaluation of pilot projects in the field of long-term care,” which was carried out by the Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana and the Institute for Econo...
Monografija Dolgotrajna oskrba – izziv in priložnost za boljši jutri je nastala v okviru Evalvacije pilotnih projektov s področja dolgotrajne oskrbe, ki smo jo v obdobju 2019- 2020 izvajali Inštitut RS za socialno varstvo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede in Inštitut za ekonomska raziskovanja. Evalvacijo je v okviru evropskega kohez...
The objective of Working Group (WG) 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to g...
Informal carers' telecare acceptance decisions depend on how their care recipients perceive telecare, yet this relationship has not been researched very much. This article draws on qualitative data gathered from informal carers to explore reciprocity in telecare perceptions within dyads of informal carers and care receivers. A 4-month intervention...
This paper draws on qualitative data with family carers of older people to explore which dimensions of family carers' self-efficacy are influenced by telecare use and act as mediators of psychological outcomes of telecare provision. There is some empirical evidence on carer self-efficacy, but it has not been studied from the perspective of telecare...
This poster draws on data from focus groups, conducted as part of an intervention study among 103 chronic patients with diabetes and/or hypertension, who tested a home telemedicine service (TMS) for three months. All participants in the non-probability sample were recruited in a Community Health Centre in Slovenia. Nineteen patients were included i...
This poster presents the results of an intervention study exploring how engagement in telemedicine at home affects chronic patients’ perceptions of usability and acceptability of the employed equipment, perceptions of its psychosocial impact, and intention of future use in the context of population aging. A purposively selected sample of 103 patien...
With increasing age and longevity, the need for informal care will increase significantly in the coming decades. The use of eCare services has potential benefits in meeting some of informal carer’s needs. However, there is only a limited understanding of the psychological outcomes of using eCare services for informal carers of older people. The aim...
Background: In response to the global increasing age of the population, there is general agreement on the need to define what is meant by “old.” Yet there is no consensus on age groups within the definition of old, which makes comparative studies of people of differing ages in advancing years impossible. Attempts to sub-categorize the “old” also sh...
Drawing on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model, this study presents the preliminary results of an intervention study that explored how the usability and acceptability-two dimensions of user experience (UX)-of a home telehealth system (THS) shape patients' perceptions of its impact on their functional independence, well-bein...
Informal carers face constant pressure due to the increasing need for long-term care for older people. While society expects informal carers to keep providing care, existing supportive measures only partly respond to their needs. Telecare has the potential to solve some of their challenges. The present study aims to identify the positive and negati...
Uvod: Ustrezen odnos, splošna in strokovna znanja ter razumevanje vloge strokovnjakov, ki delajo s starejšimi osebami, lahko pripomorejo k odpravljanju stereotipov in prispevajo h kakovostni obravnavi starejših oseb. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti odnos do dela s starejšimi osebami, znanje o njem in njegovo dojemanje ter povezanost naštetega z izo...
BACKGROUND: The improvement of psychic well-being and mental health prevention in the workplace are high on the European agenda.
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to perform a construct validation of the previously developed short forms of the Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWBI) on the working population and to identify the possible individual...
Independent living of the elderly has its risks that can be decreased with the use of telecare systems. Smartphone telecare applications such as TeleStiki, are intended primarily for informal carers of independently living elders. The application is aimed at improving quality of life of both the elderly and their caregivers by reducing the caregive...
Background The use of eCare technologies could address some of the challenges related to demographic changes and decreased care potential. However, little is known about eCare technologies’ potential in relation to the psychological outcomes for informal carers.
Research aim This study aims to provide an overview of the psychological outcomes of e...
The article presents aim, approach and results of the self-assessment online survey developed within the Interreg Europe ITHACA project. ITHACA’s focus is on smart health and care innovation that can support active and healthy living, boost economic growth and improve the efficiency of the health and care sector. In this sphere, it addresses region...
An introduction: With increasing age and longevity, the needs for long-term care and thus informal care, will increase significantly in the coming decades. The use of eCare technologies has a huge potential in solving challenges related to demographic changes and decreased care potential. However little is known about the potential of eCare technol...
Free article access til December 30th: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1W1fNxHa5DAZc
Background: The World Health Organisation has identified developing the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals who are involved in dementia care as a priority. Most healthcare professionals lack the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to provide...
Full article available at: http://www.nijz.si/sites/www.nijz.si/files/uploaded/hvalic_touzery_et_al._jz_01-07.pdf
Namen: V sodobnem svetu se je v zadnjih letih zaradi demografskih sprememb močno povečalo število štirigeneracijskih družin. O vlogi prastaršev v družinah je malo znanega. Z raziskavo želimo ugotoviti vlogo prastaršev v življen...
The study investigated the prevalence and factors predicting low back pain among nurses in Slovenian hospitals.
The risk factors for low back pain are physical and psychosocial. Implementation of interventions for reducing low back pain calls for management support, accessible equipment, education, knowledge and risk assessment....
To establish the connection between values, competencies, selected job characteristics and evidence-based practice use.
Nurses rarely apply evidence-based practice in everyday work. A recent body of research has looked at various variables explaining the use of evidence-based practice, but not values and competencies.
This paper examines the provision of integrated advanced dementia care within seven European countries and critically reviews the potential contribution of the Prudent Healthcare perspective as a starting point for reform. Progressive efforts to innovate, promote quality and integrate care are tempered with the reality of resource constraints. Some...
Background: Internationalization of practical training in health and social care study programs is an important aspect
of higher education. However, field mentors' and classroom teachers' competence in guiding culturally diverse
students varies widely in European countries, and the majority does not have enough training in guiding
foreign students....
Uvod: Multikulturalizem, globalizacija in internacionalizacija predstavljajo neizogiben dejavnik razvoja, ki so mu izpostavljeni tako visokošolski prostor kot klinična okolja. Raziskave kažejo, da klinični mentorji nimajo dovolj multikulturnih kompetenc. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti izkušnje kliničnih mentorjev in visokošolskih učiteljev z mento...
Uvod: E-izobraževanje je v terciarnem izobraževanju vse bolj pomembno, kljub temu pa tovrsten način učenja ni povsod uspešno implementiran. Na uspešnost uvajanja e-izobraževanja v študij pomembno vpliva pripravljenost na tovrstno obliko izobraževanja in odnos študentov do njega. Namen raziskave je bil proučiti naklonjenost študentov zdravstvene neg...
This report contains the results of the study among clinical mentors and teachers. The focus of the study were multicultular competencies. The study was prepared within the project Soulbus and funded by Erasmus (LLP).
Demographic ageing is a worldwide process with the associated incidence of dementia expected to increase globally to over 80 million by 2040. In the early stages of dementia many people live independently but, as dementia advances, living well requires increased levels of support and care. People at the advanced stage
of the illness are particularl...
Teoretična izhodišča: Slovenija se sooča z hitrim naraščanjem deleža starejših. Število ljudi, ki živijo z
demenco, ki je eden od najpogostejših duševnih motenj starejših ljudi, se povečuje s starostjo. Osebe z demenco
počasi začnejo izgubljati svojo neodvisnost in sposobnost sprejemanja odločitev o svojem življenju.
Glavni namen prispevka je pregl...
Background: Over the past decades, e-learning has gained in importance in tertiary education and is now used at universities across the world. However, e-learning is not always successfully implemented. According to research findings, the success of implementing e-learning in study programs is significantly influenced by the readiness to embrace th...
Aim: To describe attitudes towards caring for older people among nurses and student nurses in six
participating countries.
Background: Working with older people has historically had a negative profile and with a global rise
in the numbers of older people and a global shortage of nurses, it is essential to recruit nurses into
this area. This study g...
Background: Practical placement is an essential part of the studies and professional development in the
fields of education, rehabilitation and social & health care. As studies show, working life mentors’ competence
in guiding multiculturally diverse students varies widely in European countries, and most of the mentors
do not have enough training i...
Izvleček Teoretična izhodišča: Glede na demografske trende se pričakuje povečevanje potreb po zdra-vstveni negi in oskrbi starih ljudi. Kakovostno zdravstveno nego in oskrbo starih ljudi je mo-goče zagotoviti le s kadrom, ki ima z dodiplom-skim in podiplomskim izobraževanjem prido-bljeno znanje na področju dela s starimi ljudmi in z zmanjšanjem neg...
Ljudje stari 85 let in več so najhitreje naraščajoča skupina prebivalstva, ki je v Sloveniji slabo raziskana. Uporabili smo bazo podatkov mednarodne raziskave SHARE, ki je v vzorec zajela tudi Slovenijo. Podatki o socialnih mrežah starih ljudi, s poudarkom na najstarejših ljudeh, so bili obdelani s statističnim paketom SPSS 20.0 z vidika o...
V javnozdravstvenih in družboslovnih razpravah se podatke za mlajše starejše pogosto posplošuje na vse starostnike, a dejansko se najstarejši stari precej razlikujejo od ostalih starostnikov. Namen članka je pokazati na te razlike z vidika zdravja, počutja in zadovoljstva z življenjem. Uporabili smo podatke 4. vala mednarodne raziskave SHARE (2011)...
Ključne besede: zdravstvena nega starostnika, klinični mentorji, stari ljudje, stališča IZVLEČEK Uvod: Demografske spremembe prinašajo vse večje potrebe po zagotavljanju kakovostne zdravstvene nege starostnikov. Kljub vse večjim potrebam po tovrstni zdravstveni negi raziskave kažejo na manjše zanimanje zdravstvenih delavcev za delo z njimi. Namen r...
Teoretična izhodišča: Dolgoživost in drugi demografski trendi vplivajo na pojav štirigeneracijskih
družin. Ljudje najštevilčnejše vstopijo v vlogo prababic in pradedkov okoli 80
leta starosti. To je skupina prebivalstva, ki najhitreje narašča.
Metoda: Študija temelji na mednarodni raziskavi SHARE, 2006/2007. Obdelali smo vzorec
14.324 anketirancev,...
mentia carers and other carers: dementia carers reported higher levels of stress, the feelings of being trapped in a role as a caregiver, the lack of time for the other family members and themselves. This and other Slovenian studies concluded that in Slovenia there is a strong lack of public services that would support and disburden dementia carers...
POVZETEK Članek obravnava rezultate prve poglobljene in obsežne raziskave družinske oskrbe in družinskih oskrbovalcev starih ljudi v Sloveniji. Pričujoče besedilo vsebuje pregled socialno-varstvenih storitev in zakonodaje, ki zadeva stare ljudi ter družinske oskrbovalce v Sloveniji, demografske dejavnike in opis profila družinskih oskrbovalcev v Sl...
Ageing and care of dependent old people within the family Population ageing and other immediate demographic challenges require a new type of solidarity between generations. Today's average nuclear family lives apart from its elderly kindred, the frequency and quality of communication between the generations is relatively limited and thus the family...